Cmdlets for SugarCRM

Build 24.0.8963


The Forecasts table.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Base_Rate String False

Best_Case Decimal True

Best case forecast amount

Closed_Amount Decimal True

Total of closed won items in the forecast

Closed_Count Int True

This is used by the commit code to determine how many closed opps exist for the pipeline calc

Commit_Type String True

This is used by the commit code to figure out what type of worksheet we are committing

Currency_Id String False

Currency_Name String True

Currency_Symbol String True

Date_Entered Datetime True

Date record created

Date_Modified Datetime True

Date record modified

Deleted Bool False

Record deletion indicator

End_Date Date False

Forecast_Type String False

Indicator of whether forecast is direct or rollup

Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier

Likely_Case Decimal True

Likely case forecast amount

Name String False

Opp_Count Int True

Number of opportunities represented by this forecast

Opp_Weigh_Value Int True

Weighted amount of all opportunities represented by this forecast

Pipeline_Amount Decimal True

Total of opportunities minus closed won/closed lost represented by this forecast

Pipeline_Opp_Count Int True

Number of opportunities minus closed won/closed lost represented by this forecast

Reports_To_User_Name String True

Start_Date Date False

Timeperiod_Id String False

ID of the associated time period for this forecast

User_Id String False

User to which this forecast pertains

User_Name String True

Worst_Case Decimal True

Worst case likely amount

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Build 24.0.8963