ODBC Driver for SugarCRM

Build 24.0.9062


The Contracts table.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Account_Id String False

The account ID to which the contract is associated

Account_Name String False

Acl_Team_Names String True

Acl_Team_Set_Id String False

Assigned_User_Id String False

User ID assigned to record

Assigned_User_Name String True

Base_Rate String False

Commentlog String True

Company_Signed_Date Date False

Date in which the company using Sugar signed the contract

Contract_Term Int True

Created_By String True

User who created record

Created_By_Name String True

Currency_Id String False

Currency_Name String True

Currency_Symbol String True

Customer_Signed_Date Date False

Date in which the ultimate customer signed the contract

Date_Entered Datetime True

Date record created

Date_Modified Datetime True

Date record last modified

Deleted Bool False

Record deletion indicator

Description String False

Full text of the note

End_Date Date False

The date in which the contract is no longer effective

Expiration_Notice Datetime False

Date to issue an expiration notice (useful for workflow rules)

Following Bool False

Is user following this record

Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier

Locked_Fields String True

Modified_By_Name String True

Modified_User_Id String True

User who last modified record

My_Favorite Bool False

Favorite for the user

Name String False

The name of the contract

Opportunity_Id String False

Opportunity_Name String True

Parent_Name String True

parent_name of contract, added to prevent ability to add flex relate field to module because of relationship in linked_documentsMetaData.php

Reference_Code String False

The reference code used by the organization to refer to this contract

Start_Date Date False

The effective date of the contract

Status String False

The contract status

Sync_Key String True

Tag String False

Team_Count String False

Team_Id String False

Team ID for the account

Team_Name String False

Team_Set_Id String False

Time_To_Expiry Int True

Total_Contract_Value Decimal True

The overall value of the contract

Total_Contract_Value_Usdollar Decimal True

The overall contract value expressed in USD

Type String False

The dropdown options for Contract types

Type_Name String True

The contract type

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9062