ODBC Driver for SugarCRM

Build 24.0.9062


The Calls table.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Accept_Status String False

Accept_Status_Users String False

Acl_Team_Names String True

Acl_Team_Set_Id String False

Assigned_User_Id String False

User ID assigned to record

Assigned_User_Name String True

Auto_Invite_Parent Bool False

Flag to allow for turning off auto invite of parent record - (Meta-data only)

Aws_Contact_Id String True

The AWS Connect Contact ID

Aws_Lens_Data String False

Raw data from the aws lens service

Call_Differentiating_Value_C String False

Call_Recording String True

The friendly name for the call recording link

Call_Recording_Url String False

The URL for the call recording

Cj_Activity_Tpl_Name String True

Cj_Actual_Sort_Order String False

Cj_Allow_Activity_By String False

Cj_Blocked_By_Stages String False

Cj_Momentum_End_Date Datetime False

Cj_Momentum_Points Int True

Cj_Momentum_Ratio Double True

Cj_Momentum_Score Int True

Cj_Momentum_Start_Date Datetime False

Cj_Parent_Activity_Id String False

Cj_Parent_Activity_Type String False

Cj_Url String False

Commentlog String True

Contact_Id String True

Contact_Name String True

Created_By String True

User who created record

Created_By_Name String True

Customer_Journey_Blocked_By String False

Customer_Journey_Points String False

Customer_Journey_Progress Double True

Customer_Journey_Score Int True

Date_End Datetime True

Date is which call is scheduled to (or did) end

Date_Entered Datetime True

Date record created

Date_Modified Datetime True

Date record last modified

Date_Start Datetime False

Date in which call is schedule to (or did) start

Deleted Bool False

Record deletion indicator

Description String False

Full text of the note

Direction String False

Indicates whether call is inbound or outbound

Dri_Subworkflow_Id String False

Dri_Subworkflow_Name String True

Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Id String False

Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Name String True

Dri_Workflow_Id String False

Dri_Workflow_Name String True

Dri_Workflow_Sort_Order String False

Dri_Workflow_Task_Template_Id String False

Dri_Workflow_Template_Id String False

Dri_Workflow_Template_Name String True

Duration_Hours Int False

Call duration, hours portion

Duration_Minutes String False

Call duration, minutes portion

Email_Reminder_Checked Bool False

checkbox indicating whether or not the email reminder value is set (Meta-data only)

Email_Reminder_Sent Bool False

Whether email reminder is already sent

Email_Reminder_Time String False

Specifies when a email reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start

Fnf_Agencies_Calls_1_Name String True

Fnf_Agencies_Calls_1fnf_Agencies_Ida String False

Following Bool False

Is user following this record

Id [KEY] String True

Unique identifier

Internal_Notes String False

Internal notes for the call

Invitees String True

Is_Cj_Parent_Activity Bool False

Is_Customer_Journey_Activity Bool False

Lead_Id String True

Lead_Name String True

Locked_Fields String True

Modified_By_Name String True

Modified_User_Id String True

User who last modified record

My_Favorite Bool False

Favorite for the user

Name String False

Brief description of the call

Outlook_Id String False

When the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook syncs an Outlook appointment, this is the Outlook appointment item ID

Parent_Id String False

The ID of the parent Sugar object identified by parent_type

Parent_Name String True

Parent_Type String True

The Sugar object to which the call is related

Recurrence_Id Datetime False

Recurrence ID of call. Original call start date

Recurring_Source String False

Source of recurring call

Reminder_Checked Bool False

checkbox indicating whether or not the reminder value is set (Meta-data only)

Reminder_Time String False

Specifies when a reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start

Repeat_Count Int True

Number of recurrence

Repeat_Days String False

Days of month

Repeat_Dow String False

Days of week in recurrence

Repeat_Interval Int True

Interval of recurrence

Repeat_Ordinal String False

Repeat ordinal value

Repeat_Parent_Id String False

Id of the first element of recurring records

Repeat_Selector String False

Repeat selector

Repeat_Type String False

Type of recurrence

Repeat_Unit String False

Repeat unit value

Repeat_Until Date False

Repeat until specified date

Send_Invites Bool False

checkbox indicating whether or not to send out invites (Meta-data only)

Sentiment_Score_Agent Decimal True

The sentiment score for the agent ranging from -5 to 5

Sentiment_Score_Agent_First_Quarter Decimal True

The sentiment score for the agent during the first quarter ranging from -5 to 5

Sentiment_Score_Agent_Fourth_Quarter Decimal True

The sentiment score for the agent during the fourth quarter ranging from -5 to 5

Sentiment_Score_Agent_Second_Quarter Decimal True

The sentiment score for the agent during the second quarter ranging from -5 to 5

Sentiment_Score_Agent_String String True

Sentiment_Score_Agent_Third_Quarter Decimal True

The sentiment score for the agent during the third quarter ranging from -5 to 5

Sentiment_Score_Customer Decimal True

The sentiment score for the customer ranging from -5 to 5

Sentiment_Score_Customer_First_Quarter Decimal True

The sentiment score for the customer during the first quarter ranging from -5 to 5

Sentiment_Score_Customer_Fourth_Quarter Decimal True

The sentiment score for the customer during the fourth quarter ranging from -5 to 5

Sentiment_Score_Customer_Second_Quarter Decimal True

The sentiment score for the customer during the second quarter ranging from -5 to 5

Sentiment_Score_Customer_String String True

Sentiment_Score_Customer_Third_Quarter Decimal True

The sentiment score for the customer during the third quarter ranging from -5 to 5

Set_Accept_Links String False

Start_Next_Journey_Id String False

Status String False

The status of the call (Held, Not Held, etc.)

Sync_Key String True

Tag String False

Team_Count String False

Team_Id String False

Team ID for the account

Team_Name String False

Team_Set_Id String False

Transcript String True

Type_Of_Call_C String False

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9062