Cmdlets for SugarCRM

Build 23.0.8839


The PurchasedLineItems table.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier

Name String False

Name of the product

Date_Entered Datetime True

Date record created

Date_Modified Datetime True

Date record last modified

Modified_User_Id String True

User who last modified record

Modified_By_Name String True

Created_By String True

User who created record

Created_By_Name String True

Description String False

Full text of the note

Deleted Bool False

Record deletion indicator

Annual_Revenue Decimal True

Book_Value_Usdollar Decimal True

Book value expressed in USD

Cost_Price Decimal True

Product cost

Cost_Usdollar Decimal True

Cost expressed in USD

Date_Closed Date False

Expected or actual date the purchased line item will close

Date_Closed_Timestamp String True

Deal_Calc Decimal True

Calculated Revenue or Loss

Deal_Calc_Usdollar Decimal True

Calculated Revenue or Loss in US Dollars

Discount_Amount String True

Discounted amount (Displayed as Total Discount Amount)

Discount_Amount_Signed Decimal True

Discounted Amount Signed

Discount_Amount_Usdollar Decimal True

Discount_Price Decimal False

Discounted price (

Discount_Select Bool False

Discount_Usdollar Decimal True

Discount price expressed in USD

List_Usdollar Decimal True

List price expressed in USD

Mft_Part_Num String False

Manufacturer part number

Revenue Decimal False

Revenue_Usdollar Decimal True

Revenue expressed in USD

Total_Amount Decimal True

Subtotal Decimal True

The total of the line item before any discounts are applied, taking any proration into consideration

Category_Id String False

Product category

Category_Name String True

Manufacturer_Id String False

Manufacturer of product

Manufacturer_Name String True

Product_Template_Id String False

Product (in Admin Products) from which this purchased item is derived.

Product_Template_Name String True

Lock_Duration Bool False

Turn on or off a user ability to directly edit the duration field

Product_Type_Id String False

Product type (ex: hardware, software)

Product_Type_Name String True

Purchase_Id String False

Purchase which spawned this PLI

Purchase_Name String False

Revenuelineitem_Id String False

If PLI was created from RLI, this is that RLIs ID

Revenuelineitem_Name String True

RLI Name

Renewal_Opp_Id String False

Renewal opportunity of this PLI

Renewal_Opp_Name String True

Account_Id String False

Account related to the parent Purchase of this PLI

Account_Name String True

Status String False

Following Bool False

Is user following this record

My_Favorite Bool False

Favorite for the user

Tag String False

Commentlog String True

Locked_Fields String True

Sync_Key String True

Assigned_User_Id String False

User ID assigned to record

Assigned_User_Name String True

Team_Id String False

Team ID for the account

Team_Set_Id String False

Acl_Team_Set_Id String False

Team_Count String False

Team_Name String False

Acl_Team_Names String True

Asset_Number String False

Asset tag number of sales item in use

Book_Value Decimal True

Book value of sales item in use

Book_Value_Date Date False

Date of book value for sales item in use

Date_Purchased Date False

Date sales item purchased

Date_Support_Expires Date False

Support expiration date

Date_Support_Starts Date False

Support start date

List_Price Decimal True

List price of sales item

Pricing_Factor Int True

Variable pricing factor depending on pricing_formula

Pricing_Formula String False

Pricing formula (ex: Fixed, Markup over Cost)

Quantity Decimal True

Quantity in use

Serial_Number String False

Serial number of sales item in use

Renewable Bool False

Indicates whether the sales item is renewable (e.g. a service)

Service Bool False

Indicates whether the sales item is a service or a product

Service_Duration_Value Int True

Value of the service duration, if service duration is 4 Months the value is 4

Service_Duration_Unit String False

Service Duration unit like Year(s), Month(s) or Day(s)

Catalog_Service_Duration_Value Int True

Stores a Product Catalog item's Service Duration Value, used for duration comparisons

Catalog_Service_Duration_Unit String True

Stores a Product Catalog item's Service Duration Unit, used for duration comparisons

Service_Duration_Multiplier Decimal True

Stores a multiplier based on the ratio of this sales item's duration to another duration (such as a Product Template's)

Service_End_Date String True

End date of the service

Service_Start_Date Date False

Start date of the service

Support_Contact String False

Contact for support purposes

Support_Description String False

Description of sales item for support purposes

Support_Name String False

Name of sales item for support purposes

Support_Term String False

Term (length) of support contract

Tax_Class String False

Tax classification (ex: Taxable, Non-taxable)

Vendor_Part_Num String False

Vendor part number

Website String False

Sales item URL

Weight Decimal True

Weight of the sales item

Renewal Bool True

Indicates whether this line item is a renewal

Currency_Id String False

Base_Rate String False

Currency_Name String True

Currency_Symbol String True

Denorm_Account_Name String False

Name of the Company

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839