Cmdlets for SugarCRM

Build 23.0.8839


The Leads table.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier

Name String True

Date_Entered Datetime True

Date record created

Date_Modified Datetime True

Date record last modified

Modified_User_Id String True

User who last modified record

Modified_By_Name String True

Created_By String True

User who created record

Created_By_Name String True

Description String False

Full text of the note

Deleted Bool False

Record deletion indicator

Salutation String False

Contact salutation (e.g., Mr, Ms)

First_Name String False

First name of the contact

Last_Name String False

Last name of the contact

Full_Name String True

Title String False

The title of the contact

Facebook String False

The facebook name of the user

Twitter String False

The twitter name of the user

Googleplus String False

The google plus id of the user

Department String False

Department the lead belongs to

Do_Not_Call Bool False

An indicator of whether contact can be called

Phone_Home String False

Home phone number of the contact

Phone_Mobile String False

Mobile phone number of the contact

Phone_Work String False

Work phone number of the contact

Phone_Other String False

Other phone number for the contact

Phone_Fax String False

Contact fax number

Primary_Address_Street String False

The street address used for primary address

Primary_Address_Street_2 String False

Primary_Address_Street_3 String False

Primary_Address_City String False

City for primary address

Primary_Address_State String False

State for primary address

Primary_Address_Postalcode String False

Postal code for primary address

Primary_Address_Country String False

Country for primary address

Alt_Address_Street String False

Street address for alternate address

Alt_Address_Street_2 String False

Alt_Address_Street_3 String False

Alt_Address_City String False

City for alternate address

Alt_Address_State String False

State for alternate address

Alt_Address_Postalcode String False

Postal code for alternate address

Alt_Address_Country String False

Country for alternate address

Assistant String False

Name of the assistant of the contact

Assistant_Phone String False

Phone number of the assistant of the contact

Picture String False


Converted Bool False

Has Lead been converted to a Contact (and other Sugar objects)

Refered_By String False

Identifies who refered the lead

Lead_Source String False

Lead source (ex: Web, print)

Lead_Source_Description String False

Description of the lead source

Status String False

Status of the lead

Status_Description String False

Description of the status of the lead

Reports_To_Id String False

ID of Contact the Lead reports to

Report_To_Name String True

Dp_Business_Purpose String True

Business purposes consented for

Dp_Consent_Last_Updated Date False

Date consent last updated

Dnb_Principal_Id String False

Unique Id For DB Contact

Account_Name String False

Account name for lead

Account_To_Lead String True

Account_Description String False

Description of lead account

Contact_Id String False

If converted, Contact ID resulting from the conversion

Contact_Name String True

Account_Id String False

If converted, Account ID resulting from the conversion

Opportunity_Id String False

If converted, Opportunity ID resulting from the conversion

Converted_Opp_Name String True

Opportunity_Name String False

Opportunity name associated with lead

Opportunity_Amount String False

Amount of the opportunity

Campaign_Id String False

Campaign that generated lead

Campaign_Name String True

C_Accept_Status_Fields String True

M_Accept_Status_Fields String True

Accept_Status_Id String False

Accept_Status_Name String False

Accept_Status_Calls String False

Accept_Status_Meetings String False

Accept_Status_Messages String False

Webtolead_Email1 String False

Main email address of lead

Webtolead_Email2 String False

Secondary email address of lead

Webtolead_Email_Opt_Out Bool False

Indicator signaling if lead elects to opt out of email campaigns

Webtolead_Invalid_Email Bool False

Indicator that email address for lead is invalid

Birthdate Date False

The birthdate of the contact

Portal_Name String False

Portal user name when lead created via lead portal

Portal_App String False

Portal application that resulted in created of lead

Business_Center_Name String True

The name of the business center represented by the business_center_id field

Business_Center_Id String False

The business center to which the case is associated

Website String False

URL of website for the company

Preferred_Language String False

Mkto_Sync Bool False

Should the Lead be synced to Marketo

Mkto_Id Int True

Associated Marketo Lead ID

Mkto_Lead_Score Int True

Ai_Conv_Score_Classification String True

Ai_Icp_Fit_Score_Classification String True

Market_Interest_Prediction_Score String True

Market_Score Int True

Ai_Conv_Score_Absolute Decimal True

Ai_Conv_Bin_Accuracy Decimal True

Ai_Conv_Multiplier Decimal True

Ai_Icp_Fit_Score_Absolute Decimal True

Ai_Icp_Fit_Bin_Accuracy Decimal True

Ai_Icp_Fit_Multiplier Decimal True

Hint_Account_Size String False

Company Size

Hint_Account_Industry String False

Company Industry

Hint_Account_Location String False

Company Location

Hint_Account_Description String False

Company Description

Hint_Job_2 String False

Job 2

Hint_Education String False


Hint_Education_2 String False

Education 2

Hint_Facebook String False

Hint_Twitter String False

Hint_Industry_Tags String False

industry tags

Hint_Account_Founded_Year String False

company founded year

Hint_Account_Facebook_Handle String False

company facebook

Hint_Account_Twitter_Handle String False

company twitter

Hint_Account_Logo String False

company logo

Hint_Contact_Pic String False

Hint Contact logo

Hint_Photo String False

person photo

Hint_Phone_1 String False

extra phone field

Hint_Phone_2 String False

extra phone field

Hint_Account_Naics_Code_Lbl String False


Hint_Account_Sic_Code_Label String False

SIC Code

Hint_Account_Fiscal_Year_End String False

FY End

Hint_Account_Annual_Revenue String False

Annual Rev

Hint_Account_Website String False

company website

Geocode_Status String True

Following Bool False

Is user following this record

My_Favorite Bool False

Favorite for the user

Tag String False

Commentlog String True

Locked_Fields String True

Sync_Key String True

Assigned_User_Id String False

User ID assigned to record

Assigned_User_Name String True

Team_Id String False

Team ID for the account

Team_Set_Id String False

Acl_Team_Set_Id String False

Team_Count String False

Team_Name String False

Acl_Team_Names String True

Email String False

Email1 String False

Email2 String False

Invalid_Email Bool False

Email_Opt_Out Bool False

Email_Addresses_Non_Primary String False

Dri_Workflow_Template_Id String False

Dri_Workflow_Template_Name String True

Perform_Sugar_Action Bool False

Hint_Job_2_C String False

Hint_Education_C String False

Hint_Twitter_C String False

Hint_Education_2_C String False

Hint_Facebook_C String False

Hint_Phone_1_C String False

Hint_Phone_2_C String False

Hint_Account_Annual_Revenue_C String False

Hint_Account_Description_C String False

Hint_Account_Facebook_Handle_C String False

Hint_Account_Fiscal_Year_End_C String False

Hint_Account_Founded_Year_C String False

Hint_Account_Industry_C String False

Hint_Account_Location_C String False

Hint_Account_Logo_C String False

Hint_Account_Naics_Code_Lbl_C String False

Hint_Account_Sic_Code_Label_C String False

Hint_Account_Size_C String False

Hint_Account_Twitter_Handle_C String False

Hint_Account_Website_C String False

Hint_Contact_Pic_C String False

Hint_Industry_Tags_C String False

Hint_Photo_C String False

Latitude_C String False

Longitude_C String False

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839