Power BI Connector for SugarCRM

Build 23.0.8839


The Quotes table.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

Unique identifier

Name String False

Date_Entered Datetime True

Date record created

Date_Modified Datetime True

Date record last modified

Modified_User_Id String True

User who last modified record

Modified_By_Name String True

Created_By String True

User who created record

Created_By_Name String True

Description String False

Full text of the note

Deleted Bool False

Record deletion indicator

Shipper_Id String False

Shipper_Name String True

Shipper Name

Taxrate_Id String False

Taxrate_Name String True

Tax Rate Name

Taxrate_Value Decimal True

Tax Rate Value

Show_Line_Nums Bool False

Quote_Type String False

Date_Quote_Expected_Closed Date False

Original_Po_Date Date False

Payment_Terms String False

Date_Quote_Closed Date False

Date_Order_Shipped Date False

Order_Stage String False

Quote_Stage String False

Purchase_Order_Num String False

Quote_Num Int False

Subtotal Decimal True

Subtotal_Usdollar Decimal True

Shipping Decimal True

Shipping_Usdollar Decimal True

Discount Decimal True

Deal_Tot Decimal True

Deal_Tot_Discount_Percentage Double True

Deal_Tot_Usdollar Decimal True

New_Sub Decimal True

New_Sub_Usdollar Decimal True

Taxable_Subtotal Decimal True

Rollup of product bundles taxable_subtotal values

Tax Decimal True

Tax_Usdollar Decimal True

Total Decimal True

Total_Usdollar Decimal True

Billing_Address_Street String False

Billing_Address_City String False

Billing_Address_State String False

Billing_Address_Postalcode String False

Billing_Address_Country String False

Shipping_Address_Street String False

Shipping_Address_City String False

Shipping_Address_State String False

Shipping_Address_Postalcode String False

Shipping_Address_Country String False

Shipping_Account_Name String True

Shipping_Account_Id String True

Shipping_Contact_Name String True

Shipping_Contact_Id String True

Account_Name String True

Account_Id String True

Billing_Account_Name String False

Billing_Account_Id String True

Billing_Contact_Name String True

Billing_Contact_Id String True

Bundles String True

Opportunity_Name String True

Opportunity_Id String True

Renewal Bool True

Indicates whether this quote is a renewal

Geocode_Status String True

Following Bool False

Is user following this record

My_Favorite Bool False

Favorite for the user

Tag String False

Locked_Fields String True

Sync_Key String True

Assigned_User_Id String False

User ID assigned to record

Assigned_User_Name String True

Team_Id String False

Team ID for the account

Team_Set_Id String False

Acl_Team_Set_Id String False

Team_Count String False

Team_Name String False

Acl_Team_Names String True

Currency_Id String False

Base_Rate String False

Currency_Name String True

Currency_Symbol String True

Denorm_Billing_Account_Name String False

Name of the Company

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839