CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるSugarCRM へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してSugarCRM に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、SugarCRM への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのSugarCRM への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのSugarCRM への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してSugarCRM からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、SugarCRM に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
SugarCRM への接続を確立するには、URL をhttp://{sugar crm instance}.com の形式でSugarCRM アカウントに紐付いているURL に設定します。
Cloud をSugarCRM に認証するには、以下を設定します。
デフォルトでは、SugarCRM は"sugar" クライアントId を認証に使用しますが、ユーザーはオプションでカスタムアプリのクライアントId とクライアントシークレットの値を指定することができます。詳しくは、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成 を参照してください。
To create a new set of OAuth Consumer Keys:
When you connect the Cloud, it automatically:
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
CData Cloud は、SugarCRM のモジュールをリレーショナルテーブルとしてモデル化します。
テーブル定義は動的に取得されます。Cloud は、SugarCRM に接続し、適切なWeb サービスを呼び出してテーブルのリストとテーブルのメタデータを取得します。
Cloud を使用して接続すると、新しいテーブルの追加、新しい列の追加、列のデータ型の変更など、SugarCRM アカウントに対して行う変更は即座に反映されます
Cloud は、テーブル セクションに記載されていないSugarCRM アカウントにもカスタムモジュールを公開できます。これらのカスタムモジュールは、他のテーブルと同じようにクエリを実行できます。さらに、標準モジュールのカスタムフィールドもクエリを実行できます。
以下のセクションでは、SugarCRM 開発環境に含まれるサンプルテーブル定義を示します。
Cloud は、Account、Asset、Campaign などのSugarCRM 開発環境サンプルテーブルをリレーショナルテーブル としてモデル化します。
Audit モジュールは、読み取り専用のビューとしてモデル化されています。詳しくは、ビュー を参照してください。
ストアドプロシージャ は、SugarCRM のファンクションライクなインターフェースです。これらはSugarCRM ファイルのダウンロードやカスタムスキーマの作成に使用できます。
Cloud はSugarCRM のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
Accounts | The Accounts table. |
ACLRoles | The ACLRoles table. |
ArchiveRuns | The ArchiveRuns table. |
Bugs | The Bugs table. |
BusinessCenters | The BusinessCenters table. |
Calendar | The Calendar table. |
Calls | The Calls table. |
CampaignLog | The CampaignLog table. |
Campaigns | The Campaigns table. |
CampaignTrackers | The CampaignTrackers table. |
Cases | The Cases table. |
Categories | The Categories table. |
ChangeTimers | The ChangeTimers table. |
CJ_Forms | The CJ_Forms table. |
CJ_WebHooks | The CJ_WebHooks table. |
CloudDrivePaths | The CloudDrivePaths table. |
CommentLog | The CommentLog table. |
Comments | The Comments table. |
ConsoleConfiguration | The ConsoleConfiguration table. |
Contacts | The Contacts table. |
Contracts | The Contracts table. |
ContractTypes | The ContractTypes table. |
Currencies | The Currencies table. |
CustomQueries | The CustomQueries table. |
Dashboards | The Dashboards table. |
DataArchiver | The DataArchiver table. |
DataPrivacy | The DataPrivacy table. |
DataSets | The DataSets table. |
DocumentMerges | The DocumentMerges table. |
DocumentRevisions | The DocumentRevisions table. |
Documents | The Documents table. |
DocumentTemplates | The DocumentTemplates table. |
DocuSignEnvelopes | The DocuSignEnvelopes table. |
DRI_SubWorkflows | The DRI_SubWorkflows table. |
DRI_SubWorkflow_Templates | The DRI_SubWorkflow_Templates table. |
DRI_Workflows | The DRI_Workflows table. |
DRI_Workflow_Task_Templates | The DRI_Workflow_Task_Templates table. |
DRI_Workflow_Templates | The DRI_Workflow_Templates table. |
EAPM | The EAPM table. |
EmailAddresses | The EmailAddresses table. |
EmailMarketing | The EmailMarketing table. |
EmailParticipants | The EmailParticipants table. |
Emails | The Emails table. |
EmailTemplates | The EmailTemplates table. |
EmbeddedFiles | The EmbeddedFiles table. |
Employees | The Employees table. |
Escalations | The Escalations table. |
ExternalUsers | The ExternalUsers table. |
Filters | The Filters table. |
ForecastManagerWorksheets | The ForecastManagerWorksheets table. |
Forecasts | The Forecasts table. |
ForecastWorksheets | The ForecastWorksheets table. |
Geocode | The Geocode table. |
HintAccountsets | The HintAccountsets table. |
HintEnrichFieldConfigs | The HintEnrichFieldConfigs table. |
HintNewsNotifications | The HintNewsNotifications table. |
HintNotificationTargets | The HintNotificationTargets table. |
Holidays | The Holidays table. |
InboundEmail | The InboundEmail table. |
KBArticles | The KBArticles table. |
KBContents | The KBContents table. |
KBContentTemplates | The KBContentTemplates table. |
KBDocuments | The KBDocuments table. |
Leads | The Leads table. |
Manufacturers | The Manufacturers table. |
Meetings | The Meetings table. |
Messages | The Messages table. |
Metrics | The Metrics table. |
MobileDevices | The MobileDevices table. |
Notes | The Notes table. |
Notifications | The Notifications table. |
OAuthKeys | The OAuthKeys table. |
OAuthTokens | The OAuthTokens table. |
Opportunities | The Opportunities table. |
OutboundEmail | The OutboundEmail table. |
PdfManager | The PdfManager table. |
pmse_Business_Rules | The pmse_Business_Rules table. |
pmse_Emails_Templates | The pmse_Emails_Templates table. |
pmse_Inbox | The pmse_Inbox table. |
pmse_Project | The pmse_Project table. |
ProductBundleNotes | The ProductBundleNotes table. |
ProductBundles | The ProductBundles table. |
ProductCategories | The ProductCategories table. |
Products | The Products table. |
ProductTemplates | The ProductTemplates table. |
ProductTypes | The ProductTypes table. |
Project | The Project table. |
ProjectTask | The ProjectTask table. |
ProspectLists | The ProspectLists table. |
PubSub_ModuleEvent_PushSubs | The PubSub_ModuleEvent_PushSubs table. |
PurchasedLineItems | The PurchasedLineItems table. |
Purchases | The Purchases table. |
PushNotifications | The PushNotifications table. |
Quotas | The Quotas table. |
Quotes | The Quotes table. |
Releases | The Releases table. |
ReportMaker | The ReportMaker table. |
Reports | The Reports table. |
ReportSchedules | The ReportSchedules table. |
RevenueLineItems | The RevenueLineItems table. |
SavedSearch | The SavedSearch table. |
Schedulers | The Schedulers table. |
ShiftExceptions | The ShiftExceptions table. |
Shifts | The Shifts table. |
Shippers | The Shippers table. |
Styleguide | The Styleguide table. |
Subscriptions | The Subscriptions table. |
SugarFavorites | The SugarFavorites table. |
SugarLive | The SugarLive table. |
Tags | The Tags table. |
Tasks | The Tasks table. |
TaxRates | The TaxRates table. |
TeamNotices | The TeamNotices table. |
Teams | The Teams table. |
TimePeriods | The TimePeriods table. |
TrackerPerfs | The TrackerPerfs table. |
TrackerQueries | The TrackerQueries table. |
Trackers | The Trackers table. |
TrackerSessions | The TrackerSessions table. |
Users | The Users table. |
UserSignatures | The UserSignatures table. |
VisualPipeline | The VisualPipeline table. |
WebLogicHooks | The WebLogicHooks table. |
WorkFlow | The WorkFlow table. |
Cloud は、テーブル に記載されていないSugarCRM アカウントにもカスタムモジュールを公開できます。普通のテーブルと同様に、このカスタムモジュールに対してクエリを実行できます。さらに、標準モジュールのカスタムフィールドをクエリすることができます。
The Accounts table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
Name of the Company |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
String | False |
The facebook name of the company | |
String | False |
The twitter name of the company | |
Googleplus | String | False |
The Google Plus name of the company |
Account_Type | String | False |
The Company is of this type |
Industry | String | False |
The company belongs in this industry |
Annual_Revenue | String | False |
Annual revenue for this company |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
The fax phone number of this company |
Billing_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for billing address |
Billing_Address_City | String | False |
The city used for billing address |
Billing_Address_State | String | False |
The state used for billing address |
Billing_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code used for billing address |
Billing_Address_Country | String | False |
The country used for the billing address |
Rating | String | False |
An arbitrary rating for this company for use in comparisons with others |
Phone_Office | String | False |
The office phone number |
Phone_Alternate | String | False |
An alternate phone number |
Website | String | False |
URL of website for the company |
Ownership | String | False | |
Employees | String | False |
Number of employees, varchar to accomodate for both number (100) or range (50-100) |
Ticker_Symbol | String | False |
The stock trading (ticker) symbol for the company |
Shipping_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for for shipping purposes |
Shipping_Address_City | String | False |
The city used for the shipping address |
Shipping_Address_State | String | False |
The state used for the shipping address |
Shipping_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The zip code used for the shipping address |
Shipping_Address_Country | String | False |
The country used for the shipping address |
Service_Level | String | False |
An indication of the service level of a company |
Parent_Id | String | False |
Account ID of the parent of this account |
Sic_Code | String | False |
SIC code of the account |
Duns_Num | String | False |
DUNS number of the account |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Business_Center_Name | String | True |
The name of the business center represented by the business_center_id field |
Business_Center_Id | String | False |
The business center to which the case is associated |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
Campaign that generated Account |
Campaign_Name | String | True |
The first campaign name for Account (Meta-data only) |
Next_Renewal_Date | Date | True | |
Widget_Next_Renewal_Date | String | True | |
Hint_Account_Size | String | False |
Company Size |
Hint_Account_Industry | String | False |
Company Industry |
Hint_Account_Location | String | False |
Company Location |
Hint_Account_Industry_Tags | String | False |
industry tags |
Hint_Account_Founded_Year | String | False |
company founded year |
Hint_Account_Facebook_Handle | String | False |
company facebook |
Hint_Account_Logo | String | False |
company logo |
Hint_Account_Pic | String | False |
Hint Account logo |
Hint_Account_Naics_Code_Lbl | String | False |
NAICS Code |
Hint_Account_Fiscal_Year_End | String | False |
FY End |
Geocode_Status | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
String | False | ||
Email1 | String | False | |
Email2 | String | False | |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False | |
Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False | |
Email_Addresses_Non_Primary | String | False | |
Is_Escalated | Bool | True |
Is this escalated? |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Perform_Sugar_Action | Bool | False | |
Hint_Account_Industry_C | String | False | |
Orderconfirmed_C | Bool | False | |
Accounts_Prospects_1_Name | String | True | |
Accounts_Prospects_1prospects_Idb | String | False | |
Call_Id_C | String | False | |
Campaign_Id_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Facebook_Handle_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Fiscal_Year_End_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Founded_Year_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Industry_Tags_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Location_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Logo_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Naics_Code_Lbl_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Pic_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Size_C | String | False | |
Latitude_C | String | False | |
Longitude_C | String | False |
The ACLRoles table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Name | String | False |
The role name |
Description | String | False |
The role description |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Access_Override | Int | True |
The ArchiveRuns table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Archiver_Id | String | False |
ID associated with the Data Archiver |
Date_Of_Archive | Datetime | False |
The date and time this archiver was run |
Source_Module | String | False |
The source module |
Filter_Def | String | False |
The filter definition associated with the run |
Num_Processed | Int | False |
The number of fields archived/deleted |
Process_Type | String | False |
Whether the data was deleted or archived |
Ids_Processed | String | False |
The IDs that were processed in this run |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The Bugs table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
The short description of the bug |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Bug_Number | Int | False |
Visual unique identifier |
Type | String | False |
The type of issue (ex: issue, feature) |
Status | String | False |
The status of the issue |
Priority | String | False |
An indication of the priorty of the issue |
Resolution | String | False |
An indication of how the issue was resolved |
Work_Log | String | False |
Free-form text used to denote activities of interest |
Follow_Up_Datetime | Datetime | False |
Deadline for following up on an issue |
Widget_Follow_Up_Datetime | String | True | |
Resolved_Datetime | Datetime | False |
Date when an issue is resolved |
Hours_To_Resolution | Decimal | True |
How long it took to resolve this issue, in decimal calendar hours |
Business_Hours_To_Resolution | Decimal | True |
How long it took to resolve this issue, in decimal business hours |
Pending_Processing | Bool | True | |
Found_In_Release | String | False |
The software or service release that manifested the bug |
Release_Name | String | True | |
Fixed_In_Release | String | False |
The software or service release that corrected the bug |
Fixed_In_Release_Name | String | True | |
Source | String | False |
An indicator of how the bug was entered (ex: via web, email, etc.) |
Product_Category | String | False |
Where the bug was discovered (ex: Accounts, Contacts, Leads) |
Portal_Viewable | Bool | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Source_Id | String | False | |
Source_Type | String | False | |
Source_Meta | String | False | |
Is_Escalated | Bool | True |
Is this escalated? |
The BusinessCenters table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Timezone | String | False |
Time Zone in which this Business Center operates |
Address_Street | String | False |
Address of this Business Center |
Address_City | String | False |
City of this Business Center |
Address_State | String | False |
State of this Business Center |
Address_Postalcode | String | False |
Postal Code of this Business Center |
Address_Country | String | False |
Country of this Business Center |
Geocode_Status | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Is_Open_Sunday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Sunday |
Sunday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Sunday |
Sunday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Sunday |
Sunday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Sunday |
Sunday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Sunday |
Is_Open_Monday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Monday |
Monday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Monday |
Monday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Monday |
Monday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Monday |
Monday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Monday |
Is_Open_Tuesday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Tuesday |
Tuesday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Tuesday |
Tuesday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Tuesday |
Tuesday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Tuesday |
Tuesday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Tuesday |
Is_Open_Wednesday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Wednesday |
Wednesday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Wednesday |
Wednesday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Wednesday |
Wednesday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Wednesday |
Wednesday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Wednesday |
Is_Open_Thursday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Thursday |
Thursday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Thursday |
Thursday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Thursday |
Thursday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Thursday |
Thursday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Thursday |
Is_Open_Friday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Friday |
Friday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Friday |
Friday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Friday |
Friday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Friday |
Friday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Friday |
Is_Open_Saturday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Saturday |
Saturday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Saturday |
Saturday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Saturday |
Saturday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Saturday |
Saturday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Saturday |
The Calendar table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Subject | String | True | |
Calendar_Module | String | False | |
Event_Start | String | False | |
Event_End | String | True | |
Duration_Minutes | String | True | |
Duration_Hours | String | True | |
Duration_Days | String | True | |
Calendar_Type | String | True | |
Color | String | True | |
Dblclick_Event | String | True | |
Allow_Create | Bool | False | |
Allow_Update | Bool | False | |
Allow_Delete | Bool | False | |
Event_Tooltip_Template | String | True | |
Day_Event_Template | String | True | |
Week_Event_Template | String | True | |
Month_Event_Template | String | True | |
Agenda_Event_Template | String | True | |
Timeline_Event_Template | String | True | |
Schedulermonth_Event_Template | String | True | |
Ical_Event_Template | String | True | |
Calendar_Filter | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The Calls table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
Brief description of the call |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Internal_Notes | String | False |
Internal notes for the call |
Duration_Hours | Int | False |
Call duration, hours portion |
Duration_Minutes | String | False |
Call duration, minutes portion |
Date_Start | Datetime | False |
Date in which call is schedule to (or did) start |
Date_End | Datetime | True |
Date is which call is scheduled to (or did) end |
Parent_Type | String | True |
The Sugar object to which the call is related |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Status | String | False |
The status of the call (Held, Not Held, etc.) |
Direction | String | False |
Indicates whether call is inbound or outbound |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The ID of the parent Sugar object identified by parent_type |
Reminder_Checked | Bool | False |
checkbox indicating whether or not the reminder value is set (Meta-data only) |
Reminder_Time | String | False |
Specifies when a reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start |
Email_Reminder_Checked | Bool | False |
checkbox indicating whether or not the email reminder value is set (Meta-data only) |
Email_Reminder_Time | String | False |
Specifies when a email reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start |
Email_Reminder_Sent | Bool | False |
Whether email reminder is already sent |
Outlook_Id | String | False |
When the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook syncs an Outlook appointment, this is the Outlook appointment item ID |
Accept_Status | String | False | |
Set_Accept_Links | String | False | |
Contact_Name | String | True | |
Lead_Id | String | True | |
Lead_Name | String | True | |
Accept_Status_Users | String | False | |
Contact_Id | String | True | |
Repeat_Type | String | False |
Type of recurrence |
Repeat_Interval | Int | True |
Interval of recurrence |
Repeat_Dow | String | False |
Days of week in recurrence |
Repeat_Until | Date | False |
Repeat until specified date |
Repeat_Count | Int | True |
Number of recurrence |
Repeat_Selector | String | False |
Repeat selector |
Repeat_Days | String | False |
Days of month |
Repeat_Ordinal | String | False |
Repeat ordinal value |
Repeat_Unit | String | False |
Repeat unit value |
Repeat_Parent_Id | String | False |
Id of the first element of recurring records |
Recurrence_Id | Datetime | False |
Recurrence ID of call. Original call start date |
Recurring_Source | String | False |
Source of recurring call |
Send_Invites | Bool | False |
checkbox indicating whether or not to send out invites (Meta-data only) |
Invitees | String | True | |
Auto_Invite_Parent | Bool | False |
Flag to allow for turning off auto invite of parent record - (Meta-data only) |
Transcript | String | True | |
Aws_Contact_Id | String | True |
The AWS Connect Contact ID |
Call_Recording_Url | String | False |
The URL for the call recording |
Call_Recording | String | True |
The friendly name for the call recording link |
Aws_Lens_Data | String | False |
Raw data from the aws lens service |
Sentiment_Score_Agent | Decimal | True |
The sentiment score for the agent ranging from -5 to 5 |
Sentiment_Score_Agent_String | String | True | |
Sentiment_Score_Customer | Decimal | True |
The sentiment score for the customer ranging from -5 to 5 |
Sentiment_Score_Customer_String | String | True | |
Sentiment_Score_Agent_First_Quarter | Decimal | True |
The sentiment score for the agent during the first quarter ranging from -5 to 5 |
Sentiment_Score_Agent_Second_Quarter | Decimal | True |
The sentiment score for the agent during the second quarter ranging from -5 to 5 |
Sentiment_Score_Agent_Third_Quarter | Decimal | True |
The sentiment score for the agent during the third quarter ranging from -5 to 5 |
Sentiment_Score_Agent_Fourth_Quarter | Decimal | True |
The sentiment score for the agent during the fourth quarter ranging from -5 to 5 |
Sentiment_Score_Customer_First_Quarter | Decimal | True |
The sentiment score for the customer during the first quarter ranging from -5 to 5 |
Sentiment_Score_Customer_Second_Quarter | Decimal | True |
The sentiment score for the customer during the second quarter ranging from -5 to 5 |
Sentiment_Score_Customer_Third_Quarter | Decimal | True |
The sentiment score for the customer during the third quarter ranging from -5 to 5 |
Sentiment_Score_Customer_Fourth_Quarter | Decimal | True |
The sentiment score for the customer during the fourth quarter ranging from -5 to 5 |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Task_Template_Id | String | False | |
Cj_Activity_Tpl_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Sort_Order | String | False | |
Cj_Actual_Sort_Order | String | False | |
Customer_Journey_Score | Int | True | |
Cj_Momentum_Points | Int | True | |
Cj_Momentum_Score | Int | True | |
Cj_Allow_Activity_By | String | False | |
Customer_Journey_Progress | Double | True | |
Cj_Momentum_Ratio | Double | True | |
Customer_Journey_Points | String | False | |
Cj_Parent_Activity_Type | String | False | |
Customer_Journey_Blocked_By | String | False | |
Cj_Blocked_By_Stages | String | False | |
Is_Cj_Parent_Activity | Bool | False | |
Is_Customer_Journey_Activity | Bool | False | |
Cj_Momentum_Start_Date | Datetime | False | |
Cj_Momentum_End_Date | Datetime | False | |
Cj_Url | String | False | |
Cj_Parent_Activity_Id | String | False | |
Start_Next_Journey_Id | String | False | |
Kbcontents_Calls_1_Name | String | True | |
Kbcontents_Calls_1kbcontents_Ida | String | False |
The CampaignLog table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
Campaign identifier |
Target_Tracker_Key | String | False |
Identifier of Tracker URL |
Target_Id | String | False |
Identifier of target record |
Target_Type | String | False |
Descriptor of the target record type (e.g., Contact, Lead) |
Activity_Type | String | False |
The activity that occurred (e.g., Viewed Message, Bounced, Opted out) |
Activity_Date | Datetime | False |
The date the activity occurred |
Related_Id | String | False | |
Related_Type | String | False | |
Archived | Bool | False |
Indicates if item has been archived |
Hits | Int | True |
Number of times the item has been invoked (e.g., multiple click-thrus) |
List_Id | String | False |
The target list from which item originated |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Recipient_Name | String | True | |
Recipient_Email | String | False | |
Marketing_Name | String | False | |
Campaign_Name1 | String | True | |
Campaign_Name | String | False | |
Campaign_Objective | String | False | |
Campaign_Content | String | False | |
Related_Name | String | True | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True | |
More_Information | String | False | |
Marketing_Id | String | False |
ID of marketing email this entry is associated with |
The Campaigns table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
The name of the campaign |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | True |
inhertied but not used |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Tracker_Key | Int | False |
The internal ID of the tracker used in a campaign; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs) |
Tracker_Count | Int | True |
The number of accesses made to the tracker URL; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs) |
Tracker_Text | String | False |
The text that appears in the tracker URL; no longer used as of 4.2 (see campaign_trkrs) |
Start_Date | Date | False |
Starting date of the campaign |
End_Date | Date | False |
Ending date of the campaign |
Status | String | False |
Status of the campaign |
Impressions | Int | True |
Expected Click throughs manually entered by Campaign Manager |
Budget | Decimal | True |
Budgeted amount for the campaign |
Expected_Cost | Decimal | True |
Expected cost of the campaign |
Actual_Cost | Decimal | True |
Actual cost of the campaign |
Expected_Revenue | Decimal | True |
Expected revenue stemming from the campaign |
Campaign_Type | String | False |
The type of campaign |
Objective | String | False |
The objective of the campaign |
Content | String | False |
The campaign description |
Frequency | String | False |
Frequency of the campaign |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True |
The CampaignTrackers table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Tracker_Name | String | False |
The name of the campaign tracker |
Tracker_Url | String | False |
The URL that represents the landing page when the tracker URL in the campaign email is clicked |
Tracker_Key | Int | False |
Internal key to uniquely identifier the tracker URL |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The ID of the campaign |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Created_By | String | True |
User ID who created record |
Is_Optout | Bool | False |
Indicator whether tracker URL represents an opt-out link |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
The Cases table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
The short description of the bug |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Case_Number | Int | False |
Visual unique identifier |
Type | String | False |
The type of issue (ex: issue, feature) |
Status | String | False |
The status of the case |
Priority | String | False |
The priority of the case |
Resolution | String | False |
The resolution of the case |
Work_Log | String | False |
Free-form text used to denote activities of interest |
Follow_Up_Datetime | Datetime | False |
Deadline for following up on an issue |
Widget_Follow_Up_Datetime | String | True | |
Resolved_Datetime | Datetime | False |
Date when an issue is resolved |
Hours_To_Resolution | Decimal | True |
How long it took to resolve this issue, in decimal calendar hours |
Business_Hours_To_Resolution | Decimal | True |
How long it took to resolve this issue, in decimal business hours |
Pending_Processing | Bool | True | |
Account_Name | String | False |
The name of the account represented by the account_id field |
Account_Id | String | False |
The account to which the case is associated |
Service_Level | String | True |
Service level of the associated account of case |
Business_Center_Name | String | True |
The name of the business center represented by the business_center_id field |
Business_Center_Id | String | False |
The business center to which the case is associated |
Source | String | False |
An indicator of how the case was entered (ex: via web, email, etc.) |
Request_Close | Bool | True |
The request close status of the case |
Request_Close_Date | Datetime | True |
The date/time that the request close was initiated |
Portal_Viewable | Bool | False | |
Widget_Status | String | True | |
Primary_Contact_Name | String | True | |
Primary_Contact_Id | String | False | |
Attachment_List | String | True | |
Action_Claim | String | True | |
Action_Close | String | True | |
Action_Unassign | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Source_Id | String | False | |
Source_Type | String | False | |
Source_Meta | String | False | |
First_Response_Target_Datetime | Datetime | True | |
First_Response_Actual_Datetime | Datetime | True | |
Hours_To_First_Response | Decimal | True | |
Business_Hrs_To_First_Response | Decimal | True | |
First_Response_Var_From_Target | Decimal | True | |
First_Response_Sla_Met | String | False | |
First_Response_User_Id | String | False | |
First_Response_User_Name | String | True | |
First_Response_Sent | Bool | False | |
Is_Escalated | Bool | True |
Is this escalated? |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Perform_Sugar_Action | Bool | False | |
Denorm_Account_Name | String | False |
Name of the Company |
The Categories table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Name | String | False |
Category name |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Root | String | False |
Root ID |
Lft | Int | False |
Left node index |
Rgt | Int | False |
Right node index |
Lvl | Int | False |
Node level |
Is_External | Bool | False |
External category flag |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Source_Id | String | False | |
Source_Type | String | False | |
Source_Meta | String | False |
The ChangeTimers table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Parent_Type | String | False | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Field_Name | String | False | |
Value_String | String | False | |
From_Datetime | Datetime | False | |
To_Datetime | Datetime | False | |
Hours | Decimal | True | |
Business_Hours | Decimal | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The CJ_Forms table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Trigger_Event | String | False | |
Action_Type | String | False | |
Action_Trigger_Type | String | False | |
Relationship | String | False | |
Activity_Module | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
Ignore_Errors | Bool | False | |
Populate_Fields | String | False | |
Select_To_Email_Address | String | False | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Parent_Type | String | True | |
Display_Activity_Rsa_Icon | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | False | |
Email_Templates_Id | String | False | |
Email_Templates_Name | String | True | |
Main_Trigger_Type | String | False | |
Module_Trigger | String | False | |
Field_Trigger | String | False | |
Smart_Guide_Template_Id | String | False | |
Smart_Guide_Template_Name | String | False | |
Target_Action | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The CJ_WebHooks table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Url | String | False | |
Error_Message_Path | String | False | |
Sort_Order | Int | False | |
Request_Method | String | False | |
Request_Format | String | False | |
Response_Format | String | False | |
Trigger_Event | String | False | |
Request_Body | String | False | |
Headers | String | False | |
Custom_Post_Body | String | False | |
Ignore_Errors | Bool | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Parent_Name | String | False | |
Parent_Type | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The CloudDrivePaths table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Record_Id | String | True | |
Path_Module | String | True | |
Path | String | True | |
Type | String | True | |
Is_Root | Bool | False | |
Is_Shared | Bool | False | |
Folder_Id | String | True | |
Drive_Id | String | True | |
Site_Id | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The CommentLog table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Entry | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The Comments table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Data | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The ConsoleConfiguration table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Enabled_Modules | String | False | |
Order_By_Primary | String | False | |
Order_By_Secondary | String | False | |
Filter_Def | String | False | |
Freeze_First_Column | Bool | False |
Decides if the first column should be frozen |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The Contacts table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | True | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Salutation | String | False |
Contact salutation (e.g., Mr, Ms) |
First_Name | String | False |
First name of the contact |
Last_Name | String | False |
Last name of the contact |
Full_Name | String | True | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the contact |
String | False |
The facebook name of the user | |
String | False |
The twitter name of the user | |
Googleplus | String | False |
The google plus id of the user |
Department | String | False |
The department of the contact |
Do_Not_Call | Bool | False |
An indicator of whether contact can be called |
Phone_Home | String | False |
Home phone number of the contact |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
Mobile phone number of the contact |
Phone_Work | String | False |
Work phone number of the contact |
Phone_Other | String | False |
Other phone number for the contact |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
Contact fax number |
Primary_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for primary address |
Primary_Address_Street_2 | String | False | |
Primary_Address_Street_3 | String | False | |
Primary_Address_City | String | False |
City for primary address |
Primary_Address_State | String | False |
State for primary address |
Primary_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
Postal code for primary address |
Primary_Address_Country | String | False |
Country for primary address |
Alt_Address_Street | String | False |
Street address for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Street_2 | String | False | |
Alt_Address_Street_3 | String | False | |
Alt_Address_City | String | False |
City for alternate address |
Alt_Address_State | String | False |
State for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
Postal code for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Country | String | False |
Country for alternate address |
Assistant | String | False |
Name of the assistant of the contact |
Assistant_Phone | String | False |
Phone number of the assistant of the contact |
Picture | String | False |
Avatar |
Email_And_Name1 | String | False | |
Lead_Source | String | False |
How did the contact come about |
Account_Name | String | True | |
Account_Id | String | False | |
Dnb_Principal_Id | String | False |
Unique Id For DB Contact |
Opportunity_Role_Fields | String | True | |
Opportunity_Role_Id | String | False | |
Opportunity_Role | String | False | |
Reports_To_Id | String | False |
The contact this contact reports to |
Report_To_Name | String | True | |
Birthdate | Date | False |
The birthdate of the contact |
Portal_Name | String | True |
Name as it appears in the portal |
Portal_Active | Bool | False |
Indicator whether this contact is a portal user |
Portal_Password | String | True | |
Portal_Password1 | String | True | |
Portal_App | String | False |
Reference to the portal |
Portal_User_Company_Name | String | False |
User company name in the portal |
Preferred_Language | String | False | |
Cookie_Consent | Bool | False |
Indicator whether this portal user accepts cookies |
Cookie_Consent_Received_On | Datetime | False |
Date cookie consent received on |
Business_Center_Name | String | True |
The name of the business center represented by the business_center_id field |
Business_Center_Id | String | False |
The business center to which the case is associated |
Dp_Business_Purpose | String | True |
Business purposes consented for |
Dp_Consent_Last_Updated | Date | False |
Date consent last updated |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
Campaign that generated lead |
Campaign_Name | String | True |
The first campaign name for Contact (Meta-data only) |
C_Accept_Status_Fields | String | True | |
M_Accept_Status_Fields | String | True | |
Accept_Status_Id | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Name | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Calls | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Meetings | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Messages | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Size | String | False |
Company Size |
Hint_Account_Industry | String | False |
Company Industry |
Hint_Account_Location | String | False |
Company Location |
Hint_Account_Description | String | False |
Company Description |
Hint_Job_2 | String | False |
Job 2 |
Hint_Education | String | False |
Education |
Hint_Education_2 | String | False |
Education 2 |
Hint_Facebook | String | False | |
Hint_Twitter | String | False | |
Hint_Industry_Tags | String | False |
industry tags |
Hint_Account_Founded_Year | String | False |
company founded year |
Hint_Account_Facebook_Handle | String | False |
company facebook |
Hint_Account_Twitter_Handle | String | False |
company twitter |
Hint_Account_Logo | String | False |
company logo |
Hint_Contact_Pic | String | False |
Hint Contact logo |
Hint_Photo | String | False |
person photo |
Hint_Phone_1 | String | False |
extra phone field |
Hint_Phone_2 | String | False |
extra phone field |
Hint_Account_Website | String | False |
company website |
Hint_Account_Naics_Code_Lbl | String | False |
NAICS Code |
Hint_Account_Sic_Code_Label | String | False |
SIC Code |
Hint_Account_Fiscal_Year_End | String | False |
FY End |
Hint_Account_Annual_Revenue | String | False |
Annual Rev |
Geocode_Status | String | True | |
Sync_Contact | Bool | False |
Synch to outlook? (Meta-Data only) |
Market_Interest_Prediction_Score | String | True | |
Market_Score | Int | True | |
Mkto_Sync | Bool | False |
Should the Lead be synced to Marketo |
Mkto_Id | Int | True |
Associated Marketo Lead ID |
Mkto_Lead_Score | Int | True | |
Entry_Source | String | True |
Determines if a record was created internal to the system or external to the system |
Site_User_Id | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
String | False | ||
Email1 | String | False | |
Email2 | String | False | |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False | |
Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False | |
Email_Addresses_Non_Primary | String | False | |
Source_Id | String | False | |
Source_Type | String | False | |
Source_Meta | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Perform_Sugar_Action | Bool | False | |
Hint_Education_C | String | False | |
Hint_Facebook_C | String | False | |
Hint_Education_2_C | String | False | |
Hint_Twitter_C | String | False | |
Hint_Job_2_C | String | False | |
Hint_Phone_2_C | String | False | |
Hint_Phone_1_C | String | False | |
Denorm_Account_Name | String | False |
Name of the Company |
Purchases_Contacts_1_Name | String | True | |
Purchases_Contacts_1purchases_Ida | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Annual_Revenue_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Description_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Facebook_Handle_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Fiscal_Year_End_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Founded_Year_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Industry_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Location_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Logo_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Naics_Code_Lbl_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Sic_Code_Label_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Size_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Twitter_Handle_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Website_C | String | False | |
Hint_Contact_Pic_C | String | False | |
Hint_Industry_Tags_C | String | False | |
Hint_Photo_C | String | False | |
Latitude_C | String | False | |
Longitude_C | String | False |
The Contracts table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
The name of the contract |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Reference_Code | String | False |
The reference code used by the organization to refer to this contract |
Opportunity_Name | String | True | |
Opportunity_Id | String | False | |
Account_Name | String | False | |
Account_Id | String | False |
The account ID to which the contract is associated |
Start_Date | Date | False |
The effective date of the contract |
End_Date | Date | False |
The date in which the contract is no longer effective |
Total_Contract_Value | Decimal | True |
The overall value of the contract |
Total_Contract_Value_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
The overall contract value expressed in USD |
Status | String | False |
The contract status |
Customer_Signed_Date | Date | False |
Date in which the ultimate customer signed the contract |
Company_Signed_Date | Date | False |
Date in which the company using Sugar signed the contract |
Contract_Term | Int | True | |
Expiration_Notice | Datetime | False |
Date to issue an expiration notice (useful for workflow rules) |
Time_To_Expiry | Int | True | |
Type_Name | String | True |
The contract type |
Type | String | False |
The dropdown options for Contract types |
Parent_Name | String | True |
parent_name of contract, added to prevent ability to add flex relate field to module because of relationship in linked_documentsMetaData.php |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True |
The ContractTypes table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
List_Order | Int | True |
Relative order in drop down list |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The Currencies table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifer |
Name | String | False |
Name of the currency |
Symbol | String | False |
Symbol representing the currency |
Iso4217 | String | False |
3-letter identifier specified by ISO 4217 (ex: USD) |
Conversion_Rate | Decimal | False |
Conversion rate factor (relative to stored value) |
Status | String | False |
Currency status |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Created_By | String | False |
User ID who created record |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The CustomQueries table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifer |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Created_By | String | True |
User ID who created record |
Name | String | False |
Name of the custom query |
Description | String | False |
Full description of the custom query |
Custom_Query | String | False |
The SQL statement |
Query_Type | String | False |
The type of query (unused) |
List_Order | Int | True |
The relative order of this query (unused) |
Query_Locked | Bool | False |
Indicates whether query body (the SQL statement) can be changed |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The Dashboards table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Dashboard_Module | String | False | |
View_Name | String | False | |
Metadata | String | False | |
Default_Dashboard | Bool | False | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The DataArchiver table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Filter_Module_Name | String | False |
Module associated with the archived data |
Filter_Def | String | False |
The filter definitions defined for the archive |
Process_Type | String | False |
Whether the data should be truncated or archived |
Active | Bool | False |
Whether the definition is active or not |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The DataPrivacy table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
The short description of the bug |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Dataprivacy_Number | Int | False |
Visual unique identifier |
Type | String | False |
The type of request |
Status | String | False |
The status of the request |
Priority | String | False |
An indication of the priorty of the issue |
Resolution | String | False |
The resolution of the request |
Work_Log | String | False |
Free-form text used to denote activities of interest |
Follow_Up_Datetime | Datetime | False |
Deadline for following up on an issue |
Widget_Follow_Up_Datetime | String | True | |
Resolved_Datetime | Datetime | False |
Date when an issue is resolved |
Hours_To_Resolution | Decimal | True |
How long it took to resolve this issue, in decimal calendar hours |
Business_Hours_To_Resolution | Decimal | True |
How long it took to resolve this issue, in decimal business hours |
Pending_Processing | Bool | True | |
Business_Purpose | String | True |
Business purpose |
Source | String | False |
The source of the request |
Requested_By | String | False |
Requested by |
Date_Opened | Date | False |
Date opened |
Date_Due | Date | False |
Due date |
Date_Closed | Date | False |
Date closed |
Fields_To_Erase | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The DataSets table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Parent_Name | String | True |
Parent data sets for the data set (Meta-data only) |
Report_Id | String | False | |
Report_Name | String | False |
Custom Queries for the data sets (Meta-data only) |
Query_Id | String | False | |
Query_Name | String | False |
Custom Queries for the data sets (Meta-data only) |
Name | String | False | |
List_Order_Y | Int | True | |
Exportable | Bool | False | |
Header | Bool | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Table_Width | String | False | |
Font_Size | String | False | |
Output_Default | String | False | |
Prespace_Y | Bool | False | |
Use_Prev_Header | Bool | False | |
Header_Back_Color | String | False | |
Body_Back_Color | String | False | |
Header_Text_Color | String | False | |
Body_Text_Color | String | False | |
Table_Width_Type | String | False | |
Custom_Layout | String | False | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The DocumentMerges table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Parent_Type | String | True | |
Parent_Id | String | True | |
Template | String | True | |
Template_Id | String | True | |
Generated_Document_Id | String | True | |
Status | String | True | |
Merge_Type | String | True | |
File_Type | String | True | |
Message | String | True | |
Seen | Bool | False | |
Dismissed | Bool | False | |
Record_Ids | String | True |
store the record ids for the multimerge |
Flow_Data | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The DocumentRevisions table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Change_Log | String | False | |
Document_Id | String | False | |
Related_Document_Name | String | True | |
Doc_Id | String | False |
Document ID from documents web server provider |
Doc_Type | String | False |
Document type (ex: Google,, IBM SmartCloud) |
Doc_Url | String | False |
Document URL from documents web server provider |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Filename | String | False | |
File_Ext | String | False | |
File_Mime_Type | String | False | |
File_Size | Int | True |
The size of the file |
Revision | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True | |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Latest_Revision_Id | String | False | |
Document_Name | String | False | |
Latest_Revision | String | False |
The Documents table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Document_Name | String | False | |
Doc_Id | String | False |
Document ID from documents web server provider |
Doc_Type | String | True |
Document type (ex: Google,, IBM SmartCloud) |
Doc_Url | String | False |
Document URL from documents web server provider |
Filename | String | False |
The filename of the document attachment |
Active_Date | Date | False | |
Exp_Date | Date | False | |
Category_Id | String | False | |
Subcategory_Id | String | False | |
Is_Shared | Bool | False | |
Status_Id | String | False | |
Status | String | False |
Document status for Meta-Data framework |
Document_Revision_Id | String | False | |
Revision | String | False | |
Last_Rev_Created_Name | String | False | |
Last_Rev_Mime_Type | String | False | |
Latest_Revision | String | False | |
Latest_Revision_File_Mime_Type | String | True | |
Latest_Revision_File_Size | String | True | |
Latest_Revision_File_Ext | String | True | |
Last_Rev_Create_Date | String | True | |
Related_Doc_Id | String | False | |
Related_Doc_Name | String | True |
The related document name for Meta-Data framework |
Related_Doc_Rev_Id | String | False | |
Related_Doc_Rev_Number | String | True |
The related document version number for Meta-Data framework |
Is_Template | Bool | False | |
Template_Type | String | False | |
Latest_Revision_Name | String | False | |
Selected_Revision_Name | String | False | |
Contract_Status | String | False | |
Contract_Name | String | False | |
Linked_Id | String | False | |
Selected_Revision_Id | String | False | |
Latest_Revision_Id | String | False | |
Selected_Revision_Filename | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The DocumentTemplates table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Filename | String | False | |
File_Ext | String | False | |
File_Mime_Type | String | False | |
File_Size | Int | True |
The size of the file |
Template_Module | String | False | |
Use_Revisions | Bool | False | |
Label_Merging | Bool | False | |
Prefix | String | False | |
Postfix | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Parent_Name | String | False | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The DocuSignEnvelopes table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Status | String | True |
The status of the envelope |
Envelope_Id | String | True |
The id of the envelope in DocuSign |
Completed_Document | String | True |
The document completed in DocuSign |
Document_Id | String | False | |
Parent_Name | String | True |
The parent record |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Parent_Type | String | True | |
Last_Audit | Datetime | False |
The last time the envelope was fetched from DocuSign |
Cloud_Service_Type | String | False | |
Driveid | String | False | |
Cloud_Path | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The DRI_SubWorkflows table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Label | String | False | |
State | String | False | |
Start_Next_Journey_Id | String | False | |
Progress | Double | True | |
Momentum_Ratio | Double | True | |
Score | Int | True | |
Points | Int | True | |
Momentum_Points | Int | True | |
Momentum_Score | Int | True | |
Sort_Order | Int | False | |
Date_Started | Datetime | True | |
Date_Completed | Datetime | True | |
Is_Journey_Saved | Bool | False | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Name | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The DRI_SubWorkflow_Templates table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Label | String | False | |
Sort_Order | Int | True | |
Points | Int | True | |
Related_Activities | Int | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | False | |
Start_Next_Journey_Id | String | False | |
Start_Next_Journey_Name | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The DRI_Workflows table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | True |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Available_Modules | String | True | |
Enabled_Modules | String | True | |
State | String | False | |
Assignee_Rule | String | False | |
Target_Assignee | String | False | |
Stage_Numbering | String | True | |
Progress | Double | True | |
Momentum_Ratio | Double | True | |
Score | Int | True | |
Points | Int | True | |
Momentum_Points | Int | True | |
Momentum_Score | Int | True | |
Date_Started | Datetime | True | |
Date_Completed | Datetime | True | |
Archived | Bool | False | |
Is_Cancelled | Bool | False | |
Is_Deleted | Bool | False | |
Current_Stage_Id | String | False | |
Current_Stage_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | False | |
Parent_Id | String | True | |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Parent_Type | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Contact_Id | String | False | |
Contact_Name | String | True | |
Account_Id | String | False | |
Account_Name | String | True | |
Opportunity_Id | String | False | |
Opportunity_Name | String | True | |
Case_Id | String | False | |
Case_Name | String | True | |
Lead_Id | String | False | |
Lead_Name | String | True |
The DRI_Workflow_Task_Templates table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Task_Start_Date_Type | String | False | |
Task_Due_Date_Type | String | False | |
Momentum_Start_Type | String | False | |
Start_Date_Module | String | False | |
Due_Date_Module | String | False | |
Start_Date_Field | String | False | |
Due_Date_Field | String | False | |
Due_Date_Criteria | String | False | |
Momentum_Start_Module | String | False | |
Momentum_Start_Field | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
Activity_Type | String | False | |
Duration_Minutes | String | False | |
Direction | String | False | |
Points | String | False | |
Momentum_Points | String | False | |
Send_Invite_Type | String | False | |
Target_Assignee | String | False | |
Assignee_Rule | String | False | |
Populate_Fields | String | False | |
Select_To_Guests | String | False | |
Allow_Activity_By | String | False | |
Time_Of_Day | String | False | |
Sort_Order | String | False | |
Task_Start_Days | Int | False | |
Task_Due_Days | Int | False | |
Momentum_Due_Days | Int | False | |
Momentum_Due_Hours | Int | False | |
Duration_Hours | Int | True | |
Duration | Int | True | |
Is_Parent | Bool | True | |
Blocked_By | String | False | |
Blocked_By_Stages | String | False | |
Url | String | False | |
Stage_Template_Label | String | True | |
Stage_Template_Sort_Order | String | True | |
Assignee_Rule_Activity_Id | String | False | |
Assignee_Rule_Activity_Name | String | False | |
Start_Date_Activity_Id | String | False | |
Start_Date_Activity_Name | String | False | |
Due_Date_Activity_Id | String | False | |
Due_Date_Activity_Name | String | False | |
Momentum_Start_Activity_Id | String | False | |
Momentum_Start_Activity_Name | String | False | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Name | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | False | |
Start_Next_Journey_Id | String | False | |
Start_Next_Journey_Name | String | True | |
Target_Assignee_User_Id | String | False | |
Target_Assignee_User_Name | String | False | |
Target_Assignee_Team_Id | String | False | |
Target_Assignee_Team_Name | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The DRI_Workflow_Templates table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Available_Modules | String | False | |
Disabled_Stage_Actions | String | True | |
Disabled_Activity_Actions | String | True | |
Active_Limit | Int | True | |
Points | Int | True | |
Related_Activities | Int | True | |
Active | Bool | False | |
Update_Assignees | Bool | False | |
Assignee_Rule | String | False | |
Target_Assignee | String | False | |
Stage_Numbering | String | True | |
Cancel_Action | String | False | |
Not_Applicable_Action | String | False | |
Copied_Template_Id | String | False | |
Copied_Template_Name | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The EAPM table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Password | String | False | |
Url | String | False | |
Application | String | False | |
Api_Data | String | False |
Any API data that the external API may wish to store on a per-user basis |
Consumer_Key | String | False | |
Consumer_Secret | String | False | |
Oauth_Token | String | False | |
Oauth_Secret | String | False | |
Validated | Bool | False | |
Note | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The EmailAddresses table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Email_Address | String | False | |
Email_Address_Caps | String | False | |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False | |
Opt_Out | Bool | False | |
Date_Created | Datetime | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True | |
Confirmation_Requested_On | Datetime | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The EmailMarketing table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Name | String | False | |
From_Name | String | False | |
From_Addr | String | False | |
Reply_To_Name | String | False | |
Reply_To_Addr | String | False | |
Inbound_Email_Id | String | False | |
Date_Start | Datetime | False | |
Template_Id | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Campaign_Id | String | False | |
All_Prospect_Lists | Bool | False | |
Template_Name | String | True | |
Prospect_List_Name | String | False |
The EmailParticipants table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Email_Id | String | False | |
Address_Type | String | False |
The role (from, to, cc, bcc) that the entry plays in the email |
Email_Address_Id | String | False | |
Email_Address | String | True | |
Invalid_Email | String | True | |
Opt_Out | String | True | |
Parent_Type | String | True | |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The bean's ID |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The Emails table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID that last modified record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User ID that last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User name who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
From_Addr_Name | String | False | |
Reply_To_Addr | String | False | |
To_Addrs_Names | String | False | |
Cc_Addrs_Names | String | False | |
Bcc_Addrs_Names | String | False | |
Raw_Source | String | False | |
Description_Html | String | True | |
Description | String | False | |
Date_Sent | Datetime | False | |
Message_Id | String | False |
ID of the email item obtained from the email transport system |
Message_Uid | String | False |
UID of the email item obtained from the email transport system |
Name | String | False |
The subject of the email |
Type | String | False |
Type of email (ex: draft) |
Status | String | False | |
Flagged | Bool | False |
flagged status |
Reply_To_Status | Bool | False |
If you reply to an email then reply to status of original email is set |
Intent | String | False |
Target of action used in Inbound Email assignment |
Mailbox_Id | String | False | |
Mailbox_Name | String | True | |
State | String | False |
An email is either a draft or archived |
Reply_To_Id | String | False |
Identifier of email record that this email was a reply to |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Parent_Type | String | True |
Identifier of Sugar module to which this email is associated |
Parent_Id | String | False |
ID of Sugar object referenced by parent_type |
Direction | String | False |
Email direction is one of Unknown, Outbound, Inbound, Internal |
Attachments_Collection | String | True | |
Total_Attachments | Int | True | |
Outbound_Email_Id | String | False |
The configuration used to send an email, only used for emails sent using SugarCRM |
From_Collection | String | True | |
To_Collection | String | True | |
Cc_Collection | String | True | |
Bcc_Collection | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
Tag | String | False | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The EmailTemplates table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Published | String | False | |
Name | String | False |
Email template name |
Description | String | False |
Email template description |
Subject | String | False |
Email subject to be used in resulting email |
Body | String | False |
Plain text body to be used in resulting email |
Body_Html | String | True |
HTML formatted email body to be used in resulting email |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Base_Module | String | False |
In Workflow alert templates, the module to which this template is associated |
From_Name | String | False | |
From_Address | String | False | |
Text_Only | Bool | False |
Should be checked if email template is to be sent in text only |
Type | String | False |
Type of the email template |
Attachments_Collection | String | True | |
Has_Variables | Bool | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Tag | String | False |
The EmbeddedFiles table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Filename | String | True | |
File_Mime_Type | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The Employees table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
User_Name | String | False | |
User_Hash | String | True | |
System_Generated_Password | Bool | False | |
Pwd_Last_Changed | Datetime | False | |
Authenticate_Id | String | False | |
Sugar_Login | Bool | False | |
Picture | String | False | |
First_Name | String | False | |
Last_Name | String | False | |
Full_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | True | |
Is_Admin | Bool | False | |
External_Auth_Only | Bool | False | |
Receive_Notifications | Bool | False | |
Send_Email_On_Mention | Bool | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False | |
Last_Login | Datetime | True | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Title | String | False | |
Department | String | False | |
Phone_Home | String | False | |
Phone_Mobile | String | False | |
Phone_Work | String | False | |
Phone_Other | String | False | |
Phone_Fax | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Address_Street | String | False | |
Address_City | String | False | |
Address_State | String | False | |
Address_Country | String | False | |
Address_Postalcode | String | False | |
Usertype | String | False | |
License_Type | String | False | |
Default_Team | String | False | |
Team_Id | String | False | |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Business_Center_Name | String | True |
The name of the business center represented by the business_center_id field |
Business_Center_Id | String | False |
The business center to which the case is associated |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Portal_Only | Bool | False | |
Show_On_Employees | Bool | False | |
Employee_Status | String | False | |
Messenger_Id | String | False | |
Messenger_Type | String | False | |
Reports_To_Id | String | False | |
Reports_To_Name | String | True | |
Email1 | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Email_Link_Type | String | False | |
Is_Group | Bool | False | |
C_Accept_Status_Fields | String | True | |
M_Accept_Status_Fields | String | True | |
Accept_Status_Id | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Name | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Calls | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Meetings | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Messages | String | False | |
Preferred_Language | String | False | |
Acl_Role_Set_Id | String | False | |
Site_User_Id | String | True | |
Cookie_Consent | Bool | False |
Indicator whether this user accepts cookies |
Cookie_Consent_Received_On | Datetime | False |
Date cookie consent received on |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Customer_Journey_Access | Bool | True | |
Customer_Journey_Last_Active | Datetime | True | |
Previously_Licensed_C | Bool | False |
The Escalations table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Escalation_Number | Int | False |
Visual unique identifier |
Status | String | False |
The status of the escalation |
Reason | String | False |
The reason given for the escalation |
Source | String | False |
The source of the escalation |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The Sugar object to which the call is related |
Parent_Name | String | False | |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The ID of the parent Sugar object identified by parent_type |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The ExternalUsers table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Salutation | String | False |
Contact salutation (e.g., Mr, Ms) |
First_Name | String | False |
First name of the contact |
Last_Name | String | False |
Last name of the contact |
Name | String | False | |
Full_Name | String | True | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the contact |
String | False |
The facebook name of the user | |
String | False |
The twitter name of the user | |
Googleplus | String | False |
The google plus id of the user |
Department | String | False |
The department of the contact |
Do_Not_Call | Bool | False |
An indicator of whether contact can be called |
Phone_Home | String | False |
Home phone number of the contact |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
Mobile phone number of the contact |
Phone_Work | String | False |
Work phone number of the contact |
Phone_Other | String | False |
Other phone number for the contact |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
Contact fax number |
Primary_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for primary address |
Primary_Address_Street_2 | String | False | |
Primary_Address_Street_3 | String | False | |
Primary_Address_City | String | False |
City for primary address |
Primary_Address_State | String | False |
State for primary address |
Primary_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
Postal code for primary address |
Primary_Address_Country | String | False |
Country for primary address |
Alt_Address_Street | String | False |
Street address for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Street_2 | String | False | |
Alt_Address_Street_3 | String | False | |
Alt_Address_City | String | False |
City for alternate address |
Alt_Address_State | String | False |
State for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
Postal code for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Country | String | False |
Country for alternate address |
Assistant | String | False |
Name of the assistant of the contact |
Assistant_Phone | String | False |
Phone number of the assistant of the contact |
Picture | String | False |
Avatar |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
User_Name | String | False |
Username of the external user |
Status | String | False |
Status of the external user |
External_App | String | False |
External application which creates the external user |
External_Id | String | False |
External id of the external user |
Contact_Name | String | True | |
Contact_Id | String | False |
Contact ID the external user is associated with |
String | False | ||
Email1 | String | False | |
Email2 | String | False | |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False | |
Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False | |
Email_Addresses_Non_Primary | String | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
Source_Id | String | False | |
Source_Type | String | False | |
Source_Meta | String | False | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The Filters table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Filter_Definition | String | False | |
Filter_Template | String | False | |
Module_Name | String | False | |
App | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The ForecastManagerWorksheets table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Quota | Decimal | True | |
Best_Case | Decimal | True | |
Best_Case_Adjusted | Decimal | True | |
Likely_Case | Decimal | True | |
Likely_Case_Adjusted | Decimal | True | |
Worst_Case | Decimal | True | |
Worst_Case_Adjusted | Decimal | True | |
Timeperiod_Id | String | False | |
Draft | Bool | False | |
Is_Manager | Bool | False |
needed for commitLog field logic |
User_Id | String | False | |
Opp_Count | Int | True |
Number of opportunities represented by this forecast |
Pipeline_Opp_Count | Int | True |
Number of opportunities minus closed won/closed lost represented by this forecast |
Pipeline_Amount | Decimal | True |
Total of opportunities minus closed won/closed lost represented by this forecast |
Closed_Amount | Decimal | True |
Total of closed won items in the forecast |
Manager_Saved | Bool | False | |
Show_History_Log | Int | True | |
Draft_Save_Type | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True |
The Forecasts table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Timeperiod_Id | String | False |
ID of the associated time period for this forecast |
Commit_Type | String | True |
This is used by the commit code to figure out what type of worksheet we are committing |
Forecast_Type | String | False |
Indicator of whether forecast is direct or rollup |
Opp_Count | Int | True |
Number of opportunities represented by this forecast |
Pipeline_Opp_Count | Int | True |
Number of opportunities minus closed won/closed lost represented by this forecast |
Pipeline_Amount | Decimal | True |
Total of opportunities minus closed won/closed lost represented by this forecast |
Closed_Amount | Decimal | True |
Total of closed won items in the forecast |
Opp_Weigh_Value | Int | True |
Weighted amount of all opportunities represented by this forecast |
Best_Case | Decimal | True |
Best case forecast amount |
Likely_Case | Decimal | True |
Likely case forecast amount |
Worst_Case | Decimal | True |
Worst case likely amount |
User_Id | String | False |
User to which this forecast pertains |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record modified |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
User_Name | String | True | |
Reports_To_User_Name | String | True | |
Start_Date | Date | False | |
End_Date | Date | False | |
Name | String | False | |
Closed_Count | Int | True |
This is used by the commit code to determine how many closed opps exist for the pipeline calc |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True |
The ForecastWorksheets table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Parent_Id | String | False |
Account ID of the parent of this account |
Parent_Type | String | True |
Sugar module the Worksheet is associated with |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Opportunity_Id | String | False | |
Opportunity_Name | String | True | |
Account_Name | String | True | |
Account_Id | String | False | |
Campaign_Id | String | False | |
Campaign_Name | String | True | |
Product_Template_Id | String | False | |
Product_Template_Name | String | True | |
Category_Id | String | False | |
Category_Name | String | True | |
Sales_Status | String | False | |
Likely_Case | Decimal | True | |
Best_Case | Decimal | True | |
Worst_Case | Decimal | True | |
Date_Closed | Date | False |
Expected or actual date the oppportunity will close |
Date_Closed_Timestamp | String | True | |
Sales_Stage | String | False |
Indication of progression towards closure |
Probability | Int | True |
The probability of closure |
Commit_Stage | String | False |
Forecast commit ranges: Include, Likely, Omit etc. |
Draft | Int | True |
Is A Draft Version |
Next_Step | String | False |
The next step in the sales process |
Lead_Source | String | False |
Source of the product |
Product_Type | String | False |
Type of product ( from opportunities opportunity_type ex: Existing, New) |
List_Price | Decimal | True |
List price of product ( |
Cost_Price | Decimal | True |
Product cost ( |
Discount_Price | Decimal | True |
Discounted price ( |
Discount_Amount | Decimal | True |
Discounted amount |
Quantity | Int | True |
Quantity in use |
Total_Amount | Decimal | True | |
Parent_Deleted | Int | True |
Is Parent Deleted |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True |
The Geocode table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Parent_Type | String | False | |
Parent_Name | String | False | |
Parent_User_Name | String | False | |
Address | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Postalcode | String | False | |
Country | String | False | |
Latitude | Decimal | True | |
Longitude | Decimal | True | |
Geocoded | Bool | False | |
Error_Message | String | False |
The HintAccountsets table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Type | String | False | |
Category | String | False | |
Targets | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The HintEnrichFieldConfigs table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Config_Data | String | False | |
Created | Datetime | False | |
Synced | Bool | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The HintNewsNotifications table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Category | String | False | |
Title | String | False | |
Article_Date | Datetime | False | |
Photo_Url | String | False | |
Source_Url | String | False | |
Publisher | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The HintNotificationTargets table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Type | String | False | |
Credentials | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The Holidays table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Holiday_Date | Date | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Person_Id | String | False | |
Person_Type | String | False | |
Related_Module | String | False | |
Related_Module_Id | String | False | |
Resource_Name | String | False | |
Name | String | False |
The InboundEmail table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Eapm_Id | String | True | |
Authorized_Account | String | True | |
Auth_Type | String | True | |
Email_Provider | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deltion indicator |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Name | String | False |
Name given to the inbound email mailbox |
Status | String | False |
Status of the inbound email mailbox (ex: Active or Inactive) |
Server_Url | String | False |
Mail server URL |
Email_User | String | False |
User name allowed access to mail server |
Email_Password | String | False |
Password of user identified by email_user |
Port | Int | False |
Port used to access mail server |
Service | String | False | |
Mailbox | String | False | |
Delete_Seen | Bool | False |
Delete email from server once read (seen) |
Mailbox_Type | String | False | |
Template_Id | String | False |
Template used for auto-reply |
Stored_Options | String | False | |
Group_Id | String | False |
Group ID (unused) |
Is_Personal | Bool | False |
Personal account flag |
Groupfolder_Id | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The KBArticles table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Kbdocument_Id | String | False | |
Kbdocument_Name | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The KBContents table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Kbdocument_Body | String | True |
Article body |
Language | String | False | |
Active_Date | Date | False | |
Exp_Date | Date | False | |
Approved | Bool | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Viewcount | Int | True | |
Revision | Int | True | |
Useful | Int | True | |
Notuseful | Int | True | |
Attachment_List | String | True | |
Kbdocument_Id | String | False | |
Kbdocument_Name | String | True | |
Active_Rev | String | True |
Active revision flag |
Is_External | String | True |
External article flag |
Kbarticle_Id | String | False | |
Kbarticle_Name | String | True | |
Related_Languages | String | False | |
Kbsapprover_Id | String | False |
User who approved article |
Kbsapprover_Name | String | True | |
Kbscase_Id | String | False |
Related case |
Kbscase_Name | String | True | |
Category_Id | String | False |
Category ID |
Category_Name | String | True | |
Usefulness_User_Vote | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Parent_Name | String | False | |
Kbcontents_Calls_1_Name | String | True | |
Kbcontents_Calls_1calls_Idb | String | False | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The KBContentTemplates table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Body | String | True |
Template body |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The KBDocuments table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The Leads table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | True | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Salutation | String | False |
Contact salutation (e.g., Mr, Ms) |
First_Name | String | False |
First name of the contact |
Last_Name | String | False |
Last name of the contact |
Full_Name | String | True | |
Title | String | False |
The title of the contact |
String | False |
The facebook name of the user | |
String | False |
The twitter name of the user | |
Googleplus | String | False |
The google plus id of the user |
Department | String | False |
Department the lead belongs to |
Do_Not_Call | Bool | False |
An indicator of whether contact can be called |
Phone_Home | String | False |
Home phone number of the contact |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
Mobile phone number of the contact |
Phone_Work | String | False |
Work phone number of the contact |
Phone_Other | String | False |
Other phone number for the contact |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
Contact fax number |
Primary_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for primary address |
Primary_Address_Street_2 | String | False | |
Primary_Address_Street_3 | String | False | |
Primary_Address_City | String | False |
City for primary address |
Primary_Address_State | String | False |
State for primary address |
Primary_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
Postal code for primary address |
Primary_Address_Country | String | False |
Country for primary address |
Alt_Address_Street | String | False |
Street address for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Street_2 | String | False | |
Alt_Address_Street_3 | String | False | |
Alt_Address_City | String | False |
City for alternate address |
Alt_Address_State | String | False |
State for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
Postal code for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Country | String | False |
Country for alternate address |
Assistant | String | False |
Name of the assistant of the contact |
Assistant_Phone | String | False |
Phone number of the assistant of the contact |
Picture | String | False |
Avatar |
Converted | Bool | False |
Has Lead been converted to a Contact (and other Sugar objects) |
Refered_By | String | False |
Identifies who refered the lead |
Lead_Source | String | False |
Lead source (ex: Web, print) |
Lead_Source_Description | String | False |
Description of the lead source |
Status | String | False |
Status of the lead |
Status_Description | String | False |
Description of the status of the lead |
Reports_To_Id | String | False |
ID of Contact the Lead reports to |
Report_To_Name | String | True | |
Dp_Business_Purpose | String | True |
Business purposes consented for |
Dp_Consent_Last_Updated | Date | False |
Date consent last updated |
Dnb_Principal_Id | String | False |
Unique Id For DB Contact |
Account_Name | String | False |
Account name for lead |
Account_To_Lead | String | True | |
Account_Description | String | False |
Description of lead account |
Contact_Id | String | False |
If converted, Contact ID resulting from the conversion |
Contact_Name | String | True | |
Account_Id | String | False |
If converted, Account ID resulting from the conversion |
Opportunity_Id | String | False |
If converted, Opportunity ID resulting from the conversion |
Converted_Opp_Name | String | True | |
Opportunity_Name | String | False |
Opportunity name associated with lead |
Opportunity_Amount | String | False |
Amount of the opportunity |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
Campaign that generated lead |
Campaign_Name | String | True | |
C_Accept_Status_Fields | String | True | |
M_Accept_Status_Fields | String | True | |
Accept_Status_Id | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Name | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Calls | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Meetings | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Messages | String | False | |
Webtolead_Email1 | String | False |
Main email address of lead |
Webtolead_Email2 | String | False |
Secondary email address of lead |
Webtolead_Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False |
Indicator signaling if lead elects to opt out of email campaigns |
Webtolead_Invalid_Email | Bool | False |
Indicator that email address for lead is invalid |
Birthdate | Date | False |
The birthdate of the contact |
Portal_Name | String | False |
Portal user name when lead created via lead portal |
Portal_App | String | False |
Portal application that resulted in created of lead |
Business_Center_Name | String | True |
The name of the business center represented by the business_center_id field |
Business_Center_Id | String | False |
The business center to which the case is associated |
Website | String | False |
URL of website for the company |
Preferred_Language | String | False | |
Mkto_Sync | Bool | False |
Should the Lead be synced to Marketo |
Mkto_Id | Int | True |
Associated Marketo Lead ID |
Mkto_Lead_Score | Int | True | |
Ai_Conv_Score_Classification | String | True | |
Ai_Icp_Fit_Score_Classification | String | True | |
Market_Interest_Prediction_Score | String | True | |
Market_Score | Int | True | |
Ai_Conv_Score_Absolute | Decimal | True | |
Ai_Conv_Bin_Accuracy | Decimal | True | |
Ai_Conv_Multiplier | Decimal | True | |
Ai_Icp_Fit_Score_Absolute | Decimal | True | |
Ai_Icp_Fit_Bin_Accuracy | Decimal | True | |
Ai_Icp_Fit_Multiplier | Decimal | True | |
Hint_Account_Size | String | False |
Company Size |
Hint_Account_Industry | String | False |
Company Industry |
Hint_Account_Location | String | False |
Company Location |
Hint_Account_Description | String | False |
Company Description |
Hint_Job_2 | String | False |
Job 2 |
Hint_Education | String | False |
Education |
Hint_Education_2 | String | False |
Education 2 |
Hint_Facebook | String | False | |
Hint_Twitter | String | False | |
Hint_Industry_Tags | String | False |
industry tags |
Hint_Account_Founded_Year | String | False |
company founded year |
Hint_Account_Facebook_Handle | String | False |
company facebook |
Hint_Account_Twitter_Handle | String | False |
company twitter |
Hint_Account_Logo | String | False |
company logo |
Hint_Contact_Pic | String | False |
Hint Contact logo |
Hint_Photo | String | False |
person photo |
Hint_Phone_1 | String | False |
extra phone field |
Hint_Phone_2 | String | False |
extra phone field |
Hint_Account_Naics_Code_Lbl | String | False |
NAICS Code |
Hint_Account_Sic_Code_Label | String | False |
SIC Code |
Hint_Account_Fiscal_Year_End | String | False |
FY End |
Hint_Account_Annual_Revenue | String | False |
Annual Rev |
Hint_Account_Website | String | False |
company website |
Geocode_Status | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
String | False | ||
Email1 | String | False | |
Email2 | String | False | |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False | |
Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False | |
Email_Addresses_Non_Primary | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Perform_Sugar_Action | Bool | False | |
Hint_Job_2_C | String | False | |
Hint_Education_C | String | False | |
Hint_Twitter_C | String | False | |
Hint_Education_2_C | String | False | |
Hint_Facebook_C | String | False | |
Hint_Phone_1_C | String | False | |
Hint_Phone_2_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Annual_Revenue_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Description_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Facebook_Handle_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Fiscal_Year_End_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Founded_Year_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Industry_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Location_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Logo_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Naics_Code_Lbl_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Sic_Code_Label_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Size_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Twitter_Handle_C | String | False | |
Hint_Account_Website_C | String | False | |
Hint_Contact_Pic_C | String | False | |
Hint_Industry_Tags_C | String | False | |
Hint_Photo_C | String | False | |
Latitude_C | String | False | |
Longitude_C | String | False |
The Manufacturers table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
List_Order | Int | True |
Order within list |
Status | String | False |
Manufacturer status |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The Meetings table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
Meeting name |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Accept_Status | String | False | |
Set_Accept_Links | String | False | |
Location | String | False |
Meeting location |
Password | String | False |
Meeting password |
Join_Url | String | False |
Join URL |
Host_Url | String | False |
Host URL |
Displayed_Url | String | False |
Meeting URL |
Creator | String | False |
Meeting creator |
External_Id | String | False |
Meeting ID for external app API |
Duration_Hours | Int | False |
Duration (hours) |
Duration_Minutes | String | False |
Duration (minutes) |
Date_Start | Datetime | False |
Date of start of meeting |
Date_End | Datetime | True |
Date meeting ends |
Parent_Type | String | True |
Module meeting is associated with |
Status | String | False |
Meeting status (ex: Planned, Held, Not held) |
Type | String | False |
Meeting type (ex: WebEx, Other) |
Direction | String | False |
Indicates whether call is inbound or outbound |
Parent_Id | String | False |
ID of item indicated by parent_type |
Reminder_Checked | Bool | False |
checkbox indicating whether or not the reminder value is set (Meta-data only) |
Reminder_Time | String | False |
Specifies when a reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start |
Email_Reminder_Checked | Bool | False |
checkbox indicating whether or not the email reminder value is set (Meta-data only) |
Email_Reminder_Time | String | False |
Specifies when a email reminder alert should be issued; -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start |
Email_Reminder_Sent | Bool | False |
Whether email reminder is already sent |
Outlook_Id | String | False |
When the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook syncs an Outlook appointment, this is the Outlook appointment item ID |
Sequence | Int | True |
Meeting update sequence for meetings as per iCalendar standards |
Contact_Name | String | True | |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Accept_Status_Users | String | False | |
Internal_Notes | String | False |
Internal notes for the meeting |
Contact_Id | String | True | |
Repeat_Type | String | False |
Type of recurrence |
Repeat_Interval | Int | True |
Interval of recurrence |
Repeat_Dow | String | False |
Days of week in recurrence |
Repeat_Until | Date | False |
Repeat until specified date |
Repeat_Count | Int | True |
Number of recurrence |
Repeat_Selector | String | False |
Repeat selector |
Repeat_Days | String | False |
Days of month |
Repeat_Ordinal | String | False |
Repeat ordinal value |
Repeat_Unit | String | False |
Repeat unit value |
Repeat_Parent_Id | String | False |
Id of the first element of recurring records |
Recurrence_Id | Datetime | False |
Recurrence ID of meeting. Original meeting start date |
Recurring_Source | String | False |
Source of recurring meeting |
Send_Invites | Bool | False |
checkbox indicating whether or not to send out invites (Meta-data only) |
Invitees | String | True | |
Auto_Invite_Parent | Bool | False |
Flag to allow for turning off auto invite of parent record - (Meta-data only) |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Task_Template_Id | String | False | |
Cj_Activity_Tpl_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Sort_Order | String | False | |
Cj_Actual_Sort_Order | String | False | |
Customer_Journey_Score | Int | True | |
Cj_Momentum_Points | Int | True | |
Cj_Momentum_Score | Int | True | |
Cj_Allow_Activity_By | String | False | |
Customer_Journey_Progress | Double | True | |
Cj_Momentum_Ratio | Double | True | |
Customer_Journey_Points | String | False | |
Cj_Parent_Activity_Type | String | False | |
Customer_Journey_Blocked_By | String | False | |
Cj_Blocked_By_Stages | String | False | |
Is_Cj_Parent_Activity | Bool | False | |
Is_Customer_Journey_Activity | Bool | False | |
Cj_Momentum_Start_Date | Datetime | False | |
Cj_Momentum_End_Date | Datetime | False | |
Cj_Url | String | False | |
Cj_Parent_Activity_Id | String | False | |
Start_Next_Journey_Id | String | False |
The Messages table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Date_Start | Datetime | False | |
Date_End | Datetime | False | |
Parent_Type | String | True |
Sugar module the Message is associated with |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The ID of the Sugar item specified in parent_type |
Invitees | String | True | |
Accept_Status | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Users | String | False | |
Invitee_Lead_Id | String | True | |
Invitee_Lead_Name | String | True | |
Invitee_Contact_Id | String | True | |
Invitee_Contact_Name | String | True | |
Contact_Id | String | False | |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Contact_Name | String | True | |
Status | String | False | |
Direction | String | False | |
Channel_Type | String | False | |
Conversation_Link | String | False | |
Conversation | String | True | |
Aws_Contact_Id | String | True |
The AWS Connect Contact ID |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Aws_Comprehend_Data | String | False |
Raw data from the aws comprehend service |
Sentiment | String | False |
The sentiment string value (e.g POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, NEUTRAL, MIXED) |
The Metrics table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Metric_Module | String | False | |
Metric_Context | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Labels | String | False | |
Viewdefs | String | False | |
Filter_Def | String | False | |
Order_By_Primary | String | False | |
Order_By_Secondary | String | False | |
Order_By_Primary_Direction | String | False | |
Order_By_Secondary_Direction | String | False | |
Freeze_First_Column | Bool | False |
Decides if the first column should be frozen |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The MobileDevices table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Device_Id | String | False | |
Device_Platform | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The Notes table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
Name of the note |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
File_Mime_Type | String | False |
Attachment MIME type |
File_Ext | String | False | |
File_Source | String | False |
The name of the module where the attachment originated |
File_Size | Int | True |
Attachment File Size |
File_Url | String | False |
Path to file (can be URL) |
Filename | String | True |
File name associated with the note (attachment) |
Upload_Id | String | False |
File id under uploads/ dir. Set only for email attachments |
Email_Type | String | False |
The module of the record to which this note's file is attached (Emails or EmailTemplates) |
Email_Id | String | False |
Email or EmailTemplate ID to which this note is attached |
Note_Parent_Id | String | False |
The parent Note ID |
Parent_Type | String | True |
Sugar module the Note is associated with |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The ID of the Sugar item specified in parent_type |
Contact_Id | String | False |
Contact ID note is associated with |
Portal_Flag | Bool | False |
Portal flag indicator determines if note created via portal |
Embed_Flag | Bool | False |
Embed flag indicator determines if note embedded in email |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Contact_Name | String | True | |
Contact_Phone | String | True | |
Contact_Email | String | False | |
Account_Id | String | False | |
Opportunity_Id | String | False | |
Acase_Id | String | False | |
Lead_Id | String | False | |
Product_Id | String | False | |
Quote_Id | String | False | |
User_Name | String | True | |
External_Id | String | False |
External id of the external user |
Entry_Source | String | True |
Determines if a record was created internal to the system or external to the system |
Attachment_Flag | Bool | True |
Identify this note as an attachment to another record |
Attachment_List | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Source_Id | String | False | |
Source_Type | String | False | |
Source_Meta | String | False |
The Notifications table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | True |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Is_Read | Bool | False | |
Severity | String | False | |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Parent_Type | String | True |
Module notification is associated with. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
ID of item indicated by parent_type. |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The OAuthKeys table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
C_Key | String | False |
Consumer public key |
C_Secret | String | False |
Consumer secret key |
Oauth_Type | String | False |
Is this client an OAuth1 or OAuth2 client |
Client_Type | String | False |
What type of client does this key belong to, mobile, portal, UI or other. |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The OAuthTokens table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Secret | String | False |
Secret key |
Tstate | String | False |
Token state |
Consumer | String | False |
Token related to the consumer |
Token_Ts | String | False |
Token timestamp |
Expire_Ts | String | False |
Token expiration, defaults to -1 for no expiration date |
Verify | String | False |
Token verification info |
Download_Token | String | False |
A token used to download images and files. |
Platform | String | False |
Which platform is this token attached to |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Callback_Url | String | False |
Callback URL for Authorization |
Consumer_Name | String | True | |
Contact_Id | String | False |
Contact ID this oauth token is associated with (via portal) |
Contact_Name | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The Opportunities table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
Name of the opportunity |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Opportunity_Type | String | False |
Type of opportunity (ex: Existing, New) |
Account_Name | String | False | |
Account_Id | String | False | |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
Campaign that generated lead |
Campaign_Name | String | True | |
Lead_Source | String | False |
Source of the opportunity |
Amount | Decimal | True |
Unconverted amount of the opportunity |
Amount_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Formatted amount of the opportunity |
Date_Closed | Date | False |
Expected or actual date the oppportunity will close |
Date_Closed_Timestamp | String | True | |
Next_Step | String | False |
The next step in the sales process |
Sales_Stage | String | False |
Indication of progression towards closure |
Sales_Status | String | True | |
Probability | Int | True |
The probability of closure |
Best_Case | Decimal | True | |
Worst_Case | Decimal | True | |
Commit_Stage | String | False |
Forecast commit ranges: Include, Likely, Omit etc. |
Forecasted_Likely | Decimal | True |
Rollup of included RLIs on the Opportunity |
Lost | Decimal | True |
Rollup of lost RLIs on the Opportunity |
Commit_Stage_Cascade | String | False | |
Closed_Won_Revenue_Line_Items | Int | True | |
Service_Start_Date | Date | False |
Service start date field. |
Service_Open_Revenue_Line_Items | Int | True | |
Service_Start_Date_Cascade | Date | False | |
Total_Revenue_Line_Items | Int | True | |
Closed_Revenue_Line_Items | Int | True | |
Included_Revenue_Line_Items | Int | True | |
Renewal_Parent_Id | String | False | |
Renewal_Parent_Name | String | True | |
Widget_Sales_Stage | String | True | |
Widget_Date_Closed | String | True | |
Widget_Amount | String | True | |
Sales_Stage_Cascade | String | False | |
Date_Closed_Cascade | Date | False | |
Contact_Role | String | False | |
Ai_Opp_Conv_Score_Absolute | Decimal | True | |
Ai_Opp_Conv_Bin_Accuracy | Decimal | True | |
Ai_Opp_Conv_Multiplier | Decimal | True | |
Service_Duration_Value | Int | True |
Value of the service duration, if service duration is 4 Months the value is 4 |
Service_Duration_Unit | String | False |
Service duration unit: day, month, or year |
Service_Duration_Value_Cascade | Int | True | |
Service_Duration_Unit_Cascade | String | False | |
Service_Open_Flex_Duration_Rlis | Int | True | |
Geocode_Status | String | True | |
Mkto_Sync | Bool | False |
Should the Lead be synced to Marketo |
Mkto_Id | Int | True |
Associated Marketo Lead ID |
Ai_Opp_Close_Week_Scores | String | True | |
Renewal | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the opportunity is a renewal |
Ai_Opp_Conv_Score_Enum | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | True | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True | |
Is_Escalated | Bool | True |
Is this escalated? |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Perform_Sugar_Action | Bool | False | |
Denorm_Account_Name | String | False |
Name of the Company |
The OutboundEmail table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Eapm_Id | String | True | |
Name | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
User_Id | String | False | |
Email_Address_Id | String | False | |
Email_Address | String | False | |
Authorized_Account | String | True | |
Mail_Authtype | String | True | |
Reply_To_Name | String | False | |
Reply_To_Email_Address_Id | String | False | |
Reply_To_Email_Address | String | True | |
Mail_Sendtype | String | False | |
Mail_Smtptype | String | False | |
Mail_Smtpserver | String | False | |
Mail_Smtpport | Int | True | |
Mail_Smtpuser | String | False | |
Mail_Smtppass | String | True | |
Mail_Smtpauth_Req | Bool | False | |
Mail_Smtpssl | String | False | |
Preferred_Sending_Account | Bool | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
The PdfManager table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Base_Module | String | False | |
Published | String | False | |
Field | String | False | |
Body_Html | String | False | |
Template_Name | String | False | |
Author | String | False | |
Title | String | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
Keywords | String | False | |
Header_Title | String | False | |
Header_Text | String | False | |
Header_Logo | String | True |
PDF header logo |
Footer_Text | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The pmse_Business_Rules table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Rst_Uid | String | False | |
Rst_Type | String | False | |
Rst_Definition | String | False | |
Rst_Editable | Int | True | |
Rst_Source | String | False | |
Rst_Source_Definition | String | True | |
Rst_Module | String | False | |
Rst_Filename | String | False | |
Rst_Create_Date | Datetime | False | |
Rst_Update_Date | Datetime | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The pmse_Emails_Templates table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
From_Name | String | False | |
From_Address | String | False | |
Subject | String | False | |
Body | String | False | |
Body_Html | String | True | |
Type | String | False | |
Base_Module | String | False | |
Text_Only | String | True | |
Published | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The pmse_Inbox table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Cas_Id | Int | False | |
Cas_Parent | Int | False | |
Cas_Status | String | False | |
Pro_Id | String | False | |
Cas_Title | String | False | |
Pro_Title | String | False | |
Cas_Custom_Status | String | False | |
Cas_Init_User | String | False | |
Cas_Create_Date | Datetime | False | |
Cas_Update_Date | Datetime | False | |
Cas_Finish_Date | Datetime | False | |
Cas_Pin | String | False | |
Cas_Assigned_Status | String | False | |
Cas_Module | String | False | |
Act_Name | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The pmse_Project table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Prj_Uid | String | False | |
Prj_Target_Namespace | String | False | |
Prj_Expression_Language | String | False | |
Prj_Type_Language | String | False | |
Prj_Exporter | String | False | |
Prj_Exporter_Version | String | False | |
Prj_Author | String | False | |
Prj_Author_Version | String | False | |
Prj_Original_Source | String | False | |
Prj_Status | String | False |
Process Definition status (ex: Enabled, Disabled) |
Prj_Module | String | False | |
Prj_Run_Order | Int | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The ProductBundleNotes table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Description | String | True |
Note content |
Position | Int | True |
The ProductBundles table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Name | String | False |
Name of the group |
Bundle_Stage | String | False |
Processing stage of the group (ex: Draft) |
Description | String | False |
Group description |
Taxrate_Id | String | False | |
Tax | Decimal | True |
Tax rate applied to items in the group |
Tax_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Total tax for all items in group in USD |
Total | Decimal | True |
Total amount for all items in the group |
Total_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Total amount for all items in the group in USD |
Subtotal_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Group total minus tax and shipping in USD |
Shipping_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Shipping charge for group in USD |
Deal_Tot | Decimal | True |
discount amount |
Deal_Tot_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
discount amount |
New_Sub | Decimal | True |
Group total minus discount and tax and shipping |
New_Sub_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Group total minus discount and tax and shipping |
Subtotal | Decimal | True |
Group total minus tax and shipping |
Taxable_Subtotal | Decimal | True |
Rollup of all products marked as Taxable |
Shipping | Decimal | True |
Shipping charge for group |
Product_Bundle_Items | String | True | |
Position | Int | True | |
Default_Group | Bool | False | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True |
The ProductCategories table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
List_Order | Int | True |
Order within list |
Parent_Id | String | False |
Parent category of this item; used for multi-tiered categorization |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Type | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The Products table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
Name of the product |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Revenuelineitem_Id | String | False |
Associated Revenue Line Item that served as the source. |
Revenuelineitem_Name | String | True | |
Product_Template_Id | String | False |
Product (in Admin Products) from which this product is derived (in user Products) |
Product_Template_Name | String | True | |
Lock_Duration | Bool | False |
Turn on or off a user ability to directly edit the duration field |
Account_Id | String | True |
Account this product is associated with |
Contact_Id | String | False |
Contact this product is associated with |
Subtotal | Decimal | True |
The total of the line item before any discounts are applied, taking proration into consideration |
Total_Amount | Decimal | True | |
Contact_Name | String | True | |
Type_Id | String | False |
Product type (ex: hardware, software) |
Quote_Id | String | False |
If product created via Quote, this is quote ID |
Manufacturer_Id | String | False |
Manufacturer of product |
Manufacturer_Name | String | True | |
Category_Id | String | False |
Product category |
Category_Name | String | True | |
Mft_Part_Num | String | False |
Manufacturer part number |
Cost_Price | Decimal | True |
Product cost ( |
Discount_Amount_Signed | Decimal | True |
Discounted Amount Signed |
Discount_Price | Decimal | True |
Discounted price ( |
Discount_Amount | String | True |
Discounted amount |
Discount_Rate_Percent | Decimal | True | |
Discount_Amount_Usdollar | Decimal | True | |
Discount_Select | Bool | False | |
Deal_Calc | Decimal | True |
deal_calc |
Deal_Calc_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
deal_calc_usdollar |
Cost_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Cost expressed in USD |
Discount_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Discount price expressed in USD |
List_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
List price expressed in USD |
Status | String | False |
Product status (ex: Quoted, Ordered, Shipped) |
Book_Value_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Book value expressed in USD |
Date_Closed | Date | False |
Expected or actual date the product (for opportunity) will close |
Date_Closed_Timestamp | String | True | |
Next_Step | String | False |
The next step in the sales process |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
Campaign that generated lead |
Campaign_Name | String | True | |
Quote_Name | String | True |
Quote Name |
Opportunity_Id | String | False |
The opportunity id for the line item entry |
Opportunity_Name | String | True |
The opportunity name associated with the opportunity_id |
Type_Name | String | True | |
Account_Name | String | True | |
Position | Int | True | |
Parent_Rli_Id | String | False |
RLI this product was generated from |
Parent_Rli_Name | String | True | |
Add_On_To_Id | String | False |
Purchased line item that this is an add-on to |
Add_On_To_Name | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Asset_Number | String | False |
Asset tag number of sales item in use |
Book_Value | Decimal | True |
Book value of sales item in use |
Book_Value_Date | Date | False |
Date of book value for sales item in use |
Date_Purchased | Date | False |
Date sales item purchased |
Date_Support_Expires | Date | False |
Support expiration date |
Date_Support_Starts | Date | False |
Support start date |
List_Price | Decimal | True |
List price of sales item |
Pricing_Factor | Int | True |
Variable pricing factor depending on pricing_formula |
Pricing_Formula | String | False |
Pricing formula (ex: Fixed, Markup over Cost) |
Quantity | Decimal | True |
Quantity in use |
Serial_Number | String | False |
Serial number of sales item in use |
Renewable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the sales item is renewable (e.g. a service) |
Service | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the sales item is a service or a product |
Service_Duration_Value | Int | True |
Value of the service duration, if service duration is 4 Months the value is 4 |
Service_Duration_Unit | String | False |
Service Duration unit like Year(s), Month(s) or Day(s) |
Catalog_Service_Duration_Value | Int | True |
Stores a Product Catalog item's Service Duration Value, used for duration comparisons |
Catalog_Service_Duration_Unit | String | True |
Stores a Product Catalog item's Service Duration Unit, used for duration comparisons |
Service_Duration_Multiplier | Decimal | True |
Stores a multiplier based on the ratio of this sales item's duration to another duration (such as a Product Template's) |
Service_End_Date | String | True |
End date of the service |
Service_Start_Date | Date | False |
Start date of the service |
Support_Contact | String | False |
Contact for support purposes |
Support_Description | String | False |
Description of sales item for support purposes |
Support_Name | String | False |
Name of sales item for support purposes |
Support_Term | String | False |
Term (length) of support contract |
Tax_Class | String | False |
Tax classification (ex: Taxable, Non-taxable) |
Vendor_Part_Num | String | False |
Vendor part number |
Website | String | False |
Sales item URL |
Weight | Decimal | True |
Weight of the sales item |
Renewal | Bool | True |
Indicates whether this line item is a renewal |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True |
The ProductTemplates table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Type_Id | String | False |
Product type (ex: hardware, software) |
Manufacturer_Id | String | False |
Manufacturer of the product |
Manufacturer_Name | String | True | |
Category_Id | String | False |
Category of the product |
Category_Name | String | True | |
Type_Name | String | True | |
Mft_Part_Num | String | False |
Manufacturer part number |
Vendor_Part_Num | String | False |
Vendor part number |
Date_Cost_Price | Date | False |
Starting date cost price is valid |
Cost_Price | Decimal | False |
Product cost ( |
Discount_Price | Decimal | False |
Discounted price ( |
List_Price | Decimal | False |
List price of product ( |
Cost_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Cost expressed in USD |
Discount_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Discount price expressed in USD |
List_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
List price expressed in USD |
Status | String | False |
Product status (not used in product Catalog) |
Tax_Class | String | False |
Tax classification (ex: Taxable, Non-taxable) |
Active_Status | String | False |
Active status (ex: Active, Inactive or Retired) |
Date_Available | Date | False |
Availability date |
Website | String | False |
Product URL |
Weight | Decimal | True |
Weight of the product |
Qty_In_Stock | Int | True |
Quantity on hand |
Support_Name | String | False |
Name of product for support purposes |
Support_Description | String | False |
Description of product for support purposes |
Support_Contact | String | False |
Contact for support purposes |
Support_Term | String | False |
Term (length) of support contract |
Pricing_Formula | String | True |
Pricing formula (ex: Fixed, Markup over Cost) |
Pricing_Factor | Decimal | True |
Variable pricing factor depending on pricing_formula |
Service_Duration_Value | Int | True |
Value of the service duration, if service duration is 4 Months the value is 4 |
Service_Duration_Unit | String | False |
Service Duration unit like Year(s), Month(s) or Day(s) |
Renewable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the sales item is renewable (e.g. a service) |
Service | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the sales item is a service or a product |
Lock_Duration | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the duration can be manually changed |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The ProductTypes table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Product type description |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
List_Order | Int | False |
Order within list |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The Project table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User assigned to this record |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False |
Project name |
Description | String | False |
Project description |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Estimated_Start_Date | Date | False | |
Estimated_End_Date | Date | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
Is_Template | Bool | False |
Should be checked if the project is a template |
Total_Estimated_Effort | Int | True | |
Total_Actual_Effort | Int | True | |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The ProjectTask table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True | |
Project_Id | String | False | |
Project_Task_Id | Int | True | |
Name | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Resource_Id | String | False | |
Resource_Name | String | False | |
Predecessors | String | False | |
Date_Start | Date | False | |
Time_Start | Int | True | |
Time_Finish | Int | True | |
Date_Finish | Date | False | |
Duration | Int | False | |
Duration_Unit | String | False | |
Actual_Duration | Int | True | |
Percent_Complete | Int | True | |
Date_Due | Date | False | |
Time_Due | String | True | |
Parent_Task_Id | Int | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Priority | String | False | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Milestone_Flag | Bool | False | |
Order_Number | Int | True | |
Task_Number | Int | True | |
Estimated_Effort | Int | True | |
Actual_Effort | Int | True | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Utilization | Int | True | |
Project_Name | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The ProspectLists table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Name | String | False | |
List_Type | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Domain_Name | String | False | |
Entry_Count | Int | True | |
Marketing_Id | String | False | |
Marketing_Name | String | False | |
Tag | String | False | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Commentlog | String | True |
The PubSub_ModuleEvent_PushSubs table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Expiration_Date | Datetime | False |
Subscriptions last 7 days and must be updated to be extended |
Target_Module | String | False |
Send notifications regarding this module |
Token | String | False |
An arbitrary string delivered to the destination with each notification |
Webhook_Url | String | False |
Send notifications to this webhook |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The PurchasedLineItems table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
Name of the product |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Annual_Revenue | Decimal | True | |
Book_Value_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Book value expressed in USD |
Cost_Price | Decimal | True |
Product cost |
Cost_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Cost expressed in USD |
Date_Closed | Date | False |
Expected or actual date the purchased line item will close |
Date_Closed_Timestamp | String | True | |
Deal_Calc | Decimal | True |
Calculated Revenue or Loss |
Deal_Calc_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Calculated Revenue or Loss in US Dollars |
Discount_Amount | String | True |
Discounted amount (Displayed as Total Discount Amount) |
Discount_Amount_Signed | Decimal | True |
Discounted Amount Signed |
Discount_Amount_Usdollar | Decimal | True | |
Discount_Price | Decimal | False |
Discounted price ( |
Discount_Select | Bool | False | |
Discount_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Discount price expressed in USD |
List_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
List price expressed in USD |
Mft_Part_Num | String | False |
Manufacturer part number |
Revenue | Decimal | False | |
Revenue_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Revenue expressed in USD |
Total_Amount | Decimal | True | |
Subtotal | Decimal | True |
The total of the line item before any discounts are applied, taking any proration into consideration |
Category_Id | String | False |
Product category |
Category_Name | String | True | |
Manufacturer_Id | String | False |
Manufacturer of product |
Manufacturer_Name | String | True | |
Product_Template_Id | String | False |
Product (in Admin Products) from which this purchased item is derived. |
Product_Template_Name | String | True | |
Lock_Duration | Bool | False |
Turn on or off a user ability to directly edit the duration field |
Product_Type_Id | String | False |
Product type (ex: hardware, software) |
Product_Type_Name | String | True | |
Purchase_Id | String | False |
Purchase which spawned this PLI |
Purchase_Name | String | False | |
Revenuelineitem_Id | String | False |
If PLI was created from RLI, this is that RLIs ID |
Revenuelineitem_Name | String | True |
RLI Name |
Renewal_Opp_Id | String | False |
Renewal opportunity of this PLI |
Renewal_Opp_Name | String | True | |
Account_Id | String | False |
Account related to the parent Purchase of this PLI |
Account_Name | String | True | |
Status | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Asset_Number | String | False |
Asset tag number of sales item in use |
Book_Value | Decimal | True |
Book value of sales item in use |
Book_Value_Date | Date | False |
Date of book value for sales item in use |
Date_Purchased | Date | False |
Date sales item purchased |
Date_Support_Expires | Date | False |
Support expiration date |
Date_Support_Starts | Date | False |
Support start date |
List_Price | Decimal | True |
List price of sales item |
Pricing_Factor | Int | True |
Variable pricing factor depending on pricing_formula |
Pricing_Formula | String | False |
Pricing formula (ex: Fixed, Markup over Cost) |
Quantity | Decimal | True |
Quantity in use |
Serial_Number | String | False |
Serial number of sales item in use |
Renewable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the sales item is renewable (e.g. a service) |
Service | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the sales item is a service or a product |
Service_Duration_Value | Int | True |
Value of the service duration, if service duration is 4 Months the value is 4 |
Service_Duration_Unit | String | False |
Service Duration unit like Year(s), Month(s) or Day(s) |
Catalog_Service_Duration_Value | Int | True |
Stores a Product Catalog item's Service Duration Value, used for duration comparisons |
Catalog_Service_Duration_Unit | String | True |
Stores a Product Catalog item's Service Duration Unit, used for duration comparisons |
Service_Duration_Multiplier | Decimal | True |
Stores a multiplier based on the ratio of this sales item's duration to another duration (such as a Product Template's) |
Service_End_Date | String | True |
End date of the service |
Service_Start_Date | Date | False |
Start date of the service |
Support_Contact | String | False |
Contact for support purposes |
Support_Description | String | False |
Description of sales item for support purposes |
Support_Name | String | False |
Name of sales item for support purposes |
Support_Term | String | False |
Term (length) of support contract |
Tax_Class | String | False |
Tax classification (ex: Taxable, Non-taxable) |
Vendor_Part_Num | String | False |
Vendor part number |
Website | String | False |
Sales item URL |
Weight | Decimal | True |
Weight of the sales item |
Renewal | Bool | True |
Indicates whether this line item is a renewal |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True | |
Denorm_Account_Name | String | False |
Name of the Company |
The Purchases table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Start_Date | Date | True |
Start date of the purchase |
End_Date | Date | True |
End date of the purchase |
Service | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the purchase is a service |
Total_Revenue | Decimal | True | |
Total_Quantity | Decimal | True | |
Pli_Count | Int | True | |
Renewable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the purchase is renewable |
Product_Template_Id | String | False | |
Product_Template_Name | String | True | |
Account_Name | String | False | |
Account_Id | String | False | |
Type_Id | String | False |
Product type (ex: hardware, software] |
Type_Name | String | True | |
Category_Id | String | False |
Product category |
Category_Name | String | True | |
Pli_Collection | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True | |
Purchases_Contacts_1_Name | String | True | |
Purchases_Contacts_1contacts_Idb | String | False |
The PushNotifications table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Is_Sent | Bool | False | |
Notification_Type | String | False |
Type of notification, eg, record_assignment. |
Parent_Type | String | True |
Module notification is associated with. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
ID of item indicated by parent_type. |
Extra_Data | String | False |
JSON encoded string containing extra data. |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The Quotas table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
User_Id | String | False | |
User_Name | String | False | |
User_Full_Name | String | False | |
Timeperiod_Id | String | False | |
Quota_Type | String | False | |
Amount | Decimal | False | |
Amount_Base_Currency | Decimal | False | |
Committed | Bool | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True |
The Quotes table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Shipper_Id | String | False | |
Shipper_Name | String | True |
Shipper Name |
Taxrate_Id | String | False | |
Taxrate_Name | String | True |
Tax Rate Name |
Taxrate_Value | Decimal | True |
Tax Rate Value |
Show_Line_Nums | Bool | False | |
Quote_Type | String | False | |
Date_Quote_Expected_Closed | Date | False | |
Original_Po_Date | Date | False | |
Payment_Terms | String | False | |
Date_Quote_Closed | Date | False | |
Date_Order_Shipped | Date | False | |
Order_Stage | String | False | |
Quote_Stage | String | False | |
Purchase_Order_Num | String | False | |
Quote_Num | Int | False | |
Subtotal | Decimal | True | |
Subtotal_Usdollar | Decimal | True | |
Shipping | Decimal | True | |
Shipping_Usdollar | Decimal | True | |
Discount | Decimal | True | |
Deal_Tot | Decimal | True | |
Deal_Tot_Discount_Percentage | Double | True | |
Deal_Tot_Usdollar | Decimal | True | |
New_Sub | Decimal | True | |
New_Sub_Usdollar | Decimal | True | |
Taxable_Subtotal | Decimal | True |
Rollup of product bundles taxable_subtotal values |
Tax | Decimal | True | |
Tax_Usdollar | Decimal | True | |
Total | Decimal | True | |
Total_Usdollar | Decimal | True | |
Billing_Address_Street | String | False | |
Billing_Address_City | String | False | |
Billing_Address_State | String | False | |
Billing_Address_Postalcode | String | False | |
Billing_Address_Country | String | False | |
Shipping_Address_Street | String | False | |
Shipping_Address_City | String | False | |
Shipping_Address_State | String | False | |
Shipping_Address_Postalcode | String | False | |
Shipping_Address_Country | String | False | |
Shipping_Account_Name | String | True | |
Shipping_Account_Id | String | True | |
Shipping_Contact_Name | String | True | |
Shipping_Contact_Id | String | True | |
Account_Name | String | True | |
Account_Id | String | True | |
Billing_Account_Name | String | False | |
Billing_Account_Id | String | True | |
Billing_Contact_Name | String | True | |
Billing_Contact_Id | String | True | |
Bundles | String | True | |
Opportunity_Name | String | True | |
Opportunity_Id | String | True | |
Renewal | Bool | True |
Indicates whether this quote is a renewal |
Geocode_Status | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | False | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True | |
Denorm_Billing_Account_Name | String | False |
Name of the Company |
The Releases table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Name | String | False | |
List_Order | Int | True | |
Status | String | False |
The ReportMaker table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Name | String | False | |
Title | String | False | |
Report_Align | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Scheduled | Bool | False | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The Reports table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Module | String | False | |
Report_Type | String | False | |
Content | String | True | |
Is_Published | Bool | False | |
Last_Run_Date | Datetime | False | |
Report_Cache_Id | String | False | |
Chart_Type | String | False | |
Schedule_Type | String | False | |
Favorite | Bool | False | |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The ReportSchedules table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
User_Id | String | False | |
Report_Id | String | False | |
Report_Name | String | False | |
Date_Start | Datetime | False | |
Time_Interval | String | False | |
Next_Run | Datetime | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
Schedule_Type | String | False |
Legacy field. ent for advanced reports, pro for regular reports |
File_Type | String | False |
File type for scheduled report attachment |
Embed_Report | String | False |
Embed report in email |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The RevenueLineItems table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
Name of the product |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Product_Template_Id | String | False |
Product (in Admin Products) from which this product is derived (in user Products) |
Product_Template_Name | String | True | |
Lock_Duration | Bool | False |
Turn on or off a user ability to directly edit the duration field |
Account_Id | String | False |
Account this product is associated with |
Subtotal | Decimal | True |
Stores the total of the line item before any discounts are applied, taking proration into consideration |
Total_Amount | Decimal | True | |
Type_Id | String | False |
Product type (ex: hardware, software) |
Quote_Id | String | False |
If product created via Quote, this is quote ID |
Manufacturer_Id | String | False |
Manufacturer of product |
Manufacturer_Name | String | True | |
Category_Id | String | False |
Product category |
Category_Name | String | True | |
Mft_Part_Num | String | False |
Manufacturer part number |
Cost_Price | Decimal | True |
Product cost ( |
Discount_Price | Decimal | True |
Discounted price ( |
Discount_Amount | String | True |
Discounted amount |
Discount_Select | Bool | False | |
Discount_Rate_Percent | Decimal | True | |
Discount_Amount_Usdollar | Decimal | True | |
Discount_Amount_Signed | Decimal | True |
Discounted Amount Signed |
Deal_Calc | Decimal | True |
deal_calc |
Deal_Calc_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
deal_calc_usdollar |
Cost_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Cost expressed in USD |
Discount_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Discount price expressed in USD |
List_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
List price expressed in USD |
Status | String | False |
Product status (ex: Quoted, Ordered, Shipped) |
Book_Value_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Book value expressed in USD |
Generate_Purchase | String | False |
Generate Purchase Options (ex: Yes, No, Completed) |
Purchasedlineitem_Id | String | False |
If PLI was created from this RLI, this is that PLIs ID |
Purchasedlineitem_Name | String | True |
PLI Name |
Best_Case | Decimal | True | |
Likely_Case | Decimal | False | |
Worst_Case | Decimal | True | |
Date_Closed | Date | False |
Expected or actual date the product (for opportunity) will close |
Date_Closed_Timestamp | String | True | |
Next_Step | String | False |
The next step in the sales process |
Commit_Stage | String | False |
Forecast commit category: Include, Likely, Omit etc. |
Sales_Stage | String | False |
Indication of progression towards closure |
Probability | Int | True |
The probability of closure |
Lead_Source | String | False |
Source of the product |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
Campaign that generated lead |
Campaign_Name | String | True | |
Forecasted_Likely | Decimal | True |
Rollup of included RLIs on the Opportunity |
Quote_Name | String | True |
Quote Name |
Opportunity_Id | String | False |
The opportunity id for the line item entry |
Opportunity_Name | String | False |
The opportunity name associated with the opportunity_id |
Product_Type | String | False |
Type of product ( from opportunities opportunity_type ex: Existing, New) |
Type_Name | String | True | |
Account_Name | String | True | |
Add_On_To_Id | String | False |
Purchased line item that this is an add-on to |
Add_On_To_Name | String | True | |
Renewal_Rli_Id | String | False |
Renewal RLI of this RLI, set during renewal generation |
Renewal_Rli_Name | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Asset_Number | String | False |
Asset tag number of sales item in use |
Book_Value | Decimal | True |
Book value of sales item in use |
Book_Value_Date | Date | False |
Date of book value for sales item in use |
Date_Purchased | Date | False |
Date sales item purchased |
Date_Support_Expires | Date | False |
Support expiration date |
Date_Support_Starts | Date | False |
Support start date |
List_Price | Decimal | True |
List price of sales item |
Pricing_Factor | Int | True |
Variable pricing factor depending on pricing_formula |
Pricing_Formula | String | False |
Pricing formula (ex: Fixed, Markup over Cost) |
Quantity | Decimal | True |
Quantity in use |
Serial_Number | String | False |
Serial number of sales item in use |
Renewable | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the sales item is renewable (e.g. a service) |
Service | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the sales item is a service or a product |
Service_Duration_Value | Int | True |
Value of the service duration, if service duration is 4 Months the value is 4 |
Service_Duration_Unit | String | False |
Service Duration unit like Year(s), Month(s) or Day(s) |
Catalog_Service_Duration_Value | Int | True |
Stores a Product Catalog item's Service Duration Value, used for duration comparisons |
Catalog_Service_Duration_Unit | String | True |
Stores a Product Catalog item's Service Duration Unit, used for duration comparisons |
Service_Duration_Multiplier | Decimal | True |
Stores a multiplier based on the ratio of this sales item's duration to another duration (such as a Product Template's) |
Service_End_Date | String | True |
End date of the service |
Service_Start_Date | Date | False |
Start date of the service |
Support_Contact | String | False |
Contact for support purposes |
Support_Description | String | False |
Description of sales item for support purposes |
Support_Name | String | False |
Name of sales item for support purposes |
Support_Term | String | False |
Term (length) of support contract |
Tax_Class | String | False |
Tax classification (ex: Taxable, Non-taxable) |
Vendor_Part_Num | String | False |
Vendor part number |
Website | String | False |
Sales item URL |
Weight | Decimal | True |
Weight of the sales item |
Renewal | Bool | True |
Indicates whether this line item is a renewal |
Currency_Id | String | False | |
Base_Rate | String | True | |
Currency_Name | String | True | |
Currency_Symbol | String | True | |
Denorm_Account_Name | String | False |
Name of the Company |
The SavedSearch table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Name | String | False | |
Search_Module | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False | |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False | |
Contents | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The Schedulers table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Job | String | False | |
Job_Url | String | False | |
Job_Function | String | False | |
Date_Time_Start | Datetime | False | |
Date_Time_End | Datetime | False | |
Job_Interval | String | False | |
Adv_Interval | Bool | False | |
Time_From | String | True | |
Time_To | String | True | |
Last_Run | Datetime | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Catch_Up | Bool | False | |
System_Job | Bool | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The ShiftExceptions table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Timezone | String | False |
Time Zone in which this Shift Exception operates |
Shift_Exception_Type | String | False |
The Shift Exception is of this type |
All_Day | Bool | False |
The Shift Exception is all day or not |
Start_Date | Date | False |
The start date of the shift exception |
Start_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this shift exception starts |
Start_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this shift exception starts |
End_Date | Date | False |
The end date of the shift exception |
End_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this shift exception ends |
End_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this shift exception ends |
Enabled | Bool | False |
An indicator of whether shift exception is enabled |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The Shifts table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Timezone | String | False |
Time Zone in which this Shift operates |
Date_Start | Date | False |
Date in which shift is schedule to (or did) start |
Date_End | Date | False |
Date is which shift is scheduled to (or did) end |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Is_Open_Sunday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Sunday |
Sunday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Sunday |
Sunday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Sunday |
Sunday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Sunday |
Sunday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Sunday |
Is_Open_Monday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Monday |
Monday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Monday |
Monday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Monday |
Monday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Monday |
Monday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Monday |
Is_Open_Tuesday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Tuesday |
Tuesday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Tuesday |
Tuesday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Tuesday |
Tuesday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Tuesday |
Tuesday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Tuesday |
Is_Open_Wednesday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Wednesday |
Wednesday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Wednesday |
Wednesday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Wednesday |
Wednesday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Wednesday |
Wednesday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Wednesday |
Is_Open_Thursday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Thursday |
Thursday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Thursday |
Thursday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Thursday |
Thursday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Thursday |
Thursday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Thursday |
Is_Open_Friday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Friday |
Friday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Friday |
Friday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Friday |
Friday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Friday |
Friday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Friday |
Is_Open_Saturday | Bool | False |
Explicit marker for if this business center is open on Saturday |
Saturday_Open_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is open on Saturday |
Saturday_Open_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is open on Saturday |
Saturday_Close_Hour | String | False |
The hour portion of the time this business center is closed on Saturday |
Saturday_Close_Minutes | String | False |
The minute portion of the time this business center is closed on Saturday |
The Shippers table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
List_Order | Int | True | |
Default_Cost | Decimal | True |
Default cost (Shown) |
Default_Cost_Usdollar | Decimal | True | |
Status | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The Styleguide table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | True | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the styleguide page |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Salutation | String | False |
Contact salutation (e.g., Mr, Ms) |
First_Name | String | False |
First name of the contact |
Last_Name | String | False |
Last name of the contact |
Full_Name | String | True | |
Title | String | True |
Title of the Styleguide page |
String | False |
The facebook name of the user | |
String | False |
The twitter name of the user | |
Googleplus | String | False |
The google plus id of the user |
Department | String | False |
The department of the contact |
Do_Not_Call | Bool | False |
Whether or not to allow calls to contact |
Phone_Home | String | False |
Don't call to this number |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
Mobile phone number of the contact |
Phone_Work | String | False |
Work phone number of the contact |
Phone_Other | String | False |
Other phone number for the contact |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
Contact fax number |
Primary_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for primary address |
Primary_Address_Street_2 | String | False | |
Primary_Address_Street_3 | String | False | |
Primary_Address_City | String | False |
City for primary address |
Primary_Address_State | String | False |
State for primary address |
Primary_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
Postal code for primary address |
Primary_Address_Country | String | False |
Country for primary address |
Alt_Address_Street | String | False |
Street address for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Street_2 | String | False | |
Alt_Address_Street_3 | String | False | |
Alt_Address_City | String | False |
City for alternate address |
Alt_Address_State | String | False |
State for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
Postal code for alternate address |
Alt_Address_Country | String | False |
Country for alternate address |
Assistant | String | False |
Name of the assistant of the contact |
Assistant_Phone | String | False |
Phone number of the assistant of the contact |
Picture | String | False |
Image to be used as an avatar |
Parent_Type | String | True |
Sugar module the Note is associated with |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The ID of the Sugar item specified in parent_type |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
File_Mime_Type | String | False |
Attachment MIME type |
File_Url | String | False |
Path to file (can be URL) |
Filename | String | True |
File name associated with the note (attachment) |
Currency_Id | String | False |
Currency of the product |
List_Price | Decimal | True |
List price of product ( |
Website | String | False |
URL of website for the company |
Birthdate | Date | False |
The birthdate of the contact |
Secret_Password | String | True |
Your password will be saved securely |
User_Email | String | False |
Emails can also have a big help description to further enhance the user experience |
Date_Start | Datetime | False |
Date of start of meeting |
Radio_Button_Group | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
String | False | ||
Email1 | String | False | |
Email2 | String | False | |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False | |
Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False | |
Email_Addresses_Non_Primary | String | False | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The Subscriptions table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Parent_Type | String | False | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The SugarFavorites table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Name of the feed |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Module | String | False | |
Record_Id | String | False | |
Record_Name | String | True | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The SugarLive table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Enabled_Modules | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The Tags table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Name_Lower | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Source_Id | String | False | |
Source_Type | String | False | |
Source_Meta | String | False | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The Tasks table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Status | String | False | |
Date_Due_Flag | Bool | False | |
Date_Due | Datetime | False | |
Time_Due | Datetime | False | |
Date_Start_Flag | Bool | False | |
Date_Start | Datetime | False | |
Parent_Type | String | True |
The Sugar object to which the call is related |
Parent_Name | String | True | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Contact_Id | String | False | |
Contact_Name | String | True | |
Contact_Phone | String | True | |
Contact_Email | String | False | |
Priority | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User ID assigned to record |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Subworkflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Id | String | False | |
Dri_Workflow_Template_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Task_Template_Id | String | False | |
Cj_Activity_Tpl_Name | String | True | |
Dri_Workflow_Sort_Order | String | False | |
Cj_Actual_Sort_Order | String | False | |
Customer_Journey_Score | Int | True | |
Cj_Momentum_Points | Int | True | |
Cj_Momentum_Score | Int | True | |
Cj_Allow_Activity_By | String | False | |
Customer_Journey_Progress | Double | True | |
Cj_Momentum_Ratio | Double | True | |
Customer_Journey_Points | String | False | |
Cj_Parent_Activity_Type | String | False | |
Customer_Journey_Blocked_By | String | False | |
Cj_Blocked_By_Stages | String | False | |
Is_Cj_Parent_Activity | Bool | False | |
Is_Customer_Journey_Activity | Bool | False | |
Cj_Momentum_Start_Date | Datetime | False | |
Cj_Momentum_End_Date | Datetime | False | |
Cj_Url | String | False | |
Cj_Parent_Activity_Id | String | False | |
Start_Next_Journey_Id | String | False | |
Customer_Journey_Type | String | False | |
Cj_Activity_Start_Date | Datetime | True | |
Cj_Activity_Completion_Date | Datetime | True | |
Cj_Days_To_Complete | String | True |
The TaxRates table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Value | Decimal | False | |
List_Order | Int | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The TeamNotices table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False | |
Date_Start | Date | False | |
Date_End | Date | False | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Name | String | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Url | String | False | |
Url_Title | String | False | |
Team_Id | String | False |
Team ID for the account |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Names | String | True |
The Teams table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Name_2 | String | False | |
Associated_User_Id | String | False | |
Private | Bool | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The TimePeriods table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Name | String | True | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Start_Date | Date | False | |
Start_Date_Timestamp | Int | False | |
End_Date | Date | False | |
End_Date_Timestamp | Int | False | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Is_Fiscal | Bool | False | |
Is_Fiscal_Year | Bool | False | |
Leaf_Cycle | Int | True | |
Type | String | False |
Time Period to be Forecast over |
The TrackerPerfs table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | True | |
Monitor_Id | String | False | |
Server_Response_Time | Double | True | |
Db_Round_Trips | Int | True | |
Files_Opened | Int | True | |
Memory_Usage | Int | True | |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The TrackerQueries table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | True | |
Query_Id | String | False | |
Text | String | False | |
Query_Hash | String | False | |
Sec_Total | Double | True | |
Sec_Avg | Double | True | |
Run_Count | Int | True | |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The Trackers table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | True | |
Monitor_Id | String | False | |
User_Id | String | False | |
Module_Name | String | False | |
Item_Id | String | False | |
Item_Summary | String | False | |
Team_Id | String | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True | |
Action | String | False | |
Session_Id | String | False | |
Visible | Bool | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
The TrackerSessions table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | True | |
Session_Id | String | False | |
Date_Start | Datetime | False | |
Date_End | Datetime | False | |
Seconds | Int | True | |
Client_Ip | String | False | |
User_Id | String | False | |
Active | Bool | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
The Users table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
User_Name | String | False | |
User_Hash | String | True | |
System_Generated_Password | Bool | False | |
Pwd_Last_Changed | Datetime | False | |
Authenticate_Id | String | False | |
Sugar_Login | Bool | False | |
Picture | String | False | |
First_Name | String | False | |
Last_Name | String | False | |
Full_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | True | |
Is_Admin | Bool | False | |
External_Auth_Only | Bool | False | |
Receive_Notifications | Bool | False | |
Send_Email_On_Mention | Bool | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False | |
Last_Login | Datetime | True | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Title | String | False | |
Department | String | False | |
Phone_Home | String | False | |
Phone_Mobile | String | False | |
Phone_Work | String | False | |
Phone_Other | String | False | |
Phone_Fax | String | False | |
Status | String | False | |
Address_Street | String | False | |
Address_City | String | False | |
Address_State | String | False | |
Address_Country | String | False | |
Address_Postalcode | String | False | |
Usertype | String | False | |
License_Type | String | False | |
Default_Team | String | False | |
Team_Id | String | False | |
Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Acl_Team_Set_Id | String | False | |
Business_Center_Name | String | True |
The name of the business center represented by the business_center_id field |
Business_Center_Id | String | False |
The business center to which the case is associated |
Team_Count | String | False | |
Team_Name | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Portal_Only | Bool | False | |
Show_On_Employees | Bool | False | |
Employee_Status | String | False | |
Messenger_Id | String | False | |
Messenger_Type | String | False | |
Reports_To_Id | String | False | |
Reports_To_Name | String | True | |
Email1 | String | False | |
String | False | ||
Email_Link_Type | String | False | |
Is_Group | Bool | False | |
C_Accept_Status_Fields | String | True | |
M_Accept_Status_Fields | String | True | |
Accept_Status_Id | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Name | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Calls | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Meetings | String | False | |
Accept_Status_Messages | String | False | |
Preferred_Language | String | False | |
Acl_Role_Set_Id | String | False | |
Site_User_Id | String | True | |
Cookie_Consent | Bool | False |
Indicator whether this user accepts cookies |
Cookie_Consent_Received_On | Datetime | False |
Date cookie consent received on |
Sync_Key | String | True | |
Customer_Journey_Access | Bool | True | |
Customer_Journey_Last_Active | Datetime | True | |
Previously_Licensed_C | Bool | False |
The UserSignatures table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
User_Id | String | False | |
Signature | String | False | |
Signature_Html | String | False | |
Is_Default | Bool | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The VisualPipeline table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Enabled_Module | String | False | |
Table_Header | String | False | |
Hidden_Values | String | False | |
Tile_Header | String | False | |
Tile_Body_Fields | String | False | |
Records_Per_Column | String | False | |
Available_Columns | String | False |
An array of white-listed column names |
Show_Column_Count | Bool | False | |
Show_Column_Total | Bool | False | |
Total_Field | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Tag | String | False | |
Commentlog | String | True | |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The WebLogicHooks table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier |
Name | String | False |
Hook name |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True |
User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator |
Webhook_Target_Module | String | False | |
Request_Method | String | False | |
Url | String | False |
URL of website for the company |
Trigger_Event | String | False | |
Following | Bool | False |
Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | True | |
Sync_Key | String | True |
The WorkFlow table.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | |
Deleted | Bool | False | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False | |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False | |
Modified_User_Id | String | True | |
Created_By | String | True | |
Name | String | False | |
Base_Module | String | False | |
Status | Bool | False | |
Description | String | False | |
Type | String | False | |
Fire_Order | String | False | |
Parent_Id | String | False | |
Record_Type | String | False | |
List_Order_Y | Int | True |
Name | Description |
Activities | The Activities view. |
Audit | The Audit view. |
DropDownValues | The DropDownValues View. This view provides information regarding the values of dropdowns from different fields and modules. |
Relationships | The Relationships View. This view provides information regarding different relationships between tables. |
The Activities view.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Unique identifier |
Name | String | |
Date_Entered | Datetime | Date record created |
Date_Modified | Datetime | Date record last modified |
Modified_User_Id | String | User who last modified record |
Modified_By_Name | String | |
Created_By | String | User who created record |
Created_By_Name | String | |
Description | String | |
Deleted | Bool | Record deletion indicator |
Parent_Id | String | |
Parent_Type | String | |
Activity_Type | String | |
Data | String | |
Comment_Count | Int | |
Last_Comment | String | |
Following | Bool | Is user following this record |
My_Favorite | Bool | Favorite for the user |
Locked_Fields | String | |
Sync_Key | String |
The Audit view.
When querying Audit, you can get Audit logs by specifying the Module name (this is required):
SELECT * FROM Audit WHERE Module = 'Contacts'
Allowed values for Module are: Accounts, KBDocuments, RevenueLineItems, Contacts, Opportunities, Leads
If you want to get Audit logs for a single Module Id, the Audit parent_id needs to be tied to the ID that belongs to the module, for instance:
SELECT * FROM Audit WHERE Module = 'Contacts' AND parent_id = '9d46a91c-43bf-11e8-a83c-0681183120c1'
Name | Type | Description |
Parent_Id | String | |
Date_Created | Datetime | |
Created_By | String | |
Created_By_Username | String | |
Field_Name | String | |
Data_Type | String | |
Before_Value_String | String | |
After_Value_String | String | |
Before | String | |
After | String |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Module | String |
The DropDownValues View. This view provides information regarding the values of dropdowns from different fields and modules.
When querying DropDownValues, you can create label fields for an existing dropdown list (which is tied to an existing module.) You can get these values simply by specifying the Module name (this is required):
SELECT * FROM DropDownValues WHERE Module = 'Accounts'
If you want to create a custom dropdown list, you can do so, however, the dropdown list needs to be tied to a custom field that belongs to the module, for instance:
SELECT * FROM DropDownValues WHERE Module = 'Accounts' AND Field = 'myCustomDropdown_c
Note that you may need to create a new custom field: Go to the Admin Panel > Studio > Accounts > Fields > Add Field.
Set type as Dropdown and set Drop Down List to the custom dropdown list you've created.
Name | Type | Description |
Module | String | The module containing this dropdown item. |
Field | String | The field containing this dropdown item. |
ItemName | String | The name of the dropdown item. |
DisplayLabel | String | The display label of the dropdown item. |
The Relationships View. This view provides information regarding different relationships between tables.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | The name of the relationship. |
DynamicSubpanel | String | The dynamic subpanel of the relationship. |
JoinKeyLhs | String | The lhs join key of the relationship. |
JoinKeyRhs | String | The rhs join key of the relationship. |
JoinTable | String | The name of join table. |
LhsKey | String | The lhs key of the relationship. |
LhsModule | String | The lhs module of the relationship. |
LhsTable | String | The lhs table of the relationship. |
RelationshipRoleColumn | String | The name of the relationship role column. |
RelationshipRoleColumnValue | String | The value of the relationship role column. |
RelationshipType | String | The type of the relationship. |
PrimaryFlagColumn | String | The name of the primary flag column. |
PrimaryFlagDefault | String | The default value of the primary flag. |
PrimaryFlagSide | String | The side of the primary flag. |
RhsKey | String | The rhs key of the relationship. |
RhsModule | String | The rhs module of the relationship. |
RhsTable | String | The rhs table of the relationship. |
TrueRelationshipType | String | The true type of the relationship. |
UserField | String | The name of the user field. |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、SugarCRM の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにSugarCRM から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
以下のテーブルは、SugarCRM のデータベースメタデータを返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SchemaName | String | スキーマ名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | テーブル名またはビュー名。 |
TableType | String | テーブルの種類(テーブルまたはビュー)。 |
Description | String | テーブルまたはビューの説明。 |
IsUpdateable | Boolean | テーブルが更新可能かどうか。 |
次のクエリは、Accounts テーブルのカラムとデータ型を返します。
SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Accounts'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | カラムを含むテーブルまたはビューの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | カラム名。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | カラムのストレージサイズ。 |
DisplaySize | Int32 | 指定されたカラムの通常の最大幅(文字数)。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの最大桁数。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | カラムのスケール(小数点以下の桁数)。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | カラムがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
Description | String | カラムの簡単な説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | カラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
IsAutoIncrement | String | カラムに固定増分値が割り当てられるかどうか。 |
IsGeneratedColumn | String | 生成されたカラムであるかどうか。 |
IsHidden | Boolean | カラムが非表示かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | カラムが配列かどうか。 |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | カラムが読み取り専用かどうか。 |
IsKey | Boolean | sys_tablecolumns から返されたフィールドがテーブルの主キーであるかどうか。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマ。 |
ProcedureName | String | ストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
Description | String | ストアドプロシージャの説明。 |
ProcedureType | String | PROCEDURE やFUNCTION などのプロシージャのタイプ。 |
次のクエリは、StoredProc ストアドプロシージャのすべての入力パラメータについての情報を返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='StoredProc' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマの名前。 |
ProcedureName | String | パラメータを含むストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | ストアドプロシージャパラメータの名前。 |
Direction | Int32 | パラメータのタイプに対応する整数値:input (1)。input/output (2)、またはoutput(4)。input/output タイプパラメータは、入力パラメータと出力パラメータの両方になれます。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | 文字データの場合は、許可される文字数。数値データの場合は、許可される桁数。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの場合は最大精度。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | 数値データの小数点以下の桁数。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | パラメータがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
IsRequired | Boolean | プロシージャの実行にパラメータが必要かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | パラメータが配列かどうか。 |
Description | String | パラメータの説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
次のクエリは、Accounts テーブルの主キーを取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Accounts'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
IsKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照されるテーブル内の主キーかどうか。 |
IsForeignKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照される外部キーかどうか。 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
ForeignKeyType | String | 外部キーがインポート(他のテーブルを指す)キーかエクスポート(他のテーブルから参照される)キーかを指定します。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前。 |
KeySeq | String | 主キーのシーケンス番号。 |
KeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | インデックスを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | インデックスを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | インデックスを含むテーブルの名前。 |
IndexName | String | インデックス名。 |
ColumnName | String | インデックスに関連付けられたカラムの名前。 |
IsUnique | Boolean | インデックスが固有の場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
IsPrimary | Boolean | インデックスが主キーの場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
Type | Int16 | インデックスタイプに対応する整数値:statistic (0)、clustered (1)、hashed (2)、またはother (3)。 |
SortOrder | String | 並べ替え順序:A が昇順、D が降順。 |
OrdinalPosition | Int16 | インデックスのカラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
このテーブルをクエリする際は、config 接続文字列を使用する必要があります。
SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | 接続プロパティ名。 |
ShortDescription | String | 簡単な説明。 |
Type | String | 接続プロパティのデータ型。 |
Default | String | 明示的に設定されていない場合のデフォルト値。 |
Values | String | 可能な値のカンマ区切りリスト。別な値が指定されていると、検証エラーがスローされます。 |
Value | String | 設定した値またはあらかじめ設定されたデフォルト。 |
Required | Boolean | プロパティが接続に必要かどうか。 |
Category | String | 接続プロパティのカテゴリ。 |
IsSessionProperty | String | プロパティが、現在の接続に関する情報を保存するために使用されるセッションプロパティかどうか。 |
Sensitivity | String | プロパティの機密度。これは、プロパティがロギングおよび認証フォームで難読化されているかどうかを通知します。 |
PropertyName | String | キャメルケースの短縮形の接続プロパティ名。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
CatOrdinal | Int32 | パラメータカテゴリのインデックス。 |
Hierarchy | String | このプロパティと一緒に設定する必要がある、関連のある依存プロパティを表示します。 |
Visible | Boolean | プロパティが接続UI に表示されるかどうかを通知します。 |
ETC | String | プロパティに関するその他のさまざまな情報。 |
Cloud がデータソースにオフロードできるSELECT クエリ処理について説明します。
SQL 構文の詳細については、SQL 準拠 を参照してください。
以下はSQL 機能のサンプルデータセットです。 SELECT 機能のいくつかの側面がサポートされている場合には、カンマ区切りのリストで返されます。サポートされていない場合、カラムにはNO が入ります。
名前 | 説明 | 有効な値 |
COUNT | COUNT 関数がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための開始文字。 | [ |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための終了文字。 | ] |
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS | サポートされているSQL 演算子。 | =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR |
GROUP_BY | GROUP BY がサポートされているかどうか。サポートされている場合、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE |
OUTER_JOINS | 外部結合がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
SUBQUERIES | サブクエリがサポートされているかどうか。サポートされていれば、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, COMPARISON, EXISTS, IN, CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES, QUANTIFIED |
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES | レプリケーション中にスキップされたテーブルを示します。 | |
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS | レプリケーション中に更新判断のカラムとして使用するかどうかを、(指定された順に)チェックするカラムのリストを含む文字列の配列。 | |
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN | 識別子としてどの文字列が有効かを示す文字列値。 | |
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION | プロバイダーが、コミットやロールバックなどのトランザクションをサポートしているかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DIALECT | 使用するSQL ダイアレクトを示します。 | |
KEY_PROPERTIES | Uniform データベースを特定するプロパティを示します。 | |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS | プロバイダー用に複数のスキームが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS | プロバイダー用に複数のカタログが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DATASYNCVERSION | このドライバーにアクセスするために必要な、CData Sync のバージョン。 | Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise |
DATASYNCCATEGORY | このドライバーのCData Sync カテゴリ。 | Source, Destination, Cloud Destination |
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL | API で提供されている以上の、追加SQL 機能がサポートされているかどうか。 | TRUE, FALSE |
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS | バッチ操作がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS | 使用したいcacheOptions を指定する文字列値。 | |
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY | ドライバーがEntity Framework の高度なクエリをサポートしているかどうかを示します。サポートしていなければ、クエリはクライアントサイドで処理されます。 | YES, NO |
PSEUDO_COLUMNS | 利用可能な疑似カラムを示す文字列の配列。 | |
MERGE_ALWAYS | 値がtrue であれば、CData Sync 内でMerge Model が強制的に実行されます。 | TRUE, FALSE |
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmin を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_START_DATE | レプリケート開始日を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmax を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE | 初回のレプリケートで、レプリケートをチャンクに分割しないテーブルのリスト。 | |
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID | CheckCache 構文を親キーカラムに対して実行するかどうかを示します。 | TRUE, FALSE |
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES | スキーマファイルの生成に使用できる、ストアドプロシージャを示します。 |
次のクエリは、WHERE 句で使用できる演算子を取得します。
WHERE 句では、個々のテーブルの制限や要件が異なる場合がありますので注意してください。詳しくは、データモデル セクションを参照してください。
Name | Type | Description |
NAME | String | SQL 構文のコンポーネント、またはサーバー上で処理できる機能。 |
VALUE | String | サポートされるSQL またはSQL 構文の詳細。 |
次のクエリは、バッチ処理で変更された行のId を取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | データ変更処理から返された、データベース生成Id。 |
Batch | String | バッチの識別子。1 は単一処理。 |
Operation | String | バッチ内の処理の結果:INSERTED、UPDATED、またはDELETED。 |
Message | String | SUCCESS、またはバッチ内の更新が失敗した場合のエラーメッセージ。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
User | 認証で使用されるSugarCRM ユーザーアカウント。 |
Password | ユーザーの認証で使用されるパスワード。 |
APIVersion | The version of the SugarCRM used. |
URL | The URL of the SugarCRM account in the form 'http://{sugar crm instance}.com'. |
Platform | The SugarCRM platform that you want to use during your session. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Pagesize | The maximum number of results to return per page from SugarCRM. |
AggregateColumnMode | Controls how aggregate columns are treated by the provider. |
LinkColumnsMode | Controls how the 'link' type columns are exposed by the provider provider. |
UseDisplayNames | Set this to true to use the table and column names from the UI. By default, the provider displays the API names for tables and columns. |
DisplayLanguage | The language used with the provider. This affects table names, view names and column names. |
IncludeRelationships | Set this to true if you want to expose relationship columns, which give you the ability to query objects in relation to other objects. |
IncludeFiltersAsViews | Set this to true if you want to expose filters for the modules as views. |
ModulesFiltersList | Each SugarCRM module has named filters. This property enables you to control the list of filters that the provider exposes (as a view) for each module. |
IncludeReports | Set this to true if you want to expose reports as views. |
ReportModulesList | In SugarCRM, each report is built upon a specific module. This connection property enables you to control the list of reports the provider exposes as Views. |
FlattenReportObjects | Specifies whether or not to flatten the objects' data for report views. |
FlattenReportsArrayDepth | Specifies the maximum depth of array elements to flatten for report views. |
IncludeDeleted | Specify whether to get deleted records. |
ServerSideOrderBy | Set this to true if you want to perform the order by operation server-side. Keep in mind that having or creating indexes results in the best query performance. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
RowScanDepth | テーブルで利用可能なカラムを探すためにスキャンする行数の最大値。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なAuthentication プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
User | 認証で使用されるSugarCRM ユーザーアカウント。 |
Password | ユーザーの認証で使用されるパスワード。 |
APIVersion | The version of the SugarCRM used. |
URL | The URL of the SugarCRM account in the form 'http://{sugar crm instance}.com'. |
Platform | The SugarCRM platform that you want to use during your session. |
認証で使用されるSugarCRM ユーザーアカウント。
このフィールドは、Password とともに、SugarCRM サーバーに対して認証をするために使われます。
The version of the SugarCRM used.
The SugarCRM API version used by default is v11_22.
The URL of the SugarCRM account in the form 'http://{sugar crm instance}.com'.
The URL of the SugarCRM account in the form http://{sugar crm instance}.com.
The SugarCRM platform that you want to use during your session.
Use this connection property if you are encountering a login conflict (error during authentication).
You can set it to the value of one of the platforms that you have created in SugarCRM's UI.
To create a new platform in SugarCRM:
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なLogging プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Pagesize | The maximum number of results to return per page from SugarCRM. |
AggregateColumnMode | Controls how aggregate columns are treated by the provider. |
LinkColumnsMode | Controls how the 'link' type columns are exposed by the provider provider. |
UseDisplayNames | Set this to true to use the table and column names from the UI. By default, the provider displays the API names for tables and columns. |
DisplayLanguage | The language used with the provider. This affects table names, view names and column names. |
IncludeRelationships | Set this to true if you want to expose relationship columns, which give you the ability to query objects in relation to other objects. |
IncludeFiltersAsViews | Set this to true if you want to expose filters for the modules as views. |
ModulesFiltersList | Each SugarCRM module has named filters. This property enables you to control the list of filters that the provider exposes (as a view) for each module. |
IncludeReports | Set this to true if you want to expose reports as views. |
ReportModulesList | In SugarCRM, each report is built upon a specific module. This connection property enables you to control the list of reports the provider exposes as Views. |
FlattenReportObjects | Specifies whether or not to flatten the objects' data for report views. |
FlattenReportsArrayDepth | Specifies the maximum depth of array elements to flatten for report views. |
IncludeDeleted | Specify whether to get deleted records. |
ServerSideOrderBy | Set this to true if you want to perform the order by operation server-side. Keep in mind that having or creating indexes results in the best query performance. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
RowScanDepth | テーブルで利用可能なカラムを探すためにスキャンする行数の最大値。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
The maximum number of results to return per page from SugarCRM.
The Pagesize property affects the maximum number of results the Cloud returns per page from SugarCRM. Setting a higher value may result in better performance at the cost of additional memory consumption per page.
Note: The default max supported value is 1000.
Controls how aggregate columns are treated by the provider.
The available aggregate column modes are detailed below:
Ignore | All aggregate will be ignored and will not show up as available columns in the table definition. |
List | Aggregate columns will be listed in all tables, but on base tables such as Contacts, they will not retrieve data from SugarCRM. |
ListAndRetrieve | Aggregate columns will be listed and requested on all tables. Note that when this mode is activated, primitive columns that are also part of the aggregates will be returned as NULL. For example, in the Accounts table, the Team_Id column, which is also part of the Team_Name aggregate, will be returned as NULL. |
Controls how the 'link' type columns are exposed by the provider provider.
The available options are detailed below:
Ignore | All 'link' type columns will not be pushed by the provider. |
Include | The 'link' type columns are used only for the Insertion of the related objects. This mode is useful for cases when we need to add relationships between Parent-Child objects. For instance, if we need to add comments to a Call we can use the 'commentlog_link' column and provide a comma-separated list of comment ids. |
Set this to true to use the table and column names from the UI. By default, the provider displays the API names for tables and columns.
Set this to true to use the table and column names from the UI.
Set this to false to use the API names for tables and columns.
The language used with the provider. This affects table names, view names and column names.
"English US"
The default language used is 'English US'.
Available languages are: Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English UK, English US, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish Latin America, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian.
Set this to true if you want to expose relationship columns, which give you the ability to query objects in relation to other objects.
Relationships are the basis for linking information within the SugarCRM system. The relationships are exposed by the Cloud in the form of views. Set this to true if you want to expose relationship Views.
For example:
SELECT * FROM REL_account_tasks = '514b69aa-41e0-11ea-a5ef-02424563122e' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE accounts_contacts = 'e9b69b60-41e0-11ea-82f2-02424563122e' SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE accounts_notes_1 = '514b69aa-41e0-11ea-a5ef-02424563122e' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE accounts_notes_1 IN ('4a6cd5de-f40e-11ea-99f0-02f85148f4a4', '456ffdc2-f40e-11ea-86ca-02f85148f4a4')
Set this to true if you want to expose filters for the modules as views.
You can query the filtered modules like you would query the views:
SELECT * FROM [Filter_Cases_Open Cases]
where "Cases" is the name of the module and "Open Cases" is the name of the filter applied to that module.
Use the connection property ModulesFiltersList to control the list of filters that the Cloud exposes (as a View) for each module.
Each SugarCRM module has named filters. This property enables you to control the list of filters that the provider exposes (as a view) for each module.
"Accounts, Leads, Opportunities, Sales Order, Quotes, Calendar, Reports, Emails, Calls, Meetings, Tasks, Notes, NDA, Tracking Numbers, Cases"
These views have the following naming convention: Filter_{{module_name}}_{{filtername}}. For example: [Filter_Cases_Open Cases]
By default, we expose the modules listed on the Top menu bar in SugarCRM UI.
If you need more/fewer modules, you can specify them in a comma-separated list.
Set the value to * to expose the Filters for all modules.
**Note: The names on the list must be the original English names of the modules.
For the full list of filters in your system, please query the 'Filters' table.
Set this to true if you want to expose reports as views.
You can query the reports like you would query the views:
SELECT * FROM [Report_Revenues per industry (2021)]
where "Revenues per industry (2021)" is the name of the report.
If you experience performance issues, use the connection properties Pagesize and RowScanDepth to control how the driver queries the report metadata.
In SugarCRM, each report is built upon a specific module. This connection property enables you to control the list of reports the provider exposes as Views.
"Accounts, Leads, Opportunities, Sales Order, Quotes, Calendar, Reports, Emails, Calls, Meetings, Tasks, Notes, NDA, Tracking Numbers, Cases"
By default, we expose the modules listed on the Top menu bar in SugarCRM UI.
If you need more/fewer modules you can specify them in a comma-separated list.
Set this connection property to * if you like to expose the Reports for all modules.
**Note: The names on the list must be the original English names of the modules.
For the full list of filters in your system, please query the 'Reports' table.
Specifies whether or not to flatten the objects' data for report views.
If false, only the first-level objects are displayed as columns, and the values of non-primitive objects are pushed as JSON aggregates.
To access the values of those aggregates, you can use the JSON_EXTRACT function.
The default value is true.
Specifies the maximum depth of array elements to flatten for report views.
By default, the value is set to 0, meaning that only the first level will be pushed.
If the value is set to -1, all the levels will be flattened.
The nested values of non-primitive objects will be pushed as JSON aggregates.
To access the values of those aggregates you can use the JSON_EXTRACT function.
Specify whether to get deleted records.
Set this to true in order to retrieve deleted records in the result set.
Set this to true if you want to perform the order by operation server-side. Keep in mind that having or creating indexes results in the best query performance.
For more information, please refer to the SugarCRM Indexes Documentation.
By default, this is set to true.
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
大きい値を設定すると、パフォーマンスが低下する場合があります。小さい値を設定すると、特にnull データがある場合には、データ型を正しく判定できない場合があります。
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Cloud は例外をスローします。