CData Sync App は、SugarCRM データをデータベース、データレイク、またはデータウェアハウスに継続的にパイプライン化する簡単な方法を提供し、分析、レポート、AI、および機械学習で簡単に利用できるようにします。
SugarCRM コネクタはCData Sync アプリケーションから使用可能で、SugarCRM からデータを取得して、サポートされている任意の同期先に移動できます。
Sync App アプリケーションの接続 ページに移動し、接続の追加 パネルで対応するアイコンを選択して、SugarCRM への接続を作成します。SugarCRM アイコンが利用できない場合は、Add More アイコンをクリックしてCData サイトからSugarCRM コネクタをダウンロードおよびインストールします。
SugarCRM への接続を確立するには以下を指定します。
Sync App をSugarCRM に認証するには、以下を有効なSugarCRM ユーザー資格情報に設定する必要があります。
デフォルトでは、SugarCRM は"sugar" クライアントId を認証に使用しますが、ユーザーはカスタムアプリのクライアントId とクライアントシークレットの値を指定することができます。
このセクションでは、SugarCRM Sync App の高度な機能を厳選して説明します。
Sync App を使用すると、事前設定されたクエリによって内容が決定されるユーザー定義ビューと呼ばれる仮想テーブルを定義できます。 このビューは、ドライバーに発行されるクエリを直接制御できない場合に有効です。 カスタムビューの作成と設定の概要については、ユーザー定義ビュー を参照してください。
SSL の設定 を使用して、Sync App が証明書のネゴシエーションをどのように扱うかを調整します。さまざまな証明書形式を選択できます。 詳しくは、接続文字列オプションにあるSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows プロキシとHTTP プロキシを含むファイアウォールとプロキシ に合致するようSync App を設定します。トンネル接続を設定することもできます。
Sync App は、SugarCRM にできるだけ多くのSELECT ステートメント処理をオフロードし、残りのクエリをクライアント側のインメモリで処理します。
詳しくはクエリ処理 を参照してください。
CData ログを調整するために使用可能な設定の概要については、ログ を参照してください。基本的なロギングでは、 次の2つの接続プロパティを設定するだけです。LogModules 接続プロパティを使用してログに記録する情報のサブセットを選択できる、 より洗練されたロギングをサポートする多数の機能があります。
デフォルトでは、Sync App はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
CData Sync App は、SugarCRM のモジュールをリレーショナルテーブル としてモデル化します。
テーブル定義は動的に取得されます。Sync App は、SugarCRM に接続し、適切なWeb サービスを呼び出してテーブルのリストとテーブルのメタデータを取得します。 Sync App を使用して接続すると、新しいテーブルの追加、新しい列の追加、列のデータ型の変更など、SugarCRM アカウントに対して行う変更は即座に反映されます。
Sync App は、テーブル に記載されていないSugarCRM アカウントにもカスタムモジュールを公開できます。普通のテーブルと同様に、このカスタムモジュールに対してクエリを実行できます。さらに、標準モジュールのカスタムフィールドをクエリすることができます。
このセクションでは、SugarCRM 開発環境に含まれるサンプルテーブル定義を示します。
Sync App はSugarCRM のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるテーブルのリストにモデル化します。
一般的には、SugarCRM テーブルのクエリは、リレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのクエリと同じです。時には特別なケースもあります。例えば、テーブルの特定のカラムデータを取得するために特定のカラムをWHERE 句に含める必要がある場合などです。これは通常、特定のカラムを取得するために行ごとに個別のリクエストを行う必要がある場合に必要です。これらの特別な状況は、以下にリンクされているテーブルページの上部に明確に文書化されています。
Name | Description |
Accounts | Create, update, delete, and query the Accounts module in SugarCRM. |
ACLRoles | Create, update, delete, and query the ACLRoles module in SugarCRM. |
Activities | Create, update, delete, and query the Activities module in SugarCRM. |
Administration | Create, update, delete, and query the Administration module in SugarCRM. |
Bugs | Create, update, delete, and query the Bugs module in SugarCRM. |
Calls | Create, update, delete, and query the Calls module in SugarCRM. |
CampaignLog | Create, update, delete, and query the CampaignLog module in SugarCRM. |
Campaigns | Create, update, delete, and query the Campaigns module in SugarCRM. |
CampaignTrackers | Create, update, delete, and query the CampaignTrackers module in SugarCRM. |
Cases | Create, update, delete, and query the Cases module in SugarCRM. |
Comments | Create, update, delete, and query the Comments module in SugarCRM. |
Contacts | Create, update, delete, and query the Contacts module in SugarCRM. |
Contracts | Create, update, delete, and query the Contracts module in SugarCRM. |
ContractTypes | Create, update, delete, and query the ContractTypes module in SugarCRM. |
Currencies | Create, update, delete, and query the Currencies module in SugarCRM. |
CustomQueries | Create, update, delete, and query the CustomQueries module in SugarCRM. |
DataSets | Create, update, delete, and query the DataSets module in SugarCRM. |
DocumentRevisions | Create, update, delete, and query the DocumentRevisions module in SugarCRM. |
Documents | Create, update, delete, and query the Documents module in SugarCRM. |
EAPM | Create, update, delete, and query the EAPM (external API module) in SugarCRM. |
EmailAddresses | Create, update, delete, and query the EmailAddresses module in SugarCRM. |
EmailMarketing | Create, update, delete, and query the EmailMarketing module in SugarCRM. |
Emails | Create, update, delete, and query the Emails module in SugarCRM. |
EmailTemplates | Create, update, delete, and query the EmailTemplates module in SugarCRM. |
Employees | Create, update, delete, and query the Employees module in SugarCRM. |
Filters | Create, update, delete, and query the Filters module in SugarCRM. |
ForecastManagerWorksheets | Create, update, delete, and query the ForecastManagerWorksheets module in SugarCRM. |
Forecasts | Create, update, delete, and query the Forecasts module in SugarCRM. |
ForecastSchedule | Create, update, delete, and query the ForecastSchedule module in SugarCRM. |
ForecastWorksheets | Create, update, delete, and query the ForecastWorksheets module in SugarCRM. |
InboundEmail | Create, update, delete, and query the InboundEmail module in SugarCRM. |
KBDocuments | Create, update, delete, and query the KBDocuments module in SugarCRM. |
Leads | Create, update, delete, and query the Leads module in SugarCRM. |
Manufacturers | Create, update, delete, and query the Manufacturers module in SugarCRM. |
Meetings | Create, update, delete, and query the Meetings module in SugarCRM. |
Notes | Create, update, delete, and query the Notes module in SugarCRM. |
Notifications | Create, update, delete, and query the Notifications module in SugarCRM. |
OAuthKeys | Create, update, delete, and query the OAuthKeys module in SugarCRM. |
OAuthTokens | Create, update, delete, and query the OAuthTokens module in SugarCRM. |
Opportunities | Create, update, delete, and query the Opportunities module in SugarCRM. |
PdfManager | Create, update, delete, and query the PdfManager module in SugarCRM. |
ProductCategories | Create, update, delete, and query the ProductCategories module in SugarCRM. |
Products | Create, update, delete, and query the Products module in SugarCRM. |
ProductTemplates | Create, udpate, delete, and query the ProductTemplates module in SugarCRM. |
ProductTypes | Create, udpate, delete, and query the ProductTypes module in SugarCRM. |
Project | Create, update, delete, and query the Project module in SugarCRM. |
ProjectTask | Create, update, delete, and query the ProjectTask module in SugarCRM. |
ProspectLists | Create, update, delete, and query the ProspectLists module in SugarCRM. |
Prospects | Create, update, delete, and query the Prospects module in SugarCRM. |
Quotas | Create, update, delete, and query the Quotas module in SugarCRM. |
Quotes | Create, update, delete, and query the Quotes module in SugarCRM. |
Releases | Create, update, delete, and query the Releases module in SugarCRM. |
ReportMaker | This is a table representing the ReportMaker module in SugarCRM. |
Reports | This is a table representing the Reports module in SugarCRM. |
Reports_1 | This is a table representing the Reports module in SugarCRM. |
RevenueLineItems | This is a table representing the RevenueLineItems module in SugarCRM. |
Roles | This is a table representing the Roles module in SugarCRM. |
SavedSearch | This is a table representing the SavedSearch module in SugarCRM. |
Schedulers | This is a table representing the Schedulers module in SugarCRM. |
Shippers | This is a table representing the Shippers module in SugarCRM. |
Styleguide | This is a table representing the Styleguide module in SugarCRM. |
Subscriptions | This is a table representing the Subscriptions module in SugarCRM. |
SugarFavorites | This is a table representing the SugarFavorites module in SugarCRM. |
Tasks | This is a table representing the Tasks module in SugarCRM. |
TaxRates | This is a table representing the TaxRates module in SugarCRM. |
TeamNotices | This is a table representing the TeamNotices module in SugarCRM. |
Teams | This is a table representing the Teams module in SugarCRM. |
TimePeriods | This is a table representing the TimePeriods module in SugarCRM. |
TrackerPerfs | This is a table representing the TrackerPerfs module in SugarCRM. |
TrackerQueries | This is a table representing the TrackerQueries module in SugarCRM. |
Trackers | This is a table representing the Trackers module in SugarCRM. |
TrackerSessions | This is a table representing the TrackerSessions module in SugarCRM. |
Users | This is a table representing the Users module in SugarCRM. |
UserSignatures | This is a table representing the UserSignatures module in SugarCRM. |
WebLogicHooks | This is a table representing the WebLogicHooks module in SugarCRM. |
WorkFlow | This is a table representing the WorkFlow module in SugarCRM. |
Sync App は、テーブル に記載されていないSugarCRM アカウントにもカスタムモジュールを公開できます。普通のテーブルと同様に、このカスタムモジュールに対してクエリを実行できます。さらに、標準モジュールのカスタムフィールドをクエリすることができます。
Create, update, delete, and query the Accounts module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the company. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the company. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
String | False |
The email address for the company. | |
Email1 | String | False |
The alternate email address for the company. |
Email2 | String | False |
The second alternate email addres for the company. |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False |
Whether the email address of the company has been marked as invalid. |
Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False |
Whether the company has opted out of emails. |
Email_Addresses_Non_Primary | String | False |
The nonprimary email addresses of the company. |
String | False |
The Facebook name of the company. | |
String | False |
The Twitter name of the company. | |
Googleplus | String | False |
The Google Plus name of the company. |
Account_Type | String | False |
The type of the company. |
Industry | String | False |
The industry that the company belongs in. |
Annual_Revenue | String | False |
Annual revenue for this company. |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
The fax phone number of this company. |
Billing_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for the billing address. |
Billing_Address_Street_2 | String | False |
The second line of the billing address. |
Billing_Address_Street_3 | String | False |
The third line of the billing address. |
Billing_Address_Street_4 | String | False |
The fourth line of the billing address. |
Billing_Address_City | String | False |
The city used for the billing address. |
Billing_Address_State | String | False |
The state used for the billing address. |
Billing_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code used for the billing address. |
Billing_Address_Country | String | False |
The country used for the billing address. |
Rating | String | False |
An arbitrary rating for this company for use in comparisons with others. |
Phone_Office | String | False |
The office phone number. |
Phone_Alternate | String | False |
An alternate phone number. |
Website | String | False |
The URL of the website for the company. |
Ownership | String | False |
The ownership of the company. |
Employees | String | False |
Number of employees. Can be a number (100) or range (50-100) |
Ticker_Symbol | String | False |
The stock trading (ticker) symbol for the company. |
Shipping_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for for shipping purposes. |
Shipping_Address_Street_2 | String | False |
The second line of the shipping address. |
Shipping_Address_Street_3 | String | False |
The third line of the shipping address. |
Shipping_Address_Street_4 | String | False |
The fourth line of the shipping address. |
Shipping_Address_City | String | False |
The city used for the shipping address. |
Shipping_Address_State | String | False |
The state used for the shipping address. |
Shipping_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The ZIP code used for the shipping address. |
Shipping_Address_Country | String | False |
The country used for the shipping address. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent of this account. |
Sic_Code | String | False |
SIC code of the account. |
Duns_Num | String | False |
DUNS number of the account. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The name of the parent of this account. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The campaign that generated the account. |
Campaign_Name | String | False |
The first campaign name for the account. |
Create, update, delete, and query the ACLRoles module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the ACL role. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
The role name. |
Description | String | False |
The role description. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Activities module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name for the record. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the record. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent for the record. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The type of the parent for the record. |
Activity_Type | String | False |
The type of the activity. |
Data | String | False |
The data for the record. |
Comment_Count | Int | False |
The number of comments for the record. |
Last_Comment | String | False |
The last comment for the record. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Administration module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Category | String | False |
Settings are grouped under this category; arbitraily defined based on requirements. |
Name | String | False |
The name given to the setting. |
Value | String | False |
The value given to the setting. |
Platform | String | False |
The platform to use to send back the setting via the API. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Bugs module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Name | String | False |
The short description of the bug. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Bug_Number | Int | True |
The visual unique identifier. |
Type | String | False |
The type of issue (e.g., issue or feature). |
Status | String | False |
The status of the issue. |
Priority | String | False |
An indication of the priority of the issue. |
Resolution | String | False |
An indication of how the issue was resolved. |
System_Id | Int | False |
The system Id. |
Work_Log | String | False |
Free-form text used to denote activities of interest. |
Found_In_Release | String | False |
The software or service release that manifested the bug. |
Release_Name | String | False |
The name of the software or service release. |
Fixed_In_Release | String | False |
The software or service release that corrected the bug. |
Fixed_In_Release_Name | String | False |
The name of the software or service release that corrected the bug. |
Source | String | False |
An indicator of how the bug was entered (e.g., via Web or email). |
Product_Category | String | False |
Where the bug was discovered (e.g., Accounts, Contacts, or Leads). |
Portal_Viewable | Bool | False |
Whether the bug is viewable in the portal. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Calls module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the call. |
Name | String | False |
A brief description of the call. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Duration_Hours | Int | False |
The hours portion of the call duration. |
Duration_Minutes | Int | False |
The minutes portion of the call duration. |
Date_Start | String | False |
The date when the call starts. |
Date_End | String | False |
The date when the call ends. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The type of the parent Sugar object related to the call. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The name of the parent Sugar object related to the call. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the call (e.g., Held or Not Held). |
Direction | String | False |
Indicates whether call is inbound or outbound. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent Sugar object identified by . |
Reminder_Checked | Bool | False |
The checkbox indicating whether or not the reminder value is set. |
Reminder_Time | String | False |
When a reminder alert should be issued. -1 means no alert; otherwise, the number of seconds prior to the start. |
Email_Reminder_Checked | Bool | False |
The checkbox indicating whether or not the email reminder value is set. |
Email_Reminder_Time | String | False |
When a email reminder alert should be issued. -1 means no alert; otherwise, the number of seconds prior to the start. |
Email_Reminder_Sent | Bool | False |
Whether the email reminder is already sent. |
Outlook_Id | String | False |
When the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook syncs an Outlook appointment, this is the Outlook appointment item Id. |
Accept_Status | String | False |
The accept status of the call. |
Set_Accept_Links | String | False |
The accept links set for the call. |
Contact_Name | String | False |
The contact name for the call. |
Accept_Status_Users | String | False |
The accept status of the user. |
Contact_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact for the call. |
Repeat_Type | String | False |
The type of recurrence. |
Repeat_Interval | Int | False |
The interval of recurrence. |
Repeat_Dow | String | False |
The days of week in recurrence. |
Repeat_Until | Datetime | False |
Repeat until the specified date. |
Repeat_Count | Int | False |
Number of recurrences. |
Repeat_Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the first element of recurring records. |
Recurring_Source | String | False |
The source of the recurring call. |
Send_Invites | Bool | False |
The checkbox indicating whether or not to send out invites. |
Create, update, delete, and query the CampaignLog module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The identifier of the campaign associated with the campaign log. |
Target_Tracker_Key | String | False |
The identifier of the tracker URL. |
Target_Id | String | False |
The identifier of the target record. |
Target_Type | String | False |
The target record type (e.g., Contact or Lead). |
Activity_Type | String | False |
The activity that occurred (e.g., Viewed Message, Bounced, or Opted out). |
Activity_Date | Datetime | False |
The date the activity occurred. |
Related_Id | String | False |
The Id of the related record. |
Related_Type | String | False |
The type of the related record. |
Archived | Bool | False |
Indicates if the item has been archived. |
Hits | Int | False |
Number of times the item has been invoked (e.g., multiple click throughs). |
List_Id | String | False |
The target list from which the item originated. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Recipient_Name | String | False |
The name of the recipient. |
Recipient_Email | String | False |
The email of the recipient. |
Marketing_Name | String | False |
The marketing name. |
Campaign_Name1 | String | False |
The name of the campaign associated with the campaign log. |
Campaign_Name | String | False |
Another campaign associated with the campaign log. |
Campaign_Objective | String | False |
The campaign objective. |
Campaign_Content | String | False |
The campaign content. |
Related_Name | String | False |
The related name for the campaign. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the campaign log was last modified. |
More_Information | String | False |
More information about the campaign log. |
Marketing_Id | String | False |
The Id of the marketing email this entry is associated with. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Campaigns module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the Campaign is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the campaign. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the campaign. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the campaign. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the campaign. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The user Id assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Tracker_Key | Int | True |
The internal Id of the tracker used in a campaign. 2. (See CampaignTrackers.) |
Tracker_Count | Int | False |
The number of accesses made to the tracker URL; no longer used as of 4.2. (See CampaignTrackers.) |
Refer_Url | String | False |
The URL referenced in the tracker URL. No longer used as of 4.2. (See CampaignTrackers.) |
Tracker_Text | String | False |
The text that appears in the tracker URL. No longer used as of 4.2. (See CampaignTrackers.) |
Start_Date | Datetime | False |
Starting date of the campaign. |
End_Date | Datetime | False |
Ending date of the campaign. |
Status | String | False |
Status of the campaign. |
Impressions | Int | False |
Expected click throughs manually entered by the campaign manager. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
Currency in use for the campaign. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate for the campaign. |
Budget | Double | False |
Budgeted amount for the campaign. |
Expected_Cost | Double | False |
Expected cost of the campaign. |
Actual_Cost | Double | False |
Actual cost of the campaign. |
Expected_Revenue | Double | False |
Expected revenue stemming from the campaign. |
Campaign_Type | String | False |
The type of the campaign. |
Objective | String | False |
The objective of the campaign. |
Content | String | False |
The campaign description. |
Frequency | String | False |
Frequency of the campaign. |
Create, update, delete, and query the CampaignTrackers module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the record. |
Tracker_Name | String | False |
The name of the campaign tracker. |
Tracker_Url | String | False |
The URL that represents the landing page when the tracker URL in the campaign email is clicked. |
Tracker_Key | Int | True |
The internal key to uniquely identify the tracker URL. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The Id of the campaign. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Is_Optout | Bool | False |
Indicates whether the tracker URL represents an opt-out link. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Cases module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the record. |
Name | String | False |
The short description of the bug. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The user Id assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Case_Number | Int | True |
The user-visible unique identifier for the case. |
Type | String | False |
The type of issue (e.g., issue or feature). |
Status | String | False |
The status of the case. |
Priority | String | False |
The priority of the case. |
Resolution | String | False |
The resolution of the case. |
System_Id | Int | False |
The offline client device that created the bug. |
Work_Log | String | False |
Free-form text used to denote activities of interest. |
Account_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated account. |
Account_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated account. |
Source | String | False |
An indicator of how the bug was entered (e.g., via Web or email). |
Portal_Viewable | Bool | False |
Whether the case is viewable in the portal. |
Escalation_Level_C | String | False |
The escalation level for the case. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Comments module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the comment. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the record. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent for the record. |
Data | String | False |
The record data. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Contacts module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the contact. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The user Id assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
String | False |
The email for the contact. | |
Email1 | String | False |
The alternate email for the contact. |
Email2 | String | False |
The alternate email for the contact. |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False |
Whether the contact email has been marked as invalid. |
Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False |
Whether the contact has opted out of emails. |
Email_Addresses_Non_Primary | String | False |
The nonprimary email addresses for the contact. |
Salutation | String | False |
The contact salutation (e.g., Mr. or Ms.). |
First_Name | String | False |
The first name of the contact. |
Last_Name | String | False |
The last name of the contact. |
Full_Name | String | False |
The full name of hte contact. |
Title | String | False |
The title of the contact. |
String | False |
The Facebook name of the user. | |
String | False |
The Twitter name of the user. | |
Googleplus | String | False |
The Google Plus Id of the user. |
Department | String | False |
The department of the contact. |
Do_Not_Call | Bool | False |
An indicator of whether the contact can be called. |
Phone_Home | String | False |
Home phone number of the contact. |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
Mobile phone number of the contact. |
Phone_Work | String | False |
Work phone number of the contact. |
Phone_Other | String | False |
Other phone number for the contact. |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
The contact fax number. |
Primary_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Street_2 | String | False |
The second line of the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Street_3 | String | False |
The third line of the primary addrss. |
Primary_Address_City | String | False |
The city for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_State | String | False |
The state for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Country | String | False |
The country for primary address. |
Alt_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Street_2 | String | False |
The second line of the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Street_3 | String | False |
The third line of the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_City | String | False |
The city for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_State | String | False |
The state for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Country | String | False |
The country for the alternate address. |
Assistant | String | False |
The name of the assistant of the contact. |
Assistant_Phone | String | False |
The phone number of the assistant of the contact. |
Picture | String | False |
The avatar for the contact. |
Email_And_Name1 | String | False |
The email and name of the contact. |
Lead_Source | String | False |
The lead source for the contact. |
Account_Name | String | False |
The name of the account associated with the contact. |
Account_Id | String | False |
The Id of the account associated with the contact. |
Dnb_Principal_Id | String | False |
The unique Id For the D. and B. contact. |
Opportunity_Role_Fields | String | False |
The opportunity role fields. |
Opportunity_Role_Id | String | False |
The Id of the opportunity role. |
Opportunity_Role | String | False |
The opportunity role. |
Reports_To_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact this contact reports to. |
Report_To_Name | String | False |
The name of the contact this contact reports to. |
Birthdate | Datetime | False |
The birthdate of the contact. |
Portal_Name | String | False |
The name as it appears in the portal. |
Portal_Active | Bool | False |
Whether this contact is a portal user. |
Portal_Password | String | False |
Whether the contact has a portal password. |
Portal_Password1 | String | False |
The portal password. |
Portal_App | String | False |
The reference to the portal. |
Preferred_Language | String | False |
The language for the portal. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The campaign that generated the lead. |
Campaign_Name | String | False |
The first campaign name for Contact. |
C_Accept_Status_Fields | String | False |
The call accept status fields. |
M_Accept_Status_Fields | String | False |
The meeting accept status fields. |
Accept_Status_Id | String | False |
The Id of the accept status. |
Accept_Status_Name | String | False |
The name of the accept status. |
Accept_Status_Calls | String | False |
The accept status for the call. |
Accept_Status_Meetings | String | False |
The accept status for the meeting. |
Sync_Contact | Bool | False |
Whether the lead is synced to Outlook. |
Mkto_Sync | Bool | False |
Whether the lead is synced to Marketo. |
Mkto_Id | Int | False |
The associated Marketo lead Id. |
Mkto_Lead_Score | Int | False |
The Marketo lead score. |
Deptcat_C | String | False |
The department category. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Contracts module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the contract. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the user. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Reference_Code | String | False |
The reference code used by the organization to refer to this contract. |
Opportunity_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated opportunity. |
Opportunity_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated opportunity. |
Account_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated account. |
Account_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated account. |
Start_Date | Datetime | False |
The effective date of the contract. |
End_Date | Datetime | False |
The date in which the contract is no longer effective. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
The currency in use for the contract. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate for the contract. |
Currency_Name | String | False |
The currency name. |
Total_Contract_Value | Double | False |
The overall value of the contract. |
Total_Contract_Value_Usdollar | Double | True |
The overall contract value expressed in USD. |
Status | String | False |
The contract status. |
Customer_Signed_Date | Datetime | False |
The date in which the ultimate customer signed the contract. |
Company_Signed_Date | Datetime | False |
The date in which the company using Sugar signed the contract. |
Contract_Term | Int | False |
The term of the contract. |
Expiration_Notice | String | False |
The date to issue an expiration notice (useful for workflow rules). |
Time_To_Expiry | Int | False |
The time to expiration of the contract. |
Type_Name | String | False |
The contract type. |
Type | String | False |
The drop-down options for contract types. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The parent name of the contract. |
Create, update, delete, and query the ContractTypes module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique idenifier of the contract type. |
Name | String | False |
The contract type name. |
List_Order | Int | False |
The relative order in the drop-down list. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Currencies module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifer of the currency. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the currency. |
Symbol | String | False |
Symbol representing the currency. |
Iso4217 | String | False |
3-letter identifier specified by ISO 4217 (e.g., USD). |
Conversion_Rate | Decimal | False |
Conversion rate factor (relative to stored value). |
Status | String | False |
Currency status. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date the record was last modified. |
Created_By | String | False |
Id of the user who created the record. |
Create, update, delete, and query the CustomQueries module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifer of the custom query. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
Id of the user who created record. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the custom query. |
Description | String | False |
Full description of the custom query. |
Custom_Query | String | False |
The SQL statement. |
Query_Type | String | False |
The type of query (unused). |
List_Order | Int | False |
The relative order in the drop-down list. |
Query_Locked | Bool | False |
Whether the query body (the SQL statement) can be changed. |
Create, update, delete, and query the DataSets module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The Id of the data set. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the data set is deleted. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the data set was entered. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the data set was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the data set. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent of the data set. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The name of the parent data set for the data set. |
Report_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated report. |
Report_Name | String | False |
The custom queries for the data set. |
Query_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated query. |
Query_Name | String | False |
The custom queries for the data set. |
Child_Name | String | False |
The child name for the data set. |
Name | String | False |
The name for the data set. |
List_Order_Y | Int | False |
The list order of the data set. |
Exportable | Bool | False |
Whether the data set is exportable. |
Header | Bool | False |
The header for the data set. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the data set. |
Table_Width | String | False |
The table width for the data set. |
Font_Size | String | False |
The font size for the data set. |
Output_Default | String | False |
The default output for the data set. |
Prespace_Y | Bool | False |
The prespace for the data set. |
Use_Prev_Header | Bool | False |
Whether the data set uses the previous header. |
Header_Back_Color | String | False |
The back color for the header. |
Body_Back_Color | String | False |
The back color for the body. |
Header_Text_Color | String | False |
The text color for the header. |
Body_Text_Color | String | False |
The text color for the body. |
Table_Width_Type | String | False |
The table width type. |
Custom_Layout | String | False |
Custom layout parameters. |
Create, update, delete, and query the DocumentRevisions module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the document revision. |
Change_Log | String | False |
The change log for the document revision. |
Document_Id | String | False |
The Id for the associated document. |
Doc_Id | String | False |
The document Id from the Web service provider for the document. |
Doc_Type | String | False |
The document type (e.g., Google,, or IBM SmartCloud). |
Doc_Url | String | False |
The document URL from the Web service provider for the document. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the revision was entered. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the document. |
Filename | String | False |
The file name of the document. |
File_Ext | String | False |
The file extension of the document. |
File_Mime_Type | String | False |
The MIME type of the document. |
Revision | String | False |
The revision number. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the document revision is deleted. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Created_By_Name | String | False |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Latest_Revision_Id | String | False |
The Id of the latest revision. |
Document_Name | String | False |
The name of the document. |
Latest_Revision | String | False |
The latest revision. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Documents module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the document is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the document. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the document. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Document_Name | String | False |
The document name. |
Doc_Id | String | False |
The document Id from the Web service provider for the document. |
Doc_Type | String | False |
The document type (e.g., Google,, or IBM SmartCloud). |
Doc_Url | String | False |
The document URL from the Web service provider for the document. |
Filename | String | False |
The file name of the document attachment. |
Active_Date | Datetime | False |
The date the document is active. |
Exp_Date | Datetime | False |
The date the document expires. |
Category_Id | String | False |
The Id for the category of the document. |
Subcategory_Id | String | False |
The Id of the subcategory of the document. |
Status_Id | String | False |
The Id of the document status. |
Status | String | False |
The document status. |
Document_Revision_Id | String | False |
The Id of the document revision. |
Revision | String | False |
The revision number. |
Last_Rev_Created_Name | String | False |
The name of the user who created the last revision. |
Last_Rev_Mime_Type | String | False |
The MIME type of the last revision. |
Latest_Revision | String | False |
The latest revision. |
Last_Rev_Create_Date | String | False |
The date the last revision was created. |
Related_Doc_Id | String | False |
The Id of the related document. |
Related_Doc_Name | String | False |
The related document name. |
Related_Doc_Rev_Id | String | False |
The Id of the related document revision. |
Related_Doc_Rev_Number | String | False |
The related document version number . |
Is_Template | Bool | False |
Whether the document is a template. |
Template_Type | String | False |
The template type of the document. |
Latest_Revision_Name | String | False |
The name of the latest revision. |
Selected_Revision_Name | String | False |
The name of the selected revision. |
Contract_Status | String | False |
The contract status. |
Contract_Name | String | False |
The name of the contract |
Linked_Id | String | False |
The Id of the linked record. |
Selected_Revision_Id | String | False |
The Id of the selected revision. |
Latest_Revision_Id | String | False |
The Id of the latest revision. |
Selected_Revision_Filename | String | False |
The filename of the selected revision. |
Create, update, delete, and query the EAPM (external API module) in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the external API is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this external API. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier for the external API. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the external API. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the external API. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Password | String | False |
The password of the external API. |
Url | String | False |
The URL of the external API. |
Application | String | False |
The application name of the external API. |
Api_Data | String | False |
Any API data that the external API may wish to store on a per-user basis. |
Consumer_Key | String | False |
The consumer key for the external API. |
Consumer_Secret | String | False |
The consumer secret for the external API. |
Oauth_Token | String | False |
The OAuth access token for the external API. |
Oauth_Secret | String | False |
The OAuth access token secret for the external API. |
Validated | Bool | False |
Whether the external API has been validated. |
Note | String | False |
The note for the external API. |
Create, update, delete, and query the EmailAddresses module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the email address. |
Email_Address | String | False |
The email address. |
Email_Address_Caps | String | False |
The email address in uppercase. |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False |
Whether the email address is marked as invalid. |
Opt_Out | Bool | False |
Whether the email address is marked as opt out. |
Date_Created | Datetime | False |
The date the email address was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the email address was last modified. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the email address is deleted. |
Create, update, delete, and query the EmailMarketing module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the email marketing record. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the email marketing record is deleted. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the email marketing record was entered. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the email marketing record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the email marketing record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the email marketing record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the email marketing record. |
From_Name | String | False |
The from name of the email marketing record. |
From_Addr | String | False |
The from address of the email marketing record. |
Reply_To_Name | String | False |
The reply-to name of the email marketing record. |
Reply_To_Addr | String | False |
The reply-to address of the email marketing record. |
Inbound_Email_Id | String | False |
The Id of the inbound email for the email marketing record. |
Date_Start | Datetime | False |
The date the email marketing record starts. |
Template_Id | String | False |
The Id of the template for the email marketing record. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the email marketing record. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The Id of the campaign associated with the email marketing record. |
All_Prospect_Lists | Bool | False |
The prospect lists for the email marketing record. |
Template_Name | String | False |
The name of the template for the email marketing record. |
Prospect_List_Name | String | False |
The name of the prospect list for the email marketing record. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Emails module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the email. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
From_Addr_Name | String | False |
The from address in the email. |
Reply_To_Addr | String | False |
The reply-to address in the email. |
To_Addrs_Names | String | False |
The to addresses in the email. |
Cc_Addrs_Names | String | False |
The cc addresses in the email. |
Bcc_Addrs_Names | String | False |
The bcc addresses in the email. |
Raw_Source | String | False |
The raw source for the email. |
Description_Html | String | False |
The HTML description for the email. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the email. |
Date_Sent | Datetime | False |
The date the email was sent. |
Message_Id | String | False |
The Id of the email item obtained from the email transport system. |
Message_Uid | String | False |
The UID of the email item obtained from the email transport system. |
Name | String | False |
The subject of the email. |
Type | String | False |
The type of the email (e.g., draft). |
Status | String | False |
The status of the email. |
Flagged | Bool | False |
The flagged status of the email. |
Reply_To_Status | Bool | False |
The reply-to status of the email. If you reply to an email then the reply-to status of original email is set. |
Intent | String | False |
The target of the action used in the Inbound Email assignment. |
Mailbox_Id | String | False |
The Id of the mailbox associated with the email. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The name of the Sugar module associated with the email. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The type of the Sugar module associated with the email. (Deprecated as of 4.2.) |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the Sugar module associated with the email. (Deprecated as of 4.2.) |
Create, update, delete, and query the EmailTemplates module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the email template. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Published | String | False |
The published status of the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the email template. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the email template. |
Subject | String | False |
The subject of the resulting email. |
Body | String | False |
Plaintext body of the resulting email. |
Body_Html | String | False |
The HTML-formatted body of the resulting email. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The username of the user assigned to the record. |
Base_Module | String | False |
In Workflow alert templates, the module to which this template is associated. |
From_Name | String | False |
The from name of the resulting email. |
From_Address | String | False |
The from address of the resulting email. |
Text_Only | Bool | False |
Whether the email template is to be sent in text only. |
Type | String | False |
The type of the email template. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Employees module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the employee. |
User_Name | String | False |
The username of the employee. |
User_Hash | String | False |
The user hash of the employee. |
System_Generated_Password | Bool | False |
Whether the employee has a system-generated password. |
Pwd_Last_Changed | Datetime | False |
The date the password of the employee was last changed. |
Authenticate_Id | String | False |
The Id used in authentication. |
Sugar_Login | Bool | False |
Whether the employee has a Sugar login. |
Picture | String | False |
The Id of the picture. |
First_Name | String | False |
The first name of the employee. |
Last_Name | String | False |
The last name of the employee. |
Full_Name | String | False |
The full name of the employee. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the employee. |
Is_Admin | Bool | False |
Whether the employee is an admin. |
External_Auth_Only | Bool | False |
Whether the employee only has external authentication available. |
Receive_Notifications | Bool | False |
Whether the employee can receive notifications. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the employee. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the employee record was entered into the system. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the employee record was last modified. |
Last_Login | Datetime | True |
The last login date of the employee. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Title | String | False |
The title of the employee. |
Department | String | False |
The department of the employee. |
Phone_Home | String | False |
The home phone number of the employee. |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
The mobile phone number of the employee. |
Phone_Work | String | False |
The work phone number of the employee. |
Phone_Other | String | False |
The alternate phone of the employee. |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
The fax of the employee. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the employee. |
Address_Street | String | False |
The street address of the employee. |
Address_City | String | False |
The city in the address of the employee. |
Address_State | String | False |
The state in the address of the employee. |
Address_Country | String | False |
The country in the address of the employee. |
Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code in the address of the employee. |
UserType | String | False |
The user type of the employee. |
Default_Team | String | False |
The default team for the employee. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the employee is deleted. |
Portal_Only | Bool | False |
Whether the employee is a portal-only user. |
Show_On_Employees | Bool | False |
Whether to show the employee. |
Employee_Status | String | False |
The status of the employee. |
Messenger_Id | String | False |
The Id of the instant messenger service used by the employee. |
Messenger_Type | String | False |
The type of the instant messenger service used by the employee. |
Reports_To_Id | String | False |
The Id of who the employee reports to. |
Reports_To_Name | String | False |
The user name of who the employee reports to. |
Email1 | String | False |
The alternate email address of the employee. |
String | False |
The email address of the employee. | |
Email_Link_Type | String | False |
The link type of the email for the employee. |
Is_Group | Bool | False |
Whether the employee is a group user. |
C_Accept_Status_Fields | String | False |
The status fields for the call accept status of the employee. |
M_Accept_Status_Fields | String | False |
The status fields for the meeting accept status of the employee. |
Accept_Status_Id | String | False |
The Id of the accept status of the employee. |
Accept_Status_Name | String | False |
The name of the accept status of the employee. |
Accept_Status_Calls | String | False |
The call accept status for the employee. |
Accept_Status_Meetings | String | False |
The meeting accept status for the employee. |
Preferred_Language | String | False |
The preferred language for the employee. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Filters module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the filter is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following the filter. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the filter |
Name | String | False |
The name of the filter. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the filter. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the filter. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Filter_Definition | String | False |
The definition of the filter. |
Filter_Template | String | False |
The filter template. |
Module_Name | String | False |
The name of the module the filter applies to. |
Create, update, delete, and query the ForecastManagerWorksheets module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the forecast manager worksheet is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following the record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier of the worksheet. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the worksheet. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The username of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The username of the user who created the worksheet. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the worksheet. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The username of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Quota | Double | False |
The quota for the forecast manager worksheet. |
Best_Case | Double | False |
The most optimistic scenario. |
Best_Case_Adjusted | Double | False |
The adjusted most optimistic scenario. |
Likely_Case | Double | False |
The likely scenario. |
Likely_Case_Adjusted | Double | False |
The adjusted likely scenario. |
Worst_Case | Double | False |
The least optimistic scenario. |
Worst_Case_Adjusted | Double | False |
The adjusted least optimistic scenario. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
The Id of the currency associated with the record. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate of the record. |
Timeperiod_Id | String | False |
The Id of the time period associated with the worksheet. |
Draft | Bool | False |
Whether the worksheet is a draft. |
Is_Manager | Bool | False |
Whether the worksheet is visible to the manager. |
User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user associated with the worksheet. |
Opp_Count | Int | False |
The number of opportunities represented by this forecast. |
Pipeline_Opp_Count | Int | False |
The number of opportunities minus closed won/closed lost represented by this forecast. |
Pipeline_Amount | Double | False |
The total of opportunities minus closed won/closed lost represented by this forecast. |
Closed_Amount | Double | False |
The total of closed/won items in the forecast. |
Manager_Saved | Bool | False |
Whether the manager has saved the forecast. |
Show_History_Log | Int | False |
Whether the forecast shows the history log. |
Draft_Save_Type | String | False |
The draft save type. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Forecasts module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the forecast. |
Timeperiod_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated time period for this forecast. |
Commit_Type | String | False |
The commit type of the worksheet. |
Forecast_Type | String | False |
The type of the forecast. Valid values: direct or rollup. |
Opp_Count | Int | False |
The number of opportunities represented by this forecast. |
Pipeline_Opp_Count | Int | False |
The number of opportunities minus closed won/closed lost represented by this forecast. |
Pipeline_Amount | Double | False |
Total of opportunities minus closed won/closed lost represented by this forecast. |
Closed_Amount | Double | False |
Total of closed/won items in the forecast. |
Opp_Weigh_Value | Int | False |
The weighted amount of all opportunities represented by this forecast. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
The Id of the currency associated with the forecast. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate of the forecast. |
Best_Case | Double | False |
The most optimistic scenario. |
Likely_Case | Double | False |
The likely scenario. |
Worst_Case | Double | False |
The least optimistic scenario. |
User_Id | String | False |
The user to which this forecast pertains. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was modified. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
User_Name | String | False |
The username of the user associated with the forecast. |
Reports_To_User_Name | String | False |
The username of who the user reports to. |
Start_Date | Datetime | False |
The start date of the forecast. |
End_Date | Datetime | False |
The end date of the forecast. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the forecast. |
Closed_Count | Int | False |
How many closed opportunities exist for the pipeline. |
Create, update, delete, and query the ForecastSchedule module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the forecast schedule. |
Timeperiod_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated time period for this forecast schedule. |
User_Id | String | False |
The user to which this forecast schedule pertains. |
Cascade_Hierarchy | Bool | False |
The flag indicating if a forecast for a manager is propagated to his reports. |
Forecast_Start_Date | Datetime | False |
The starting date for this forecast. |
Status | String | False |
The status of this forecast. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was modified. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Create, update, delete, and query the ForecastWorksheets module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following the record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier of the worksheet. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the worksheet. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The username of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The username of the user who created the worksheet. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the worksheet. |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The username of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent module associated with the worksheet. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The type of the parent module associated with the worksheet. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The name of the parent module associated with the worksheet. |
Opportunity_Id | String | False |
The Id of the opportunity associated with the worksheet. |
Opportunity_Name | String | False |
The name of the opportunity associated with the worksheet. |
Account_Name | String | False |
The name of the account associated with the worksheet. |
Account_Id | String | False |
The Id of the account associated with the worksheet. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The Id of the campaign associated with the worksheet. |
Campaign_Name | String | False |
The name of the campaign associated with the worksheet. |
Product_Template_Id | String | False |
The Id of the product template associated with the worksheet. |
Product_Template_Name | String | False |
The name of the product template associated with the worksheet. |
Category_Id | String | False |
The Id of the category associated with the worksheet. |
Category_Name | String | False |
The name of the category associated with the worksheet. |
Sales_Status | String | False |
The sales status of the worksheet. |
Likely_Case | Double | False |
The likely scenario. |
Best_Case | Double | False |
The most optimistic scenario. |
Worst_Case | Double | False |
The least optimistic scenario. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate worksheet. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
The Id of the currency used for display purposes. |
Currency_Name | String | False |
The name of the currency used for display purposes. |
Currency_Symbol | String | False |
The symbol of the currency used for display purposes. |
Date_Closed | Datetime | False |
Expected or actual date the oppportunity will close. |
Date_Closed_Timestamp | Int | False |
The timestamp of the close date for the opportunity. |
Sales_Stage | String | False |
The stage that indicates the progression towards closure. |
Probability | Int | False |
The probability of closure. |
Commit_Stage | String | False |
The forecast commit range, such as Include, Likely, Omit, etc. |
Draft | Int | False |
Whether the forecast is a draft. |
Next_Step | String | False |
The next step in the sales process. |
Lead_Source | String | False |
The source of the product. |
Product_Type | String | False |
The type of product. An opportunity type. For example, Existing or New. |
List_Price | Double | False |
List price of product (List in Quote). |
Cost_Price | Double | False |
Product cost (Cost in Quote). |
Discount_Price | Double | False |
Discounted price (Unit Price in Quote). |
Discount_Amount | Double | False |
Discounted amount. |
Quantity | Int | False |
Quantity in use. |
Total_Amount | Double | False |
The total amount. |
Parent_Deleted | Int | False |
Whether the parent object is deleted. |
Create, update, delete, and query the InboundEmail module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the record. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name given to the inbound email mailbox. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the inbound email mailbox (e.g., Active or Inactive). |
Server_Url | String | False |
The mail server URL. |
Email_User | String | False |
The user name of the user allowed access to mail server. |
Email_Password | String | False |
The password of the user allowed access to the mail server. |
Port | Int | False |
The port used to access the mail server. |
Service | String | False |
The service type of the inbound email. For example, ::::::imap:::: |
Mailbox | String | False |
The mailbox associated with the email. |
Delete_Seen | Bool | False |
Whether to delete email from the server once read (seen). |
Mailbox_Type | String | False |
The type of the mailbox associated with the email. |
Template_Id | String | False |
The template used for autoreply. |
Stored_Options | String | False |
The stored options for the email. |
Group_Id | String | False |
The group Id for the email. |
Is_Personal | Bool | False |
The personal account flag. |
Groupfolder_Id | String | False |
The Id of the group folder. |
Create, update, delete, and query the KBDocuments module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the KB document. |
Kbdocument_Name | String | False |
The name of the KB document. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the KB document. |
Body | String | False |
The body of the KB document. |
Active_Date | Datetime | False |
The active date the KB document. |
Exp_Date | Datetime | False |
The expiration date of the KB document. |
Status_Id | String | False |
The Id of the status of the KB document. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the KB document was entered. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the KB document was last modified. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the KB document is deleted. |
Is_External_Article | Bool | False |
Whether the KB document is an external article. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the KB document. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the KB document. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the KB document. |
Kbdocument_Revision_Id | String | False |
The revision Id of the KB document. |
Kbdocument_Revision_Number | String | False |
The revision number of the KB document. |
Latest_Revision | String | False |
The latest revision of the KB document. |
Last_Rev_Create_Date | Datetime | False |
The date the latest revision was created. |
Mail_Merge_Document | Bool | False |
Whether the KB document is a Mail Merge document. |
Related_Doc_Id | String | False |
The Id of the related document. |
Related_Doc_Rev_Id | String | False |
The revision Id of the related document. |
Is_Template | Bool | False |
Whether the KB document is a template. |
Template_Type | String | False |
The template type of the KB document. |
Latest_Revision_Name | String | False |
The name of the latest revision of the KB document. |
Selected_Revision_Name | String | False |
The selected revision name of the KB document. |
Contract_Status | String | False |
The status of the contract associated with the KB document. |
Contract_Name | String | False |
The name of the contract associated with the KB document. |
Linked_Id | String | False |
The Id of the linked record. |
Selected_Revision_Id | String | False |
The Id of the selected revision. |
Latest_Revision_Id | String | False |
The Id of the latest revision. |
Selected_Revision_Filename | String | False |
The filename of the selected revision. |
Keywords | String | False |
The keywords for the KB document. |
Kbdoc_Approver_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who approved the KB document. |
Kbdoc_Approver_Name | String | False |
The name of the approver for the KB document. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The username of the user assigned to the record. |
Views_Number | String | False |
The number of views for the KB document. |
Attachment_List | String | False |
The attachment List for the KB document. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent record for the KB document. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The type of the parent record for the KB document. |
Case_Id | String | False |
The Id for the case associated with the KB document. |
Case_Name | String | False |
The name of the case associated with the KB document. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Leads module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the lead. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
String | False |
The email address for the Lead. | |
Email1 | String | False |
The alternate email address for the Lead. |
Email2 | String | False |
The alternate email address for the Lead. |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False |
Whether email for the Lead has been marked as invalid. |
Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False |
Whether the Lead has opted out of email. |
Email_Addresses_Non_Primary | String | False |
The nonprimary email addresses of the lead. |
Salutation | String | False |
The contact salutation (e.g., Mr., Ms.). |
First_Name | String | False |
The first name of the lead. |
Last_Name | String | False |
The last name of the lead. |
Full_Name | String | False |
The full name of the lead. |
Title | String | False |
The title of the lead. |
String | False |
The Facebook name of the lead. | |
String | False |
The Twitter name of the lead. | |
Googleplus | String | False |
The Google Plus Id of the lead. |
Department | String | False |
The department the lead belongs to. |
Do_Not_Call | Bool | False |
An indicator of whether the lead can be called. |
Phone_Home | String | False |
The home phone number of the lead. |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
The mobile phone number of the lead. |
Phone_Work | String | False |
The work phone number of the lead. |
Phone_Other | String | False |
Other phone number for the lead |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
The contact fax number. |
Primary_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Street_2 | String | False |
The second line of the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Street_3 | String | False |
The third line of the primary address. |
Primary_Address_City | String | False |
The city for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_State | String | False |
The state for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Country | String | False |
The country for the primary address. |
Alt_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Street_2 | String | False |
The second line for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Street_3 | String | False |
The third line for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_City | String | False |
The city for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_State | String | False |
The state for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Country | String | False |
The country for the alternate address. |
Assistant | String | False |
The name of the assistant of the lead. |
Assistant_Phone | String | False |
The phone number of the assistant of the lead. |
Picture | String | False |
The picture of the lead. |
Converted | Bool | False |
Whether the lead been converted to a contact (and other Sugar objects). |
Refered_By | String | False |
Identifies who refered the lead. |
Lead_Source | String | False |
Lead source (e.g., Web or print). |
Lead_Source_Description | String | False |
The description of the lead source. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the lead. |
Status_Description | String | False |
Description of the status of the lead. |
Reports_To_Id | String | False |
Id of the contact the Lead reports to. |
Report_To_Name | String | False |
The name of the contact the Lead reports to. |
Dnb_Principal_Id | String | False |
The unique Id For the D. and B. Contact. |
Account_Name | String | False |
The account name for lead. |
Account_Description | String | False |
The description of lead account. |
Contact_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact resulting from the conversion. |
Contact_Name | String | False |
The name of the contact resulting from the conversion. |
Account_Id | String | False |
The account Id resulting from the conversion. |
Opportunity_Id | String | False |
The opportunity Id resulting from the conversion. |
Opportunity_Name | String | False |
The opportunity name resulting from the conversion. |
Opportunity_Amount | String | False |
The amount of the opportunity. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The Id of the campaign that generated the lead. |
Campaign_Name | String | False |
The name of the campaign that generated the lead. |
C_Accept_Status_Fields | String | False |
The fields in the accept status of the call. |
M_Accept_Status_Fields | String | False |
The fields in the accept status of the meeting. |
Accept_Status_Id | String | False |
The Id of the accept status. |
Accept_Status_Name | String | False |
The name of the accept status. |
Accept_Status_Calls | String | False |
The accept status of calls for the lead. |
Accept_Status_Meetings | String | False |
The accept status of meetings for the lead. |
Webtolead_Email1 | String | False |
The main email address of the lead. |
Webtolead_Email2 | String | False |
The secondary email address of the lead. |
Webtolead_Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False |
Whether the lead elects to opt out of email campaigns. |
Webtolead_Invalid_Email | Bool | False |
Whether the email address for the lead is invalid. |
Birthdate | Datetime | False |
The birthdate of the lead. |
Portal_Name | String | False |
Portal user name when the lead was created via the lead portal. |
Portal_App | String | False |
Portal application when the lead was created via lead portal. |
Website | String | False |
The URL of the website for the company. |
Preferred_Language | String | False |
The preferred language of the lead. |
Mkto_Sync | Bool | False |
Whether the lead is to be synced to Marketo. |
Mkto_Id | Int | False |
The associated Marketo lead Id. |
Mkto_Lead_Score | Int | False |
The lead score of the associated Marketo lead. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Manufacturers module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the manufacturer. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the manufacturer. |
List_Order | Int | False |
The relative order in the drop-down list. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the manufacturer. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Meetings module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the meeting is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this meeting. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the meeting. |
Name | String | False |
The meeting name. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Accept_Status | String | False |
The accept status for the meeting. |
Set_Accept_Links | String | False |
The accept links for the meeting. |
Location | String | False |
The location of the meeting. |
Password | String | False |
The password of the meeting. |
Join_Url | String | False |
The join URL. |
Host_Url | String | False |
The host URL. |
Displayed_Url | String | False |
The meeting URL. |
Creator | String | False |
The meeting creator. |
External_Id | String | False |
The meeting Id for the external app API. |
Duration_Hours | Int | False |
The duration (hours). |
Duration_Minutes | String | False |
The duration (minutes). |
Date_Start | String | False |
Date of the start of the meeting. |
Date_End | String | False |
Date the meeting ends. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
Module the meeting is associated with. |
Status | String | False |
Meeting status (e.g., Planned, Held, or Not held). |
Type | String | False |
Meeting type (e.g., WebEx, or Other). |
Direction | String | False |
Whether the call is inbound or outbound. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
Id of the parent Sugar item. |
Reminder_Checked | Bool | False |
Whether or not the reminder value is set. |
Reminder_Time | String | False |
Specifies when a reminder alert should be issued: -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start. |
Email_Reminder_Checked | Bool | False |
Whether or not the email reminder value is set. |
Email_Reminder_Time | String | False |
Specifies when a email reminder alert should be issued: -1 means no alert; otherwise the number of seconds prior to the start. |
Email_Reminder_Sent | Bool | False |
Whether the email reminder is already sent. |
Outlook_Id | String | False |
When the Sugar Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook syncs an Outlook appointment, this is the Outlook appointment item Id. |
Sequence | Int | False |
Meeting update sequence for meetings as per iCalendar standards. |
Contact_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated contact. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated parent Sugar module. |
Accept_Status_Users | String | False |
The user accept status. |
Contact_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated contact. |
Repeat_Type | String | False |
Type of a recurring meeting. |
Repeat_Interval | Int | False |
The interval of a recurring meeting. |
Repeat_Dow | String | False |
The day of week of a meeting. |
Repeat_Until | Datetime | False |
Repeat until the specified date. |
Repeat_Count | Int | False |
Number of recurrences. |
Repeat_Parent_Id | String | False |
Id of the first element of recurring records. |
Recurring_Source | String | False |
Source of recurring meeting. |
Duration | String | False |
Duration handler dropdown. |
Send_Invites | Bool | False |
Whether or not to send out invites. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Notes module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the note is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier of the record. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the note. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
File_Mime_Type | String | False |
Attachment MIME type. |
File_Url | String | False |
Path to file (can be a URL). |
Filename | String | False |
File name associated with the note (attachment). |
Parent_Type | String | False |
Sugar module the Note is associated with. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent Sugar item. |
Contact_Id | String | False |
The Id of the contact the note is associated with. |
Portal_Flag | Bool | False |
Portal flag indicator, which determines if the note is created via portal. |
Embed_Flag | Bool | False |
Embed flag indicator, which determines if the note is embedded in an email. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The name of the parent object associated with the note. |
Contact_Name | String | False |
The name of the contact associated with the note. |
Contact_Phone | String | False |
The phone number of the contact associated with the note. |
Contact_Email | String | False |
The email of the contact associated with the note. |
Account_Id | String | False |
The Id of the account associated with the note. |
Opportunity_Id | String | False |
The Id of the opportunity associated with the note. |
Acase_Id | String | False |
The Id of the case associated with the note. |
Lead_Id | String | False |
The Id of the lead associated with the note. |
Product_Id | String | False |
The Id of the product associated with the note. |
Quote_Id | String | False |
The Id of the quote associated with the note. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Notifications module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the meeting is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier of the record. |
Name | String | True |
Name of the note. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | True |
Full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Is_Read | Bool | False |
Whether the noficiation is read. |
Severity | String | True |
The severity of the notification. |
Parent_Name | String | True |
The parent Sugar item associated with the notification. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The type of the parent Sugar item associated with the notification. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent Sugar item associated with the notification. |
Create, update, delete, and query the OAuthKeys module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the keys are a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
Unique identifier of the record. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the note. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
C_Key | String | False |
Consumer public key. |
C_Secret | String | False |
Consumer secret key. |
Oauth_Type | String | False |
The type of OAuth: oauth1 or oauth2. |
Client_Type | String | False |
The type of client: mobile, portal, UI, or other. |
Create, update, delete, and query the OAuthTokens module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Secret | String | False |
The secret key. |
Tstate | String | False |
The token state. |
Consumer | String | False |
Token related to the consumer. |
Token_Ts | Long | False |
Token timestamp. |
Expire_Ts | Long | False |
Token expiration. Defaults to -1 for no expiration date. |
Verify | String | False |
Token verification info. |
Download_Token | String | False |
A token used to download images and files. |
Platform | String | False |
The platform the token is attached to. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Callback_Url | String | False |
Callback URL for authorization. |
Consumer_Name | String | False |
The consumer name. |
Contact_Id | String | False |
Contact Id this oauth token is associated with (via portal). |
Contact_Name | String | False |
Contact name this oauth token is associated with (via portal). |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The username of the user assigned to the record. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Opportunities module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the opportunity. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the opportunity. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
User who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Opportunity_Type | String | False |
Type of opportunity (e.g., Existing or New). |
Account_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated account. |
Account_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated account. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The Id of the campaign that generated the lead. |
Campaign_Name | String | False |
The name of the campaign that generated the lead. |
Lead_Source | String | False |
Source of the opportunity. |
Amount | Double | True |
Unconverted amount of the opportunity. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate of the opportunity. |
Amount_Usdollar | Double | True |
Formatted amount of the opportunity. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
The Id of the currency used for display purposes. |
Currency_Name | String | False |
The name of the currency used for display purposes. |
Currency_Symbol | String | False |
The symbol of the currency used for display purposes. |
Date_Closed | Datetime | True |
The expected or actual date the oppportunity will close. |
Date_Closed_Timestamp | Int | False |
The timestamp of the close date. |
Next_Step | String | False |
The next step in the sales process. |
Sales_Stage | String | False |
Indication of progression towards closure. |
Sales_Status | String | True |
The status of the sale. |
Probability | Int | False |
The probability of closure. |
Best_Case | Double | True |
The most optimistic scenario. |
Worst_Case | Double | True |
The least optimistic scenario. |
Commit_Stage | String | False |
Forecast commit ranges: Include, Likely, Omit etc. |
Total_Revenue_Line_Items | Int | False |
The count of all revenue line items. |
Closed_Revenue_Line_Items | Int | False |
The count of the closed revenue line items. |
Contact_Role | String | False |
The role of the contact for the opprtunity. |
Mkto_Sync | Bool | False |
Whether the Opportunity is to be synced to Marketo. |
Mkto_Id | Int | False |
The associated Marketo lead Id. |
Create, update, delete, and query the PdfManager module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the PdfManager is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the template used to print the PDF. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
Name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The username of the user assigned to the record. |
Base_Module | String | False |
The base module associated with the record. |
Published | String | False |
The published status of the record. |
Field | String | False |
The field for the record. |
Body_Html | String | False |
The body HTML for the record. |
Template_Name | String | False |
The name of the PDF template. |
Author | String | False |
The author of the PDF template. |
Title | String | False |
The title of the PDF template. |
Subject | String | False |
The subject of the PDF template. |
Keywords | String | False |
The keywords of the PDF template. |
Header_Title | String | False |
The header title of the PDF template. |
Header_Text | String | False |
The header text of the PDF template. |
Header_Logo | String | False |
The PDF header logo. |
Footer_Text | String | False |
The footer text for the PDF template. |
Create, update, delete, and query the ProductCategories module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the product category. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | False |
Username of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | False |
The username of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
Name of the product category. |
List_Order | Int | False |
The relative order in the drop-down list. |
Description | String | False |
Full description of the category. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who owns the product category. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
Parent category of this item; used for multitiered categorization. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The name of the parent category. |
Type | String | False |
The type of the product category. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Products module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the product is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the product. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The username of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the record. |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The username of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Revenuelineitem_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated revenue line item that served as the source. |
Revenuelineitem_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated revenue line item that served as the source. |
Product_Template_Id | String | False |
Id of the product (in Admin Products) from which this product is derived (in user Products). |
Product_Template_Name | String | False |
Name of the product (in Admin Products) from which this product is derived (in user Products). |
Account_Id | String | False |
Id of the account this product is associated with. |
Contact_Id | String | False |
Id of the contact this product is associated with. |
Total_Amount | Double | False |
The total amount of the product. |
Contact_Name | String | False |
The name of the contact for the product. |
Type_Id | String | False |
Product type (e.g., hardware or software). |
Quote_Id | String | False |
If product is created via Quote, this is quote Id. |
Manufacturer_Id | String | False |
The Id of the manufacturer of the product. |
Manufacturer_Name | String | False |
The name of the manufacturer of the product. |
Category_Id | String | False |
The Id of the product category. |
Category_Name | String | False |
The name of the product category. |
Mft_Part_Num | String | False |
Manufacturer part number. |
Vendor_Part_Num | String | False |
Vendor part number. |
Date_Purchased | Datetime | False |
Date the product was purchased. |
Cost_Price | Double | False |
Product cost (Cost in Quote). |
Discount_Price | Double | False |
Discounted price (Unit Price in Quote). |
Discount_Amount | String | False |
Discounted amount. |
Discount_Rate_Percent | Decimal | False |
Discounted percent. |
Discount_Amount_Usdollar | Double | False |
Discount amount in USD. |
Discount_Select | Bool | False |
The select discount. |
Deal_Calc | Double | False |
The deal calculation. |
Deal_Calc_Usdollar | Double | False |
The deal calculation in USD. |
List_Price | Double | False |
List price of product (List in Quote). |
Cost_Usdollar | Double | False |
Cost expressed in USD. |
Discount_Usdollar | Double | False |
Discount price expressed in USD. |
List_Usdollar | Double | False |
List price expressed in USD. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
Currency of the product. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate of the product. |
Status | String | False |
Product status (e.g., Quoted, Ordered, or Shipped). |
Tax_Class | String | False |
Tax classification (e.g., Taxable or Non-taxable). |
Website | String | False |
Product URL. |
Weight | Decimal | False |
Weight of the product. |
Quantity | Decimal | False |
Quantity in use. |
Support_Name | String | False |
Name of product for support purposes. |
Support_Description | String | False |
Description of product for support purposes. |
Support_Contact | String | False |
Contact for support purposes. |
Support_Term | String | False |
Term (length) of support contract. |
Date_Support_Expires | Datetime | False |
Support expiration date. |
Date_Support_Starts | Datetime | False |
Support start date. |
Pricing_Formula | String | False |
Pricing formula (e.g., Fixed or Markup over Cost). |
Pricing_Factor | Int | False |
Variable pricing factor depending on pricing_formula. |
Serial_Number | String | False |
Serial number of the product in use. |
Asset_Number | String | False |
Asset tag number of the product in use. |
Book_Value | Double | False |
Book value of the product in use. |
Book_Value_Usdollar | Double | False |
Book value expressed in USD. |
Book_Value_Date | Datetime | False |
Date of book value for the product in use. |
Date_Closed | Datetime | False |
Expected or actual date the product (for opportunity) will close. |
Date_Closed_Timestamp | Int | False |
The timestamp of date_closed. |
Next_Step | String | False |
The next step in the sales process. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The Id of the campaign that generated the lead. |
Campaign_Name | String | False |
The name of the campaign that generated the lead. |
Currency_Name | String | False |
The name of the currency. |
Currency_Symbol | String | False |
The symbol of the currency. |
Quote_Name | String | False |
Quote name. |
Opportunity_Id | String | False |
The opportunity Id for the line item entry. |
Opportunity_Name | String | False |
The opportunity name associated with the opportunity. |
Type_Name | String | False |
The name of the type. |
Account_Name | String | False |
The name of the account. |
Product_Index | String | False |
The product index. |
Create, udpate, delete, and query the ProductTemplates module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the product template. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Type_Id | String | False |
The product type (e.g., hardware or software). |
Manufacturer_Id | String | False |
The manufacturer of the product. |
Manufacturer_Name | String | False |
The manufacturer name. |
Category_Id | String | False |
The category of the product. |
Category_Name | String | False |
The category name. |
Type_Name | String | False |
The type name. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the product. |
Mft_Part_Num | String | False |
The manufacturer part number. |
Vendor_Part_Num | String | False |
The vendor part number. |
Date_Cost_Price | Datetime | False |
The starting date the cost price is valid. |
Cost_Price | Double | False |
Product cost (Cost in Quote). |
Discount_Price | Double | False |
Discounted price (Unit Price in Quote). |
List_Price | Double | False |
List price of product (List in Quote). |
Cost_Usdollar | Double | True |
Cost expressed in USD. |
Discount_Usdollar | Double | True |
Discount price expressed in USD. |
List_Usdollar | Double | True |
List price expressed in USD. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
Currency of the product. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate. |
Currency_Symbol | String | False |
The currency symbol. |
Currency | String | False |
Currency of the product. |
Status | String | False |
Product status (not used in product Catalog). |
Tax_Class | String | False |
Tax classification (e.g., Taxable or Non-taxable). |
Date_Available | Datetime | False |
Availability date. |
Website | String | False |
Product URL. |
Weight | Decimal | False |
Weight of the product. |
Qty_In_Stock | Int | False |
Quantity on hand. |
Description | String | False |
Description of the product. |
Support_Name | String | False |
Name of product for support purposes. |
Support_Description | String | False |
Description of product for support purposes. |
Support_Contact | String | False |
Contact for support purposes. |
Support_Term | String | False |
Term (length) of support contract. |
Pricing_Formula | String | False |
Pricing formula (e.g., Fixed or Markup over Cost). |
Pricing_Factor | Decimal | False |
Variable pricing factor depending on pricing_formula. |
Create, udpate, delete, and query the ProductTypes module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the product type. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
Product type name. |
Description | String | False |
Product type description. |
List_Order | Int | False |
The relative order in the drop-down list. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Project module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the project. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
Date the record was last modified. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to this record. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record |
Modified_By_Name | String | False |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | False |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
Project name. |
Description | String | False |
Project description. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Estimated_Start_Date | Datetime | False |
The estimated start date. |
Estimated_End_Date | Datetime | False |
The estimated end date. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the project. |
Priority | String | False |
The priority of the project. |
Is_Template | Bool | False |
Whether the project is a template. |
Total_Estimated_Effort | Int | False |
The total estimated effort of the project. |
Total_Actual_Effort | Int | False |
The total actual effort of the project. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the project. |
Create, update, delete, and query the ProjectTask module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the project task. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the project task was entered. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the project task was modified. |
Project_Id | String | False |
The Id of the project associated with the task. |
Project_Task_Id | Int | False |
The Id of the project task. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the project task. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the project task. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Resource_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated resource. |
Resource_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated resource. |
Predecessors | String | False |
The predecessors of the project task. |
Date_Start | Datetime | False |
The start date of the project task. |
Time_Start | Int | False |
The start time of the project task. |
Time_Finish | Int | False |
The finish time of the project task. |
Date_Finish | Datetime | False |
The finish date of the project task. |
Duration | Int | False |
The duration of the project task. |
Duration_Unit | String | False |
The duration unit of the project task. |
Actual_Duration | Int | False |
The actual duration of the project task. |
Percent_Complete | Int | False |
The percent that the project task is complete. |
Date_Due | Datetime | False |
The due date of the project task. |
Time_Due | String | False |
The time the project task is due. |
Parent_Task_Id | Int | False |
The Id of the parent task. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the project task. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the project task. |
Modified_By_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user who last modified the project task. |
Priority | String | False |
The priority of the project task. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the project task. |
Created_By_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user who created the project task. |
Milestone_Flag | Bool | False |
The name of the project task. |
Order_Number | Int | False |
The order number of the project task. |
Task_Number | Int | False |
The task number of the project task. |
Estimated_Effort | Int | False |
The estimated effort of the project task. |
Actual_Effort | Int | False |
The actual effort of the project task. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the project task is deleted. |
Utilization | Int | False |
The utilization of the project task. |
Project_Name | String | False |
The name of the project task. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the project task. |
Create, update, delete, and query the ProspectLists module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The Id of the prospect list. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the prospect list. |
List_Type | String | False |
The type of the prospect list. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the prospect list was entered. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the prospect list was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the prospect list. |
Modified_By_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user who last modified the prospect list. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the prospect list. |
Created_By_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user who created the prospect list. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the prospect list is deleted. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the prospect list. |
Domain_Name | String | False |
The domain name of the prospect list. |
Entry_Count | Int | False |
The entry count of the prospect list. |
Marketing_Id | String | False |
The marketing Id of the prospect list. |
Marketing_Name | String | False |
The marketing name of the prospect list. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Prospects module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is a favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the prospect. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The user favorites for the prospect. |
Description | String | False |
Full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
User Id assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
String | False |
The email for the prospect. | |
Email1 | String | False |
The alternate email for the prospect. |
Email2 | String | False |
The alternate email for the prospect. |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False |
Whether the prospect email has been marked as invalid. |
Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False |
Whether the prospect has opted out of radio. |
Email_Addresses_Non_Primary | String | False |
The nonprimary email addresses for the prospect. |
Salutation | String | False |
The prospect salutation (e.g., Mr. or Ms.). |
First_Name | String | False |
The first name of the prospect. |
Last_Name | String | False |
The last name of the prospect. |
Full_Name | String | False |
The full name of hte prospect. |
Title | String | False |
The title of the prospect. |
String | False |
The Facebook name of the user. | |
String | False |
The Twitter name of the user. | |
Googleplus | String | False |
The Google Plus Id of the user. |
Department | String | False |
The department of the prospect. |
Do_Not_Call | Bool | False |
An indicator of whether the prospect can be called. |
Phone_Home | String | False |
Home phone number of the prospect. |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
Mobile phone number of the prospect. |
Phone_Work | String | False |
Work phone number of the prospect. |
Phone_Other | String | False |
Other phone number for the prospect. |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
The prospect fax number. |
Primary_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Street_2 | String | False |
The second line of the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Street_3 | String | False |
The third line of the primary addrss. |
Primary_Address_City | String | False |
The city for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_State | String | False |
The state for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Country | String | False |
The country for the primary address. |
Alt_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Street_2 | String | False |
The second line of the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Street_3 | String | False |
The third line of the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_City | String | False |
The city for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_State | String | False |
The state for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Country | String | False |
The country for the alternate address. |
Assistant | String | False |
The name of the assistant of the prospect. |
Assistant_Phone | String | False |
The phone number of the assistant of the prospect. |
Picture | String | False |
The picture for the prospect. |
Tracker_Key | Int | True |
The key for the associated tracker. |
Birthdate | Datetime | False |
The birthdate of the prospect. |
Lead_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated lead. |
Account_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated acocunt. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
Campaign that generated the lead. |
Dnb_Principal_Id | String | False |
The Id for the D. and B. Contact. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Quotas module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the quota. |
User_Id | String | False |
The user Id of the quota. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the quota. |
User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user assigned to the quota. |
User_Full_Name | String | False |
The full name of the user assigned to the quota. |
Timeperiod_Id | String | False |
The Id of the time period. |
Quota_Type | String | False |
The type of the quota. |
Amount | Double | False |
The amount of the quota. |
Amount_Base_Currency | Double | False |
The base currency of the amount. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
The Id of the currency. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate of the currency. |
Currency_Symbol | String | False |
The symbol of the currency. |
Committed | Bool | False |
Whether the quota is committed. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the record is deleted. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the record. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Quotes module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the quote. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the quote. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
Date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
Date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites of the user. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The user Id assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Shipper_Id | String | False |
The Id of the shipper. |
Shipper_Name | String | False |
The name of the shipper. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
The Id of the currency. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate. |
Taxrate_Id | String | False |
The Id of the tax rate. |
Show_Line_Nums | Bool | False |
Whether to show the line numbers of the quote. |
Calc_Grand_Total | Bool | False |
The grand total of the quote. |
Quote_Type | String | False |
The type of the quote. |
Date_Quote_Expected_Closed | Datetime | False |
The expected close date of the quote. |
Original_Po_Date | Datetime | False |
The original PO date |
Payment_Terms | String | False |
The payment terms. |
Date_Quote_Closed | Datetime | False |
The close date of the quote. |
Date_Order_Shipped | Datetime | False |
The ship date of the order. |
Order_Stage | String | False |
The stage of the order |
Quote_Stage | String | False |
The stage of the quote. |
Purchase_Order_Num | String | False |
The purchase order number. |
Quote_Num | Int | True |
The quote number. |
Subtotal | Double | False |
The subtotal of the quote. |
Subtotal_Usdollar | Double | False |
The subtotal of the quote in USD. |
Shipping | Double | False |
The shipping cost. |
Shipping_Usdollar | Double | False |
The shipping cost in USD. |
Discount | Double | False |
The discount amount. |
Deal_Tot | Double | False |
The deal total. |
Deal_Tot_Usdollar | Double | False |
The deal total in USD. |
New_Sub | Double | False |
The new subtotal. |
New_Sub_Usdollar | Double | False |
The new subtotal in USD. |
Tax | Double | False |
The tax amount. |
Tax_Usdollar | Double | False |
The tax amount in USD. |
Total | Double | False |
The total. |
Total_Usdollar | Double | False |
The total in USD. |
Billing_Address_Street | String | False |
The street of the billing address. |
Billing_Address_City | String | False |
The city used for the billing address. |
Billing_Address_State | String | False |
The state used for the billing address. |
Billing_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code used for the billing address. |
Billing_Address_Country | String | False |
The country used for the billing address. |
Shipping_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for for shipping purposes. |
Shipping_Address_City | String | False |
The city used for the shipping address. |
Shipping_Address_State | String | False |
The state used for the shipping address. |
Shipping_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The ZIP code used for the shipping address. |
Shipping_Address_Country | String | False |
The country used for the shipping address. |
System_Id | Int | False |
The system Id. |
Shipping_Account_Name | String | False |
The shipping account name. |
Shipping_Account_Id | String | False |
The shipping account Id. |
Shipping_Contact_Name | String | False |
The shipping contact name. |
Shipping_Contact_Id | String | False |
The shipping contact Id. |
Account_Name | String | False |
The account name. |
Account_Id | String | False |
The account Id. |
Billing_Account_Name | String | False |
The billing account name. |
Billing_Account_Id | String | False |
The billing account Id. |
Billing_Contact_Name | String | False |
The billing contact name. |
Billing_Contact_Id | String | False |
The billing contact Id. |
Opportunity_Name | String | False |
The opportunity name. |
Opportunity_Id | String | False |
The opportunity Id. |
Create, update, delete, and query the Releases module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the record is deleted. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was entered. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the release. |
List_Order | Int | False |
The relative order in the drop-down list. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the record. |
This is a table representing the ReportMaker module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the report maker. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the record is deleted. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The entered date of the record. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The modified date of the record. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the report maker. |
Title | String | False |
The title of the report maker. |
Report_Align | String | False |
The alignment of the report. |
Description | String | False |
The report description. |
Scheduled | Bool | False |
Whether the report is scheduled. |
This is a table representing the Reports module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the report. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the report. |
Module | String | False |
The module the report belongs to. |
Report_Type | String | False |
The report type. |
Content | String | False |
The content of the report. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the record is deleted. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Is_Published | Bool | False |
Whether the report is published. |
Last_Run_Date | String | False |
The last run date of the report. |
Chart_Type | String | False |
The chart type of the report. |
Schedule_Type | String | False |
The schedule type of the report. |
Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the report is a favorite of the user. |
This is a table representing the Reports module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the report. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the report. |
Module | String | False |
The module the report belongs to. |
Report_Type | String | False |
The report type. |
Content | String | False |
The content of the report. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the record is deleted. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Is_Published | Bool | False |
Whether the report is published. |
Last_Run_Date | String | False |
The last run date of the report. |
Chart_Type | String | False |
The chart type of the report. |
Schedule_Type | String | False |
The schedule type of the report. |
Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the report is a favorite of the user. |
This is a table representing the RevenueLineItems module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following the record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the revenue line item. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the revenue line item. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites of the user. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The user Id assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Product_Template_Id | String | False |
The Id of the product (in Admin Products) from which this product is derived (in user Products). |
Product_Template_Name | String | False |
The name of the product (in Admin Products) from which this product is derived (in user Products). |
Account_Id | String | False |
Account this product is associated with. |
Total_Amount | Double | False |
The total amount. |
Type_Id | String | False |
Product type (e.g., hardware or software). |
Quote_Id | String | False |
The Id of the quote the product is associated with. |
Manufacturer_Id | String | False |
The Id of the manufacturer of the product. |
Manufacturer_Name | String | False |
The name of the manufacturer of the product. |
Category_Id | String | False |
The Id of the product category. |
Category_Name | String | False |
The name of the product category. |
Mft_Part_Num | String | False |
Manufacturer part number. |
Vendor_Part_Num | String | False |
Vendor part number. |
Date_Purchased | Datetime | False |
Date product purchased. |
Cost_Price | Double | False |
Product cost (Cost in Quote). |
Discount_Price | Double | False |
Discounted price (Unit Price in Quote). |
Discount_Amount | Double | False |
Discounted amount. |
Discount_Rate_Percent | Decimal | False |
Discount rate percent. |
Discount_Amount_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
Discount amount in USD. |
Discount_Select | Bool | False |
Select discount. |
Deal_Calc | Double | False |
The calculated deal. |
Deal_Calc_Usdollar | Double | True |
The calculated deal in USD. |
List_Price | Double | False |
List price of product (List in Quote). |
Cost_Usdollar | Double | True |
Cost expressed in USD. |
Discount_Usdollar | Double | True |
Discount price expressed in USD. |
List_Usdollar | Double | True |
List price expressed in USD. |
Currency_Id | String | False |
Currency of the product. |
Base_Rate | Decimal | False |
The base rate. |
Status | String | False |
Product status (e.g., Quoted, Ordered, or Shipped). |
Tax_Class | String | False |
Tax classification (e.g., Taxable or Non-taxable). |
Website | String | False |
Product URL. |
Weight | Decimal | False |
Weight of the product. |
Quantity | Decimal | False |
Quantity in use. |
Support_Name | String | False |
Name of product for support purposes. |
Support_Description | String | False |
Description of product for support purposes. |
Support_Contact | String | False |
Contact for support purposes. |
Support_Term | String | False |
Term (length) of support contract. |
Date_Support_Expires | Datetime | False |
Support expiration date. |
Date_Support_Starts | Datetime | False |
Support start date. |
Pricing_Formula | String | False |
Pricing formula (e.g., Fixed or Markup over Cost). |
Pricing_Factor | Int | False |
Variable pricing factor depending on pricing_formula. |
Serial_Number | String | False |
Serial number of product in use. |
Asset_Number | String | False |
Asset tag number of product in use. |
Book_Value | Double | False |
Book value of product in use. |
Book_Value_Usdollar | Double | True |
Book value expressed in USD. |
Book_Value_Date | Datetime | False |
Date of book value for product in use. |
Best_Case | Double | False |
The most optimistic scenario. |
Likely_Case | Double | False |
The likely scenario. |
Worst_Case | Double | False |
The least optimistic scenario. |
Date_Closed | Datetime | False |
Expected or actual date the product (for opportunity) will close. |
Date_Closed_Timestamp | Int | False |
The timestamp of the close date for the opportunity. |
Next_Step | String | False |
The next step in the sales process. |
Commit_Stage | String | False |
Forecast commit category: Include, Likely, Omit etc. |
Sales_Stage | String | False |
Indication of progression towards closure. |
Probability | Int | False |
The probability of closure. |
Lead_Source | String | False |
Source of the product. |
Campaign_Id | String | False |
The campaign that generated the lead. |
Campaign_Name | String | False |
The name of the campaign. |
Currency_Name | String | False |
The name of the currency. |
Currency_Symbol | String | False |
The symbol of the currency. |
Quote_Name | String | False |
Quote Name. |
Opportunity_Id | String | False |
The Id of the opportunity for the line item entry. |
Opportunity_Name | String | False |
The name of the opportunity for the line item entry. |
Product_Type | String | False |
Type of product from the opportunity type. For example: Existing or New. |
Type_Name | String | False |
The type name. |
Account_Name | String | False |
The account name. |
This is a table representing the Roles module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the role. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the role. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the role. |
Modules | String | False |
The modules associated with the role. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the record is deleted. |
This is a table representing the SavedSearch module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the saved search. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the saved search. |
Search_Module | String | False |
The search module. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the record is deleted. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Contents | String | False |
The contents of the saved search. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the saved search. |
This is a table representing the Schedulers module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the scheduler. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the scheduler. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites of the user. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Job | String | False |
The job. |
Job_Url | String | False |
The job URL. |
Job_Function | String | False |
The job function. |
Date_Time_Start | String | False |
The start date and time. |
Date_Time_End | String | False |
The end date and time. |
Job_Interval | String | False |
The job interval. |
Adv_Interval | Bool | False |
Whether there are advanced options for the interval. |
Time_From | String | False |
The time the scheduler begins to be active per day. |
Time_To | String | False |
Time the scheduler stops being active per day. |
Last_Run | Datetime | False |
The last run time of the scheduler. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the scheduler. |
Catch_Up | Bool | False |
Whether the scheduler will catch up. |
This is a table representing the Shippers module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the shipper. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the record is deleted. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the shipper. |
List_Order | Int | False |
The relative order in the drop-down list. |
Default_Cost | Double | False |
Default cost (Shown). |
Default_Cost_Usdollar | Decimal | True |
The default cost in USD. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the shipper. |
This is a table representing the Styleguide module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
String | False |
The email address for the style guide. | |
Email1 | String | False |
The alternate email address for the style guide. |
Email2 | String | False |
The alternate email address for the style guide. |
Invalid_Email | Bool | False |
Whether the email address for the style guide is marked as invalid. |
Email_Opt_Out | Bool | False |
Whether the contact for the style guide has opted out of email. |
Email_Addresses_Non_Primary | String | False |
The nonprimary email addresses for the contact of the style guide. |
Salutation | String | False |
Contact salutation (e.g., Mr. or Ms.). |
First_Name | String | False |
First name of the contact. |
Last_Name | String | False |
Last name of the contact. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the contact. |
Full_Name | String | False |
The full name of the contact. |
Title | String | False |
Title of the Styleguide page. |
String | False |
The Facebook name of the user. | |
String | False |
The Twitter name of the user | |
Googleplus | String | False |
The Google Plus Id of the user |
Department | String | False |
The department of the contact. |
Do_Not_Call | Bool | False |
Whether or not to allow calls to contact. |
Phone_Home | String | False |
The home phone number of the contact. |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
The mobile phone number of the contact. |
Phone_Work | String | False |
The work phone number of the contact. |
Phone_Other | String | False |
Other phone number for the contact. |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
Contact fax number. |
Primary_Address_Street | String | False |
The street address used for the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Street_2 | String | False |
The second line of the primary street address. |
Primary_Address_Street_3 | String | False |
The third line of the primary street address. |
Primary_Address_City | String | False |
The city of the primary address. |
Primary_Address_State | String | False |
The state of the primary address. |
Primary_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code for primary address. |
Primary_Address_Country | String | False |
The country for primary address. |
Alt_Address_Street | String | False |
The alternate street address. |
Alt_Address_Street_2 | String | False |
The second line of the alternate street address. |
Alt_Address_Street_3 | String | False |
The third line of the alternate street address. |
Alt_Address_City | String | False |
The city of the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_State | String | False |
The state of the alternate address |
Alt_Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code for the alternate address. |
Alt_Address_Country | String | False |
The country for the alternate address. |
Assistant | String | False |
Name of the assistant of the contact. |
Assistant_Phone | String | False |
Phone number of the assistant of the contact. |
Picture | String | False |
Image to be used as an avatar. |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the style guide. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False | |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites of the user. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The user Id assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The parent Sugar module. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent Sugar module. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The name of the parent Sugar module. |
File_Mime_Type | String | False |
Attachment MIME type. |
File_Url | String | False |
Path to file (can be URL). |
Filename | String | False |
File name associated with the note (attachment). |
Currency_Id | String | False |
Currency of the product. |
List_Price | Double | False |
List price of product (List in Quote). |
Website | String | False |
URL of the website for the company. |
Birthdate | Datetime | False |
The birthdate of the contact. |
Secret_Password | String | False |
The secret password. |
User_Email | String | False |
The email address of the user. |
Date_Start | String | False |
The start date. |
Radio_Button_Group | String | False |
The radio button group. |
This is a table representing the Subscriptions module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the company. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the company. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites of the user. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The type of the parent Sugar item. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent Sugar item. |
This is a table representing the SugarFavorites module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the record. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites of the user. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The user Id assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Module | String | False |
The module of the favorite. |
Record_Id | String | False |
The Id of the record marked as a favorite. |
Record_Name | String | False |
The name of the record marked as a favorite. |
This is a table representing the Tasks module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the task. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites of the user. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Assigned_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user assigned to the record. |
Assigned_User_Name | String | False |
The name of the user assigned to the record. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the task. |
Date_Due_Flag | Bool | False |
Whether the task has a due date. |
Date_Due | String | False |
The due date of the task. |
Time_Due | Datetime | False |
The time the task is due. |
Date_Start_Flag | Bool | False |
Whether the flag has a start date. |
Date_Start | String | False |
The start date of the task. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The type of the Sugar item to which the call is related. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The name of the Sugar item to which the call is related. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the Sugar item to which the call is related. |
Contact_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated contact. |
Contact_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated contact. |
Contact_Phone | String | True |
The phone of the associated contact. |
Contact_Email | String | False |
The email of the associated contact. |
Priority | String | False |
The priority of the task. |
This is a table representing the TaxRates module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the tax rate. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the record is deleted. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the tax rate. |
Value | Decimal | False |
The value of the tax rate. |
List_Order | Int | False |
The relative order in the drop-down list. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the tax rate. |
This is a table representing the TeamNotices module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the team notice. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Date_Start | Datetime | False |
The start date of the team notice. |
Date_End | Datetime | False |
The end date of the team notice. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the team notice. |
Description | String | False |
The description of the team notice. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the team notice. |
Url | String | False |
The URL of the team notice. |
Url_Title | String | False |
The URL title of the team notice. |
This is a table representing the Teams module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the team. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the team. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites of the user. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Name_2 | String | False |
The additional name part for the team. |
Associated_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user associated with the team. |
Private | Bool | False |
Whether the team is private. |
This is a table representing the TimePeriods module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the time period. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the time period. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent Sugar module. |
Start_Date | Datetime | False |
The start date of the time period. |
Start_Date_Timestamp | Int | False |
The start date timestamp of the time period. |
End_Date | Datetime | False |
The end date of the time period. |
End_Date_Timestamp | Int | False |
The end date timestamp of the time period. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Is_Fiscal | Bool | False |
Whether the time period is a fiscal time period. |
Is_Fiscal_Year | Bool | False |
Whether the time period is a fiscal year. |
Leaf_Cycle | Int | False |
The leaf cycle of the time period. |
Type | String | False |
The type of time Period to be forecast over. |
This is a table representing the TrackerPerfs module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Monitor_Id | String | False |
The Id of the monitor. |
Server_Response_Time | Double | False |
The response time of the server. |
Db_Round_Trips | Int | False |
The round trips to the database. |
Files_Opened | Int | False |
The number of files opened. |
Memory_Usage | Int | False |
The memory usage. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The last date the record was modified. |
This is a table representing the TrackerQueries module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Query_Id | String | False |
The Id of the query. |
Text | String | False |
The text of the tracker query. |
Query_Hash | String | False |
The query hash. |
Sec_Total | Double | False |
The total seconds for the query to execute. |
Sec_Avg | Double | False |
The average time in seconds for the query to execute. |
Run_Count | Int | False |
The run count of the query. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The last time the record was modified. |
This is a table representing the Trackers module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | True |
The unique identifier of the record. |
Monitor_Id | String | False |
The Id of the monitor. |
User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user associated with the tracker. |
Module_Name | String | False |
The name of the associated module. |
Item_Id | String | False |
The name of the associated item. |
Item_Summary | String | False |
The summary of the associated item. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The last date the record was modified. |
Action | String | False |
The tracked action. |
Session_Id | String | False |
The session Id. |
Visible | Bool | False |
Whether the action is visible. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
This is a table representing the TrackerSessions module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Int | False |
The unique identifier of the tracker session. |
Session_Id | String | False |
The Id of the tracked session. |
Date_Start | Datetime | False |
The start date of the tracked session. |
Date_End | Datetime | False |
The end date of the tracked session. |
Seconds | Int | False |
The tracked seconds. |
Client_Ip | String | False |
The tracked client IP. |
User_Id | String | False |
The tracked user Id. |
Active | Bool | False |
Whether the session is active. |
Round_Trips | Int | False |
The number of round trips. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Record deletion indicator. |
This is a table representing the Users module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the user. |
User_Name | String | False |
The user name of the user. |
User_Hash | String | False |
The hash for the user. |
System_Generated_Password | Bool | False |
Whether the user has a system-generated password. |
Pwd_Last_Changed | Datetime | False |
The date and time the password was last changed. |
Authenticate_Id | String | False |
The authentication Id. |
Sugar_Login | Bool | False |
Whether Sugar login is enabled for the user. |
Picture | String | False |
The picture for the user. |
First_Name | String | False |
The first name of the user. |
Last_Name | String | False |
The last name of the user. |
Full_Name | String | False |
The full name of the user. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the user. |
Is_Admin | Bool | False |
Whether the user is an admin. |
External_Auth_Only | Bool | False |
Whether only external authentication is enabled for the user. |
Receive_Notifications | Bool | False |
Whether the user can receive notifications. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the user. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Last_Login | Datetime | True |
The last login time of the user. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Title | String | False |
The title of the user. |
Department | String | False |
The department of the user. |
Phone_Home | String | False |
The home phone number of the user. |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
The mobile phone number of the user. |
Phone_Work | String | False |
The work phone number of the user. |
Phone_Other | String | False |
The alternate phone number of the user. |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
The fax of the user. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the user. |
Address_Street | String | False |
The street address of the user. |
Address_City | String | False |
The city in the address. |
Address_State | String | False |
The state in the address. |
Address_Country | String | False |
The country in the address. |
Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The ZIP code in the address. |
UserType | String | False |
The type of the user. |
Default_Team | String | False |
The default team for the user. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Portal_Only | Bool | False |
Whether the user is portal only. |
Show_On_Employees | Bool | False |
Whether the user is shown on the employees tab. |
Employee_Status | String | False |
The status of the employee. |
Messenger_Id | String | False |
The Id of the messenger. |
Messenger_Type | String | False |
The type of the messenger. |
Reports_To_Id | String | False |
The Id of the manager of the user. |
Reports_To_Name | String | False |
The name of the manager of the user. |
Email1 | String | False |
The alternate email address of the user. |
String | False |
The email address of the user. | |
Email_Link_Type | String | False |
The link type of the email. |
Is_Group | Bool | False |
Whether the user is a group. |
C_Accept_Status_Fields | String | False |
The fields for the accept status of the call. |
M_Accept_Status_Fields | String | False |
The fields for the accept status of the meeting. |
Accept_Status_Id | String | False |
The Id of the accept status. |
Accept_Status_Name | String | False |
The name of the accept status. |
Accept_Status_Calls | String | False |
The accept status for calls. |
Accept_Status_Meetings | String | False |
The accept status for meetings. |
Preferred_Language | String | False |
The preferred language of the user. |
This is a table representing the UserSignatures module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the user signature. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the user signature. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites of the user. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the associated user. |
Signature | String | False |
The signature. |
Signature_Html | String | False |
The HTML signature. |
This is a table representing the WebLogicHooks module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
My_Favorite | Bool | False |
Whether the record is the favorite for the user. |
Following | Bool | False |
Whether the user is following this record. |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier for the Web logic hook. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the Web logic hook. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The name of the user who created the record. |
Doc_Owner | String | False |
The document owner. |
User_Favorites | String | False |
The favorites of the user. |
Description | String | False |
The full text of the note. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Webhook_Target_Module | String | False |
The target module of the Web logic hook. |
Request_Method | String | False |
The request method. |
Url | String | False |
URL of website for the company. |
Trigger_Event | String | False |
The trigger event. |
This is a table representing the WorkFlow module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the work flow. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
The record deletion indicator. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | False |
The date the record was created. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | False |
The date the record was last modified. |
Modified_User_Id | String | False |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | False |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the work flow. |
Base_Module | String | False |
The base module of the work flow. |
Status | Bool | False |
The status of the work flow. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the work flow. |
Type | String | False |
The type of the work flow. |
Fire_Order | String | False |
The fire order of the work flow. |
Parent_Id | String | False |
The Id of the parent Sugar module. |
Record_Type | String | False |
The record type. |
List_Order_Y | Int | False |
The list order of the data set. |
ビューとして公開されるクエリなどの動的ビューや、project_team ワークアイテムの特定の組み合わせを検索するためのビューがサポートされています。
Name | Description |
Audit | Query the Audit module in SugarCRM. |
Query the Audit module in SugarCRM.
When querying Audit you can get Audit logs simply by specifying the Module name (this is required):
SELECT * FROM Audit WHERE Module = 'Contacts'
Allowed values for Module are: Accounts, KBDocuments, RevenueLineItems, Contacts, Opportunities, Leads
If you want to get Audit logs for a single Module Id, the Audit parent_id needs to be tied to the ID that belongs to the module, for instance:
SELECT * FROM Audit WHERE Module = 'Contacts' AND parent_id = '9d46a91c-43bf-11e8-a83c-0681183120c1'
Name | Type | Description |
Parent_Id | String | The Id of the parent of the record. |
Date_Created | Datetime | The date the record was created. |
Created_By | String | The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Username | String | The user who created the record. |
Field_Name | String | The field name of the record. |
Data_Type | String | The data type of the record. |
Before_Value_String | String | The before value of the record. |
After_Value_String | String | The after value of the record. |
Before | String | The before value of the record. |
After | String | The after value of the record. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
APIVersion | The version of the SugarCRM used. |
URL | The URL of the SugarCRM account. |
User | 認証で使用されるSugarCRM ユーザーアカウント。 |
Password | ユーザーの認証で使用されるパスワード。 |
Platform | The SugarCRM platform that you want to use during your session. |
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
FirewallType | プロキシベースのファイアウォールで使われるプロトコル。 |
FirewallServer | プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。 |
FirewallPort | プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。 |
FirewallUser | プロキシベースのファイアウォールに認証するために使うユーザー名。 |
FirewallPassword | プロキシベースのファイアウォールへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
ProxyAutoDetect | これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。 |
ProxyServer | HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。 |
ProxyPort | ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。 |
ProxyAuthScheme | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。 |
ProxyUser | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。 |
ProxyPassword | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
ProxySSLType | ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。 |
ProxyExceptions | ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
LogModules | ログファイルに含めるコアモジュール。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Location | テーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャを定義するスキーマファイルを格納するディレクトリへのパス。 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Tables | このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。 |
Views | 使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
AggregateColumnMode | Indicating how aggregate columns should be treated. |
DisplayLanguage | The language to be used with the provider. This affects table names, view names and column names. |
IncludeDeleted | Specify whether to get deleted records or not. |
IncludeRelationships | Set this to true if you want to expose relationship columns which give you the ability to query objects in relationship to other objects. |
IncludeReports | Set this to true if you want to expose reports as views. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはグループ化を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これにより、設計時にパフォーマンスの問題を回避できます。 |
Other | これらの隠しプロパティは特定のユースケースでのみ使用されます。 |
Pagesize | The maximum number of results to return per page from SugarCRM. |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
RowScanDepth | テーブルで利用可能なカラムを探すためにスキャンする行数の最大値。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UseDisplayNames | View SugarCRM data by using the tables' names and columns' names as seen from the UI. |
UserDefinedViews | カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なAuthentication プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
APIVersion | The version of the SugarCRM used. |
URL | The URL of the SugarCRM account. |
User | 認証で使用されるSugarCRM ユーザーアカウント。 |
Password | ユーザーの認証で使用されるパスワード。 |
Platform | The SugarCRM platform that you want to use during your session. |
The version of the SugarCRM used.
The SugarCRM API version used by default is v11.
The URL of the SugarCRM account.
The URL of the SugarCRM account in the form 'http://{sugar crm instance}.com'.
The SugarCRM platform that you want to use during your session.
Use this connection property in case you are encountering a login conflict (error during authentication).
You can give it the value of one of the platforms that you have created in SugarCRM's UI.
To create a new platform in SugarCRM follow the below steps:
Go to your Admin Dashboard => Click on your admin icon (located on the top-right of the site) => Admin => In the "Developer Tools" section click on "Configure API Platforms" => Add a new platform and click Save.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なOAuth プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthClientId | OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。 |
OAuthClientSecret | OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。 |
OAuth 認証サーバーを使用してアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントId。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId 値、およびクライアントシークレットOAuthClientSecret が提供されます。
OAuth 認証サーバーにアプリケーションを登録する場合に割り当てられたクライアントシークレット。
OAuth アプリケーションの登録の一環として、コンシューマキーとも呼ばれるOAuthClientId が提供されます。また、コンシューマーシークレットと呼ばれるクライアントシークレットも提供されます。クライアントシークレットをOAuthClientSecret プロパティに設定します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なFirewall プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
FirewallType | プロキシベースのファイアウォールで使われるプロトコル。 |
FirewallServer | プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。 |
FirewallPort | プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。 |
FirewallUser | プロキシベースのファイアウォールに認証するために使うユーザー名。 |
FirewallPassword | プロキシベースのファイアウォールへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
このプロパティは、Sync App がFirewallServer プロキシ経由でトンネルトラフィックを使うためのプロトコルを指定します。デフォルトでは、Sync App はシステムプロキシに接続します。この動作を無効化し次のプロキシタイプのどれかで接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
タイプ | デフォルトポート | 説明 |
TUNNEL | 80 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はSugarCRM への接続を開き、プロキシを経由して通信が行われます。 |
SOCKS4 | 1080 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はデータをFirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたSOCS 4 プロキシ経由で送信し、接続リクエストが許容されるかどうかを決定します。 |
SOCKS5 | 1080 | これが設定されている場合、Sync App はデータをFirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたSOCS 5 プロキシ経由で送信します。プロキシに認証が必要な場合には、FirewallUser およびFirewallPassword をプロキシが認識する認証情報に設定します。 |
HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer およびProxyPort ポートを使ってください。HTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を使ってください。
プロキシベースのファイアウォールの名前もしくはIP アドレス。
ファイアウォールトラバーサルを許容するために設定するIP アドレス、DNS 名、もしくはプロキシホスト名を指定するプロパティです。プロトコルはFirewallType で指定されます。このプロパティとFirewallServer を使って、SOCKS 経由での接続、もしくはトンネリングが可能です。HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer を使用します。
Sync App はデフォルトでシステムプロキシを使うので注意してください。他のプロキシを使う場合には、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定してください。
プロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。
ファイアウォールトラバーサルを許容するために設定するプロキシベースのファイアウォールのTCP ポート。名前もしくはIP アドレスを指定するには、FirewallServer を使います。FirewallType でプロトコルを指定します。
FirewallUser およびFirewallPassword プロパティは、FirewallType により指定された認証方式に則り、FirewallServer、およびFirewallPort で指定されたプロキシに対しての認証に使われます。
このプロパティは、FirewallType により指定された認証メソッドに則り、FirewallServer およびFirewallPort で指定されたプロキシに渡されます。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なProxy プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
ProxyAutoDetect | これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。 |
ProxyServer | HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。 |
ProxyPort | ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。 |
ProxyAuthScheme | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。 |
ProxyUser | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。 |
ProxyPassword | ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。 |
ProxySSLType | ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。 |
ProxyExceptions | ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。 |
これは、システムプロキシ設定を使用するかどうかを示します。これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。
これは他のプロキシ設定よりも優先されるため、カスタムプロキシ設定を使用するにはProxyAutoDetect をFALSE に設定する必要があります。
HTTP プロキシへの接続には、ProxyServer を参照してください。SOCKS やトンネリングなどの他のプロキシには、FirewallType を参照してください。
HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。
HTTP トラフィックをルートするためのプロキシのホストネームもしくはIP アドレス。HTTP プロキシへの認証には、Sync App はHTTP、Windows(NTLM)、もしくはKerberos 認証タイプを使用することができます。
SOCKS プロキシを経由して接続する、もしくは接続をトンネルするには、FirewallType を参照してください。
デフォルトで、Sync App はsystem プロキシを使います。他のプロキシを使う場合には、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
ProxyServer プロキシが起動しているTCP ポート。
HTTP トラフィックをリダイレクトするHTTP プロキシが実行されているポート。ProxyServer でHTTP プロキシを指定します。その他のプロキシタイプについては、FirewallType を参照してください。
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証で使われる認証タイプ。
この値は、ProxyServer およびProxyPort で指定されるHTTP プロキシに認証するために使われる認証タイプを指定します。
Sync App は、デフォルトでsystem proxy settings を使い、追加での設定が不要です。他のプロキシへの接続をする場合には、ProxyServer およびProxyPort に加え、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。認証するには、ProxyAuthScheme を設定し、必要な場合にはProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
SOCKS 5 認証のような他の認証タイプを使用するには、FirewallType を参照してください。
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるユーザー名。
ProxyUser および ProxyPassword オプションは、ProxyServer で指定されたHTTP プロキシに対して接続および認証するために使用されます。
ProxyAuthScheme で使用可能な認証タイプを選択することができます。HTTP 認証を使う場合、これをHTTP プロキシで識別可能なユーザーのユーザー名に設定します。Windows もしくはKerberos 認証を使用する場合、このプロパティを次の形式のどれかでユーザー名に設定します。
user@domain domain\user
ProxyServer プロキシへの認証に使われるパスワード。
このプロパティは、NTLM(Windows)、Kerberos、もしくはHTTP 認証をサポートするHTTP プロキシサーバーに認証するために使われます。HTTP プロキシを指定するためには、ProxyServer およびProxyPort を設定します。認証タイプを指定するためにはProxyAuthScheme を設定します。
HTTP 認証を使う場合、さらにHTTP プロキシにProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
NTLM 認証を使う場合、Windows パスワードにProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。Kerberos 認証には、これらを入力する必要があります。
SOCKS 5 認証もしくは、トンネリングは、FirewallType を参照してください。
デフォルトで、Sync App はsystem プロキシを使います。他のプロキシに接続する場合には、これをfalse に設定します。
ProxyServer プロキシへの接続時に使用するSSL タイプ。
このプロパティは、ProxyServer で指定されたHTTP プロキシへの接続にSSL を使用するかどうかを決定します。この値は、AUTO、ALWAYS、NEVER、TUNNEL のいずれかです。有効な値は次のとおりです。
AUTO | デフォルト設定。URL がHTTPS URL の場合、Sync App は、TUNNEL オプションを使います。URL がHTTP URL の場合、コンポーネントはNEVER オプションを使います。 |
ALWAYS | 接続は、常にSSL 有効となります。 |
NEVER | 接続は、SSL 有効になりません。 |
TUNNEL | 接続は、トンネリングプロキシを経由します。プロキシサーバーがリモートホストへの接続を開き、プロキシを経由して通信が行われます。 |
ProxyServer 経由での接続が免除される宛先ホスト名またはIP のセミコロン区切りのリスト。
ProxyServer は、このプロパティで定義されたアドレスを除くすべてのアドレスに使用されます。セミコロンを使用してエントリを区切ります。
Sync App は、追加設定なしにデフォルトでシステムのプロキシ設定を使います。この接続のプロキシ例外を明示的に構成するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定して、ProxyServer およびProxyPort を設定する必要があります。認証するには、ProxyAuthScheme を設定し、必要な場合にはProxyUser およびProxyPassword を設定します。
指定された(';' で区切られた)モジュールのみがログファイルに含まれます。デフォルトではすべてのモジュールが含まれます。
概要はログ ページを参照してください。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Location | テーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャを定義するスキーマファイルを格納するディレクトリへのパス。 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
Tables | このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。 |
Views | 使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。 |
Sync App のスキーマファイル(テーブルとビューの場合は.rsd ファイル、ストアドプロシージャの場合は.rsb ファイル)を含むディレクトリへのパス。このフォルダの場所は、実行ファイルの場所からの相対パスにすることができます。Location プロパティは、定義をカスタマイズしたり(例えば、カラム名を変更する、カラムを無視するなど)、新しいテーブル、ビュー、またはストアドプロシージャでデータモデルを拡張する場合にのみ必要です。
指定しない場合、デフォルトの場所は"%APPDATA%\\CData\\SugarCRM Data Provider\\Schema" となり、%APPDATA% はユーザーのコンフィギュレーションディレクトリに設定されます:
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このプロパティは、使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるテーブルを制限します。例えば、Tables=TableA,TableB,TableC です。
テーブルを複数のデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でテーブルのリストを提供すると、Sync App のパフォーマンスが向上します。
カンマ区切りのリストで使用したいテーブルを指定します。各テーブルは、角かっこ、二重引用符、またはバッククオートを使用してエスケープされた特殊文字列を含む有効なSQL 識別子である必要があります。 例えば、Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space` です。
使用可能なテーブルのサブセットにレポートされるビューを制限します。例えば、Views=ViewA,ViewB,ViewC です。
ビューを複数のデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でビューのリストを提供すると、Sync App のパフォーマンスが向上します。
カンマ区切りのリストで使用したいビューを指定します。各ビューは、角かっこ、二重引用符、またはバッククオートを使用してエスケープされた特殊文字列を含む有効なSQL 識別子である必要があります。 例えば、Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space` です。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
AggregateColumnMode | Indicating how aggregate columns should be treated. |
DisplayLanguage | The language to be used with the provider. This affects table names, view names and column names. |
IncludeDeleted | Specify whether to get deleted records or not. |
IncludeRelationships | Set this to true if you want to expose relationship columns which give you the ability to query objects in relationship to other objects. |
IncludeReports | Set this to true if you want to expose reports as views. |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはグループ化を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これにより、設計時にパフォーマンスの問題を回避できます。 |
Other | これらの隠しプロパティは特定のユースケースでのみ使用されます。 |
Pagesize | The maximum number of results to return per page from SugarCRM. |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
RowScanDepth | テーブルで利用可能なカラムを探すためにスキャンする行数の最大値。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UseDisplayNames | View SugarCRM data by using the tables' names and columns' names as seen from the UI. |
UserDefinedViews | カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。 |
Indicating how aggregate columns should be treated.
Aggregate columns are the columns that will appear on base tables which aggregate all of the data contained within child collections. Because these columns include all the data of a child collection, they can become very large. In some situations, such as writing the data to an offline database, it may be advisable to set AggregateColumnMode to either Ignore or List. Setting AggregateColumnMode to List will still cause aggregate columns to be listed for use with inserts and updates.
Ignore | All aggregate will be ignored and will not show up as available columns in the table definition. |
List | Aggregate columns will be listed in all tables, but on base tables such as Contacts, they will not retrieve data from SugarCRM. |
ListAndRetrieve | Aggregate columns will be listed and requested on all tables. Note that when this mode is activated, primitive columns which are also part of the aggregates will be retuned as NULL. I.e. on the Accounts table the Team_Id column which is also part of the Team_Name aggregate, will be returned as NULL. |
The language to be used with the provider. This affects table names, view names and column names.
The default language used is 'English US'. Avaliable languages are: Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English UK, English US, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish Latin America, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian.
Specify whether to get deleted records or not.
Set this to true in order to retrieve deleted records in the result set.
Set this to true if you want to expose relationship columns which give you the ability to query objects in relationship to other objects.
Relationships are the basis for linking information within the Sugar CRM system. The relationships are exposed by the provider in the form of columns.
Set this connection property to true if you want to expose relationship columns.
For Ex.
SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE account_tasks='514b69aa-41e0-11ea-a5ef-02424563122e' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE accounts_contacts='e9b69b60-41e0-11ea-82f2-02424563122e' SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE accounts_notes_1='514b69aa-41e0-11ea-a5ef-02424563122e' SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE accounts_notes_1 IN ('4a6cd5de-f40e-11ea-99f0-02f85148f4a4', '456ffdc2-f40e-11ea-86ca-02f85148f4a4')
Set this to true if you want to expose reports as views.
You can query the reports like you would query the views:
SELECT * FROM [Report_Revenues per industry (2021)]
where "Revenues per industry (2021)" is the name of the report.
Use the connection properties Pagesize and RowScanDepth to control how the driver queries the report metadata if the default values take too long.
DefaultColumnSize | データソースがメタデータにカラムの長さを提供しない場合に、文字列フィールドのデフォルトの長さを設定します。デフォルト値は2000です。 |
ConvertDateTimeToGMT | 日時の値を、マシンのローカルタイムではなくGMT グリニッジ標準時に変換するかどうかを決定します。 |
RecordToFile=filename | 基底のソケットデータ転送を指定のファイルに記録します。 |
The maximum number of results to return per page from SugarCRM.
The Pagesize property affects the maximum number of results to return per page from SugarCRM. Setting a higher value may result in better performance at the cost of additional memory eaten up per page consumed.
Note: The default max supported value is 1000.
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
大きい値を設定すると、パフォーマンスが低下する場合があります。小さい値を設定すると、特にnull データがある場合には、データ型を正しく判定できない場合があります。
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Sync App は例外をスローします。
View SugarCRM data by using the tables' names and columns' names as seen from the UI.
Determines whether to use labels of modules and fields instead of the API original names. Labels are more user friendly.
カスタムビューを含むJSON コンフィギュレーションファイルを指すファイルパス。
ユーザー定義ビューは、UserDefinedViews.json というJSON 形式のコンフィギュレーションファイルで定義されています。Sync App は、このファイルで指定されたビューを自動的に検出します。
また、複数のビュー定義を持ち、UserDefinedViews 接続プロパティを使用して制御することも可能です。このプロパティを使用すると、指定されたビューのみがSync App によって検知されます。
{ "MyView": { "query": "SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE MyColumn = 'value'" }, "MyView2": { "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)" } }UserDefinedViews 接続プロパティを使用して、JSON コンフィギュレーションファイルの場所を指定します。次に例を示します。
"UserDefinedViews", "C:\\Users\\yourusername\\Desktop\\tmp\\UserDefinedViews.json"