Create, update, delete, and query the Employees module in SugarCRM.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The unique identifier of the employee. |
User_Name | String | False |
The username of the employee. |
User_Hash | String | False |
The user hash of the employee. |
System_Generated_Password | Bool | False |
Whether the employee has a system-generated password. |
Pwd_Last_Changed | Datetime | False |
The date the password of the employee was last changed. |
Authenticate_Id | String | False |
The Id used in authentication. |
Sugar_Login | Bool | False |
Whether the employee has a Sugar login. |
Picture | String | False |
The Id of the picture. |
First_Name | String | False |
The first name of the employee. |
Last_Name | String | False |
The last name of the employee. |
Full_Name | String | False |
The full name of the employee. |
Name | String | False |
The name of the employee. |
Is_Admin | Bool | False |
Whether the employee is an admin. |
External_Auth_Only | Bool | False |
Whether the employee only has external authentication available. |
Receive_Notifications | Bool | False |
Whether the employee can receive notifications. |
Description | String | False |
The description for the employee. |
Date_Entered | Datetime | True |
The date the employee record was entered into the system. |
Date_Modified | Datetime | True |
The date the employee record was last modified. |
Last_Login | Datetime | True |
The last login date of the employee. |
Modified_User_Id | String | True |
The Id of the user who last modified the record. |
Modified_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who last modified the record. |
Created_By | String | True |
The Id of the user who created the record. |
Created_By_Name | String | True |
The user name of the user who created the record. |
Title | String | False |
The title of the employee. |
Department | String | False |
The department of the employee. |
Phone_Home | String | False |
The home phone number of the employee. |
Phone_Mobile | String | False |
The mobile phone number of the employee. |
Phone_Work | String | False |
The work phone number of the employee. |
Phone_Other | String | False |
The alternate phone of the employee. |
Phone_Fax | String | False |
The fax of the employee. |
Status | String | False |
The status of the employee. |
Address_Street | String | False |
The street address of the employee. |
Address_City | String | False |
The city in the address of the employee. |
Address_State | String | False |
The state in the address of the employee. |
Address_Country | String | False |
The country in the address of the employee. |
Address_Postalcode | String | False |
The postal code in the address of the employee. |
UserType | String | False |
The user type of the employee. |
Default_Team | String | False |
The default team for the employee. |
Team_Id | String | False |
The Id of the primary team. |
Team_Set_Id | String | False |
The Id of the team set. |
Team_Count | String | False |
The count of the team set. |
Team_Name | String | False |
The name of the primary team. |
Deleted | Bool | False |
Whether the employee is deleted. |
Portal_Only | Bool | False |
Whether the employee is a portal-only user. |
Show_On_Employees | Bool | False |
Whether to show the employee. |
Employee_Status | String | False |
The status of the employee. |
Messenger_Id | String | False |
The Id of the instant messenger service used by the employee. |
Messenger_Type | String | False |
The type of the instant messenger service used by the employee. |
Reports_To_Id | String | False |
The Id of who the employee reports to. |
Reports_To_Name | String | False |
The user name of who the employee reports to. |
Email1 | String | False |
The alternate email address of the employee. |
String | False |
The email address of the employee. | |
Email_Link_Type | String | False |
The link type of the email for the employee. |
Is_Group | Bool | False |
Whether the employee is a group user. |
C_Accept_Status_Fields | String | False |
The status fields for the call accept status of the employee. |
M_Accept_Status_Fields | String | False |
The status fields for the meeting accept status of the employee. |
Accept_Status_Id | String | False |
The Id of the accept status of the employee. |
Accept_Status_Name | String | False |
The name of the accept status of the employee. |
Accept_Status_Calls | String | False |
The call accept status for the employee. |
Accept_Status_Meetings | String | False |
The meeting accept status for the employee. |
Preferred_Language | String | False |
The preferred language for the employee. |