JDBC Driver for SugarCRM

Build 22.0.8462

Connecting from Code

This section describes how to connect with the JDBC DriverManager or SugarCRMDataSource interfaces.

Connecting with the DriverManager

When connecting with the DriverManager class, the CData JDBC Driver for SugarCRM follows the JDBC convention: First, load the SugarCRM driver class. Then, make a connection.

Load the Driver

The following step is optional per the JDBC 4.0 specification.

Establish a Connection

Provide the connection string with the getConnection method of the static DriverManager class. Start the connection string with "jdbc:sugarcrm:". A typical connection string is the following:

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sugarcrm:InitiateOAuth=GETANDREFRESH;URL=http://mySugarCRM.com;User=myUser;Password=myPassword;");
Alternatively, you can prepare the connection options using a Properties object. Pass the Properties object to the DriverManager.
Properties prop = new Properties();

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sugarcrm:",prop);

Connecting with the SugarCRMDataSource Class

You can use the SugarCRMDataSource class to create pooled connections, as shown in the following example. See Connection Pooling for more information.

The following example instantiates a pooled Connection object:

SugarCRMDataSource ds = new SugarCRMDataSource("jdbc:sugarcrm:UseConnectionPooling=true;InitiateOAuth=GETANDREFRESH;URL=http://mySugarCRM.com;User=myUser;Password=myPassword;"); 
Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

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Build 22.0.8462