ProductAttributes is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table.
Table Specific Information
The cmdlet uses the AdobeCommerce API to filter the results by AttributeSetId while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the cmdlet.
The AttributeSetId column must be specified in the WHERE clause to retrieve results from ProductAttributes. AttributeSetId can be used only with the equals (=) operator.
For example:
SELECT * FROM [ProductAttributes] WHERE AttributeSetId = '123'
Name | Type | Description |
ApplyTo | String | Apply to value for the element |
AttributeSetId | String | attributeSetId |
AttributeCode | String | Code of the attribute. |
AttributeId [KEY] | Int | Id of the attribute. |
BackendModel | String | Backend model |
BackendType | String | Backend type. |
DefaultFrontendLabel | String | Frontend label for default store |
DefaultValue | String | Default value for the element. |
EntityTypeId | String | Entity type id |
ExtensionAttributes | String | This is an auto-generated column |
FrontendClass | String | Frontend class of attribute |
FrontendInput | String | HTML for input element. |
FrontendLabels | String | Frontend label for each store |
IsComparable | String | The attribute can be compared on the frontend |
IsFilterable | Bool | It used in layered navigation |
IsFilterableInGrid | Bool | It is filterable in catalog product grid |
IsFilterableInSearch | Bool | It is used in search results layered navigation |
IsHtmlAllowedOnFront | Bool | The HTML tags are allowed on the frontend |
IsRequired | Bool | Attribute is required. |
IsSearchable | String | The attribute can be used in Quick Search |
IsUnique | String | This is a unique attribute |
IsUsedForPromoRules | String | The attribute can be used for promo rules |
IsUsedInGrid | Bool | It is used in catalog product grid |
IsUserDefined | Bool | Current attribute has been defined by a user. |
IsVisible | Bool | Attribute is visible on frontend. |
IsVisibleInAdvancedSearch | String | The attribute can be used in Advanced Search |
IsVisibleInGrid | Bool | It is visible in catalog product grid |
IsVisibleOnFront | String | The attribute is visible on the frontend |
IsWysiwygEnabled | Bool | WYSIWYG flag |
Note | String | The note attribute for the element. |
Options | String | Options of the attribute (key => value pairs for select) |
Position | Int | Position |
Scope | String | Attribute scope |
SourceModel | String | Source model |
UsedForSortBy | Bool | It is used for sorting in product listing |
UsedInProductListing | String | The attribute can be used in product listing |
ValidationRules | String | Validation rules. |