Modifying Data
The connection is also used to issue INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE commands to the data source. Parameters can be used with these statements if desired.
Note that the connector does not support transactions. As with normal write operations, all SQL statements executed by this connector affect the data source immediately. Call the connection's commit() method following the execution.
The following example adds a new record to the table:cmd = "INSERT INTO Products (Price, Name) VALUES (?, ?)" params = ["13", "New Product"] cur = conn.execute(cmd, params) print("Records affected: ", cur.rowcount)
The following example modifies an existing record in the table:cmd = "UPDATE Products SET Name = ? WHERE EntityId = ?" params = ["New Product", "25"] cur = conn.execute(cmd, params) print("Records affected: ", cur.rowcount)
The following example removes an existing record from the table:
cmd = "DELETE FROM Products WHERE EntityId = ?" params = ["25"] cur = conn.execute(cmd, params) print("Records affected: ", cur.rowcount)