Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views are read-only.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table.
CData Python Connector for Adobe Commerce Views
Name | Description |
AdobeStockAssetApiGetAssetList | AdobeStockAssetApiGetAssetList is an auto generated table |
AdobeStockImageApiGetImageList | AdobeStockImageApiGetImageList is an auto generated table |
AnalyticsLinkProvider | AnalyticsLinkProvider is an auto generated table |
AsynchronousOperationsBulkStatus | AsynchronousOperationsBulkStatus is an auto generated table |
AsynchronousOperationsOperation | AsynchronousOperationsOperation is an auto generated table |
BillingAddresses | BillingAddresses is an auto-generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
BundleProductLinkChildren | BundleProductLinkChildren is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CatalogCategoryAttribute | CatalogCategoryAttribute is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CatalogCategoryAttributeOptionOptions | CatalogCategoryAttributeOptionOptions is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CatalogCategoryLinkProducts | CatalogCategoryLinkProducts is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CatalogCategoryList | CatalogCategoryList is an auto generated table |
CatalogProductAttributeTypesList | CatalogProductAttributeTypesList is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CatalogProductLinkTypeList | CatalogProductLinkTypeList is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CatalogProductRenderList | CatalogProductRenderList is an auto generated table |
CatalogProductTierPriceTiers | CatalogProductTierPriceTiers is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CatalogProductTypeList | CatalogProductTypeList is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CheckoutAgreementsCheckoutAgreements | CheckoutAgreementsCheckoutAgreements is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CheckoutAgreementsCheckoutAgreementsList | CheckoutAgreementsCheckoutAgreementsList is an auto generated table |
ConfigurableProductLinkChildren | ConfigurableProductLinkChildren is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CustomerAccountBillingAddress | CustomerAccountBillingAddress is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CustomerAccountShippingAddress | CustomerAccountShippingAddress is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
CustomerGroupDefault | CustomerGroupDefault is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
DirectoryCountryInformationAcquirer | DirectoryCountryInformationAcquirer is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
DirectoryCurrencyInformationAcquirer | DirectoryCurrencyInformationAcquirer is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
GuestPaymentInformation | GuestPaymentInformation is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
GuestPaymentMethods | GuestPaymentMethods is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
GuestPaymentSelectedMethods | GuestPaymentSelectedMethods is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
GuestShippingMethods | GuestShippingMethods is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
InventoryApiGetSourcesAssignedToStockOrderedByPriority | InventoryApiGetSourcesAssignedToStockOrderedByPriority is an auto generated table |
InventoryApiGetStockSourceLinks | InventoryApiGetStockSourceLinks is an auto generated table |
InventoryApiSourceItem | InventoryApiSourceItem is an auto generated table |
OrderItems | OrderItems is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
PaymentMethods | PaymentMethods is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
PaymentSelectedMethods | PaymentSelectedMethods is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
PayPalBraintreeAuth | PayPalBraintreeAuth is an auto generated table |
ProductAttributes | ProductAttributes is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
QuoteCartTotal | QuoteCartTotal is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
QuoteGuestCart | QuoteGuestCart is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
QuoteGuestCartTotal | QuoteGuestCartTotal is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
SalesTransaction | SalesTransaction is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
ShippingMethods | ShippingMethods is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
StoreGroup | StoreGroup is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
Stores | Stores is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |
StoreWebsite | StoreWebsite is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Querying data from this table. |