CData Python Connector for Adobe Commerce

Build 24.0.9175


The connector models the data in AdobeCommerce as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData Python Connector for Adobe Commerce Tables

Name Description
AdobeStockAssetApiAsset AdobeStockAssetApiAsset is an auto generated table
BundleProductOption BundleProductOption is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Delete, and Querying data from this table.
CatalogAttributeSet CatalogAttributeSet is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
CatalogProductAttribute CatalogProductAttribute is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
CmsBlock CmsBlock is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
CmsPage CmsPage is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
ConfigurableProductOption ConfigurableProductOption is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
CustomerAddress CustomerAddress is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Delete, and Querying data from this table.
CustomerGroup CustomerGroup is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
Customers Customers is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
DownloadableLink DownloadableLink is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
DownloadableSample DownloadableSample is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
EavAttributeSet EavAttributeSet is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
GiftMessageCart GiftMessageCart is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
GiftMessageGuestCart GiftMessageGuestCart is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
GiftMessageGuestItem GiftMessageGuestItem is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
GiftMessageItem GiftMessageItem is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
GuestBillingAddresses GuestBillingAddresses is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
Inventory Inventory is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Update, and Querying data from this table.
InventoryApiSource InventoryApiSource is an auto generated table
InventoryApiStock InventoryApiStock is an auto generated table
OrderComments OrderComments is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
Orders Orders is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, and Querying data from this table.
ProductAttributeGroup ProductAttributeGroup is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
ProductAttributeOptions ProductAttributeOptions is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
ProductCategories ProductCategories is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
ProductCustomOption ProductCustomOption is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
ProductMedia ProductMedia is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
Products Products is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
QuoteCart QuoteCart is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Update, and Querying data from this table.
QuoteCartItem QuoteCartItem is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
QuoteGuestCartItem QuoteGuestCartItem is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
SalesCreditmemo SalesCreditmemo is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
SalesCreditmemoComments SalesCreditmemoComments is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
SalesInvoice SalesInvoice is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
SalesInvoiceComments SalesInvoiceComments is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
SalesRule SalesRule is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
SalesRuleCoupon SalesRuleCoupon is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
SalesShipment SalesShipment is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
SalesShipmentComments SalesShipmentComments is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, and Querying data from this table.
TaxClass TaxClass is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
TaxRate TaxRate is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.
TaxRule TaxRule is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.

Copyright (c) 2025 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9175