JDBC Driver for Adobe Commerce

Build 24.0.9111


Products is an auto generated table. The supported operations are Insert, Update, Delete, and Querying data from this table.

Table Specific Information


The driver uses the AdobeCommerce API to filter the results with these operators while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the provider. Client-side execution can be turned off by setting SupportEnhancedSQL to false in which case any search criteria that invokes other operators will cause an error.

Custom Attributes will be dynamically retrieved as columns when querying this table. The Products table supports server-side processing for all columns in the WHERE clause. Most of these columns support server-side processing for the >, >=, <, <=, =, IN, NOT IN and LIKE operators.

The following examples show the types of queries processed server side.

  • Retrieve all products from your AdobeCommerce server:
    SELECT * FROM Products
  • Retrieve a single product:
    SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Sku = 'sjl-8082'
  • Filter by status:
    SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Status = 1
  • Filter by created date:
    SELECT * FROM Products WHERE CreatedAt > '2017-08-01'
  • Example query with multiple filters:
    SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Id IN (250, 260) AND Name LIKE '%d%' AND Visibility = 4 LIMIT 50


To create a new product, Name, AttributeSetId, and Sku are required.

INSERT INTO Products (Sku, AttributeSetId, Name) VALUES ('sjl-1999', '4', 'insert prod')


To update a product, you must set the Sku and Price columns.

UPDATE Products SET Price = '88', CustomAttribute1 = 'ValidValue' WHERE Sku = 'sjl-1999'


Products can be deleted by providing the Sku column.

DELETE FROM Products WHERE Sku = 'sjl-1999'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id Int False


AttributeSetId Int False

Attribute set id

CreatedAt Datetime False

Created date

ExtensionAttributes String False

This is an auto-generated column

MediaGalleryEntries String False

Media gallery entries

Name String False


Options String False

List of product options

Price Double False


ProductLinks String False

Product links info

Sku [KEY] String False


Status Int False


TierPrices String False

List of product tier prices

TypeId String False

Type id

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Updated date

Visibility Int False


Weight Double False


description String False

Custom Attribute field

short_description String False

Custom Attribute field

special_price Decimal False

Custom Attribute field

special_from_date Datetime False

Custom Attribute field

special_to_date Datetime False

Custom Attribute field

cost Decimal False

Custom Attribute field

manufacturer Int False

Custom Attribute field

meta_title String False

Custom Attribute field

meta_keyword String False

Custom Attribute field

meta_description String False

Custom Attribute field

image String False

Custom Attribute field

small_image String False

Custom Attribute field

thumbnail String False

Custom Attribute field

media_gallery String False

Custom Attribute field

old_id Int False

Custom Attribute field

tier_price Decimal False

Custom Attribute field

color Int False

Custom Attribute field

news_from_date Datetime False

Custom Attribute field

news_to_date Datetime False

Custom Attribute field

gallery String False

Custom Attribute field

minimal_price Decimal False

Custom Attribute field

custom_design String False

Custom Attribute field

custom_design_from Datetime False

Custom Attribute field

custom_design_to Datetime False

Custom Attribute field

custom_layout_update String False

Custom Attribute field

page_layout String False

Custom Attribute field

category_ids String False

Custom Attribute field

options_container String False

Custom Attribute field

required_options String False

Custom Attribute field

has_options String False

Custom Attribute field

image_label String False

Custom Attribute field

small_image_label String False

Custom Attribute field

thumbnail_label String False

Custom Attribute field

created_at String False

Custom Attribute field

updated_at String False

Custom Attribute field

country_of_manufacture String False

Custom Attribute field

quantity_and_stock_status Int False

Custom Attribute field

custom_layout String False

Custom Attribute field

url_key String False

Custom Attribute field

url_path String False

Custom Attribute field

msrp Decimal False

Custom Attribute field

msrp_display_actual_price_type String False

Custom Attribute field

price_type Int False

Custom Attribute field

sku_type Int False

Custom Attribute field

weight_type Int False

Custom Attribute field

price_view Int False

Custom Attribute field

shipment_type Int False

Custom Attribute field

links_purchased_separately Int False

Custom Attribute field

samples_title String False

Custom Attribute field

links_title String False

Custom Attribute field

links_exist Int False

Custom Attribute field

swatch_image String False

Custom Attribute field

tax_class_id Int False

Custom Attribute field

gift_message_available String False

Custom Attribute field

ryanattribute String False

Custom Attribute field

ryan_attribute String False

Custom Attribute field

deti_attr String False

Custom Attribute field

deti_attribut String False

Custom Attribute field

SearchCriteria String False

This is an auto-generated column

TotalCount Int False

Total count.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111