Tableau Connector for YouTube Analytics

Build 24.0.9062


This report provides user activity statistics.


Select Rules


Video レポート:

ディメンション 必須 country
オプション creatorContentType
指標 1つ以上使用 views、redViews、comments、likes、dislikes、videosAddedToPlaylists、videosRemovedFromPlaylists、shares、estimatedMinutesWatched、estimatedRedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage、annotationClickThroughRate、annotationCloseRate、annotationImpressions、annotationClickableImpressions、annotationClosableImpressions、annotationClicks、annotationCloses, cardClickRate、cardTeaserClickRate、cardImpressions、cardTeaserImpressions、cardClicks、cardTeaserClicks、subscribersGained、subscribersLost、estimatedRevenue*、estimatedAdRevenue*、grossRevenue*、estimatedRedPartnerRevenue*、monetizedPlaybacks*、playbackBasedCpm*、adImpressions*、cpm*
フィルタ 0または1つ使用 continent、subContinent
0または1つ使用 video、group

Playlist レポート:

ディメンション 必須 country
0または1つ以上使用 subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct
指標 1つ以上使用 views、redViews、estimatedMinutesWatched、estimatedRedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist
フィルタ 必須 isCurated==1
0または1つ使用 continent、subContinent
0または1つ使用 playlist、group
0または1つ以上使用 subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct


ディメンション 必須 country
オプション creatorContentType
指標 1つ以上使用 views、redViews、comments、likes、dislikes、videosAddedToPlaylists、videosRemovedFromPlaylists、shares、estimatedMinutesWatched、estimatedRedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage、annotationClickThroughRate、annotationCloseRate、annotationImpressions、annotationClickableImpressions、annotationClosableImpressions、annotationClicks、annotationCloses, cardClickRate、cardTeaserClickRate、cardImpressions、cardTeaserImpressions、cardClicks、cardTeaserClicks、subscribersGained、subscribersLost、estimatedRevenue*、estimatedAdRevenue*、grossRevenue*、estimatedRedPartnerRevenue*、monetizedPlaybacks*、playbackBasedCpm*、adImpressions*、cpm*
フィルタ 1つだけ使用 video、channel、group、またはuploaderType とclaimedStatus のサポートされている組み合わせ
0または1つ使用 continent、subContinent


Name Type Dimension DefaultMetric DefaultDimension Description
Country String True True The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country.
CreatorContentType String True This dimension identifies the type of content associated with the user activity metrics in the data row. The allowed values are LIVE_STREAM, SHORTS, STORY, VIDEO_ON_DEMAND, UNSPECIFIED.
Views Double True The number of times that a video was viewed. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the number of times that a video was viewed in the context of a playlist.
RedViews Double The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Premium (previously known as YouTube Red) members.
Likes Double The number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating.
Comments Double The number of times that users commented on a video.
Dislikes Double The number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating.
VideosAddedToPlaylists Double The number of times that videos were added to any YouTube playlists. The videos could have been added to the video owner's playlist or to other channels' playlists.
VideosRemovedFromPlaylists Double The number of times that videos were removed from any YouTube playlists. The videos could have been removed from the video owner's playlist or from other channels' playlists.
Shares Double The number of times that users shared a video through the Share button.
EstimatedMinutesWatched Double The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist.
EstimatedRedMinutesWatched Double The number of minutes that YouTube Premium (previously known as YouTube Red) members watched a video.
AverageViewDuration Double The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks. As of December 13, 2021, this metric excludes looping clips traffic. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks that occurred in the context of a playlist.
AverageViewPercentage Double The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback.
AnnotationClickThroughRate Double The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions.
AnnotationCloseRate Double The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions.
AnnotationImpressions Double The total number of annotation impressions.
AnnotationClickableImpressions Double The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked.
AnnotationClosableImpressions Double The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed.
AnnotationClicks Double The number of clicked annotations.
AnnotationCloses Double The number of closed annotations.
CardClickRate Double The click-through-rate for cards, which is calculated as the ratio of card clicks to card impressions.
CardTeaserClickRate Double The click-through-rate for card teasers, which is calculated as the ratio of clicks on card teasers to the total number of card teaser impressions.
CardImpressions Double The number of times cards were displayed. When the card panel is opened, a card impression is logged for each of the video's cards.
CardTeaserImpressions Double The number of times that card teasers were displayed. A video view can generate multiple teaser impressions.
CardClicks Double The number of times that cards were clicked.
CardTeaserClicks Double The number of clicks on card teasers. Card icon clicks are attributed to the last teaser displayed to the user.
SubscribersGained Double The number of times that users subscribed to a channel.
SubscribersLost Double The number of times that users unsubscribed from a channel.
EstimatedRevenue Double The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources for the selected date range and region.
EstimatedAdRevenue Double The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources for the selected date range and region.
GrossRevenue Double The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region. Gross revenue is subject to month-end adjustment and does not include partner-served advertising. Gross revenue should not be confused with estimated revenue, or net revenue, which factors in your share of ownership and revenue-sharing agreements.
EstimatedRedPartnerRevenue Double The total estimated revenue earned from YouTube Premium (previously known as YouTube Red) subscriptions for the selected report dimensions. The metric's value reflects revenue from both music and non-music content and is subject to month-end adjustment.
MonetizedPlaybacks Double The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression. A monetized playback is counted if a viewer is shown a preroll ad but quits watching the ad before your video ever starts. The expected estimated error for this figure is ?2.0%.
PlaybackBasedCpm Double The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks.
AdImpressions Double The number of verified ad impressions served.
CPM Double The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions.
Channel String (only used in content owner reports) The Id for a YouTube channel. The channel dimension is frequently used in content owner reports because those reports typically aggregate data for multiple channels.
Video String True The Id of a YouTube video.
Playlist String The Id of a YouTube playlist.
Group String (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group.
Continent String (filter only) A United Nations (U.N.) statistical region code. The allowed values are 002 Africa, 019 Americas (Northern America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean), 142 Asia, 150 Europe, 009 Oceania. This dimension can only be used to filter data.
SubContinent String (filter only) A U.N. statistical region code that identifies a geographical subregion.
StartDate Date Start date for fetching Analytics data.
EndDate Date End date for fetching Analytics data.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Segments String Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment.

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Build 24.0.9062