CData Python Connector for YouTube Analytics

Build 23.0.8839


Create, delete, and query Items that compose a Group.

Table-Specific Information


The following query returns the items that compose the YouTube Analytics groups:

SELECT * FROM GroupItems

The following query returns the items that compose a specific YouTube Analytics group:

SELECT * FROM GroupItems WHERE GroupId = '239_65GrkKS6kRL'
Additionally, OnBehalfOfContentOwner can optionally be used in the WHERE clause.


GroupId and Resource_Id are required to insert an Item into a Group.

INSERT INTO GroupItems (GroupId, Resource_Id) VALUES ('fjgeeljgio54', 'dkhgjio5sfff')


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True

The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel, video, playlist, or asset that is included in the group. Note that this Id refers specifically to the inclusion of that entity in a particular group and is different than the channel Id, video Id, playlist Id, or asset Id that uniquely identifies the entity itself.

Kind String False

Identifies the type of the group item. The value will be youtube#groupItem.

Etag String False

The Etag of this item.

GroupId String False

The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the group that contains the item.

Resource_Kind String False

The type of the group item. The allowed values are youtube#channel, youtube#playlist, youtube#video, youtubePartner#asset.

Resource_Id String False

The channel, video, playlist, or asset Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the group item.

OnBehalfOfContentOwner String False

This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube channels. The OnBehalfOfContentOwner parameter indicates that the authorization credentials in the request identify a YouTube user who is acting on behalf of the content owner specified in the parameter value.

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Build 23.0.8839