CData Python Connector for YouTube Analytics

Build 23.0.8839


Query YouTube Activities. An Activity resource contains information about an action that a particular Channel, or User, has taken on YouTube.

Table Specific Information


YouTube Analytics only allows Channel Id to be used as filter criteria. Additionally, the extra optional columns supported are PublishedAt and Region.

All columns support the '=' operator. PublishedAt also supports '>', '>=', '<', and '<='.

By default, if no filters are specified, the driver will return activities generated by authenticated user.

SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE ChannelId = "abc123" AND PublishedAt < '2016-01-01T10:00:00Z'


Name Type Dimension DefaultMetric DefaultDimension Description
Id [KEY] String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the activity.
PublishedAt Datetime The date and time that the activity occurred. The value is in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format.
ChannelId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel associated with the activity.
Title String The title of the resource primarily associated with the activity.
Description String The description of the resource primarily associated with the activity.
ChannelTitle String Channel title for the channel responsible for this activity.
Type String The type of activity that the resource describes. Valid values: channelItem, comment (not currently returned), favorite, like, playlistItem, recommendation, social, subscription, and upload.
GroupId String The group Id associated with the activity.
ThumbnailsDefaultUrl String The URL of the default image thumbnail.
UploadVideoId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the uploaded video.
LikeResourceIdKind String The type of the resource that received a positive (like) rating.
LikeResourceIdVideoId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video, if the rated resource is a video. This column is only present if the ResourceIdKind is youtube#video.
FavoriteResourceIdKind String The type of the YouTube entity marked as a favorite.
FavoriteResourceIdVideoId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the favorite video.
CommentResourceIdKind String The comment on the API resource.
CommentResourceIdVideoId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video associated with a comment.
CommentResourceIdChannelId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel associated with a comment.
SubscriptionResourceIdKind String The type of the subscription. A subscription is a channel that a user subscribed to.
SubscriptionResourceIdChannelId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel that the user subscribed to.
PlaylistItemResourceIdKind String The type of the playlist item.
PlaylistItemResourceIdVideoId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video that was added to the playlist.
PlaylistItemPlaylistId String The value that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist.
PlaylistItemPlaylistItemId String The value that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the item in the playlist.
RecommendationResourceIdKind String The type of the recommendation.
RecommendationResourceIdVideoId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video, if the recommended resource is a video.
RecommendationResourceIdChannelId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel, if the recommended resource is a channel.
RecommendationReason String The reason that the YouTube entity was recommended to the user. Valid values for this column : unspecified, videoFavorited, videoLiked, and videoWatched.
RecommendationSeedResourceIdKind String The type of the YouTube entity that caused the recommendation.
RecommendationSeedResourceIdVideoId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video, if the recommendation was caused by a particular video.
RecommendationSeedResourceIdChannelId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel, if the recommendation was caused by a particular channel.
RecommendationSeedResourceIdPlaylistId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist, if the recommendation was caused by a particular playlist.
SocialType String The name of the social network post. Valid values for this column: facebook, googlePlus, twitter, and unspecified.
SocialResourceIdKind String The type of the social network post.
SocialResourceIdVideoId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video featured in a social network post, if the post refers to a video.
SocialResourceIdChannelId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel featured in a social network post, if the post refers to a channel.
SocialResourceIdPlaylistId String The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist featured in a social network post.
SocialAuthor String The author of the social network post.
SocialReferenceUrl String The URL of the social network post.
SocialImageUrl String An image of the author of the post.
ChannelItemResourceId String The Id of the YouTube entity that was added to the channel.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Region String Instructs the API to filter by region. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.

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Build 23.0.8839