CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるYouTube Analytics へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してYouTube Analytics に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、YouTube Analytics への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのYouTube Analytics への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのYouTube Analytics への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してYouTube Analytics からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、YouTube Analytics に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
以下のサブセクションでは、3つの一般的な認証フローでのYouTube Analytics への認証について詳しく説明します。
カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成方法と、組み込みOAuth 認証情報を持つ認証フローでもカスタムOAuth アプリケーションを作成したほうがよい場合の説明については、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成 を参照してください。
YouTube Analytics で利用可能な接続文字列プロパティの全リストは、Connection を参照してください。
アクセストークンの期限が切れたときは、Cloud は自動でアクセストークンをリフレッシュします。
OAuth アクセストークンの自動リフレッシュ:
Cloud がOAuth アクセストークンを自動的にリフレッシュするようにするには、次のように設定します。
OAuth アクセストークンの手動リフレッシュ:
OAuth アクセストークンを手動でリフレッシュするために必要な唯一の値は、OAuth リフレッシュトークンです。
OAuth リフレッシュトークンを保存し、OAuth アクセストークンの有効期限が切れた後に手動でリフレッシュできるようにします。
OAuth 認証を設定するには、いくつかの事前設定が必要です。ユーザーアカウント、サービスアカウント、またはGCP インスタンスアカウントが正しく構成されると、接続の準備が整います。
このセクションでは、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションを登録してユーザーアカウント用のOAuthClientId およびOAuthClientSecret を取得する方法について説明します。
アプリを登録してOAuth クライアントクレデンシャルを取得するには:
OAuth アプリケーションを作成するには、プライベートキーを生成してサービスアカウント認証します。
GCP 仮想マシン上で実行している場合は、Cloud は仮想マシンに関連付けられたサービスアカウントを使用して認証できます。 このモードを使用するには、AuthScheme をGCPInstanceAccount に設定します。
YouTube Analytics データは、さまざまな指標(Viewers, ViewerPercentage, AgeGroup, etc.)に分類され、さまざまなディメンション(Day, DeviceType, etc.)でクエリすることができます。有効な指標とディメンションの組み合わせは多数あります。Cloud は、最もよく使用される組み合わせを使いやすくリレーショナルビューとして公開しています。
また、Cloud は、事前定義されたビューに含まれない組み合わせであっても、有効なすべての組み合わせをクエリできるようにしています。CreateCustomSchema ストアドプロシージャを使用してクエリのビューを作成できます。クエリおよびスキーマで指標とディメンションを結合する方法については、データモデル を参照してください。以下に、まずデフォルトのビューを使用する方法を示します。
ディメンションおよび指標は各テーブルに明確に定義されており、データモデル で参照できます。興味のある指標およびディメンションを選択してください。
SELECT Video, Views, EstimatedMinutesWatched, AverageViewDuration, AverageViewPercentage FROM TopVideos WHERE Country='AL'
通常のデータベーステーブルとは異なり、特定のテーブルですべての指標およびディメンションを選択しても、あまり役には立ちません。このため、Cloud では、SELECT * クエリは、デフォルトの指標とディメンションのセットが要求されていると解釈されます。これは、明示的にすべてのカラムを選択しているクエリにも適用されます。スキーマごとのデフォルトのフィールドを確認するには、データモデル で各ビューのドキュメントを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
CData Cloud は、YouTube Analytics エンティティをリレーショナルテーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャにモデル化します。
YouTube Analytics を使用すると、ディメンションおよび指標のクエリをさまざまな組み合わせで実行できます。 YouTube Analytics レポートに基づいて、いくつかのサンプルビューが用意されています。また、必要に応じてディメンションおよび指標を任意に組み合わせて、独自のカスタムビューを作成することもできます。
スキーマの表示方法、およびAPI の制限と要件については、以下のカスタムビューの 定義を参照してください。
Groups およびGroup Items にテーブル としてアクセス可能です。
ストアドプロシージャ は、YouTube Analytics API の追加機能を利用可能にする、データソースのファンクションライクなインターフェースです。
レポートはビュー、つまりデータの「スナップショット」であるテーブルとして表示され、変更することはできません。 従来のデータベースビューとは異なり、テーブル内のすべての指標とディメンションを選択してテーブル全体のビュ ーを作成することはあまり有益ではありません。プロバイダは SELECT * クエリを、指標とディメンションの既定のセットを要求しているかのように解釈するからです。 これは、明示的にすべてのカラムを選択しているクエリにも当てはまります。
YouTube Analytics API は、データに投影できるまたは返される結果を制限するために使用する、カラムの数や組み合わせを制限していることに留意してください。これらの制限および各スキーマのデフォルトフィールドについては、 ビュー で説明しています。独自のビューを定義する場合は、これらのセクションを参照してください。
CreateCustomSchema ストアドプロシージャを使用してクエリのビューを作成します。ストアドプロシージャを使用すると、ディメンションと指標を独自に組み合わせて、簡単に新しいビュー定義を生成できます。 このストアドプロシージャを呼び出すと、新しいスキーマファイルが作成されます。このファイルは、他のビューと同様にクエリすることができます。
このストアドプロシージャは、入力として、ビュー名、指標のカンマ区切りリスト、ディメンションのカンマ区切りリスト、および出力フォルダを受け取ります。 作成されたスクリプトファイルにアクセスするには、Location を新しいスクリプトファイルを含むフォルダに設定します。言い換えれば、Location は出力フォルダの代わりとなります。
例えば、デフォルトスキーマとともに新しいスキーマを使用するには、Location をインストールフォルダ内のdb サブフォルダに設定し、呼び出しを行います。
EXEC CreateCustomSchema Dimensions='Day,DeviceType', Metrics='Views,EstimatedMinutesWatched', TableName='DailyDeviceReports'
Cloud はYouTube Analytics のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
GroupItems | Create, delete, and query Items that compose a Group. |
Groups | Create, update, delete, and query YouTube Analytics Groups. |
Create, delete, and query Items that compose a Group.
次のクエリは、YouTube Analytics グループを構成するアイテムを返します。
SELECT * FROM GroupItems
次のクエリは、特定のYouTube Analytics グループを構成するアイテムを返します。
SELECT * FROM GroupItems WHERE GroupId = '239_65GrkKS6kRL'さらに、OnBehalfOfContentOwner をWHERE 句で任意で使用することもできます。
グループにアイテムを挿入するには、GroupId とResource_Id が必須です。
INSERT INTO GroupItems (GroupId, Resource_Id) VALUES ('fjgeeljgio54', 'dkhgjio5sfff')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel, video, playlist, or asset that is included in the group. Note that this Id refers specifically to the inclusion of that entity in a particular group and is different than the channel Id, video Id, playlist Id, or asset Id that uniquely identifies the entity itself. |
Kind | String | False |
Identifies the type of the group item. The value will be youtube#groupItem. |
Etag | String | False |
The Etag of this item. |
GroupId | String | False |
The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the group that contains the item. |
Resource_Kind | String | False |
The type of the group item. The allowed values are youtube#channel, youtube#playlist, youtube#video, youtubePartner#asset. |
Resource_Id | String | False |
The channel, video, playlist, or asset Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the group item. |
OnBehalfOfContentOwner | String | False |
This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube channels. The OnBehalfOfContentOwner parameter indicates that the authorization credentials in the request identify a YouTube user who is acting on behalf of the content owner specified in the parameter value. |
Create, update, delete, and query YouTube Analytics Groups.
グループとは最大200 のチャンネル、動画、再生リスト、またはアセットのカスタムコレクションです。グループ内のすべてのアイテムは同じタイプのエンティティを表す必要があります。例えば、100 の動画と100 の再生リストを持つグループを作成することはできません。Analytics グループには、アップロードした、主張した、または管理しているチャンネルにリンクされているエンティティのみが含まれます。結果として、コンテンツ所有者は動画、再生リスト、チャンネル、またはアセットのグループを作成できます。チャンネル所有者は、動画および再生リストのグループを作成できます。
WHERE 句で次のカラムを使用できます:OnBehalfOfContentOwner およびMine。
グループを挿入するには、ContentDetails_ItemType が必須です。
INSERT INTO Groups (Snippet_Title, ContentDetails_ItemType) VALUES ('test2', 'youtube#channel')
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False |
The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the group. |
Kind | String | False |
Identifies the type of the YouTube Analytics entity. The value will be youtube#group. |
Etag | String | False |
The Etag of this resource. |
Snippet_PublishedAt | DateTime | True |
The date and time that the group was created. |
Snippet_Title | String | False |
The group name. The value must be a nonempty string. |
ContentDetails_ItemCount | String | False |
The number of items in the group. |
ContentDetails_ItemType | String | False |
The type of entities that the group contains. The allowed values are youtube#channel, youtube#playlist, youtube#video, youtubePartner#asset. |
Mine | String | False |
Set this to true to retrieve all groups owned by the authenticated user. |
PageToken | String | False |
The PageToken parameter identifies a specific page in the result set that should be returned. |
OnBehalfOfContentOwner | String | False |
This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube channels. The OnBehalfOfContentOwner parameter indicates that the authorization credentials in the request identify a YouTube user who is acting on behalf of the content owner specified in the parameter value. |
Name | Description |
Activities | Query YouTube Activities. An Activity resource contains information about an action that a particular Channel, or User, has taken on YouTube. |
AdPerformanceReports | Query Ad Performance Reports. Ad Performance Reports provide impression-based metrics for ads that ran during video playbacks. These metrics account for each ad impression, and each video playback can yield multiple impressions. |
Captions | Query YouTube Captions. A Caption resource represents a YouTube caption track. |
Channels | Query YouTube Channels. |
ChannelSections | Query YouTube ChannelSections. A ChannelSection contains information about a set of Videos that a Channel has chosen to feature. |
Comments | Query YouTube Comments. |
CommentThreads | Query YouTube CommentThreads. A CommentThread record contains information about a YouTube comment thread, a top-level comment and replies, if any exist, to that comment. |
Demographics | Query YouTubeAnalytics Demographics grouped by age groups and gender. |
Devices | Query YouTubeAnalytics Devices or Operating System statistics. This table allows you to aggregate viewing statistics based on the manner in which viewers reached your video content. For example, you can identify the number of views that occurred on mobile devices or game consoles. |
EngagementReports | Query Engagement Reports info. For example, how many times a user shared a video. |
Languages | Query YouTube i18nLanguages. An i18nLanguage resource identifies an application language that the YouTube website supports. The application language can also be referred to as a UI language. |
PlayListItems | Query YouTube PlayListItems. A PlayListItem resource identifies another YouTube entity, such as a Video, that is included in a PlayList. In addition, the PlayListItem record contains details about how that entity is used in that PlayList. |
PlayLists | Query YouTube PlayLists. A PlayList is a collection of videos that can be viewed sequentially and shared with other users. |
Regions | Query YouTube i18nRegions. An i18nRegion resource identifies a geographic area that a YouTube user can select as the preferred content region. The content region can also be referred to as a content locale. |
Subscriptions | Query YouTube User Subscriptions. A Subscription notifies a User when new Videos are added to a Channel, or when another user takes one of several actions on YouTube, such as uploading a Video, rating a Video, or commenting on a Video. |
TimeBasedReports | Query time-based info on views, subscribers, etc. For example, how many new subscribers were gained at a specific time. |
TopVideos | Query the TopVideos for a channel or the TopPlaylists if you are a content owner. You can also use this view to query playback detail and geographic filters. |
TrafficSources | Query TrafficSources. Statistics are based on the manner in which viewers reached your video and playlist content. |
UserActivityByCity | This report provides user activity statistics, sorted by city. |
UserActivityByCountry | This report provides user activity statistics. |
UserActivityByProvince | This report provides user activity statistics, sorted by province (includes Washington DC). |
VideoAbuseReportReasons | Query YouTube VideoAbuseReportReasons. A VideoAbuseReportReason resource contains information about a reason that a Video would be flagged for containing abusive content. |
VideoCategories | Query YouTube VideoCategories. A VideoCategory resource identifies a category that has been or could be associated with uploaded Videos. |
Videos | Query YouTube Videos. |
Query YouTube Activities. An Activity resource contains information about an action that a particular Channel, or User, has taken on YouTube.
YouTube Analytics only allows Channel Id to be used as filter criteria. Additionally, the extra optional columns supported are PublishedAt and Region.
All columns support the '=' operator. PublishedAt also supports '>', '>=', '<', and '<='.
By default, if no filters are specified, the driver will return activities generated by authenticated user.
SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE ChannelId = "abc123" AND PublishedAt < '2016-01-01T10:00:00Z'
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the activity. | |||
PublishedAt | Datetime | The date and time that the activity occurred. The value is in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format. | |||
ChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel associated with the activity. | |||
Title | String | The title of the resource primarily associated with the activity. | |||
Description | String | The description of the resource primarily associated with the activity. | |||
ChannelTitle | String | Channel title for the channel responsible for this activity. | |||
Type | String | The type of activity that the resource describes. Valid values: channelItem, comment (not currently returned), favorite, like, playlistItem, recommendation, social, subscription, and upload. | |||
GroupId | String | The group Id associated with the activity. | |||
ThumbnailsDefaultUrl | String | The URL of the default image thumbnail. | |||
UploadVideoId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the uploaded video. | |||
LikeResourceIdKind | String | The type of the resource that received a positive (like) rating. | |||
LikeResourceIdVideoId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video, if the rated resource is a video. This column is only present if the ResourceIdKind is youtube#video. | |||
FavoriteResourceIdKind | String | The type of the YouTube entity marked as a favorite. | |||
FavoriteResourceIdVideoId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the favorite video. | |||
CommentResourceIdKind | String | The comment on the API resource. | |||
CommentResourceIdVideoId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video associated with a comment. | |||
CommentResourceIdChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel associated with a comment. | |||
SubscriptionResourceIdKind | String | The type of the subscription. A subscription is a channel that a user subscribed to. | |||
SubscriptionResourceIdChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel that the user subscribed to. | |||
PlaylistItemResourceIdKind | String | The type of the playlist item. | |||
PlaylistItemResourceIdVideoId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video that was added to the playlist. | |||
PlaylistItemPlaylistId | String | The value that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist. | |||
PlaylistItemPlaylistItemId | String | The value that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the item in the playlist. | |||
RecommendationResourceIdKind | String | The type of the recommendation. | |||
RecommendationResourceIdVideoId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video, if the recommended resource is a video. | |||
RecommendationResourceIdChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel, if the recommended resource is a channel. | |||
RecommendationReason | String | The reason that the YouTube entity was recommended to the user. Valid values for this column : unspecified, videoFavorited, videoLiked, and videoWatched. | |||
RecommendationSeedResourceIdKind | String | The type of the YouTube entity that caused the recommendation. | |||
RecommendationSeedResourceIdVideoId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video, if the recommendation was caused by a particular video. | |||
RecommendationSeedResourceIdChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel, if the recommendation was caused by a particular channel. | |||
RecommendationSeedResourceIdPlaylistId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist, if the recommendation was caused by a particular playlist. | |||
SocialType | String | The name of the social network post. Valid values for this column: facebook, googlePlus, twitter, and unspecified. | |||
SocialResourceIdKind | String | The type of the social network post. | |||
SocialResourceIdVideoId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video featured in a social network post, if the post refers to a video. | |||
SocialResourceIdChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel featured in a social network post, if the post refers to a channel. | |||
SocialResourceIdPlaylistId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist featured in a social network post. | |||
SocialAuthor | String | The author of the social network post. | |||
SocialReferenceUrl | String | The URL of the social network post. | |||
SocialImageUrl | String | An image of the author of the post. | |||
ChannelItemResourceId | String | The Id of the YouTube entity that was added to the channel. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Region | String | Instructs the API to filter by region. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
Query Ad Performance Reports. Ad Performance Reports provide impression-based metrics for ads that ran during video playbacks. These metrics account for each ad impression, and each video playback can yield multiple impressions.
広告タイプと日によってグループ化された特定の国の動画のGrossRevenue を取得します。
SELECT Country, AdType, Day, GrossRevenue, StartDate, EndDate FROM AdPerformanceReports WHERE video = 'vid123' AND continent = '019'
ディメンション | 必須 | adType |
オプション | day | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | grossRevenue、adImpressions、cpm |
フィルタ | 1つだけ使用 | video、group、またはuploaderType とclaimedStatus のサポートされている組み合わせ |
0または1つ使用 | country、continent、subContinent |
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Video | String | True | The Id of a YouTube video. | ||
Group | String | True | (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group. | ||
Country | String | The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country. | |||
Continent | String | (filter only) A United Nations (U.N.) statistical region code. The allowed values are 002 Africa, 019 Americas (Northern America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean), 142 Asia, 150 Europe, 009 Oceania. This dimension can only be used to filter data. | |||
SubContinent | String | (filter only) A U.N. statistical region code that identifies a geographical subregion. | |||
AdType | String | True | The AdType dimension is used in ad performance reports and aggregates the requested metrics based on the types of ads that ran during video playbacks: auctionDisplay, auctionInstream, auctionTrueviewInslate, auctionTrueviewInstream, auctionUnknown, reservedClickToPlay, reservedDisplay, reservedInstream, reservedInstreamSelect, reservedMasthead, reservedUnknown. | ||
Day | String | True | When you use this dimension, data in the report is aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day. | ||
ClaimedStatus | String | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate that a result set should only contain metrics for claimed content. The allowed value is claimed. | |||
UploaderType | String | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate whether a result set should contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos. The allowed values are self and thirdParty. | |||
GrossRevenue | Decimal | False | The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region. Gross revenue is subject to month-end adjustment and does not include partner-served advertising. Gross revenue should not be confused with earnings, or net revenue, which factors in your share of ownership and revenue-sharing agreements. | ||
Cpm | Decimal | False | The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions. | ||
AdImpressions | Double | False | The number of verified ad impressions served. | ||
StartDate | Date | Start date for fetching Analytics data. | |||
EndDate | Date | End date for fetching Analytics data. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Query YouTube Channels.
By default, SupportEnhancedSQL is set to true, and the following will be passed to YouTube Analytics if present. Other filters will be executed client side. If SupportEnhancedSQL is set to false, only the following filters will be honored.
By default, if no filters are specified, the driver will return all channels owned by the authenticated user.
YouTube Analytics allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria. The channels can be filtered by the Id. Extra optional columns supported are Language and ChannelId.
A search against all channels in YouTube Analytics may be triggered by specifying one or more of SearchTerms, ChannelId, Region, SafeSearch, Rating, or Relevance to search all channels.
All columns support the '=' operator. 'PublishedAt', also supports '>', '>=', '<', and '<='.
Order by is supported for the Rating, Relevance, and Title columns.
SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE Id = 'abc123' SELECT * FROM Channels WHERE ChannelId = 'abc123' AND SearchTerms = 'music|movies-horror' ORDER BY Rating LIMIT 10
Note: Ordering is not supported when specifying one of the colums used for searching channels such as SearchTerms.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel. | |||
Title | String | The title of the channel. | |||
Description | String | The description of the channel. The value of the column has a maximum length of 1000 characters. | |||
CustomUrl | String | The channel's custom URL. | |||
PublishedAt | Datetime | The date and time that the channel was created. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format. | |||
ThumbnailsDefaultUrl | String | The URL of the default image thumbnail. | |||
DefaultLanguage | String | This column is confidential to trusted testers. | |||
LiveBroadcastContent | String | An indication of whether a video or channel resource has live broadcast content. | |||
LocalizedTitle | String | This column is confidential to trusted testers. The localized video title. | |||
LocalizedDescription | String | This column is confidential to trusted testers. The localized video description. | |||
Country | String | The country with which the channel is associated. | |||
ViewCount | Long | The number of times the channel has been viewed. | |||
SubscriberCount | Long | The number of subscribers that the channel has. This value is rounded down to three significant figures. | |||
HiddenSubscriberCount | Boolean | Indicates whether the subscriber count of the channel is publicly visible. | |||
VideoCount | Long | The number of videos uploaded to the channel. | |||
RelatedPlaylistsLikes | String | The Id of the playlist that contains the liked videos of the channel. | |||
RelatedPlaylistsUploads | String | The Id of the playlist that contains the uploaded videos of the channel. | |||
PrivacyStatus | String | Privacy status of the channel. Valid values for this column: private, public, unlisted. | |||
IsLinked | Boolean | Indicates whether the channel data identifies a user who is already linked to either a YouTube username or a Google+ account. A user who has one of these links already has a public YouTube identity, which is a prerequisite for several actions, such as uploading videos. | |||
LongUploadsStatus | String | Indicates whether the channel is eligible to upload videos that are more than 15 minutes long. This column is only returned if the channel owner authorized the API request. See the YouTube Help Center for more information about this feature. | |||
MadeForKids | Boolean | This value indicates whether the channel is designated as child-directed, and it contains the current 'made for kids' status of the channel. | |||
Keywords | String | Keywords associated with your channel. The value is a space-separated list of strings. | |||
TrackingAnalyticsAccountId | String | The Id for a Google Analytics account that you want to use to track and measure traffic to your channel. | |||
ModerateComments | Boolean | This setting determines whether user-submitted comments left on the channel page need to be approved by the channel owner to be publicly visible. The default value is false. | |||
SearchTerms | String | The SearchTerms parameter specifies the query term to search for. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ForUsername | String | The username associated with the channel. |
Language | String | Retrieve localized resource metadata for a specific application language that the YouTube website supports. |
Language | String | Retrieve localized resource metadata for a specific application language that the YouTube website supports. |
ManagedByMe | String | This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners. Set this parameter's value to true to instruct the API to only return channels managed by the content owner that the onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter specifies. The user must be authenticated as a CMS account linked to the specified content owner and onBehalfOfContentOwner must be provided. |
OnBehalfOfContentOwner | String | This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners. The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials identify a YouTube CMS user who is acting on behalf of the content owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access to all their video and channel data, without having to provide authentication credentials for each individual channel. The CMS account that the user authenticates with must be linked to the specified YouTube content owner. |
ChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify a channel. |
Region | String | The country associated with the channel. |
SafeSearch | String | Indicates whether the search results should include restricted content as well as standard content. Acceptable values: moderate, none, or strict. |
Rating | String | Resources are sorted from highest to lowest rating. |
Relevance | String | Resources are sorted based on their relevance to the search query. This is the default value for this parameter. |
Query YouTube ChannelSections. A ChannelSection contains information about a set of Videos that a Channel has chosen to feature.
YouTube Analytics allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria. You can specify exactly one of the following columns: ChannelId or Id. Extra optional columns supported are Language and OnBehalfOfContentOwner.
All columns support the '=' operator.
By default, if no channel id is specified, the driver will return channel sections for the channel owned by authenticated user.
SELECT * FROM ChannelSections WHERE ChannelId = '123456789'
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel section. | |||
Type | String | The type of the channel section. | |||
ChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel. | |||
Title | String | The title of the section. | |||
Position | Integer | The position of the section on the channel page. | |||
PlaylistsAggregate | String | A list of one or more playlist Ids that are featured in a channel section. You must specify a list of playlist Ids if the type of the ChannelSection is either singlePlaylist or multiplePlaylists, and this column should not be specified for other types of sections. If the type is singlePlaylist, this list must specify exactly one playlist Id. | |||
ChannelsAggregate | String | A list of one or more channel Ids that are featured in a channel section. You must specify a list of channel Ids if the Type of the ChannelSection is multipleChannels, and this column should not be specified for other types of sections. You cannot include your own channel in the list. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Language | String | Retrieve localized resource metadata for a specific application language that the YouTube website supports. |
OnBehalfOfContentOwner | String | This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners. |
Query YouTube Comments.
YouTube Analytics allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria. You must specify exactly one of the following columns: Id or ParentId. Extra optional columns supported are TextFormat.
All columns support the '=' operator.
SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE Id = '123456789'
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the comment. | |||
ChannelId | String | The Id of the YouTube channel associated with the comment. If the comment is a video comment, then this column identifies the channel of the video, and the VideoId column identifies the video. If the comment is a channel comment, then this column identifies the channel that the comment is about. | |||
VideoId | String | The Id of the video that the comment refers to. | |||
TextDisplay | String | The text of the comment. The text can be retrieved in either plaintext or HTML. The TextFormat pseudo column specifies the desired text format. | |||
TextOriginal | String | The original, raw text of the comment as it was initially posted or last updated. The original text is only returned if it is accessible to the authenticated user, which is only guaranteed if the user is the author of the comment. | |||
ParentId | String | The unique Id of the parent comment. This column value is only set if the comment was submitted as a reply to another comment. | |||
AuthorDisplayName | String | The display name of the user who posted the comment. | |||
AuthorProfileImageUrl | String | The URL for the avatar of the user who posted the comment. | |||
AuthorChannelUrl | String | The URL of the YouTube channel of the comment author, if available. | |||
AuthorChannelIdValue | String | The Id of the YouTube channel of the comment author, if available. | |||
AuthorGoogleplusProfileUrl | String | The URL of the Google+ profile of the comment author, if available. | |||
CanRate | Boolean | This setting indicates whether the current viewer can rate the comment. | |||
ViewerRating | String | The rating the viewer has given to this comment. Valid values for this column: like, none. Note that this column does not currently identify dislike ratings. The column value is like if the viewer has rated the comment positively. The value is none in all other cases, including the user having given the comment a negative rating or not having rated the comment. | |||
LikeCount | Integer | The total number of likes (positive ratings) the comment has received. | |||
ModerationStatus | String | The moderation status of the comment. This value is only returned if the API request was authorized by the owner of the channel or the video on which the requested comments were made. In addition, note that this value is not set if the query filtered on the Id column. Valid values: heldForReview, likelySpam, published, rejected. | |||
PublishedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the comment was orignally published. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format. | |||
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The date and time when the comment was last updated. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
TextFormat | String | This parameter indicates whether the API should return comments formatted as HTML or as plaintext. |
Query YouTube CommentThreads. A CommentThread record contains information about a YouTube comment thread, a top-level comment and replies, if any exist, to that comment.
YouTube Analytics allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria. You must specify exactly one of the following columns: AllThreadsRelatedToChannelId, ChannelId, Id, or VideoId.
Extra optional columns supported are ModerationStatus, SearchTerms, and TextFormat. All columns support the '=' operator.
Order is supported for CommentThreads. Relevance are the supported order columns.
SELECT * FROM CommentThreads WHERE VideoId = 'abcdef123456' ORDER BY Relevance DESC LIMIT 10
Note: Ordering is not supported for use in conjunction with the Id parameter.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the comment thread. | |||
ChannelId | String | The YouTube channel that is associated with the comments in the thread. The VideoId column identifies the video. If the comments are about a video, then the value identifies the channel that uploaded the video. If the comments refer to the channel itself, the VideoId column will not have a value. | |||
VideoId | String | The Id of the video that the comments refer to, if any. If this column is not present or does not have a value, then the thread applies to the channel and not to a specific video. | |||
TopCommentId | String | The Id of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
PublishedAt | Datetime | The publish date of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
UpdatedAt | Datetime | The last update date of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentChannelId | String | The Id of the channel associated with the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentVideoId | String | The Id of the video associated with the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentTextDisplay | String | The display text of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentTextOriginal | String | The original text of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentParentId | String | The Id of the parent of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentAuthorDisplayName | String | The display name of the author of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentAuthorChannelIdValue | String | The Id of the channel of the author of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentCanRate | Boolean | Whether the current user can rate the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentViewerRating | String | The viewer rating of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentLikeCount | Integer | The like count of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
TopCommentModerationStatus | String | The moderation status of the top-level comment of the thread. | |||
CanReply | Boolean | This setting indicates whether the current viewer can reply to the thread. | |||
TotalReplyCount | Integer | The total number of replies that have been submitted in response to the top-level comment. | |||
IsPublic | Boolean | This setting indicates whether the thread, including all of its comments and comment replies, is visible to all YouTube users. | |||
CommentsAggregate | String | A list of one or more replies to the top-level comment. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
AllThreadsRelatedToChannelId | String | Instructs the API to return all comment threads associated with the specified channel. |
ModerationStatus | String | Set this parameter to limit the returned comment threads to a particular moderation state. |
TextFormat | String | Set the value of this parameter to HTML or plainText. |
Query YouTubeAnalytics Demographics grouped by age groups and gender.
SELECT * FROM Demographics
SELECT * FROM Demographics WHERE Video = 'video_Id'
SELECT * FROM Demographics WHERE IsCurated = true
ディメンション | 1つ以上使用 | ageGroup、gender、video |
0または1つ以上使用 | creatorContentType、liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | viewerPercentage |
フィルタ | 0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent |
0または1つ使用 | video、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
ディメンション | 1つ以上使用 | ageGroup、gender |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 必須 | viewerPercentage |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated=true |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ使用 | video、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
ディメンション | 1つ以上使用 | ageGroup、gender |
0または1つ以上使用 | creatorContentType、liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | viewerPercentage |
フィルタ | 1つだけ使用 | video、channel、group |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ以上使用 | liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
ディメンション | 1つ以上使用 | ageGroup、gender |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 必須 | viewerPercentage |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated=true |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、channel、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Video | String | True | False | The Id of a YouTube video. | |
Playlist | String | True | The Id of a YouTube playlist. | ||
Group | String | True | (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group. | ||
Country | String | True | The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country. | ||
Province | String | True | The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is an ISO 3166-2 code that identifies a U.S. state or the District of Columbia, such as US-MI (Michigan) or US-TX (Texas). The province code US-ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated U.S. state. If the Province column is specified, Country must be set to US in the WHERE clause. | ||
Continent | String | True | (filter only) A United Nations (U.N.) statistical region code. The API supports the following values: 002 Africa, 019 Americas (Northern America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean), 142 Asia, 150 Europe, 009 Oceania. | ||
SubContinent | String | True | (filter only) A U.N. statistical region code that identifies a geographical subregion. | ||
LiveOrOnDemand | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Data for this dimension is available for dates beginning April 1, 2014. The allowed values are LIVE, ON_DEMAND. | ||
CreatorContentType | String | True | This dimension identifies the type of content associated with the user activity metrics in the data row. The allowed values are LIVE_STREAM, SHORTS, STORY, VIDEO_ON_DEMAND, UNSPECIFIED. | ||
SubscribedStatus | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video or playlist channel. The allowed values are SUBSCRIBED and UNSUBSCRIBED. Note that the dimension value is accurate as of the time that the user activity occurs. | ||
YoutubeProduct | String | True | This dimension identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Data for this dimension is available as of July 18, 2015. The allowed values are CORE, GAMING, KIDS, UNKNOWN. | ||
IsCurated | Boolean | True | This filter indicates that the request is retrieving data about video views that occurred in the context of a playlist. This filter is required for any playlist report and its value must be set to 1. | ||
ClaimedStatus | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate that a result set will only contain metrics for claimed content. The allowed value is claimed. | ||
UploaderType | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate whether a result set will contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos. The allowed values are self and thirdParty. | ||
AgeGroup | String | True | True | This dimension identifies the age group of the logged-in users associated with the report data. The allowed values are age13-17, age18-24, age25-34, age35-44, age45-54, age55-64, age65- | |
Gender | String | True | False | This dimension identifies the gender of the logged-in users associated with the query. The allowed values are female, male and user_specified. | |
ViewerPercentage | Double | False | True | The percentage of viewers who were logged in when watching the video or playlist. The viewerPercentage values in this report are not normalized for different values or combinations of values for playback detail dimensions (subscribedStatus and youtubeProduct). For example, a report that uses the subscribedStatus dimension returns viewerPercentage data adding up to 100 percent for subscribed views and viewerPercentage data adding up to 100 percent for unsubscribed views. (The total value of all viewerPercentage fields in the report is 200 percent.) You can use filters to ensure that the report only contains viewerPercentage data for one value (or combination of values) for playback detail dimensions. | |
StartDate | Date | Start date for fetching Analytics data. | |||
EndDate | Date | End date for fetching Analytics data. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Query YouTubeAnalytics Devices or Operating System statistics. This table allows you to aggregate viewing statistics based on the manner in which viewers reached your video content. For example, you can identify the number of views that occurred on mobile devices or game consoles.
SELECT OperatingSystem, Views, EstimatedMinutesWatched FROM Devices同じクエリでデバイスタイプとオペレーティングシステムの両方を混在させることは、YouTube Analytics API の制限によりできません。
ディメンション | 1つだけ使用 | deviceType、operatingSystem |
0または1つ以上使用 | creatorContentType、day、liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched |
フィルタ | 0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent |
0または1つ使用 | video、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | operatingSystem、liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
ディメンション | 1つだけ使用 | deviceType、operatingSystem |
0または1つ以上使用 | day、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated=true |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、channel、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | operatingSystem、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
ディメンション | 必須 | deviceType |
0または1つ以上使用 | creatorContentType、day、liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched |
フィルタ | 1つだけ使用 | video、channel、group |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ以上使用 | operatingSystem、liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
ディメンション | 必須 | deviceType |
0または1つ以上使用 | day、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated=true |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、channel、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | operatingSystem、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Video | String | True | The Id of a YouTube video. | ||
Group | String | True | (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group. | ||
Channel | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) The Id for a YouTube channel. The channel dimension is frequently used in content owner reports because those reports typically aggregate data for multiple channels. | ||
Playlist | String | True | The Id of a YouTube playlist. | ||
Country | String | True | The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country. | ||
Province | String | True | The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is an ISO 3166-2 code that identifies a U.S. state or the District of Columbia, such as US-MI (Michigan) or US-TX (Texas). The province code US-ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated U.S. state. If the Province column is specified, Country must be set to US in the WHERE clause. | ||
Continent | String | True | (filter only) A United Nations (U.N.) statistical region code: 002 Africa, 019 Americas (Northern America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean), 142 Asia, 150 Europe, 009 Oceania. This dimension can only be used to filter data. | ||
SubContinent | String | True | (filter only) A U.N. statistical region code that identifies a geographical subregion. | ||
CreatorContentType | String | True | This dimension identifies the type of content associated with the user activity metrics in the data row. The allowed values are LIVE_STREAM, SHORTS, STORY, VIDEO_ON_DEMAND, UNSPECIFIED. | ||
Day | String | True | When you use this dimension, data in the report is aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day. | ||
LiveOrOnDemand | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Data for this dimension is available for dates beginning April 1, 2014. The allowed values are LIVE, ON_DEMAND. | ||
SubscribedStatus | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video or playlist channel. The allowed values are SUBSCRIBED, UNSUBSCRIBED. Note that the dimension value is accurate as of the time that the user activity occurs. | ||
YoutubeProduct | String | True | This dimension identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Data for this dimension is available as of July 18, 2015. The allowed values are CORE, GAMING, KIDS, UNKNOWN. | ||
DeviceType | String | True | True | This dimension identifies the physical form factor of the device on which the view occurred. The allowed values are DESKTOP, GAME_CONSOLE, MOBILE, TABLET, TV, UNKNOWN_PLATFORM. | |
OperatingSystem | String | True | False | This dimension identifies the software system of the device on which the view occurred. The allowed values are ANDROID, BADA, BLACKBERRY, DOCOMO, HIPTOP, IOS, LINUX, MACINTOSH, MEEGO, NINTENDO_3DS, OTHER, PLAYSTATION, PLAYSTATION_VITA, SMART_TV, SYMBIAN, WEBOS. | |
IsCurated | Boolean | True | This filter indicates that the request is retrieving data about video views that occurred in the context of a playlist. This filter is required for any playlist report and its value must be set to 1. | ||
ClaimedStatus | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate that the result set will only contain metrics for claimed content. The allowed value is claimed. | ||
UploaderType | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate whether the result set will contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos. The allowed values are self and thirdParty. | ||
Views | Double | False | True | The number of times that a video was viewed. | |
EstimatedMinutesWatched | Double | False | True | The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist. | |
PlaylistStarts | Double | False | False | The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist. | |
ViewsPerPlaylistStart | Double | False | False | The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated. | |
AverageTimeInPlaylist | Double | False | False | The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated. | |
StartDate | Date | Start date for fetching Analytics data. | |||
EndDate | Date | End date for fetching Analytics data. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Query Engagement Reports info. For example, how many times a user shared a video.
デフォルトでは、結果はDay でグループ化されます。次のクエリは、Day によってグループ化されたComments、Likes、Dislikes、etc. を返します。
SELECT * FROM EngagementReports
SELECT SharingService, Shares FROM EngagementReports次のテーブルを使用してエンゲージメントレポートへの他のクエリを作成できます。
ディメンション | 必須 | sharingService |
オプション | creatorContentType、subscribedStatus | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | shares |
フィルタ | 0または1つ使用 | country、continent、subContinent |
0または1つ使用 | video、group | |
オプション | subscribedStatus |
ディメンション | 必須 | sharingService |
オプション | creatorContentType、subscribedStatus | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | shares |
フィルタ | 1つだけ使用 | video、channel、group |
0または1つ使用 | country、continent、subContinent | |
オプション | subscribedStatus |
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
SharingService | String | True | This dimension identifies the service that was used to share videos. Videos can be shared on YouTube (or via the YouTube player) using the Share button. | ||
Channel | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) The Id for a YouTube channel. The channel dimension is frequently used in content owner reports because those reports typically aggregate data for multiple channels. | ||
Video | String | True | The Id of a YouTube video. | ||
Group | String | True | (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group. | ||
Country | String | True | The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country. | ||
Continent | String | True | (filter only) A United Nations (U.N.) statistical region code: 002 Africa, 019 Americas (Northern America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean), 142 Asia, 150 Europe, 009 Oceania. This dimension can only be used to filter data. | ||
SubContinent | String | True | (filter only) A U.N. statistical region code that identifies a geographical subregion. | ||
CreatorContentType | String | True | This dimension identifies the type of content associated with the user activity metrics in the data row. The allowed values are LIVE_STREAM, SHORTS, STORY, VIDEO_ON_DEMAND, UNSPECIFIED. | ||
SubscribedStatus | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video or playlist channel. Possible values are SUBSCRIBED and UNSUBSCRIBED. Note that the dimension value is accurate as of the time that the user activity occurs. | ||
ClaimedStatus | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate that a result set will only contain metrics for claimed content. The allowed value is claimed. | ||
UploaderType | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate whether a result set will contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos. The allowed values are self and thirdParty. | ||
Shares | Double | False | True | The number of times that users shared a video through the Share button. | |
StartDate | Date | Start date for fetching Analytics data. | |||
EndDate | Date | End date for fetching Analytics data. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Query YouTube i18nLanguages. An i18nLanguage resource identifies an application language that the YouTube website supports. The application language can also be referred to as a UI language.
There are no required filters for this table. An optional column supported is Language.
All columns support the '=' operator.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the i18n language. | |||
Language | String | A BCP-47 code that uniquely identifies a language. | |||
Name | String | The name of the language as it is written in that language. |
Query YouTube PlayListItems. A PlayListItem resource identifies another YouTube entity, such as a Video, that is included in a PlayList. In addition, the PlayListItem record contains details about how that entity is used in that PlayList.
You must specify exactly one of the following columns in the WHERE clause: Id or PlayListId. Extra optional columns supported are OnBehalfOfContentOwner and VideoId.
All columns support the '=' operator.
SELECT * FROM PlaylistItems WHERE PlaylistId = 'abcdef123456'
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist item. | |||
PublishedAt | Datetime | The date and time that the item was added to the playlist. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format. | |||
ChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the user that added the item to the playlist. | |||
Title | String | The title of the item. | |||
Description | String | The description of the item. | |||
ThumbnailsDefaultUrl | String | The URL of the item. | |||
ChannelTitle | String | The channel title of the channel that the playlist item belongs to. | |||
VideoOwnerChannelTitle | String | The channel title of the channel that uploaded this video. | |||
VideoOwnerChannelId | String | The channel ID of the channel that uploaded this video. | |||
PlaylistId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist that the playlist item is in. | |||
Position | String | The order in which the item appears in the playlist. The value uses a zero-based index, so the first item has a position of 0, the second item has a position of 1, and so forth. | |||
ResourceIdKind | String | The kind, or type, of the referred resource. | |||
ResourceIdVideoId | String | If the ResourceIdKind value of the column is youtube#video, then this column will be present and its value will contain the Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video in the playlist. | |||
VideoId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify a video. To retrieve the video resource, set the Id column to this value. | |||
Note | String | A user-generated note for this item. | |||
VideoOwnerPublishedAt | Datetime | The date and time that the video was published to YouTube. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format. | |||
PrivacyStatus | String | The privacy status of the playlist item. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
OnBehalfOfContentOwner | String | This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners. |
Query YouTube PlayLists. A PlayList is a collection of videos that can be viewed sequentially and shared with other users.
By default, SupportEnhancedSQL is set to true, and the following will be passed to YouTube Analytics if present. Other filters will be executed client side. If SupportEnhancedSQL is set to false, only the following filters will be honored.
By default, if no filters are specified, the CData Cloud will return all playlists for the channel owned by authenticated user.
YouTube Analytics allows only a subset of columns to be used as filter criteria. You can specify exactly one of the following columns: ChannelId or Id. Extra optional columns supported are PublishedAt, Language, OnBehalfOfContentOwner, and OnBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel.
A search against all channels in YouTube Analytics may be triggered by specifying one or more of SearchTerms, ForContentOwner, Region, SafeSearch, Rating and Rating to search all playlists.
All columns support the '=' operator. PublishedAt also supports these additional operators: '>', '>=', '<', and '<='.
Order by is supported for the Rating, Relevance, and Title columns.
SELECT * FROM PlayLists WHERE Id = 'abcdef123456' SELECT title FROM PlayLists WHERE PublishedAt >= '2016-01-01' ORDER BY Title LIMIT 10
Note: Ordering is not supported when specifying one of the colums used for searching playlists such as SearchTerms.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist. | |||
PublishedAt | Datetime | The date and time that the playlist was created. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format. | |||
ChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel that published the playlist. | |||
Title | String | The title of the playlist. | |||
Description | String | The description of the playlist. | |||
ThumbnailsDefaultUrl | String | The URL of the image. | |||
ChannelTitle | String | Channel title of the channel that the video belongs to. | |||
DefaultLanguage | String | This column is confidential to trusted testers. The language of the text in the Title and Description columns. | |||
LocalizedTitle | String | This column is confidential to trusted testers. The localized playlist title. | |||
LocalizedDescription | String | This column is confidential to trusted testers. The localized playlist description. | |||
PrivacyStatus | String | The privacy status of the playlist. Valid values for this column: private, public, unlisted. | |||
VideoCount | Integer | The number of videos in the playlist. | |||
EmbedHtml | String | An iframe tag that embeds a player that will play the playlist. | |||
SearchTerms | String | The SearchTerms parameter specifies the query term to search for. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Language | String | A value of hl instructs the API to retrieve localized resource metadata for a specific application language that the YouTube supports. |
OnBehalfOfContentOwner | String | This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners. |
OnBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel | String | Specifies the YouTube channel Id of the channel to which a video is being added. |
ForContentOwner | String | Restricts the search to only retrieve playlists owned by the content owner specified by the OnBehalfOfContentOwner column. |
Region | String | Instructs the API to return search results for the specified country. |
SafeSearch | String | Indicates whether the search results should include restricted content as well as standard content. Valid values: moderate, none, or strict. |
Rating | String | Specifies that playlists are sorted from highest to lowest rating. |
Query YouTube i18nRegions. An i18nRegion resource identifies a geographic area that a YouTube user can select as the preferred content region. The content region can also be referred to as a content locale.
There are no required filters for this table. An optional column supported is Language.
All columns support the '=' operator.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the i18n region. | |||
Country | String | The two-letter ISO country code that identifies the region. | |||
Name | String | The name of the region. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Language | String | The hl parameter specifies the language that should be used for text values in the API response. The default value is en_US. |
Query YouTube User Subscriptions. A Subscription notifies a User when new Videos are added to a Channel, or when another user takes one of several actions on YouTube, such as uploading a Video, rating a Video, or commenting on a Video.
You can specify exactly one of the following columns: ChannelId, Id, MyRecentSubscribers, or MySubscribers.
Extra optional columns supported are ForChannelId, OnBehalfOfContentOwner, and OnBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel. All columns support the '=' operator.
Order is supported for Subscriptions. 'Alphabetical', 'Relevance', and 'Unread' are the supported order columns.
By default, if no filters are specified, the driver will return a list of channels subscribed by authenticated user.
SELECT Title FROM Subscriptions WHERE ChannelId = 'abc123' ORDER BY Unread DESC
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the subscription. | |||
PublishedAt | Datetime | The date and time that the subscription was created. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format. | |||
ChannelTitle | String | The title of the channel that the subscription belongs to. | |||
Title | String | The title of the subscription. | |||
Description | String | The details of the subscription. | |||
ResourceIdKind | String | The type of the API resource. | |||
ResourceIdChannelId | String | The value that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel that the user subscribed to. | |||
ChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel of the subscriber. | |||
ThumbnailsDefaultUrl | String | The URL of the default image. | |||
TotalItemCount | Integer | The approximate number of items that the subscription points to. | |||
NewItemCount | Integer | The number of new items in the subscription since its content was last read. | |||
ActivityType | String | The type of activity this subscription is for. Valid values: all, uploads. | |||
SubscriberTitle | String | The title of the channel of the subscriber. | |||
SubscriberDescription | String | The description of the channel of the subscriber. | |||
SubscriberChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube assigns to uniquely identify the channel of the subscriber. | |||
SubscriberThumbnailsDefaultUrl | String | The URL of the default image. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
MySubscribers | String | Set this value of this parameter to true to retrieve a feed of the subscribers of the authenticated user. |
ForChannelId | String | The ForChannelId column specifies a comma-separated list of channel Ids. |
OnBehalfOfContentOwner | String | This column is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners. |
OnBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel | String | Specifies the YouTube ChannelId of the channel to which a video is being added. |
Alphabetical | String | Sort alphabetically |
Relevance | String | Sort by relevance. |
Unread | String | Sort by order of activity. |
Query time-based info on views, subscribers, etc. For example, how many new subscribers were gained at a specific time.
ディメンション | 0または1つ使用 | day、month、video |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、comments、likes、dislikes、videosAddedToPlaylists、videosRemovedFromPlaylists、shares、estimatedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage、annotationClickThroughRate、annotationCloseRate、annotationImpressions、annotationClickableImpressions、annotationClosableImpressions、annotationClicks、annotationCloses、subscribersGained、subscribersLost、uniques、earnings、adEarnings、grossRevenue、redPartnerRevenue、monetizedPlaybacks、playbackBasedCpm、impressions、impressionBasedCpm |
フィルタ | 0または1つ使用 | country、continent、subContinent |
0または1つ使用 | video、group |
再生リストルールのTimeBased レポート:
ディメンション | 1つだけ使用 | day、month |
オプション | creatorContentType | |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated=true |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、channel、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
コンテンツ所有者ルールのTimebased レポート:
ディメンション | 1つだけ使用 | day、month |
オプション | creatorContentType | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、comments、likes、dislikes、videosAddedToPlaylists、videosRemovedFromPlaylists、shares、estimatedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage、annotationClickThroughRate、annotationCloseRate、annotationImpressions、annotationClickableImpressions、annotationClosableImpressions、annotationClicks、annotationCloses、subscribersGained、subscribersLost、uniques、earnings、adEarnings、grossRevenue、redPartnerRevenue、monetizedPlaybacks、playbackBasedCpm、impressions、impressionBasedCpm |
フィルタ | 1つだけ使用 | video、channel、group |
0または1つ使用 | country、continent、subContinent |
コンテンツ所有者の再生リストルールのTimebased レポート:
ディメンション | 1つだけ使用 | day、7DayTotals、30DayTotals、month |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylis |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated=true |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、channel、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Channel | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) The Id for a YouTube channel. The channel dimension is frequently used in content owner reports because those reports typically aggregate data for multiple channels. | ||
Video | String | True | The Id of a YouTube video. | ||
Group | String | True | (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group. | ||
Playlist | String | True | The Id of a YouTube playlist. | ||
Country | String | True | The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country. | ||
Province | String | True | The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is an ISO 3166-2 code that identifies a U.S. state or the District of Columbia, such as US-MI (Michigan) or US-TX (Texas). The province code US-ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated U.S. state. If the Province column is specified, Country must be set to US in the WHERE clause. | ||
Continent | String | True | (filter only) A United Nations (U.N.) statistical region code. The API supports the following values: 002 Africa, 019 Americas (Northern America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean), 142 Asia, 150 Europe, 009 Oceania. This dimension can only be used to filter data. | ||
SubContinent | String | True | (filter only) A U.N. statistical region code that identifies a geographical subregion. | ||
Day | String | True | True | When you use this dimension, data in the report is aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day. | |
Month | String | True | Data in the report is aggregated by calendar month. In the report, dates are listed in YYYY-MM format. Note: If your SQL query uses the Month dimension, then the StartDate and EndDate parameters must both be set to the first day of the month. | ||
IsCurated | Boolean | True | This filter indicates that the request is retrieving data about video views that occurred in the context of a playlist. This filter is required for any playlist report and its value must be set to 1. | ||
ClaimedStatus | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate that a result set will only contain metrics for claimed content. The allowed value is claimed. | ||
UploaderType | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate whether a result set will contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos. The allowed values are self and thirdParty. | ||
CreatorContentType | String | True | This dimension identifies the type of content associated with the user activity metrics in the data row. The allowed values are LIVE_STREAM, SHORTS, STORY, VIDEO_ON_DEMAND, UNSPECIFIED. | ||
SubscribedStatus | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video or playlist channel. Possible values are SUBSCRIBED and UNSUBSCRIBED. Note that the dimension value is accurate as of the time that the user activity occurs. | ||
YoutubeProduct | String | True | This dimension identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Data for this dimension is available as of July 18, 2015. The allowed values are CORE, GAMING, KIDS, UNKNOWN. | ||
Views | Double | False | True | The number of times that a video was viewed. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the number of times that a video was viewed in the context of a playlist. | |
ViewerPercentage | Double | False | False | The percentage of viewers who were logged in when watching the video or playlist. | |
EstimatedMinutesWatched | Double | False | True | The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist. | |
AverageViewDuration | Double | False | True | The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks that occurred in the context of a playlist. | |
AverageViewPercentage | Double | False | True | The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. | |
Comments | Double | False | True | The number of times that users commented on a video. | |
Likes | Double | False | True | The number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating. | |
Dislikes | Double | False | True | The number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating. This is a core metric and is subject to the Deprecation Policy. | |
Shares | Double | False | True | The number of times that users shared a video through the Share button. | |
SubscribersGained | Double | False | True | The number of times that users subscribed to a channel or video. | |
SubscribersLost | Double | False | True | The number of times that users unsubscribed from a channel or video. | |
VideosAddedToPlaylists | Double | False | True | The number of times that videos were added to the video owner playlist or other channel playlists like the Watch Later playlist. Channel uploads playlists and user watch history are not reported. This metric returns an absolute number, meaning that if a user adds a video to a playlist, removes it, and then adds it again, the metric value reflects the video being added to a playlist twice. Data for this metric is not available for dates before October 1, 2014. | |
VideosRemovedFromPlaylists | Double | False | True | The number of times that videos were removed from the video owner playlist and other YouTube playlists like the Watch Later playlist. This metric returns an absolute number, meaning that if a user adds a video to a playlist, removes it, adds it again, and then removes it again, the metric value reflects the video being removed from a playlist twice. Data for this metric is not available for dates before October 1, 2014. | |
PlaylistStarts | Double | False | False | The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist. | |
ViewsPerPlaylistStart | Double | False | False | The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated. | |
AverageTimeInPlaylist | Double | False | False | The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated. | |
AnnotationImpressions | Double | False | True | The total number of annotation impressions. | |
AnnotationClickableImpressions | Double | False | True | The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked. | |
AnnotationClicks | Double | False | True | The number of clicked annotations. | |
AnnotationClickThroughRate | Double | False | True | The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions. | |
AnnotationClosableImpressions | Double | False | True | The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed. | |
AnnotationCloses | Double | False | True | The number of closed annotations. | |
AnnotationCloseRate | Double | False | True | The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions. | |
EstimatedRevenue | Decimal | False | False | The total estimated earnings (net revenue) from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from nonadvertising sources for the selected date range and region. Estimated earnings are subject to month-end adjustment and do not include partner-sold and partner-served advertising. | |
EstimatedAdRevenue | Decimal | False | False | The total estimated earnings (net revenue) from all Google-sold advertising sources for the selected date range and region. Estimated earnings are subject to month-end adjustment and do not include partner-sold and partner-served advertising. | |
EstimatedRedPartnerRevenue | Decimal | False | False | The total estimated revenue earned from YouTube Red subscriptions for the selected report dimensions. The value of the metric reflects earnings from both music and nonmusic content and is subject to month-end adjustment. | |
GrossRevenue | Decimal | False | False | The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region. Gross revenue is subject to month-end adjustment and does not include partner-served advertising. Gross revenue should not be confused with earnings, or net revenue, which factors in your share of ownership and revenue-sharing agreements. | |
Cpm | Decimal | False | False | The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions. | |
AdImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of verified ad impressions served. | |
MonetizedPlaybacks | Double | False | False | The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression. A monetized playback is counted if a viewer is shown a preroll ad but quits watching the ad before your video ever starts. The expected estimated error for this figure is ±2.0%. | |
PlaybackBasedCpm | Decimal | False | False | The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks. | |
StartDate | Date | Start date for fetching Analytics data. | |||
EndDate | Date | End date for fetching Analytics data. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Query the TopVideos for a channel or the TopPlaylists if you are a content owner. You can also use this view to query playback detail and geographic filters.
SELECT Video, Views, EstimatedMinutesWatched, AverageViewDuration, AverageViewPercentage FROM TopVideos WHERE Country = 'US'
SELECT Playlist, Views, EstimatedMinutesWatched, PlaylistStarts, AverageViewDuration FROM TopVideos WHERE IsCurated = true
ディメンション | 必須 | video |
オプション | creatorContentType | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、comment、likes、dislikes、videosAddedToPlaylists、videosRemovedFromPlaylists、shares、estimatedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage、annotationClickThroughRate、annotationCloseRate、annotationImpressions、annotationClickableImpressions、annotationClosableImpressions、annotationClicks、annotationClose、subscribersGained、subscribersLost |
フィルタ | 0または1つ使用 | country、continent、subContinent |
Sort | 0または1つ以上使用(降順のみ) | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、subscribersGained、subscribersLost |
ディメンション | 必須 | playlist |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated=true |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ以上使用 | playlist、subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
Sort | 0または1つ以上使用(降順のみ) | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、playlistStarts |
ディメンション | 必須 | video |
オプション | creatorContentType | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、comments、likes、dislikes、videosAddedToPlaylists、videosRemovedFromPlaylists、shares、estimatedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage、annotationClickThroughRate、annotationCloseRate、annotationImpressions、annotationClickableImpressions、annotationClosableImpressions、annotationClicks、annotationCloses、subscribersGained、subscribersLost、earnings、adEarnings、grossRevenue、redPartnerRevenue、monetizedPlaybacks、playbackBasedCpm、impressions、impressionBasedCpm |
フィルタ | 1つだけ使用 | channel |
0または1つ使用 | country、continent、subContinent | |
Sort | 0または1つ以上使用(降順のみ) | views、earnings、redPartnerRevenue、estimatedMinutesWatched、subscribersGained、subscribersLost |
ディメンション | 必須 | playlist |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated=true |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、channel | |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
Sort | 0または1つ以上使用(降順のみ) | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、playlistStarts |
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Channel | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) The Id for a YouTube channel. The channel dimension is frequently used in content owner reports because those reports typically aggregate data for multiple channels. | ||
Video | String | True | True | The Id of a YouTube video. | |
Playlist | String | True | The Id of a YouTube playlist. | ||
Group | String | True | (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group. | ||
Country | String | True | The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country. | ||
Province | String | True | The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is an ISO 3166-2 code that identifies a U.S. state or the District of Columbia, such as US-MI (Michigan) or US-TX (Texas). The province code US-ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated U.S. state. If the Province column is specified, Country must be set to US in the WHERE clause. | ||
Continent | String | True | (filter only) A United Nations (U.N.) statistical region code. The API supports the following values: 002 Africa, 019 Americas (Northern America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean), 142 Asia, 150 Europe, 009 Oceania. This dimension can only be used to filter data. | ||
SubContinent | String | True | (filter only) A U.N. statistical region code that identifies a geographical subregion. | ||
IsCurated | Boolean | True | This filter indicates that the request is retrieving data about video views that occurred in the context of a playlist. This filter is required for any playlist report and its value must be set to 1. | ||
ClaimedStatus | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate that a result set will only contain metrics for claimed content. The allowed value is claimed. | ||
UploaderType | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate whether a result set will contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos. The allowed values are self and thirdParty. | ||
CreatorContentType | String | True | This dimension identifies the type of content associated with the user activity metrics in the data row. The allowed values are LIVE_STREAM, SHORTS, STORY, VIDEO_ON_DEMAND, UNSPECIFIED. | ||
SubscribedStatus | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video or playlist channel. Possible values are SUBSCRIBED and UNSUBSCRIBED. Note that the dimension value is accurate as of the time that the user activity occurs. | ||
YoutubeProduct | String | True | This dimension identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Data for this dimension is available as of July 18, 2015. The allowed values are CORE, GAMING, KIDS, UNKNOWN. | ||
Views | Double | False | True | The number of times that a video was viewed. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the number of times that a video was viewed in the context of a playlist. | |
EstimatedMinutesWatched | Double | False | True | The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist. | |
AverageViewDuration | Double | False | True | The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks that occurred in the context of a playlist. | |
AverageViewPercentage | Double | False | False | The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. | |
PlaylistStarts | Double | False | False | The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist. | |
Likes | Double | False | False | The number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating. | |
ViewerPercentage | Double | False | False | The percentage of viewers who were logged in when watching the video or playlist. | |
Comments | Double | False | True | The number of times that users commented on a video. | |
Dislikes | Double | False | True | The number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating. This is a core metric and is subject to the Deprecation Policy. | |
Shares | Double | False | True | The number of times that users shared a video through the Share button. | |
SubscribersGained | Double | False | True | The number of times that users subscribed to a channel or video. | |
SubscribersLost | Double | False | True | The number of times that users unsubscribed from a channel or video. | |
VideosAddedToPlaylists | Double | False | True | The number of times that videos were added to the video owner playlist or other channel playlists like the Watch Later playlist. Channel uploads playlists and user watch history are not reported. This metric returns an absolute number, meaning that if a user adds a video to a playlist, removes it, and then adds it again, the metric value reflects the video being added to a playlist twice. Data for this metric is not available for dates before October 1, 2014. | |
VideosRemovedFromPlaylists | Double | False | True | The number of times that videos were removed from the video owner playlist and other YouTube playlists like the Watch Later playlist. This metric returns an absolute number, meaning that if a user adds a video to a playlist, removes it, adds it again, and then removes it again, the metric value reflects the video being removed from a playlist twice. Data for this metric is not available for dates before October 1, 2014. | |
ViewsPerPlaylistStart | Double | False | False | The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated. | |
AverageTimeInPlaylist | Double | False | False | The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated. | |
AnnotationImpressions | Double | False | True | The total number of annotation impressions. | |
AnnotationClickableImpressions | Double | False | True | The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked. | |
AnnotationClicks | Double | False | True | The number of clicked annotations. | |
AnnotationClickThroughRate | Double | False | True | The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions. | |
AnnotationClosableImpressions | Double | False | True | The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed. | |
AnnotationCloses | Double | False | True | The number of closed annotations. | |
AnnotationCloseRate | Double | False | True | The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions. | |
EstimatedRevenue | Decimal | False | False | The total estimated earnings (net revenue) from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from nonadvertising sources for the selected date range and region. Estimated earnings are subject to month-end adjustment and do not include partner-sold and partner-served advertising. | |
EstimatedAdRevenue | Decimal | False | False | The total estimated earnings (net revenue) from all Google-sold advertising sources for the selected date range and region. Estimated earnings are subject to month-end adjustment and do not include partner-sold and partner-served advertising. | |
EstimatedRedPartnerRevenue | Decimal | False | False | The total estimated revenue earned from YouTube Red subscriptions for the selected report dimensions. The value of the metric reflects earnings from both music and nonmusic content and is subject to month-end adjustment. | |
GrossRevenue | Decimal | False | False | The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region. Gross revenue is subject to month-end adjustment and does not include partner-served advertising. Gross revenue should not be confused with earnings, or net revenue, which factors in your share of ownership and revenue-sharing agreements. | |
Cpm | Decimal | False | False | The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions. | |
AdImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of verified ad impressions served. | |
MonetizedPlaybacks | Double | False | False | The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression. A monetized playback is counted if a viewer is shown a preroll ad but quits watching the ad before your video ever starts. The expected estimated error for this figure is ±2.0%. | |
PlaybackBasedCpm | Decimal | False | False | The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks. | |
StartDate | Date | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | Date | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Query TrafficSources. Statistics are based on the manner in which viewers reached your video and playlist content.
次のクエリは、視聴者が動画コンテンツに達した方法に基づいて統計情報を集計します。例えば、Google 検索や関連動画へのリンクからのビューの数を特定できます。
SELECT * FROM TrafficSources
次のクエリは、Day およびInsightTrafficSourceType ディメンションでグループ化されたViews およびEstimatedMinutesWatched 指標を表示します。
SELECT Day, InsightTrafficSourceType, Views, EstimatedMinutesWatched FROM TrafficSources
SELECT Day, InsightTrafficSourceType, Views, EstimatedMinutesWatched FROM TrafficSources WHERE Video = 'video_id' AND Country = 'US'
次のクエリは、視聴者が再生リストコンテンツに達した方法に基づいて統計情報を集計します。例えば、Google 検索からのビューの数を特定できます。
SELECT InsightTrafficSourceType, Views, EstimatedMinutesWatched, PlaylistStarts, ViewsPerPlaylistStart, AverageTimeInPlaylist FROM TrafficSources WHERE IsCurated = true
次のクエリは、再生リストにある動画のYouTube 検索結果から最も多くの視聴回数を生成した検索用語を返します。YouTube Analytics API の制限により、このようなクエリには順序付けと制限が必須であることに注意してください。
SELECT InsightTrafficSourceDetail, Views, EstimatedMinutesWatched, PlaylistStarts, ViewsPerPlaylistStart, AverageTimeInPlaylist FROM TrafficSources WHERE IsCurated = true AND InsightTrafficSourceType = 'YT_SEARCH' ORDER BY Views DESC LIMIT 25
ディメンション | 1つだけ使用 | insightTrafficSourceType、insightTrafficSourceDetail |
0または1つ以上使用 | creatorContentType、day、liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched |
フィルタ | 0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent |
0または1つ使用 | video、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus | |
Sort | 0または1つ以上使用(降順のみ) | views、estimatedMinutesWatched |
ディメンション | 1つだけ使用 | insightTrafficSourceType、insightTrafficSourceDetail |
0または1つ以上使用 | day、subscribedStatus | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist |
フィルタ | Required | isCurated=true |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、channel、group | |
オプション | subscribedStatus | |
Sort | 0または1つ以上使用(降順のみ) | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、playlistStarts |
ディメンション | 必須 | insightTrafficSourceType |
0または1つ以上使用 | creatorContentType、day、liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched |
フィルタ | 1つだけ使用 | video、channel、group |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ以上使用 | liveOrOnDemand、subscribedStatus |
ディメンション | 必須 | insightTrafficSourceType |
0または1つ以上使用 | day、subscribedStatus | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated=true |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、channel、group | |
オプション | subscribedStatus |
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Channel | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) The Id for a YouTube channel. The channel dimension is frequently used in content owner reports because those reports typically aggregate data for multiple channels. | ||
Video | String | True | The Id of a YouTube video. | ||
Playlist | String | True | The Id of a YouTube playlist. | ||
Group | String | True | (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group. | ||
Country | String | True | The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country. | ||
Province | String | True | The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is an ISO 3166-2 code that identifies a U.S. state or the District of Columbia, such as US-MI (Michigan) or US-TX (Texas). The province code US-ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated U.S. state. If the Province column is specified, Country must be set to US in the WHERE clause. | ||
Continent | String | True | (filter only) A United Nations (U.N.) statistical region code. The allowed values are 002 Africa, 019 Americas (Northern America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean), 142 Asia, 150 Europe, 009 Oceania. This dimension can only be used to filter data. | ||
SubContinent | String | True | (filter only) A U.N. statistical region code that identifies a geographical subregion. | ||
CreatorContentType | String | True | This dimension identifies the type of content associated with the user activity metrics in the data row. The allowed values are LIVE_STREAM, SHORTS, STORY, VIDEO_ON_DEMAND, UNSPECIFIED. | ||
Day | String | True | When you use this dimension, data in the report is aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day. | ||
LiveOrOnDemand | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with views of a live broadcast. Data for this dimension is available for dates beginning April 1, 2014. The allowed values are LIVE, ONDEMAND. | ||
SubscribedStatus | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video or playlist channel. The allowed values are SUBSCRIBED, UNSUBSCRIBED. Note that the dimension value is accurate as of the time that the user activity occurs. | ||
InsightTrafficSourceType | String | True | True | Data in the report is aggregated based on the referrer type, which describes the manner in which users reached the video. The allowed values are ADVERTISING, ANNOTATION, EXT_URL, NO_LINK_EMBEDDED, NO_LINK_OTHER, NOTIFICATION, PLAYLIST, PROMOTED, RELATED_VIDEO, SUBSCRIBER, YT_CHANNEL, YT_OTHER_PAGE, YT_SEARCH. | |
InsightTrafficSourceDetail | String | True | Details about the InsightTrafficSourceType. | ||
IsCurated | Boolean | True | This filter indicates that the request is retrieving data about video views that occurred in the context of a playlist. This filter is required for any playlist report and its value must be set to 1. | ||
ClaimedStatus | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate that a result set will only contain metrics for claimed content. The allowed value is claimed. | ||
UploaderType | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate whether a result set will contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos. The allowed values are self and thirdParty. | ||
Views | Double | False | True | The number of times that a video was viewed. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the number of times that a video was viewed in the context of a playlist. | |
EstimatedMinutesWatched | Double | False | True | The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist. | |
PlaylistStarts | Double | False | False | The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist. | |
ViewsPerPlaylistStart | Double | False | False | The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated. | |
AverageTimeInPlaylist | Double | False | False | The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated. | |
StartDate | Date | Start date for fetching Analytics data. | |||
EndDate | Date | End date for fetching Analytics data. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
This report provides user activity statistics, sorted by city.
都市別のユーザーアクティビティをクエリするには、maxResults を250以下の整数値に設定する必要があります。
Video レポート:
ディメンション | 必須 | city |
0または1つ以上使用 | creatorContentType、country、province、subscribedStatus Note: province ディメンションを含める場合は、country==US フィルタも使用する必要があります。 | |
0または1つ使用 | day、month | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage |
フィルタ | 0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent |
0または1つ使用 | video、group | |
ソートオプション: | -views | |
-estimatedMinutesWatched |
ディメンション | 必須 | city |
0または1つ以上使用 | creatorContentType、country、province、subscribedStatus Note: province ディメンションを含める場合は、country==US フィルタも使用する必要があります。 | |
0または1つ使用 | day、month | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、estimatedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage |
フィルタ | 1つだけ使用 | video、channel、group、またはuploaderType とclaimedStatus のサポートされている組み合わせ |
0または1つ使用 | country、province、continent、subContinent | |
ソートオプション | -views | |
-estimatedMinutesWatched |
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Channel | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) The Id for a YouTube channel. The channel dimension is frequently used in content owner reports because those reports typically aggregate data for multiple channels. | ||
Video | String | True | The Id of a YouTube video. | ||
Group | String | True | (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group. | ||
Country | String | True | False | The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country. | |
City | String | True | True | The estimated city associated with the metrics in the report row. Data for this dimension is available for dates beginning January 1, 2022. | |
Province | String | True | False | The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is an ISO 3166-2 code that identifies a U.S. state or the District of Columbia, such as US-MI (Michigan) or US-TX (Texas). The province code US-ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated U.S. state. If the Province column is specified, Country must be set to US in the WHERE clause. | |
Continent | String | True | (filter only) A United Nations (U.N.) statistical region code. The allowed values are 002 Africa, 019 Americas (Northern America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean), 142 Asia, 150 Europe, 009 Oceania. This dimension can only be used to filter data. | ||
SubContinent | String | True | (filter only) A U.N. statistical region code that identifies a geographical subregion. | ||
Day | String | True | When you use this dimension, data in the report is aggregated on a daily basis and each row contains data for one day. | ||
Month | String | True | Data in the report is aggregated by calendar month. In the report, dates are listed in YYYY-MM format. Note: If your SQL query uses the Month dimension, then the StartDate and EndDate parameters must both be set to the first day of the month. | ||
SubscribedStatus | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video or playlist channel. The allowed values are SUBSCRIBED, UNSUBSCRIBED. Note that the dimension value is accurate as of the time that the user activity occurs. | ||
CreatorContentType | String | True | This dimension identifies the type of content associated with the user activity metrics in the data row. The allowed values are LIVE_STREAM, SHORTS, STORY, VIDEO_ON_DEMAND, UNSPECIFIED. | ||
ClaimedStatus | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate that a result set will only contain metrics for claimed content. The allowed value is claimed. | ||
UploaderType | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate whether a result set will contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos. The allowed values are self and thirdParty. | ||
Views | Double | False | True | The number of times that a video was viewed. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the number of times that a video was viewed in the context of a playlist. | |
EstimatedMinutesWatched | Double | False | False | The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist. | |
AverageViewDuration | Double | False | False | The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks. As of December 13, 2021, this metric excludes looping clips traffic. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks that occurred in the context of a playlist. | |
AverageViewPercentage | Double | False | False | The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. As of December 13, 2021, this metric excludes looping clips traffic. | |
StartDate | Date | Start date for fetching Analytics data. | |||
EndDate | Date | End date for fetching Analytics data. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
This report provides user activity statistics.
Video レポート:
ディメンション | 必須 | country |
オプション | creatorContentType | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、redViews、comments、likes、dislikes、videosAddedToPlaylists、videosRemovedFromPlaylists、shares、estimatedMinutesWatched、estimatedRedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage、annotationClickThroughRate、annotationCloseRate、annotationImpressions、annotationClickableImpressions、annotationClosableImpressions、annotationClicks、annotationCloses, cardClickRate、cardTeaserClickRate、cardImpressions、cardTeaserImpressions、cardClicks、cardTeaserClicks、subscribersGained、subscribersLost、estimatedRevenue*、estimatedAdRevenue*、grossRevenue*、estimatedRedPartnerRevenue*、monetizedPlaybacks*、playbackBasedCpm*、adImpressions*、cpm* |
フィルタ | 0または1つ使用 | continent、subContinent |
0または1つ使用 | video、group |
Playlist レポート:
ディメンション | 必須 | country |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、redViews、estimatedMinutesWatched、estimatedRedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated==1 |
0または1つ使用 | continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
ディメンション | 必須 | country |
オプション | creatorContentType | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、redViews、comments、likes、dislikes、videosAddedToPlaylists、videosRemovedFromPlaylists、shares、estimatedMinutesWatched、estimatedRedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage、annotationClickThroughRate、annotationCloseRate、annotationImpressions、annotationClickableImpressions、annotationClosableImpressions、annotationClicks、annotationCloses, cardClickRate、cardTeaserClickRate、cardImpressions、cardTeaserImpressions、cardClicks、cardTeaserClicks、subscribersGained、subscribersLost、estimatedRevenue*、estimatedAdRevenue*、grossRevenue*、estimatedRedPartnerRevenue*、monetizedPlaybacks*、playbackBasedCpm*、adImpressions*、cpm* |
フィルタ | 1つだけ使用 | video、channel、group、またはuploaderType とclaimedStatus のサポートされている組み合わせ |
0または1つ使用 | continent、subContinent |
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Channel | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) The Id for a YouTube channel. The channel dimension is frequently used in content owner reports because those reports typically aggregate data for multiple channels. | ||
Video | String | True | The Id of a YouTube video. | ||
Playlist | String | True | The Id of a YouTube playlist. | ||
Group | String | True | (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group. | ||
Country | String | True | False | The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country. | |
Continent | String | True | (filter only) A United Nations (U.N.) statistical region code. The allowed values are 002 Africa, 019 Americas (Northern America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean), 142 Asia, 150 Europe, 009 Oceania. This dimension can only be used to filter data. | ||
SubContinent | String | True | (filter only) A U.N. statistical region code that identifies a geographical subregion. | ||
CreatorContentType | String | True | This dimension identifies the type of content associated with the user activity metrics in the data row. The allowed values are LIVE_STREAM, SHORTS, STORY, VIDEO_ON_DEMAND, UNSPECIFIED. | ||
SubscribedStatus | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video or playlist channel. The allowed values are SUBSCRIBED, UNSUBSCRIBED. Note that the dimension value is accurate as of the time that the user activity occurs. | ||
YoutubeProduct | String | True | This dimension identifies the YouTube service on which the user activity occurred. Data for this dimension is available as of July 18, 2015. The allowed values are CORE, GAMING, KIDS, UNKNOWN. | ||
IsCurated | Boolean | True | This filter indicates that the request is retrieving data about video views that occurred in the context of a playlist. This filter is required for any playlist report and its value must be set to 1. | ||
ClaimedStatus | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate that a result set will only contain metrics for claimed content. The allowed value is claimed. | ||
UploaderType | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate whether a result set will contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos. The allowed values are self and thirdParty. | ||
Views | Double | False | True | The number of times that a video was viewed. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the number of times that a video was viewed in the context of a playlist. | |
RedViews | Double | False | False | The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Premium (previously known as YouTube Red) members. | |
Likes | Double | False | False | The number of times that users indicated that they liked a video by giving it a positive rating. | |
Comments | Double | False | False | The number of times that users commented on a video. | |
Dislikes | Double | False | False | The number of times that users indicated that they disliked a video by giving it a negative rating. | |
VideosAddedToPlaylists | Double | False | False | The number of times that videos were added to any YouTube playlists. The videos could have been added to the video owner's playlist or to other channels' playlists. | |
VideosRemovedFromPlaylists | Double | False | False | The number of times that videos were removed from any YouTube playlists. The videos could have been removed from the video owner's playlist or from other channels' playlists. | |
Shares | Double | False | False | The number of times that users shared a video through the Share button. | |
EstimatedMinutesWatched | Double | False | False | The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist. | |
EstimatedRedMinutesWatched | Double | False | False | The number of minutes that YouTube Premium (previously known as YouTube Red) members watched a video. | |
AverageViewDuration | Double | False | False | The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks. As of December 13, 2021, this metric excludes looping clips traffic. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks that occurred in the context of a playlist. | |
AverageViewPercentage | Double | False | False | The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. | |
AnnotationClickThroughRate | Double | False | False | The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions. | |
AnnotationCloseRate | Double | False | False | The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions. | |
AnnotationImpressions | Double | False | False | The total number of annotation impressions. | |
AnnotationClickableImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked. | |
AnnotationClosableImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed. | |
AnnotationClicks | Double | False | False | The number of clicked annotations. | |
AnnotationCloses | Double | False | False | The number of closed annotations. | |
CardClickRate | Double | False | False | The click-through-rate for cards, which is calculated as the ratio of card clicks to card impressions. | |
CardTeaserClickRate | Double | False | False | The click-through-rate for card teasers, which is calculated as the ratio of clicks on card teasers to the total number of card teaser impressions. | |
CardImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of times cards were displayed. When the card panel is opened, a card impression is logged for each of the video's cards. | |
CardTeaserImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of times that card teasers were displayed. A video view can generate multiple teaser impressions. | |
CardClicks | Double | False | False | The number of times that cards were clicked. | |
CardTeaserClicks | Double | False | False | The number of clicks on card teasers. Card icon clicks are attributed to the last teaser displayed to the user. | |
SubscribersGained | Double | False | False | The number of times that users subscribed to a channel. | |
SubscribersLost | Double | False | False | The number of times that users unsubscribed from a channel. | |
EstimatedRevenue | Double | False | False | The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources as well as from non-advertising sources for the selected date range and region. | |
EstimatedAdRevenue | Double | False | False | The total estimated net revenue from all Google-sold advertising sources for the selected date range and region. | |
GrossRevenue | Double | False | False | The estimated gross revenue, in USD, from all Google-sold or DoubleClick-partner-sold advertising for the selected date range and region. Gross revenue is subject to month-end adjustment and does not include partner-served advertising. Gross revenue should not be confused with estimated revenue, or net revenue, which factors in your share of ownership and revenue-sharing agreements. | |
EstimatedRedPartnerRevenue | Double | False | False | The total estimated revenue earned from YouTube Premium (previously known as YouTube Red) subscriptions for the selected report dimensions. The metric's value reflects revenue from both music and non-music content and is subject to month-end adjustment. | |
MonetizedPlaybacks | Double | False | False | The number of instances when a viewer played your video and was shown at least one ad impression. A monetized playback is counted if a viewer is shown a preroll ad but quits watching the ad before your video ever starts. The expected estimated error for this figure is ±2.0%. | |
PlaybackBasedCpm | Double | False | False | The estimated gross revenue per thousand playbacks. | |
AdImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of verified ad impressions served. | |
CPM | Double | False | False | The estimated gross revenue per thousand ad impressions. | |
PlaylistStarts | Double | False | False | The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist. Note that this metric only includes playlist views that occurred on the web. | |
ViewsPerPlaylistStart | Double | False | False | The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated. Note that this metric only includes playlist views that occurred on the web. | |
AverageTimeInPlaylist | Double | False | False | The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated. Note that this metric only includes playlist views that occurred on the web. | |
StartDate | Date | Start date for fetching Analytics data. | |||
EndDate | Date | End date for fetching Analytics data. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
This report provides user activity statistics, sorted by province (includes Washington DC).
州別のユーザーアクティビティは、米国の州およびコロンビア特別区に適用されます。province を使用するには、filters パラメータ値をcountry==US に設定する必要があります。
Video レポート:
ディメンション | 必須 | province |
オプション | creatorContentType | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、redViews、estimatedMinutesWatched、estimatedRedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage、annotationClickThroughRate、annotationCloseRate、annotationImpressions、annotationClickableImpressions、annotationClosableImpressions、annotationClicks、annotationCloses、cardClickRate、cardTeaserClickRate、cardImpressions、cardTeaserImpressions、cardClicks、cardTeaserClicks |
フィルタ | 必須 | country==US |
0または1つ使用 | video、group |
Playlist レポート:
このレポートは、米国各州とワシントンDC のプレイリストのアクティビティの統計です。このレポートでは、 filters パラメータ値にcountry==US を含める必要があります。
ディメンション | 必須 | province |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、redViews、estimatedMinutesWatched、estimatedRedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated==1;country==US |
0または1つ使用 | continent、subContinent | |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
ディメンション | 必須 | province |
オプション | creatorContentType | |
指標 | 1つ以上使用 | views、redViews、estimatedMinutesWatched、estimatedRedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、averageViewPercentage、annotationClickThroughRate、annotationCloseRate、annotationImpressions、annotationClickableImpressions、annotationClosableImpressions、annotationClicks、annotationCloses、cardClickRate、cardTeaserClickRate、cardImpressions、cardTeaserImpressions、cardClicks、cardTeaserClicks |
フィルタ | 1つだけ使用 | video、channel、group、またはuploaderType とclaimedStatus のサポートされている組み合わせ |
必須 | country==US |
ディメンション | 必須 | province |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、estimatedMinutesWatched、estimatedRedMinutesWatched、averageViewDuration、playlistStarts、viewsPerPlaylistStart、averageTimeInPlaylist | |
フィルタ | 必須 | isCurated==1;country==US |
0または1つ使用 | playlist、channel、group | |
0または1つ以上使用 | subscribedStatus、youtubeProduct |
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Channel | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) The Id for a YouTube channel. The channel dimension is frequently used in content owner reports because those reports typically aggregate data for multiple channels. | ||
Video | String | True | The Id of a YouTube video. | ||
Playlist | String | True | The Id of a YouTube playlist. | ||
Group | String | True | (filter only) The Id of a YouTube Analytics group. | ||
Province | String | True | The U.S. state or territory associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is an ISO 3166-2 code that identifies a U.S. state or the District of Columbia, such as US-MI (Michigan) or US-TX (Texas). The province code US-ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated U.S. state. If the Province column is specified, Country must be set to US in the WHERE clause. | ||
Country | String | True | The country associated with the metrics in the report row. The dimension value is a two-letter ISO-3166-1 country code, such as US, CN (China), or FR (France). The country code ZZ is used to report metrics for which YouTube could not identify the associated country. | ||
CreatorContentType | String | True | This dimension indicates whether the user activity metrics in the data row are associated with viewers who were subscribed to the video or playlist channel. The allowed values are SUBSCRIBED, UNSUBSCRIBED. Note that the dimension value is accurate as of the time that the user activity occurs. | ||
IsCurated | Boolean | True | This filter indicates that the request is retrieving data about video views that occurred in the context of a playlist. This filter is required for any playlist report and its value must be set to 1. | ||
ClaimedStatus | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate that a result set will only contain metrics for claimed content. The allowed value is claimed. | ||
UploaderType | String | True | (only used in content owner reports) This dimension lets you indicate whether a result set will contain metrics for content uploaded by the specified content owner or content uploaded by third parties, such as user-uploaded videos. The allowed values are self and thirdParty. | ||
Views | Double | False | True | The number of times that a video was viewed. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the number of times that a video was viewed in the context of a playlist. | |
RedViews | Double | False | False | The number of times that a video was viewed by YouTube Premium (previously known as YouTube Red) members. | |
EstimatedMinutesWatched | Double | False | True | The number of minutes that users watched videos for the specified channel, content owner, video, or playlist. | |
EstimatedRedMinutesWatched | Double | False | False | The number of minutes that YouTube Premium (previously known as YouTube Red) members watched a video. | |
AverageViewDuration | Double | False | False | The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks. As of December 13, 2021, this metric excludes looping clips traffic. In a playlist report, the metric indicates the average length, in seconds, of video playbacks that occurred in the context of a playlist. | |
AverageViewPercentage | Double | False | False | The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback. | |
AnnotationClickThroughRate | Double | False | False | The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions. | |
AnnotationCloseRate | Double | False | False | The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions. | |
AnnotationImpressions | Double | False | False | The total number of annotation impressions. | |
AnnotationClickableImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of annotations that appeared and could be clicked. | |
AnnotationClosableImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of annotations that appeared and could be closed. | |
AnnotationClicks | Double | False | False | The number of clicked annotations. | |
AnnotationCloses | Double | False | False | The number of closed annotations. | |
CardClickRate | Double | False | False | The click-through-rate for cards, which is calculated as the ratio of card clicks to card impressions. | |
CardTeaserClickRate | Double | False | False | The click-through-rate for card teasers, which is calculated as the ratio of clicks on card teasers to the total number of card teaser impressions. | |
CardImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of times cards were displayed. When the card panel is opened, a card impression is logged for each of the video's cards. | |
CardTeaserImpressions | Double | False | False | The number of times that card teasers were displayed. A video view can generate multiple teaser impressions. | |
CardClicks | Double | False | False | The number of times that cards were clicked. | |
CardTeaserClicks | Double | False | False | The number of clicks on card teasers. Card icon clicks are attributed to the last teaser displayed to the user. | |
PlaylistStarts | Double | False | False | The number of times that viewers initiated playback of a playlist. Note that this metric only includes playlist views that occurred on the web. | |
ViewsPerPlaylistStart | Double | False | False | The average number of video views that occurred each time a playlist was initiated. Note that this metric only includes playlist views that occurred on the web. | |
AverageTimeInPlaylist | Double | False | False | The estimated average amount of time, in minutes, that a viewer viewed videos in a playlist after the playlist was initiated. Note that this metric only includes playlist views that occurred on the web. | |
StartDate | Date | Start date for fetching Analytics data. | |||
EndDate | Date | End date for fetching Analytics data. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Query YouTube VideoAbuseReportReasons. A VideoAbuseReportReason resource contains information about a reason that a Video would be flagged for containing abusive content.
There are no required filters for this table. An optional column is Language.
The '=' operator is supported for this column.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to identify the reason. | |||
Label | String | The label text for the reason. | |||
SecondaryReasonsAggregate | String | A list of secondary reasons associated with the reason, if any available. There might be 0 or more. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Language | String | The hl parameter specifies the language that should be used for text values in the API response. The default value is en_US. |
Query YouTube VideoCategories. A VideoCategory resource identifies a category that has been or could be associated with uploaded Videos.
You can specify exactly one of the following columns: Id or Region.
If you do not specify any filtering criteria, by default you will get results for the US Region.
An extra optional parameter is Language.
SELECT * FROM VideoCategories WHERE Region = 'JP'The IN operator can be used to filter on multiple Ids:
SELECT Id, Kind, Etag, ChannelId, Title, Assignable FROM VideoCategories WHERE (ID IN ('1', '2', '10'))
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The unique identifier for the video category. | |||
ChannelId | String | The YouTube channel that created the video category. | |||
Title | String | The title of the video category. | |||
Assignable | Boolean | Indicates whether videos can be associated with the category. | |||
Region | String | The country from which to retrieve video categories. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Language | String | Specifies the language that should be used for text values in the API response. The default value is en_US. |
Query YouTube Videos.
By default, SupportEnhancedSQL is set to true, and the following will be passed to YouTube Analytics if present. Other filters will be executed client side. If SupportEnhancedSQL is set to false, only the following filters will be honored.
By default, if no filters are specified, the driver will return all videos owned by the authenticated user.
Only one of the following columns may be filtered by at a time: Id, MyRating, ChannelId, or Chart. Extra columns supported are ForMine, Language, ForContentOwner, OnBehalfOfContentOwner.
A search against all videos on Youtube may be executed by specifying SearchTerms, RelatedToVideoId, VideoDuration, VideoCategoryId, or Region.
All columns support the '=' operator. PublishedAt also supports these additional operators: '>', '>=', '<', and '<='. Id and ChannelId supports IN.
Order by is supported for the Date, Rating, Relevance and Title columns.
SELECT * FROM Videos WHERE Id = '12345679' SELECT * FROM Videos WHERE PublishedAt >= '2016-01-01T20:30:00Z' LIMIT 10 SELECT Description FROM Videos WHERE ForMine = True ORDER BY Date
Note: Ordering is not supported when specifying one of the colums used for searching channels such as SearchTerms.
The IN operator can be used to specify a list of channels. This call returns a list of videos for each specified channel.
SELECT * FROM Videos WHERE ChannelId IN (a, b, c) SELECT * FROM Videos WHERE ChannelId IN (SELECT Id FROM Channels)
IN operator can also be used for getting data for multiple videos.
SELECT * FROM Videos WHERE Id IN (a, b, c)
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video. | |||
ChannelId | String | The Id that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the channel that the video was uploaded to. | |||
CategoryId | String | The YouTube video category associated with the video. | |||
Title | String | The title of the video. | |||
ChannelTitle | String | Channel title for the channel that the video belongs to. | |||
PublishedAt | Datetime | The date and time that the video was published. Note that this time might be different than the time that the video was uploaded. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format. | |||
Description | String | The description of the video. | |||
Duration | String | The length of the video. The property value is an ISO 8601 duration. | |||
ViewCount | Long | The number of times the video has been viewed. | |||
LikeCount | Long | The number of users who have indicated that they liked the video. | |||
DislikeCount | Long | The number of users who have indicated that they disliked the video. In conjunction with changes to make video dislike counts private across the entire YouTube platform, this field is returned only if the API request was authenticated by the video owner. | |||
CommentCount | Long | The number of comments for the video. | |||
EmbedHtml | String | An iframe tag that embeds a player that will play the video. | |||
PublicStatsViewable | Boolean | This value indicates whether the extended video statistics on the watch page are publicly viewable. By default, those statistics are viewable, and statistics like the viewcount and ratings will still be publicly visible even if this value is set to false. | |||
TagsAggregate | String | A list of keyword tags associated with the video. | |||
LiveBroadcastContent | String | Indicates if the video is an upcoming/active live broadcast. A value of none indicates the video is not an upcoming/active live broadcast. Valid values for this column: live, none, upcoming. | |||
Dimension | String | Indicates whether the video is available in 3D or in 2D. | |||
Definition | String | Indicates whether the video is available in high definition HD or only in standard definition. Valid values for this column: hd,sd. | |||
Caption | String | Indicates whether captions are available for the video. Valid values for this column: false, true. | |||
LicensedContent | Boolean | Indicates whether the video represents licensed content, which means that the content was uploaded to a channel linked to a YouTube content partner and then claimed by that partner. | |||
AllowedAggregate | String | A list of region codes that identify countries where the video is viewable. | |||
BlockedAggregate | String | A list of region codes that identify countries where the video is blocked. | |||
Projection | String | Specifies the projection format of the video. Valid values: 360, rectangular. | |||
PrivacyStatus | String | The privacy status of the playlist. Valid values: private, public, unlisted. | |||
MadeForKids | Boolean | This value indicates whether the video is Made For Kids. | |||
License | String | The license. Valid values: creativeCommon, youtube. | |||
Embeddable | Boolean | This value indicates whether the video can be embedded on another website. | |||
ThumbnailsDefaultUrl | String | The URL of the default image. | |||
DefaultLanguage | String | This column is confidential to trusted testers. The language of the text in the Title and Description columns. | |||
DefaultAudioLanguage | String | The default_audio_language column specifies the language spoken in the default audio track of the video. | |||
UploadStatus | String | The status of the uploaded video. Valid values for this column: deleted, failed, processed, rejected, uploaded. | |||
FailureReason | String | This value explains why a video failed to upload. This column only has a value if the UploadStatus column indicates that the upload failed. Valid values for this column: codec, conversion, emptyFile, invalidFile, tooSmall, uploadAborted. | |||
RejectionReason | String | This value explains why YouTube rejected an uploaded video. This column only has a value if the UploadStatus column indicates that the upload was rejected. Valid values for this column: claim, copyright, duplicate, inappropriate, length, termsOfUse, trademark, uploaderAccountClosed, uploaderAccountSuspended. | |||
RecordingDate | Datetime | The date and time when the video was recorded. The value is specified in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ) format. | |||
SearchTerms | String | The query term to search for. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
SafeSearch | String | Indicates whether the search results should include restricted content as well as standard content. Acceptable values: moderate, none, or strict. |
EventType | String | The eventType parameter restricts a search to broadcast events. Acceptable values are: COMPLETED, LIVE, UPCOMING.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。COMPLETED, LIVE, UPCOMING |
RelatedToVideoId | String | Retrieves a list of videos that are related to the video that the column value identifies. |
VideoDuration | String | Filters video search results based on their duration. Acceptable values: any, long, medium or short. |
VideoCategoryId | String | The videoCategoryId parameter identifies the video category for which the chart should be retrieved. |
Region | String | Instructs the API to select a video chart available in the specified region. This column can only be used in conjunction with the chart column. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. |
ForMine | String | Restricts the search to only retrieve videos owned by the authenticated user. It is false by default. |
Chart | String | The chart parameter identifies the chart that you want to retrieve. Acceptable values are: mostPopular - Return the most popular videos for the specified content region and video category.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。mostPopular |
MyRating | String | The rating of the authenticated user. Acceptable values: like or dislike.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。like, dislike |
Language | String | Retrieve localized resource metadata for a specific application language that the YouTube website supports. |
ForContentOwner | String | Restricts the search to only retrieve videos owned by the content owner specified by the OnBehalfOfContentOwner parameter. |
OnBehalfOfContentOwner | String | This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners. |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、YouTube Analytics の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにYouTube Analytics から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
CreateCustomSchema | Creates a custom schema file based on the specified Dimensions and Metrics. |
Creates a custom schema file based on the specified Dimensions and Metrics.
Creates a custom schema file based on the specified Dimensions and Metrics.
A custom schema may be used for a more tailored approach to your data. Custom options may include comma-separated lists for specific data.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | String | True | The name for the new table. |
FileName | String | False | The full file path and name of the schema to generate. Ex : 'C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\JiraSD\\DataSetTest.rsd' |
Description | String | False | An optional description for the table. |
Dimensions | String | False | A comma-separated list of dimensions to include in the schema file. |
Metrics | String | True | A comma-separated list of metrics to include in the schema file. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether or not the schema was created successfully. |
SchemaFile | String | The generated schema file. |
FileData | String | The generated schema encoded in Base64. Only returned if FileName or FileStream is not set. |
以下のテーブルは、YouTube Analytics のデータベースメタデータを返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SchemaName | String | スキーマ名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | テーブル名またはビュー名。 |
TableType | String | テーブルの種類(テーブルまたはビュー)。 |
Description | String | テーブルまたはビューの説明。 |
IsUpdateable | Boolean | テーブルが更新可能かどうか。 |
次のクエリは、Groups テーブルのカラムとデータ型を返します。
SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Groups'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | カラムを含むテーブルまたはビューの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | カラム名。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | カラムのストレージサイズ。 |
DisplaySize | Int32 | 指定されたカラムの通常の最大幅(文字数)。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの最大桁数。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | カラムのスケール(小数点以下の桁数)。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | カラムがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
Description | String | カラムの簡単な説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | カラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
IsAutoIncrement | String | カラムに固定増分値が割り当てられるかどうか。 |
IsGeneratedColumn | String | 生成されたカラムであるかどうか。 |
IsHidden | Boolean | カラムが非表示かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | カラムが配列かどうか。 |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | カラムが読み取り専用かどうか。 |
IsKey | Boolean | sys_tablecolumns から返されたフィールドがテーブルの主キーであるかどうか。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマ。 |
ProcedureName | String | ストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
Description | String | ストアドプロシージャの説明。 |
ProcedureType | String | PROCEDURE やFUNCTION などのプロシージャのタイプ。 |
次のクエリは、RefreshOAuthAccessToken ストアドプロシージャのすべての入力パラメータについての情報を返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='RefreshOAuthAccessToken' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマの名前。 |
ProcedureName | String | パラメータを含むストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | ストアドプロシージャパラメータの名前。 |
Direction | Int32 | パラメータのタイプに対応する整数値:input (1)。input/output (2)、またはoutput(4)。input/output タイプパラメータは、入力パラメータと出力パラメータの両方になれます。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | 文字データの場合は、許可される文字数。数値データの場合は、許可される桁数。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの場合は最大精度。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | 数値データの小数点以下の桁数。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | パラメータがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
IsRequired | Boolean | プロシージャの実行にパラメータが必要かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | パラメータが配列かどうか。 |
Description | String | パラメータの説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
次のクエリは、Groups テーブルの主キーを取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Groups'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
IsKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照されるテーブル内の主キーかどうか。 |
IsForeignKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照される外部キーかどうか。 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
ForeignKeyType | String | 外部キーがインポート(他のテーブルを指す)キーかエクスポート(他のテーブルから参照される)キーかを指定します。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前。 |
KeySeq | String | 主キーのシーケンス番号。 |
KeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | インデックスを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | インデックスを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | インデックスを含むテーブルの名前。 |
IndexName | String | インデックス名。 |
ColumnName | String | インデックスに関連付けられたカラムの名前。 |
IsUnique | Boolean | インデックスが固有の場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
IsPrimary | Boolean | インデックスが主キーの場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
Type | Int16 | インデックスタイプに対応する整数値:statistic (0)、clustered (1)、hashed (2)、またはother (3)。 |
SortOrder | String | 並べ替え順序:A が昇順、D が降順。 |
OrdinalPosition | Int16 | インデックスのカラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
このテーブルをクエリする際は、config 接続文字列を使用する必要があります。
SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | 接続プロパティ名。 |
ShortDescription | String | 簡単な説明。 |
Type | String | 接続プロパティのデータ型。 |
Default | String | 明示的に設定されていない場合のデフォルト値。 |
Values | String | 可能な値のカンマ区切りリスト。別な値が指定されていると、検証エラーがスローされます。 |
Value | String | 設定した値またはあらかじめ設定されたデフォルト。 |
Required | Boolean | プロパティが接続に必要かどうか。 |
Category | String | 接続プロパティのカテゴリ。 |
IsSessionProperty | String | プロパティが、現在の接続に関する情報を保存するために使用されるセッションプロパティかどうか。 |
Sensitivity | String | プロパティの機密度。これは、プロパティがロギングおよび認証フォームで難読化されているかどうかを通知します。 |
PropertyName | String | キャメルケースの短縮形の接続プロパティ名。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
CatOrdinal | Int32 | パラメータカテゴリのインデックス。 |
Hierarchy | String | このプロパティと一緒に設定する必要がある、関連のある依存プロパティを表示します。 |
Visible | Boolean | プロパティが接続UI に表示されるかどうかを通知します。 |
ETC | String | プロパティに関するその他のさまざまな情報。 |
Cloud がデータソースにオフロードできるSELECT クエリ処理について説明します。
SQL 構文の詳細については、SQL 準拠 を参照してください。
以下はSQL 機能のサンプルデータセットです。 SELECT 機能のいくつかの側面がサポートされている場合には、カンマ区切りのリストで返されます。サポートされていない場合、カラムにはNO が入ります。
名前 | 説明 | 有効な値 |
COUNT | COUNT 関数がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための開始文字。 | [ |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための終了文字。 | ] |
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS | サポートされているSQL 演算子。 | =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR |
GROUP_BY | GROUP BY がサポートされているかどうか。サポートされている場合、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE |
OUTER_JOINS | 外部結合がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
SUBQUERIES | サブクエリがサポートされているかどうか。サポートされていれば、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, COMPARISON, EXISTS, IN, CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES, QUANTIFIED |
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES | レプリケーション中にスキップされたテーブルを示します。 | |
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS | レプリケーション中に更新判断のカラムとして使用するかどうかを、(指定された順に)チェックするカラムのリストを含む文字列の配列。 | |
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN | 識別子としてどの文字列が有効かを示す文字列値。 | |
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION | プロバイダーが、コミットやロールバックなどのトランザクションをサポートしているかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DIALECT | 使用するSQL ダイアレクトを示します。 | |
KEY_PROPERTIES | Uniform データベースを特定するプロパティを示します。 | |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS | プロバイダー用に複数のスキームが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS | プロバイダー用に複数のカタログが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DATASYNCVERSION | このドライバーにアクセスするために必要な、CData Sync のバージョン。 | Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise |
DATASYNCCATEGORY | このドライバーのCData Sync カテゴリ。 | Source, Destination, Cloud Destination |
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL | API で提供されている以上の、追加SQL 機能がサポートされているかどうか。 | TRUE, FALSE |
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS | バッチ操作がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS | 使用したいcacheOptions を指定する文字列値。 | |
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY | ドライバーがEntity Framework の高度なクエリをサポートしているかどうかを示します。サポートしていなければ、クエリはクライアントサイドで処理されます。 | YES, NO |
PSEUDO_COLUMNS | 利用可能な疑似カラムを示す文字列の配列。 | |
MERGE_ALWAYS | 値がtrue であれば、CData Sync 内でMerge Model が強制的に実行されます。 | TRUE, FALSE |
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmin を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_START_DATE | レプリケート開始日を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmax を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE | 初回のレプリケートで、レプリケートをチャンクに分割しないテーブルのリスト。 | |
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID | CheckCache 構文を親キーカラムに対して実行するかどうかを示します。 | TRUE, FALSE |
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES | スキーマファイルの生成に使用できる、ストアドプロシージャを示します。 |
次のクエリは、WHERE 句で使用できる演算子を取得します。
WHERE 句では、個々のテーブルの制限や要件が異なる場合がありますので注意してください。詳しくは、データモデル セクションを参照してください。
Name | Type | Description |
NAME | String | SQL 構文のコンポーネント、またはサーバー上で処理できる機能。 |
VALUE | String | サポートされるSQL またはSQL 構文の詳細。 |
次のクエリは、バッチ処理で変更された行のId を取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | データ変更処理から返された、データベース生成Id。 |
Batch | String | バッチの識別子。1 は単一処理。 |
Operation | String | バッチ内の処理の結果:INSERTED、UPDATED、またはDELETED。 |
Message | String | SUCCESS、またはバッチ内の更新が失敗した場合のエラーメッセージ。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
AuthScheme | The type of authentication to use when connecting to YouTube Analytics. |
ChannelId | 認証されたユーザーに属するチャンネルのId。 |
ContentOwnerId | YouTube 権利管理システムにあるコンテンツの著作権者のId。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthJWTCert | JWT 証明書のストア。 |
OAuthJWTCertType | JWT 証明書を格納するキーストアの種類。 |
OAuthJWTCertPassword | OAuth JWT 証明書のパスワード。 |
OAuthJWTCertSubject | OAuth JWT 証明書のサブジェクト。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
DefaultFilter | すべてのクエリに適用されるデフォルトのフィルタ。 |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なAuthentication プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
AuthScheme | The type of authentication to use when connecting to YouTube Analytics. |
ChannelId | 認証されたユーザーに属するチャンネルのId。 |
ContentOwnerId | YouTube 権利管理システムにあるコンテンツの著作権者のId。 |
The type of authentication to use when connecting to YouTube Analytics.
認証されたユーザーに属するチャンネルのId。これは、チャンネルのアカウント詳細設定ページで確認できます。指定されていない場合は、認証されたユーザーのYouTube チャンネルのデータを返すMINE が使われます。
YouTube 権利管理システムにあるコンテンツの著作権者のId。
YouTube 権利管理システムにあるコンテンツの著作権者のId。コンテンツ所有者とは、動画を主張し収益化ポリシーを設定している個人もしくは組織です。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なJWT OAuth プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthJWTCert | JWT 証明書のストア。 |
OAuthJWTCertType | JWT 証明書を格納するキーストアの種類。 |
OAuthJWTCertPassword | OAuth JWT 証明書のパスワード。 |
OAuthJWTCertSubject | OAuth JWT 証明書のサブジェクト。 |
JWT 証明書のストア。
OAuthJWTCertType フィールドは、OAuthJWTCert により指定された証明書ストアの種類を指定します。 ストアがパスワードで保護されている場合は、OAuthJWTCertPassword でパスワードを指定します。
OAuthJWTCert は、OAuthJWTCertSubject フィールドとともにクライアント証明書を指定するために使われます。 OAuthJWTCert に値がある場合で、OAuthJWTCertSubject が設定されている場合は、証明書の検索が始まります。 詳しくは、OAuthJWTCertSubject フィールドを参照してください。
Windows の共通のユーザとシステム証明書ストアの指定は以下のとおりです。
MY | 個人証明書と関連付けられた秘密キーを格納している証明書ストア。 |
CA | 証明機関の証明書。 |
ROOT | ルート証明書。 |
SPC | ソフトウェア発行元証明書。 |
証明書ストアの種類がPFXFile の場合は、このプロパティにファイル名を設定します。 PFXBlob の場合は、このプロパティをPFX ファイルのバイナリコンテンツ(例えば、PKCS12証明書ストア)に設定する必要があります。
JWT 証明書を格納するキーストアの種類。
USER | Windows の場合、現在のユーザーにより所有された証明書ストアであることを指定します。 Note:この種類はJava では利用できません。 |
MACHINE | Windows の場合、この証明書ストアがシステムストアであることを指定します。 Note:この種類はJava では利用できません。 |
PFXFILE | この証明書ストアは、証明書を含むPFX(PKCS12)ファイルの名前です。 |
PFXBLOB | この証明書ストアは、PFX(PKCS12)形式の証明書ストアを表すBase-64でエンコードされた文字列です。 |
JKSFILE | この証明書ストアは、証明書を含むJava key store(JKS)ファイルの名前です。 Note:この種類はJava のみで利用できます。 |
JKSBLOB | この証明書ストアは、Java key store(JKS)形式の証明書ストアを表すBase-64でエンコードされた文字列です。 Note:この種類はJava のみで利用できます。 |
PEMKEY_FILE | この証明書ストアは、秘密キーと任意の証明書を含むPEM でエンコードされたファイルの名前です。 |
PEMKEY_BLOB | この証明書ストアは、秘密キーと任意の証明書を含むBase-64でエンコードされた文字列です。 |
PUBLIC_KEY_FILE | この証明書ストアは、PEM またはDER でエンコードされた公開キーの証明書を含むファイルの名前です。 |
PUBLIC_KEY_BLOB | この証明書ストアは、PEM またはDER でエンコードされた公開キーの証明書を含むBase-64でエンコードされた文字列です。 |
SSHPUBLIC_KEY_FILE | この証明書ストアは、SSH 公開キーを含むファイルの名前です。 |
SSHPUBLIC_KEY_BLOB | この証明書ストアは、SSH 公開キーを含むBase-64でエンコードされた文字列です。 |
P7BFILE | この証明書ストアは、証明書を含むPKCS7 ファイルの名前です。 |
PPKFILE | この証明書ストアは、PuTTY 秘密キー(PPK)を含むファイルの名前です。 |
XMLFILE | この証明書ストアは、XML 形式の証明書を含むファイルの名前です。 |
XMLBLOB | この証明書ストアは、XML 形式の証明書を含む文字列の名前です。 |
GOOGLEJSON | この証明書ストアは、サービスアカウント情報を含むJSON ファイルの名前です。Google サービスに接続する場合にのみ有効です。 |
GOOGLEJSONBLOB | この証明書ストアは、サービスアカウントのJSON を含む文字列です。Google サービスに接続する場合にのみ有効です。 |
OAuth JWT 証明書のパスワード。
GOOGLEJSON OAuthJWTCertType を使用する場合は必要ありません。Google JSON キーは暗号化されていません。
OAuth JWT 証明書のサブジェクト。
"*" に設定すると、証明書ストアの1番目の証明書が選択されます。
証明書のサブジェクトは識別の名前フィールドおよび値のカンマ区切りのリストです。 例えば、", OU=test, C=US, [email protected]"。共通のフィールドとその説明は以下のとおりです。
フィールド | 説明 |
CN | 共通名。一般的には、 のようなホスト名です。 |
O | 法人名 |
OU | 法人の部署名 |
L | 法人の住所(市町村名) |
S | 法人の住所(都道府県) |
C | 国名 |
E | Eメールアドレス |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なLogging プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
DefaultFilter | すべてのクエリに適用されるデフォルトのフィルタ。 |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
すべてのクエリに適用されるデフォルトのフィルタ。すべてのクエリにデフォルトのDimensions、StartDate、EndDate、およびSegments を設定するための便利な方法です。これらの値は、クエリで設定されると上書きされます。値の例:Dimensions=Year AND EndDate=Today
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Cloud は例外をスローします。