CData Python Connector for Twilio

Build 24.0.8963


This resource provides an overview of metadata and quality metrics for a single call.

Table Specific Information

The call summary resource provides an overview of metadata and quality metrics for a single call, which contains all the metadata information related to that call.


Twilio allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only the equals or = comparison.
NOTE: CallSid is required in order to query CallSummary.

SELECT * FROM CallSummary WHERE CallSid = 'CH7040b87e3664410aa4c241a3d6c85f0b'
SELECT * FROM CallSummary WHERE CallSid = 'CH7040b87e3664410aa4c241a3d6c85f0b' AND ProcessingState = 'Partial'


Name Type References Description
CallSid String


SID for the call
AccountSid String The account SID this call belongs to
AttributesConferenceParticipant Boolean Contains call-flow specific details
CallState String Status of the call
CallType String Describes the call type
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundCodec Integer RTP profile number for the media codec for inbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundCodecName String Name of the media codec for inbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundJitterAvg Double Average jitter detected for inbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundJitterMax Double Max jitter detected for inbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsLossPercentage Double Percentage of packets lost for inbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsLost Integer Count of packets lost for inbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsReceived Integer Count of packets received; inbound container only
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundCodec Integer RTP profile number for the media codec for outbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundCodecName String Name of the media codec for outbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundJitterAvg Double Average jitter detected for outbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundJitterMax Double Max jitter detected for outbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundPacketDelayVariation Integer Distribution of packets delayed by a certain value
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundPacketsLossPercentage Double Percentage of packets lost for outbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundPacketsLost Integer Count of packets lost for outbound stream
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundPacketsSent Integer Count of packets sent
CarrierEdgePropertiesDirection String Direction of media flow from the perspective of the edge. Inbound or outbound.
CarrierEdgePropertiesEdgeLocation String The Twilio edge location where media was handled.
CarrierEdgePropertiesMediaRegion String The Twilio region where media was handled.
CarrierEdgePropertiesSignalingRegion String The Twilio region where signaling was handled.
ClientEdge String Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a Client call
ConnectDuration Integer Duration between when the call was answered and when it ended
Duration Integer Duration between when the call was initiated and the call was ended
EndTime Datetime Call end time
FromCaller String The calling party
FromCarrier String Serving carrier of destination
FromConnection String landline, mobile, voip
FromCountryCode String Two-letter ISO country code
FromLocationLat Double Lat for number prefix
FromLocationLon Double long for number prefix
FromNumberPrefix String E.164 country code + three digits
ProcessingState String Represents the summarization state of the resource.
PropertiesDirection String Contains edge-agnostic call-level details.
PropertiesDisconnectedBy String Available for Client calls only. Identifies if Twilio.Device.disconnect() was called in the local application or if the call was ended by remote party
PropertiesQueueTime String Estimated time in milliseconds between when a Programmable Voice call is created and when the call actually begins.
PropertiesLastSipResponseNum Integer The numeric value of the last SIP response received for the call
PropertiesPddMs Integer Post-dial delay in milliseconds
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundAudioInAvg Double Avg level for microphone audio.
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundAudioInMax Double Max level for microphone audio.
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundAudioOutAvg Double Avg level for speaker audio
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundAudioOutMax Double Max level for speaker audio
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundJitterAvg Double Average jitter detected
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundJitterMax Double Max jitter detected
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundMosAvg Double Mean opinion score; a function of jitter, packet loss, and round-trip time. Scale of 0-5 where anything above 4 is considered acceptable. Average value returned.
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundMosMax Double Mean opinion score; a function of jitter, packet loss, and round-trip time. Scale of 0-5 where anything above 4 is considered acceptable. Max value returned.
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundMosMin Double Mean opinion score; a function of jitter, packet loss, and round-trip time. Scale of 0-5 where anything above 4 is considered acceptable. Min value returned.
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsLossPercentage Double Percentage of packets lost for inbound stream
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsLost Integer Count of packets lost for inbound stream
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsReceived Integer Count of packets received; inbound container only
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundRttAvg Double Round-trip time; time in milliseconds for packets sent from Twilio's gateway to arrive at the SDK. NOTE: adaptive jitter buffers and dynamic packet loss concealment algorithms may delay actual play out of RTP beyond the RTT value. Average value returned.
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundRttMax Double Round-trip time; time in milliseconds for packets sent from Twilio's gateway to arrive at the SDK. NOTE: adaptive jitter buffers and dynamic packet loss concealment algorithms may delay actual play out of RTP beyond the RTT value. maximum value returned.
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundRttMin Double Round-trip time; time in milliseconds for packets sent from Twilio's gateway to arrive at the SDK. NOTE: adaptive jitter buffers and dynamic packet loss concealment algorithms may delay actual play out of RTP beyond the RTT value. minimum value returned.
SdkEdgeMetricsOutBoundCodec Integer RTP profile number for the media codec for outbound stream
SdkEdgeMetricsOutBoundCodecName String Name of the media codec for outbound stream
SdkEdgeMetricsOutBoundPacketsSent Integer Count of packets sent
SdkEdgePropertiesAppBuildNumber String Twilio SDK build version
SdkEdgePropertiesAppCompileSdkVersion String Twilio SDK version
SdkEdgePropertiesAppId String App Id for the Twilio SDK
SdkEdgePropertiesAppMinOSVersion String Min Operating system version to the SDK
SdkEdgePropertiesAppName String App name for the SDK
SdkEdgePropertiesAppTargetOSVersion String Target Operating system version to the SDK
SdkEdgePropertiesAppVersion String App version for the SDK
SdkEdgePropertiesDirection String Direction of media flow from the perspective of the edge. Inbound or outbound.
SdkEdgePropertiesDisconnectedBy String Available for Client calls only. Identifies if Twilio.Device.disconnect() was called in the local application or if the call was ended by remote party
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsConnection Integer landline, mobile, voip
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsGetUserMedia Integer Get user media count
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsIceConnectionState Integer Event group ice connection state value
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsIceGatheringState Integer Event group ice connection gathering value
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsNetworkInformation Integer Event group network information
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsSignalingState Integer Signalling state of the Event groups
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsLevelsDEBUG Integer Count of events by severity-debug for the call.
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsLevelsINFO Integer Count of events by severity-info for the call.
SdkEdgePropertiesSettingsDscp Boolean Indicates whether DSCP was enabled.
SdkEdgePropertiesSettingsIceRestartEnabled Boolean Indicates if ICE restart was enabled.
SipEdge String Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a SIP Interface or Trunking call
StartTime Datetime Call start time
Tags String Tags applied to calls by Voice Insights analysis indicating a condition that could result in subjective degradation of the call quality.
ToCallee String The called party
ToCarrier String Serving carrier of destination
ToConnection String landline, mobile, voip
ToCountryCode String Two-letter ISO country code
ToLocationLat Double Lat for number prefix
ToLocationLon Double Long for number prefix
ToNumberPrefix String E.164 country code + three digits
TrustBrandedCallBrandSid String Contains trusted communications details including Branded Call and verified caller ID
TrustBrandedCallBranded Boolean Boolean. Indicates if branding details were successfully displayed on the destination device.
TrustBrandedCallBrandedChannelSid String Branded channel SID.
TrustBrandedCallCaller String Caller ID provided.
TrustBrandedCallUseCase String Use case for the call.
TrustVerifiedCallerVerified Boolean Boolean. Indicates if the caller ID provided has been verified; e.g. SHAKEN/STIR A attestation.
Url String The URL of the Voice Insights Summary for this call

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963