Power BI Connector for Twilio

Build 24.0.8963


Delete and query the available Recordings in Twilio.


Twilio allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only the equals or = comparison. The available columns for Recordings are CallSid, DateCreated, and Sid. DateCreated may be used with the >, >=, <, <=, or = conditions.

SELECT * FROM Recordings WHERE DateCreated > '2011-10-10' 


Twilio does not allow Recordings to be added.


Twilio does not allow Recordings to be updated.


DELETE FROM Recordings WHERE Sid='REfb1f22afc4f6243242'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Sid [KEY] String False

The Id of the recording.

ApiVersion String False

The API version of the recording.

CallSid String False

The Id of the call for the recording.

DateCreated Datetime False

The creation date of the recording.

DateUpdated Datetime False

The modification date of the recording.

Duration Double False

The duration of the recording in seconds.

AccountSid String False

The account Id of the recording.

Uri String False

The URI of the recording.

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Build 24.0.8963