ODBC Driver for Twilio

Build 24.0.8963


ConversationMessage includes metadata of the Messages sent over a conversation.

Table Specific Information

Each Conversation includes a list of the Messages that they have sent amongst each other and an array of objects that describe the Message's media.


Twilio allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only the equals or = comparison.
NOTE: ConversationSid is required in order to query ConversationMessages.

SELECT * FROM ConversationMessages WHERE ConversationSid = 'CH7040b87e3664410aa4c241a3d6c85f0b'

SELECT * FROM ConversationMessages WHERE ConversationSid = 'CH7040b87e3664410aa4c241a3d6c85f0b' AND Sid = 'MGd452e64de7dff2465702495ed6048e84'


Name Type References Description
Sid [KEY] String A 34 character string that uniquely identifies this resource.
AccountSid String The unique ID of the Account responsible for this message.
ConversationSid String


The unique ID of the Conversation for this message.
AttributesImportance String A string metadata field you can use to store any data you wish.
Author String The channel specific identifier of the message's author.
Body String The content of the message, can be up to 1,600 characters long.
DateCreated Datetime The date that this resource was created.
DateUpdated Datetime The date that this resource was last updated.
DeliveryDelivered String An object that contains the summary of delivery statuses for the message to non-chat participants.
DeliveryFailed String An object that contains the summary of delivery statuses for the message to non-chat participants.
DeliveryRead String An object that contains the summary of delivery statuses for the message to non-chat participants.
DeliverySent String An object that contains the summary of delivery statuses for the message to non-chat participants.
DeliveryTotal Integer An object that contains the summary of delivery statuses for the message to non-chat participants.
DeliveryUndelivered String An object that contains the summary of delivery statuses for the message to non-chat participants.
Index Integer The index of the message within the Conversation.
LinksDeliveryReceipts String Contains an absolute API resource URL to access the delivery & read receipts of this message.
Media String An array of objects that describe the Message's media.
ParticipantSid String The unique ID of messages's author participant.
Url String An absolute API resource API URL for this message.

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Build 24.0.8963