This resource provides an overview of metadata and quality metrics for a single call.
Table Specific Information
The call summary resource provides an overview of metadata and quality metrics for a single call, which contains all the metadata information related to that call.
Twilio allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only the equals or = comparison.
NOTE: CallSid is required in order to query CallSummary.
SELECT * FROM CallSummary WHERE CallSid = 'CH7040b87e3664410aa4c241a3d6c85f0b' SELECT * FROM CallSummary WHERE CallSid = 'CH7040b87e3664410aa4c241a3d6c85f0b' AND ProcessingState = 'Partial'
Name | Type | References | Description |
CallSid | String |
Calls.Sid | SID for the call |
AccountSid | String | The account SID this call belongs to | |
AttributesConferenceParticipant | Boolean | Contains call-flow specific details | |
CallState | String | Status of the call | |
CallType | String | Describes the call type | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundCodec | Integer | RTP profile number for the media codec for inbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundCodecName | String | Name of the media codec for inbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundJitterAvg | Double | Average jitter detected for inbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundJitterMax | Double | Max jitter detected for inbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsLossPercentage | Double | Percentage of packets lost for inbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsLost | Integer | Count of packets lost for inbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsReceived | Integer | Count of packets received; inbound container only | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundCodec | Integer | RTP profile number for the media codec for outbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundCodecName | String | Name of the media codec for outbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundJitterAvg | Double | Average jitter detected for outbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundJitterMax | Double | Max jitter detected for outbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundPacketDelayVariation | Integer | Distribution of packets delayed by a certain value | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundPacketsLossPercentage | Double | Percentage of packets lost for outbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundPacketsLost | Integer | Count of packets lost for outbound stream | |
CarrierEdgeMetricsOutBoundPacketsSent | Integer | Count of packets sent | |
CarrierEdgePropertiesDirection | String | Direction of media flow from the perspective of the edge. Inbound or outbound. | |
CarrierEdgePropertiesEdgeLocation | String | The Twilio edge location where media was handled. | |
CarrierEdgePropertiesMediaRegion | String | The Twilio region where media was handled. | |
CarrierEdgePropertiesSignalingRegion | String | The Twilio region where signaling was handled. | |
ClientEdge | String | Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a Client call | |
ConnectDuration | Integer | Duration between when the call was answered and when it ended | |
Duration | Integer | Duration between when the call was initiated and the call was ended | |
EndTime | Datetime | Call end time | |
FromCaller | String | The calling party | |
FromCarrier | String | Serving carrier of destination | |
FromConnection | String | landline, mobile, voip | |
FromCountryCode | String | Two-letter ISO country code | |
FromLocationLat | Double | Lat for number prefix | |
FromLocationLon | Double | long for number prefix | |
FromNumberPrefix | String | E.164 country code + three digits | |
ProcessingState | String | Represents the summarization state of the resource. | |
PropertiesDirection | String | Contains edge-agnostic call-level details. | |
PropertiesDisconnectedBy | String | Available for Client calls only. Identifies if Twilio.Device.disconnect() was called in the local application or if the call was ended by remote party | |
PropertiesQueueTime | String | Estimated time in milliseconds between when a Programmable Voice call is created and when the call actually begins. | |
PropertiesLastSipResponseNum | Integer | The numeric value of the last SIP response received for the call | |
PropertiesPddMs | Integer | Post-dial delay in milliseconds | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundAudioInAvg | Double | Avg level for microphone audio. | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundAudioInMax | Double | Max level for microphone audio. | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundAudioOutAvg | Double | Avg level for speaker audio | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundAudioOutMax | Double | Max level for speaker audio | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundJitterAvg | Double | Average jitter detected | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundJitterMax | Double | Max jitter detected | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundMosAvg | Double | Mean opinion score; a function of jitter, packet loss, and round-trip time. Scale of 0-5 where anything above 4 is considered acceptable. Average value returned. | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundMosMax | Double | Mean opinion score; a function of jitter, packet loss, and round-trip time. Scale of 0-5 where anything above 4 is considered acceptable. Max value returned. | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundMosMin | Double | Mean opinion score; a function of jitter, packet loss, and round-trip time. Scale of 0-5 where anything above 4 is considered acceptable. Min value returned. | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsLossPercentage | Double | Percentage of packets lost for inbound stream | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsLost | Integer | Count of packets lost for inbound stream | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundPacketsReceived | Integer | Count of packets received; inbound container only | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundRttAvg | Double | Round-trip time; time in milliseconds for packets sent from Twilio's gateway to arrive at the SDK. NOTE: adaptive jitter buffers and dynamic packet loss concealment algorithms may delay actual play out of RTP beyond the RTT value. Average value returned. | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundRttMax | Double | Round-trip time; time in milliseconds for packets sent from Twilio's gateway to arrive at the SDK. NOTE: adaptive jitter buffers and dynamic packet loss concealment algorithms may delay actual play out of RTP beyond the RTT value. maximum value returned. | |
SdkEdgeMetricsInboundRttMin | Double | Round-trip time; time in milliseconds for packets sent from Twilio's gateway to arrive at the SDK. NOTE: adaptive jitter buffers and dynamic packet loss concealment algorithms may delay actual play out of RTP beyond the RTT value. minimum value returned. | |
SdkEdgeMetricsOutBoundCodec | Integer | RTP profile number for the media codec for outbound stream | |
SdkEdgeMetricsOutBoundCodecName | String | Name of the media codec for outbound stream | |
SdkEdgeMetricsOutBoundPacketsSent | Integer | Count of packets sent | |
SdkEdgePropertiesAppBuildNumber | String | Twilio SDK build version | |
SdkEdgePropertiesAppCompileSdkVersion | String | Twilio SDK version | |
SdkEdgePropertiesAppId | String | App Id for the Twilio SDK | |
SdkEdgePropertiesAppMinOSVersion | String | Min Operating system version to the SDK | |
SdkEdgePropertiesAppName | String | App name for the SDK | |
SdkEdgePropertiesAppTargetOSVersion | String | Target Operating system version to the SDK | |
SdkEdgePropertiesAppVersion | String | App version for the SDK | |
SdkEdgePropertiesDirection | String | Direction of media flow from the perspective of the edge. Inbound or outbound. | |
SdkEdgePropertiesDisconnectedBy | String | Available for Client calls only. Identifies if Twilio.Device.disconnect() was called in the local application or if the call was ended by remote party | |
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsConnection | Integer | landline, mobile, voip | |
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsGetUserMedia | Integer | Get user media count | |
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsIceConnectionState | Integer | Event group ice connection state value | |
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsIceGatheringState | Integer | Event group ice connection gathering value | |
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsNetworkInformation | Integer | Event group network information | |
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsGroupsSignalingState | Integer | Signalling state of the Event groups | |
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsLevelsDEBUG | Integer | Count of events by severity-debug for the call. | |
SdkEdgePropertiesEventsLevelsINFO | Integer | Count of events by severity-info for the call. | |
SdkEdgePropertiesSettingsDscp | Boolean | Indicates whether DSCP was enabled. | |
SdkEdgePropertiesSettingsIceRestartEnabled | Boolean | Indicates if ICE restart was enabled. | |
SipEdge | String | Contains metrics and properties for the Twilio media gateway of a SIP Interface or Trunking call | |
StartTime | Datetime | Call start time | |
Tags | String | Tags applied to calls by Voice Insights analysis indicating a condition that could result in subjective degradation of the call quality. | |
ToCallee | String | The called party | |
ToCarrier | String | Serving carrier of destination | |
ToConnection | String | landline, mobile, voip | |
ToCountryCode | String | Two-letter ISO country code | |
ToLocationLat | Double | Lat for number prefix | |
ToLocationLon | Double | Long for number prefix | |
ToNumberPrefix | String | E.164 country code + three digits | |
TrustBrandedCallBrandSid | String | Contains trusted communications details including Branded Call and verified caller ID | |
TrustBrandedCallBranded | Boolean | Boolean. Indicates if branding details were successfully displayed on the destination device. | |
TrustBrandedCallBrandedChannelSid | String | Branded channel SID. | |
TrustBrandedCallCaller | String | Caller ID provided. | |
TrustBrandedCallUseCase | String | Use case for the call. | |
TrustVerifiedCallerVerified | Boolean | Boolean. Indicates if the caller ID provided has been verified; e.g. SHAKEN/STIR A attestation. | |
Url | String | The URL of the Voice Insights Summary for this call |