JDBC Driver for Twilio

Build 23.0.8839


Query Twilio Incoming Phone Numbers and filter by Category.


Twilio allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can be used with only the equals or = comparison. The available columns for IncomingPhoneNumbersCategory are Category, PhoneNumber, Name, Beta, and Sid. The Category column must be specified in the WHERE clause.

SELECT * FROM IncomingPhoneNumbersCategory WHERE Category = 'Local'


Name Type References Description
Sid [KEY] String The Id of the phone number.
AccountSid String The account Id of the phone number.
Name String The friendly name of the phone number. By default, this is a formatted phone number.
PhoneNumber String The phone number in E.164 format.
VoiceUrl String The URL Twilio will request when the phone number receives a call.
VoiceMethod String The HTTP method Twilio will use to request the voice URL.
VoiceFallbackUrl String The URL Twilio will request when an error occurs requesting the voice URL.
VoiceFallbackMethod String The HTTP method Twilio will use to request the fallback voice URL.
VoiceCallerIdLookup Boolean Whether to look up the caller Id of the caller in the CNAM database.
DateCreated Datetime The creation date of the phone number.
DateUpdated Datetime The modification date of the phone number.
SmsUrl String The URL Twilio will request when someone sends an SMS message to the phone number.
SmsMethod String The HTTP method Twilio will use to request the SMS URL of the phone number.
SmsFallbackUrl String The URL Twilio will request when an error occurs requesting the SMS URL.
SmsFallbackMethod String The HTTP method Twilio will use to request the fallback SMS URL.
AddressRequirements String The address requirements of the phone number.
Beta Boolean Whether the phone number is a beta phone number new to Twilio.
CapabilitiesVoice Boolean Whether the phone number has voice capabilities.
CapabilitiesSms Boolean Whether the phone number has SMS capabilities.
CapabilitiesMms Boolean Whether the phone number has MMS capabilities.
StatusCallback String The URL that Twilio pass status parameters to.
StatusCallbackMethod String The HTTP method Twilio will use to make requests to the status callback URL.
ApiVersion String The API version of the phone number.
VoiceApplicationSid String The voice application Id of the phone number. This can be used in place of the voice URLs.
SmsApplicationSid String The SMS application Id of the phone number. This can be used in place of the SMS URLs.
TrunkSid String The trunk Id of the phone number. This overrides the Voice_Application_Sid.
Uri String The URI of the phone number.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Category String The category of the phone number. Possible values are local,mobile and tollfree.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。Local, Mobile, TollFree

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Build 23.0.8839