ODBC Driver for Smartsheet

Build 24.0.8963


Query Smartsheet Discussions. A Discussion is a collection of one or more Comments. A Discussion can exist on a Row or a Sheet.

Table Specific Information


This view returns a list of Discussions. The SheetId parameter is always required.

Retrieve all Discussions related to a Sheet.

SELECT * FROM Info_Discussions WHERE SheetId = '2940085806098308'

Retrieve Discussions related to a specific Row of a Sheet.

SELECT * FROM Info_Discussions WHERE SheetId = '2940085806098308' AND RowId = '6773684447799172'

Retrieve details of a specified Comment.

SELECT * FROM Info_Discussions WHERE SheetId = '2940085806098308' AND Id = '8206230771525508'


You can insert a discussion to a sheet by providing SheetId and FirstDiscussionComment. To add a discussion to a row, provide RowId, SheetId, and FirstDiscussionComment.

INSERT INTO Info_Discussions (SheetId, FirstDiscussionComment) VALUES ('568679927703428', 'This is a comment 1')

INSERT INTO Info_Discussions (RowId, SheetId, FirstDiscussionComment) VALUES ('1889077216995204', '568679927703428', 'This is a comment 2')


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String False

The Id of the discussion.

Title String False

The title of the comment.

AccessLevel String False

The permissions the user has to access the discussion.

ParentId String False

The Id of the directly associated row or sheet.

ParentType String False

The type of the directly associated row or sheet. Possible values: SHEET or ROW.

LastCommentedAt Datetime False

The time of the most recent comment.

LastCommentBy String False

The full name of the user who last commented.

CreatorName String False

The full name of the user who created the discussion.

ReadOnly Boolean False

Whether the user can modify the discussion.

SheetId String False

The sheet Id.

RowId String False

The row Id.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
FirstDiscussionComment String

This column is used only to INSERT the first comment on a discussion, as it is required.

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Build 24.0.8963