CData Python Connector for Smartsheet

Build 23.0.8839


ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Smartsheet の単純なSELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE 処理にとどまらず本製品 の機能を拡張します。

ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにSmartsheet から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。

CData Python Connector for Smartsheet ストアドプロシージャ

Name Description
CopyRowsToAnotherSheet Copy rows form to another sheet.
CopySheet Copy sheets form to another folder/home/workplace.
CreateSchema Creates a schema file for the specified table or view.
CreateSheet Create a sheet.
DeleteAttachment Deletes the attachment specified.
DeleteSheet Delete a specified sheet.
DownloadAttachment Download an attachment from a sheet.
GetOAuthAccessToken Gets the OAuth access token from Smartsheet.
GetOAuthAuthorizationURL Gets the Smartsheet authorization URL. Access the URL returned in the output in an Internet browser. This requests the access token that can be used as part of the connection string to Smartsheet.
ImportFile Import a CSV or XLSX file to the top-level 'sheets' folder. You can also import it to a specific folder or workspace by specifying their id. You should specify only one of them.
MoveRowsToAnotherSheet Move rows form to another sheet.
MoveSheet Moves the specified sheet to a new location..
RefreshOAuthAccessToken Refreshes the OAuth access token used for authentication with various Smartsheet services.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839