Query details about a specific Transaction's items using the GetTransactionDetails API.
View Specific Information
The only filter supported by the PayPal API is TransactionId, which is required. The add-in processes other filters client side within the add-in.
For example, the following queries are processed server side and retrieve details for a specific Transaction.
Warning: Requesting all TransactionItems for all transactions could take a long time depending on the number of transactions.
SELECT * FROM TransactionItems WHERE TransactionId = '4W92068757818534U' SELECT * FROM TransactionItems WHERE TransactionId IN ('4W92068757818534U', '0TM835405G491863M') SELECT * FROM TransactionItems WHERE TransactionId IN (SELECT Id FROM Transactions)
Name | Type | References | Description |
TransactionID | String | Unique transaction Id of the payment. | |
EbayItemTxnId | String | The eBay auction transaction Id of the item that you use to identify items that the buyer purchased. | |
ItemName | String | Item name set by you or entered by the customer. | |
ItemNumber | Integer | Item number set by you. If this was a shopping cart transaction, PayPal appends the number of the item to the HTML item_number variable, for example, item_number1, item_number2, and so forth. | |
ShippingAmount | Decimal | Shipping Amount. | |
HandlingAmount | Decimal | Handling Amount. | |
Quantity | Integer | Quantity set by you or entered by the buyer. | |
CouponId | String | Coupon identification number. | |
CouponAmount | Decimal | Amount (value) of the coupon. | |
ItemAmount | Decimal | Cost of the item. | |
CouponAmountCurrency | String | Currency of the coupon amount, e.g., a 3-character currency code. | |
SalesTax | Decimal | Amount of tax charged on payment for this item. |