SSIS Components for PayPal

Build 24.0.8963


Lists transaction reports.

Table Specific Information


The filters supported by the PayPal API are StartDate, EndDate, TransactionId, PaymentInstrumentType, BalanceAffectingRecordsOnly, StoreId, TerminalId, TransactionAmount, TransactionCurrency, TransactionStatus, TransactionType. Server-side processing is only supported for the '=' operator.

SELECT * FROM TransactionReports WHERE StartDate = '2021-09-06 12:12:12' AND EndDate = '2021-09-11 12:12:12'

The component processes other filters client side within the component.


Name Type References Description
AccountNumber String The merchant account number.
LastRefreshedDatetime Datetime The date and time when the data was last refreshed, in Internet date and time format.
AuctionInfoAuctionBuyerId String The ID of the buyer who makes the purchase in the auction.
AuctionInfoAuctionClosingDate Datetime The date and time when the auction closes.
AuctionInfoAuctionItemSite String The auction site URL.
AuctionInfoAuctionSite String The name of the auction site.
PayerInfoAccountId String The PayPal customer account ID.
PayerInfoAddressStatus String The address status of the payer.
PayerInfoCountryCode String The two-character ISO 3166-1 code that identifies the country or region of the payer.
PayerInfoEmailAddress String The email address of the payer.
PayerInfoPayerNameAlternateFullName String The party's alternate name.
PayerInfoPayerNameGivenName String When the party is a person, the party's given, or first, name.
PayerInfoPayerNameSurname String When the party is a person, the party's surname or family name. Also known as the last name. Required when the party is a person. Use also to store multiple surnames including the matronymic, or mother's, surname.
PayerInfoPayerStatus String The status of the payer. Value is Y or N.
ShippingInfoAddressCity String The city name.
ShippingInfoAddressCountryCode String The two-character ISO 3166-1 code that identifies the country or region.
ShippingInfoAddressLine1 String The first line of the address. For example, number or street.
ShippingInfoAddressLine2 String The second line of the address. For example, suite or apartment number.
ShippingInfoAddressPostalCode String The postal code, which is the zip code or equivalent.
ShippingInfoName String The recipient's name.
StoreInfoStoreId String The ID of a store for a merchant in the system of record.
StoreInfoTerminalId String The terminal ID for the checkout stand in a merchant store.
TransactionInfoCustomField String The merchant-provided custom text.
TransactionInfoFeeAmountCurrencyCode String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
TransactionInfoFeeAmountValue String The value of fee.
TransactionInfoInsuranceAmountCurrencyCode String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
TransactionInfoInsuranceAmountValue String The value of insurance amount.
TransactionInfoInvoiceId String The invoice ID that is sent by the merchant with the transaction.
TransactionInfoPaypalAccountId String The ID of the PayPal account of the counterparty.
TransactionInfoProtectionEligibility String Indicates whether the transaction is eligible for protection.
TransactionInfoShippingAmountCurrencyCode String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
TransactionInfoShippingAmountValue String The value of shipping amount.
TransactionInfoShippingDiscountAmountCurrency_code String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
TransactionInfoShippingDiscountAmountValue String The value of shipping discount amount.
TransactionInfoTransactionAmountCurrencyCode String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
TransactionInfoTransactionAmountValue String The value of transaction amount.
TransactionInfoTransactionEventCode String A five-digit transaction event code that classifies the transaction type based on money movement and debit or credit.
TransactionInfoTransactionId String The PayPal-generated transaction ID.
TransactionInfoTransactionInitiationDate Datetime The date and time when work on a transaction began in the PayPal system, as expressed in the time zone of the account on this side of the payment.
TransactionInfoTransactionNote String A special note that the payer passes to the payee. Might contain special customer requests, such as shipping instructions.
TransactionInfoTransactionStatus String A code that indicates the transaction status.
TransactionInfoTransactionSubject String The subject of payment. The payer passes this value to the payee. The payer controls this data through the interface through which he or she sends the data.
TransactionInfoTransactionUpdatedDate Datetime The date and time when the transaction was last changed, as expressed in the time zone of the account on this side of the payment.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
StartDate Datetime The start date and time, in Internet date and time format.
EndDate Datetime The end date and time, in Internet date and time format.
TransactionId String The PayPal-generated transaction ID.
PaymentInstrumentType String Filters the transactions in the response by a payment instrument type.
BalanceAffectingRecordsOnly String Indicates whether the response includes only balance-impacting transactions or all transactions.

The allowed values are Y, N.

StoreId String Filters the transactions in the response by a store ID.
TerminalId String Filters the transactions in the response by a terminal ID.
TransactionAmount String Filters the transactions in the response by a gross transaction amount range. For example, to search for transactions from $5.00 to $10.05, specify [500 TO 1005].
TransactionCurrency String Filters the transactions in the response by a three-character ISO-4217 currency code for the PayPal transaction currency.
TransactionStatus String Filters the transactions in the response by a PayPal transaction status code.

The allowed values are D, P, S, V.

TransactionType String Filters the transactions in the response by a PayPal transaction event code.

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Build 24.0.8963