Cmdlets for PayPal

Build 24.0.8963


List Cart Info of Transaction Reports.

Table Specific Information


The filters supported by the PayPal API are StartDate, EndDate, TransactionId, PaymentInstrumentType, BalanceAffectingRecordsOnly, StoreId, TerminalId, TransactionAmount, TransactionCurrency, TransactionStatus, TransactionType. Server-side processing is only supported for the '=' operator.

SELECT * FROM TransactionReportsCartInfoItemDetails WHERE StartDate = '2021-09-06 12:12:12' AND EndDate = '2021-09-11 12:12:12'

The cmdlet processes other filters client side within the cmdlet.


Name Type References Description
AccountNumber String The merchant account number.
LastRefreshedDatetime Datetime The date and time when the data was last refreshed, in Internet date and time format.
InvoiceNumber String The invoice number. An alphanumeric string that identifies a billing for a merchant.
ItemAmountCurrencyCode String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
ItemAmountValue String The value of item amount.
ItemCode String An item code that identifies a merchant's goods or service.
ItemDescription String The item description.
ItemName String The item name.
ItemQuantity String The number of purchased units of goods or a service.
ItemUnitPriceCurrencyCode String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
ItemUnitPriceValue String The value of item unit price.
TaxAmounts String An array of tax amounts levied by a government on the purchase of goods or services.
TotalItemAmountCurrencyCode String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
TotalItemAmountValue String The value of total item amount.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
StartDate Datetime The start date and time, in Internet date and time format.
EndDate Datetime The end date and time, in Internet date and time format.
TransactionId String The PayPal-generated transaction ID.
PaymentInstrumentType String Filters the transactions in the response by a payment instrument type.
BalanceAffectingRecordsOnly String Indicates whether the response includes only balance-impacting transactions or all transactions.

The allowed values are Y, N.

StoreId String Filters the transactions in the response by a store ID.
TerminalId String Filters the transactions in the response by a terminal ID.
TransactionAmount String Filters the transactions in the response by a gross transaction amount range. For example, to search for transactions from $5.00 to $10.05, specify [500 TO 1005].
TransactionCurrency String Filters the transactions in the response by a three-character ISO-4217 currency code for the PayPal transaction currency.
TransactionStatus String Filters the transactions in the response by a PayPal transaction status code.

The allowed values are D, P, S, V.

TransactionType String Filters the transactions in the response by a PayPal transaction event code.

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Build 24.0.8963