Query Transaction details including the amount and item details.
Table Specific Information
The only filter supported by the PayPal API is PaymentId, which is required. The 本製品 processes other filters client side within the 本製品.
For example, the following queries are processed server side and retrieve a list of Transactions for the specified Payment.
SELECT * FROM PaymentTransactions WHERE PaymentId = 'PAY-6SL93120VR4146201KZYWPVY' SELECT * FROM PaymentTransactions WHERE PaymentId IN ('PAY-6SL93120VR4146201KZYWPVY', 'PAY-6SL93120VR0000201KZYWPVY')
Name | Type | References | Description |
PaymentId | String |
Payments.Id | The Id of the payment. |
Amount | Decimal | The amount to collect. | |
Currency | String | The currency of the amount to collect. | |
PayeeEmail | String | The email address associated with the payee's PayPal account. | |
PayeeMerchantId | String | The PayPal account ID for the payee. | |
Description | String | The purchase description. | |
NoteToPayee | String | The note to the recipient of the funds in this transaction. | |
Custom | String | The free-form field for the client's use. | |
InvoiceNumber | String | The invoice number to track this payment. | |
SoftDescriptor | String | The soft descriptor to use to charge this funding source. If greater than the maximum allowed length, the API truncates the string. | |
NotifyUrl | String | The URL to send payment notifications. | |
AllowedPaymentMethod | String | The payment method for this transaction. This field does not apply to the credit card payment method. | |
RecipientName | String | The name of the recipient. | |
ShippingPhoneNumber | String | The shipping phone number, in its canonical international format as defined by the E.164 numbering plan. | |
ShippingAddressLine1 | String | The first line of the address. For example, number, street, and so on. | |
ShippingAddressLine2 | String | The second line of the address. For example, suite or apartment number. | |
ShippingAddressCity | String | The city name. | |
ShippingAddressCountryCode | String | The two-character ISO 3166-1 code that identifies the country or region. | |
ShippingAddressPostalCode | String | The postal code, which is the zip code or equivalent. | |
ShippingAddressState | String | The code for a US state or the equivalent for other countries. | |
ShippingAddressPhone | String | The phone number, in E.123 format. | |
ShippingAddressNormalizationStatus | String | The address normalization status. Returned only for payers from Brazil. | |
ShippingAddressType | String | The type of address. For example, HOME_OR_WORK, GIFT, and so on. |