Query Invoices in PayPal.
Table Specific Information
The only filter supported by the PayPal API is Id. Server-side processing is only supported for the '=' operator.
SELECT * FROM Invoices WHERE Id = 'INV2-LV8Z-5XH2-L4Z6-7LQ4'
The adapter processes other filters client side within the adapter.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The ID of the invoice. | |
ParentId | String | The parent ID to an invoice that defines the group invoice to which the invoice is related. | |
Status | String | The status of the invoice. | |
Reference | String | The reference data. Includes a post office (PO) number. | |
Currency | String | The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency. | |
Note | String | A note to the invoice recipient. Also appears on the invoice notification email. | |
TermsAndConditions | String | The general terms of the invoice. Can include return or cancellation policy and other terms and conditions. | |
Memo | String | A private bookkeeping memo for the user. | |
InvoiceDate | Datetime | The invoice date as specificed by the sender, in Internet date and time format. | |
InvoiceNumber | String | A private bookkeeping memo for the user. | |
TermType | String | The payment term. Payment can be due upon receipt, a specified date, or in a set number of days. | |
DueDate | Datetime | The date when the invoice payment is due, in Internet date and time format. | |
DueAmount | Decimal | The due amount, which is the balance amount outstanding after payments. | |
Gratuity | Decimal | The amount paid by the payer as gratuity to the invoicer. | |
PaidAmount | Decimal | The aggregated payment amounts against this invoice. | |
RefundAmount | Decimal | The aggregated refund amounts. | |
CreatedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the resource was created, in Internet date and time format. | |
CreatedBy | String | The email address of the account that created the resource. | |
LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the resource was last edited, in Internet date and time format. | |
LastUpdatedBy | String | The email address of the account that last edited the resource. | |
CancelTime | Datetime | The date and time when the resource was canceled, in Internet date and time format. | |
CancelledBy | String | The actor who canceled the resource. | |
FirstSentTime | Datetime | The date and time when the resource was first sent, in Internet date and time format. | |
LastSentTime | Datetime | The date and time when the resource was last sent, in Internet date and time format. | |
LastSentBy | String | The email address of the account that last sent the resource. | |
CreatedByFlow | String | The flow variation that created this invoice. | |
RecipientViewUrl | String | The URL for the invoice payer view hosted on | |
InvoicerViewUrl | String | The URL for the invoice merchant view hosted on | |
InvoicerBusinessName | String | The business name of the party. | |
InvoicerPrefixName | String | The prefix, or title, to the party's name. | |
InvoicerFirstName | String | When the party is a person, the party's given, or first, name. | |
InvoicerMiddleName | String | When the party is a person, the party's middle name. Use also to store multiple middle names including the patronymic, or father's, middle name. | |
InvoicerLastName | String | When the party is a person, the party's surname or family name. Also known as the last name. Required when the party is a person. | |
InvoicerSuffixName | String | The suffix for the party's name. | |
InvoicerFullName | String | When the party is a person, the party's full name. | |
InvoicerAddressLine1 | String | The first line of the address. For example, number or street. | |
InvoicerAddressLine2 | String | The second line of the address. For example, suite or apartment number. | |
InvoicerAddressLine3 | String | The third line of the address, if needed. | |
InvoicerAddressPostalCode | String | The postal code, which is the zip code or equivalent. Typically required for countries with a postal code or an equivalent. | |
InvoicerAddressCountryCode | String | The two-character ISO 3166-1 code that identifies the country or region. | |
InvoicerAddressStreetNumber | String | The street number. | |
InvoicerAddressStreetName | String | The street name. Just Drury in Drury Lane. | |
InvoicerAddressStreetType | String | The street type. For example, avenue, boulevard, road, or expressway. | |
InvoicerAddressDeliveryService | String | The delivery service. Post office box, bag number, or post office name. | |
InvoicerAddressBuildingName | String | A named locations that represents the premise. Usually a building name or number or collection of buildings with a common name or number. | |
InvoicerAddressSubBuilding | String | The first-order entity below a named building or location that represents the sub-premise. Usually a single building within a collection of buildings with a common name. | |
InvoicerEmail | String | The invoicer email address, which must be listed in the user's PayPal profile. | |
InvoicerWebsite | String | The invoicer's website. | |
InvoicerTaxId | String | The invoicer's tax ID. | |
InvoicerAdditionalNotes | String | Any additional information. Includes business hours. | |
InvoicerLogoUrl | String | The full URL to an external logo image. The logo image must not be larger than 250 pixels wide by 90 pixels high. | |
TaxCalculatedAfterDiscount | Boolean | Indicates whether the tax is calculated before or after a discount. | |
TaxInclusive | Boolean | Indicates whether the unit price includes tax. | |
AllowTip | Boolean | Indicates whether the invoice enables the customer to enter a tip amount during payment. | |
TemplateId | String | The template ID. The template determines the layout of the invoice. Includes which fields to show and hide. | |
AllowPartialPayment | Boolean | Indicates whether the invoice allows a partial payment. If false, the invoice must be paid in full. If true, the invoice allows partial payments. | |
MinimumAmountDue | String | The minimum amount allowed for a partial payment. Valid only when allow_partial_payment is true. | |
InvoiceAmount | Decimal | The invoice amount summary of item total, discount, tax total and shipping. | |
InvoiceCurrency | String | The invoice amount summary of item total, discount, tax total and shipping. | |
ItemTotal | Decimal | The subtotal for all items. Must equal the sum of (quantity * price) for all items. | |
InvoiceDiscountPercentage | String | The discount as a percentage value. Value is from 0 to 100. Supports up to five decimal places. | |
InvoiceDiscountValue | Decimal | The invoice level discount amount. Value is from 0 to 1000000. Supports up to two decimal places. | |
ItemDiscountValue | Decimal | The discount as an amount at item level. | |
TaxTotal | Decimal | The aggregated amount of the item and shipping taxes. | |
ShippingAmount | Decimal | The shipping fee for all items. Includes tax on shipping. | |
ShippingTaxAmount | Decimal | The calculated tax amount. The tax amount is added to the item total. | |
ShippingTaxPercentage | String | The tax rate. Value is from 0 to 100. Supports up to five decimal places. | |
ShippingTaxName | String | The name of the tax applied on the invoice items. |