ADO.NET Provider for PayPal

Build 24.0.8963


List all non crypto balances.

Table Specific Information


This view returns a list of disputes for the authenticated user.

The following filters are supported by the PayPal API:

  • Currency
  • AsOfTime

The filters only support the = operator.

The provider processes other filters client side within the provider.

For example, the following queries are processed server side.

  • The following query retrieves details for a specific currency:
    SELECT * FROM Balances WHERE Currency = 'USD'
  • The following query returns details for Balance records created before the specified date time:
    SELECT * FROM Balances WHERE AsOfTime = '2022-01-09 20:59:59.0'


Name Type References Description
Currency [KEY] String Currency Code of the balances listed.
AccountId String The PayPal payer ID, which is a masked version of the PayPal account number intended for use with third parties.
AvailableBalanceCurrencyCode String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
AvailableBalanceValue String The value, which might be an integer or a decimal.
Primary Boolean Optional field representing if the currency is primary currency or not.
TotalBalanceCurrencyCode String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
TotalBalanceValue Decimal The value, which might be:An integer or A decimal.
WithheldBalanceCurrencyCode String The three-character ISO-4217 currency code that identifies the currency.
WithheldBalanceValue String The value, which might be:An integer or A decimal.
AsOfTime Datetime The requested date and time or the last date and time when the balances can be served.
LastRefreshTime Datetime The date and time when the balances was last refreshed.

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Build 24.0.8963