Cmdlets for Stripe

Build 24.0.8963


Query the available Payouts in Stripe.

Table Specific Information


Server-Side Query Support

The cmdlet uses the Stripe API to filter the results by the following columns and operators while the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the cmdlet.

  • Id supports the following operators: =.
  • Destination supports the following operators: =.
  • Status supports the following operators: =.
  • AccountId supports the following operators: =.
  • ArrivalDate and Created support the following operators: <, <=, =, >, >=.

The provider supports ArrivalDate, Created, Destination and Status to be used as criteria in the WHERE clause of Select statement, as long as the SupportEnhancedSQL property is set to True.

Selecting payouts that have the given status:

SELECT * FROM Payouts WHERE status = 'paid'

If the SupportEnhancedSQL property is set to False, you still can retrieve a payout by specifying its Id:

SELECT * FROM Payouts WHERE Id = 'tr_10340J2eZvKYlo2Cg42HilbB'


To create a new Payout Amount, Currency is required.The columns that are not read-only can be inserted optionally.

INSERT INTO Payouts(amount,currency, description, Metadata,StatementDescriptor, Destination, `Method`, sourcetype) VALUES ('20','usd','I dont know this', '[{"order_id":"15426"}]','Hello World','ba_1LylJA2eZvKYlo2CFndhyBc6','standard','bitcoin_receiver' )


Update can be executed by specifying Id. The columns that are not read-only can be updated optionally.

UPDATE Payouts SET Metadata='[{\"order_id\":\"25869633\"}]' where id ='po_1OPRUn2eZvKYlo2COA33LQ2S'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

The Id of the payout.

Object String True

String representing the type of the object.

Amount Integer False

Amount (in cents) to be transferred to the bank account or debit card.

ArrivalDate Datetime True

Date the payout is expected to arrive in the bank. .

BalanceTransaction String True


The Id of the balance transaction that describes the impact of this payout on the account balance.

Created Datetime True

Time of creation.

Currency String False

Three-letter ISO currency code.

Description String False

The payout description.

Destination String False


The Id of the bank account or card the payout was sent to.

FailureBalanceTransaction String True

If the payout failed or was canceled, this will be the ID of the balance transaction that reversed the initial balance transaction.

FailureCode String True

Error code explaining reason for payout failure if available.

FailureMessage String True

Error code explaining reason for payout failure if available.

Metadata String False

Set of key/value pairs that you can attach to an object.

Method String False

TThe method used to send this payout. instant is only supported for payouts to debit cards.

The allowed values are standard, instant.

SourceType String False

The source balance this payout came from.

The allowed values are card, bank_account, bitcoin_receiver, alipay_account, fpx.

StatementDescriptor String False

Extra information about a payout to be displayed on the bank statement.

Status String True

Current status of the payout.

The allowed values are paid, pending, in_transit, canceled, failed.

Type String True

Can be bank_account or card.

The allowed values are bank_account, card.

Automatic Boolean True

Returns true if the payout was created by an automated payout schedule, and false if it was requested manually.

Livemode Boolean True

Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode.

OriginalPayout String True

If the payout reverses another, this is the ID of the original payout.

ReversedBy String True

If the payout was reversed, this is the ID of the payout that reverses this payout.

ReconciliationStatus String True

If completed, you can use the Balance Transactions API to list all balance transactions that are paid out in this payout.

The allowed values are completed, in_progress, not_applicable.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AccountId String

The Id of the connected account to get payouts for

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Build 24.0.8963