ODBC Driver for Stripe

Build 24.0.8963


Usage information for the operation Persons.rsd.

Table Specific Information


The driver uses the Stripe API to filter the results by the following columns and operators:

  • Id supports the following operator: =.
  • Account supports the following operator: =.
  • RelationshipDirector supports the following operator: =.
  • RelationshipExecutive supports the following operator: =.
  • RelationshipOwner supports the following operator: =.
  • RelationshipLegalGuardian supports the following operator: =.
  • RelationshipRepresentative supports the following operator: =.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the driver.

The provider supports the use of all columns as criteria in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, as long as SupportEnhancedSQL is set to True. If SupportEnhancedSQL property is set to False, you still can retrieve the PaymentMethods:

SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id = '123124' AND Account = 'acc_wr3r23r'
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Account = 'acc_wr3r23r'
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Account = 'acc_wr3r23r' AND RelationshipDirector = 'true'
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Account = 'acc_wr3r23r' AND RelationshipExecutive = 'true'
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Account = 'acc_wr3r23r' AND RelationshipOwner = 'true'
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Account = 'acc_wr3r23r' AND RelationshipPercentOwnership = '35.5'
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Account = 'acc_wr3r23r' AND RelationshipRepresentative = '35'
SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Account = 'acc_wr3r23r' AND RelationshipTitle = 'Owner'

Note : The Persons will not be fetched for standard type connected accounts.


To add a new person details to the Stripe account. Account is required

INSERT INTO Persons(Account,RegisteredAddressCity,RegisteredAddressCountry,RegisteredAddressLine1,RegisteredAddressLine2,RegisteredAddressPostalCode,RegisteredAddressState) values('acct_1OOtmyGdCIl7jorZ','jaipur','US','TestLine1','TestLine2','321001','Rajasthan')


To modify a person detail, specify the Person Id and associated Account Id to run an Update statement.

UPDATE Persons SET RelationshipDirector='false' WHERE Id='123124' AND Account = 'acc_wr3r23r'


To delete a person details, specify the person Id and run a delete statement.

DELETE FROM Persons WHERE Id='123124' and AccountId='123445'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] String True

The Id of the person.

Account [KEY] String True

The mode of the Checkout Session.

Created Datetime True

The time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch.

DobDay Integer False

The day of birth, between 1 and 31.

DobMonth Integer False

The month of birth, between 1 and 12.

DobYear Integer False

The four-digit year of birth.

Email String False

The person's email address.

FirstName String False

The person's first name.

LastName String False

The person's last name.

MaidenName String False

The person’s maiden name.

FutureRequirementsAlternatives String True

Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.

FutureRequirementsCurrentlyDue String True

Fields that need to be collected to keep the person's account enabled.

FutureRequirementsErrors String True

Fields that are currently_due and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.

FutureRequirementsEventuallyDue String True

Fields that need to be collected, assuming all volume thresholds are reached.

FutureRequirementsPastDue String True

Fields that were not collected by the account's requirements.current_deadline.

FutureRequirementsPendingVerification String True

Fields that may become required, depending on the results of verification or review.

IdNumber String False

The Id number.

IdNumberProvided Boolean True

Whether the person's id_number was provided.

IdNumberSecondaryProvided Boolean True

Whether the person’s id_number_secondary was provided.

Metadata String False

The set of key/value pairs that you can attach to a value list object.

RelationshipDirector Boolean False

Whether the person is a director of the account's legal entity.

RelationshipExecutive Boolean False

Whether the person has significant responsibility to control, manage, or direct the organization.

RelationshipLegalGuardian Boolean False

Whether the person is the legal guardian of the account’s representative.

RelationshipOwner Boolean False

Whether the person is an owner of the account's legal entity.

RelationshipPercentOwnership Double False

The percent owned by the person of the account's legal entity.

RelationshipRepresentative Boolean False

Whether the person is authorized as the primary representative of the account.

RelationshipTitle String False

The person's title

RequirementsAlternatives String True

Fields that are due and can be satisfied by providing the corresponding alternative fields instead.

RequirementsCurrentlyDue String True

Fields that need to be collected to keep the person's account enabled.

RequirementsErrors String True

Fields that are currently_due and need to be collected again because validation or verification failed.

RequirementsEventuallyDue String True

Fields that need to be collected assuming all volume thresholds are reached.

RequirementsPastDue String True

Fields that were not collected by the account's requirements.current_deadline.

RequirementsPendingVerification String True

Fields that may become required depending on the results of verification or review. If verification fails, these fields move to eventually_due or currently_due.

SsnLas4 String False

The last 4 digits of the person's Social Security Number.

SsnLas4Provided Boolean True

Whether the last four digits of the person's Social Security Number have been provided (U.S. only).

VerificationAdditionalDocumentBack String False

The back of an Id returned by a file upload with a purpose value of identity_document.

VerificationAdditionalDocumentDetails String True

A user-displayable string describing the verification state of this document.

VerificationAdditionalDocumentDetailsCode String True

A machine-readable code specifying the verification state for this document.

VerificationAdditionalDocumentFront String False

The front of an Id returned by a file upload with a purpose value of identity_document.

VerificationDetails String True

A user-displayable string describing the verification state for the person.

VerificationDetailsCode String True

A machine-readable code specifying the verification state for the person.

VerificationDocumentBack String False

The back of an Id returned by a file upload with a purpose value of identity_document.

VerificationDocumentDetails String True

A user-displayable string describing the verification state of this document.

VerificationDocumentDetailsCode String True

A machine-readable code specifying the verification state for this document.

VerificationDocumentFront String False

The front of an Id returned by a file upload with a purpose value of identity_document.

VerificationStatus String True

The state of verification for the person. Possible values are unverified, pending, or verified.

AddressCity String False

The City of the person.

AddressCountry String False

The Country of the person.

AddressLine1 String False

The Address line 1.

AddressLine2 String False

The Address line 2.

AddressPostalCode String False

The Postal code of the person.

AddressState String False

The State of the person.

Phone String False

The person’s phone number.

AdditionalTosAcceptancesAccountDate Datetime False

Details on the legal guardian’s acceptance of the required Stripe agreements. The Unix timestamp marking when the account representative accepted the service agreement.

AdditionalTosAcceptancesAccountIp String False

Details on the legal guardian’s acceptance of the required Stripe agreements. The IP address from which the account representative accepted the service agreement.

AdditionalTosAcceptancesAccountUserAgent String False

Details on the legal guardian’s acceptance of the required Stripe agreements. The user agent of the browser from which the account representative accepted the service agreement.

Gender String False

The person’s gender (International regulations require either “male” or “female”).

Nationality String False

The country where the person is a national.

PoliticalExposure String False

Indicates if the person or any of their representatives, family members, or other closely related persons, declares that they hold or have held an important public job or function, in any jurisdiction.

The allowed values are existing, none.

RegisteredAddressCity String False

The person’s registered address. The City of the person.

RegisteredAddressCountry String False

The person’s registered address. The Country of the person.

RegisteredAddressLine1 String False

The person’s registered address. The Address line 1.

RegisteredAddressLine2 String False

The person’s registered address. The Address line 2.

RegisteredAddressPostalCode String False

The person’s registered address. The Postal code of the person.

RegisteredAddressState String False

The person’s registered address. The State of the person.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
DocumentsCompanyAuthorizationFiles String

Documents that may be submitted to satisfy various informational requests. One or more documents that demonstrate proof that this person is authorized to represent the company.

DocumentsPassportFiles String

Documents that may be submitted to satisfy various informational requests. One or more documents showing the person’s passport page with photo and personal data.

DocumentsVisaFiles String

Documents that may be submitted to satisfy various informational requests. One or more documents showing the person’s visa required for living in the country where they are residing.

FullNameAliases String

A list of alternate names or aliases that the person is known by.

IdNumberSecondary String

The person’s secondary ID number, as appropriate for their country, will be used for enhanced verification checks.

PersonToken String

A person token, used to securely provide details to the person.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963