Tableau Connector for Stripe

Build 24.0.9062


Get the available discounts from Credit Note line items in Stripe.

Table Specific Information


You can select from CreditNoteLineItemsDiscounts with the following queries:

    SELECT * FROM CreditNoteLineItemsDiscounts WHERE CreditNoteId = 'cn_1N8iWQ2eZvKYlo2CnrPpfSnK'
    SELECT * FROM CreditNoteLineItemsDiscounts WHERE CustomerId = 'cus_ABC123'
    SELECT * FROM CreditNoteLineItemsDiscounts WHERE CouponPercentOff > 20.0
    SELECT * FROM CreditNoteLineItemsDiscounts WHERE CouponValid = true


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The Id of the discount object.
CreditNoteId String The Id of the credit note.
CustomerId String The Id of the customer.
Start Datetime Date that the coupon was applied.
End Datetime If the coupon has a duration of repeating, the date that this discount will end. If the coupon has a duration of once or forever, this attribute will be null.
CouponId String The Id of the coupon.
CouponAmountOff Integer Amount (in the currency specified) that is taken off the subtotal of any invoices for this customer.
CouponCurrency String If amount_off has been set, the three-letter ISO code for the currency of the amount to take off.
CouponName String Name of the coupon displayed to customers on, for instance, invoices or receipts.
CouponCreatedAt Datetime The creation date.
CouponDuration String Describes how long a customer who applies this coupon will get the discount. One of forever, once, and repeating.
CouponDurationInMonths Integer If duration is repeating, the number of months the coupon applies. Null if coupon duration is forever or once.
CouponPercentOff Decimal Percent that will be taken off the subtotal of any invoices for this customer for the duration of the coupon. For example, a coupon with a percent_off of 50 will make a $100 invoice $50 instead.
CouponRedeemBy Datetime Date after which the coupon can no longer be redeemed.
CouponTimesRedeemed Integer Number of times this coupon has been applied to a customer.
CouponValid Boolean Taking account of the above properties, whether this coupon can still be applied to a customer.
CouponMaxRedemptions Integer Maximum number of times this coupon can be redeemed, in total, across all customers, before it is no longer valid.
PromotionCode String The promotion code applied to create this discount.
Subscription String The subscription that this coupon is applied to, if it is applied to a particular subscription.
Amount Integer The amount, in cents, of the discount.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
AccountId String The Id of the connected account to get orders for.

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Build 24.0.9062