ADO.NET Provider for Stripe

Build 24.0.8963


Query the Ending balance reconciliation summary report in Stripe.

Table Specific Information

It is used to query the Ending balance reconciliation summary report in Stripe.

Note: It requires a live-mode API key which we can set using the LiveAPIKey connection property. The view is not visible without mentioning the LiveAPIKey.

Creating the Report

To create a report we need to pass some required parameters.

  • ParametersIntervalEnd

To create a report we can also pass some optional parameters.

  • Id
  • ParametersColumns
  • ParametersCurrency

//  This first creates the new Report and displays it. Report Creation takes time once it is created will display the report.
SELECT * FROM EndingBalanceReconciliationSummaryReport WHERE ParametersIntervalEnd = '2020-12-28' 


To query the report we can try the below queries.

SELECT * FROM EndingBalanceReconciliationSummaryReport WHERE Id IN (SELECT Id FROM Reports WHERE report_type = 'ending_balance_reconciliation.summary.1')
SELECT * FROM EndingBalanceReconciliationSummaryReport WHERE Id IN ('frr_1I54dkATXQzBWNrlnaavpHGe', 'frr_1I3I59ATXQzBWNrl9VcczrDY') // This will show multiple reports
SELECT * FROM EndingBalanceReconciliationSummaryReport WHERE Id = 'frr_1I480mATXQzBWNrlYQRaLQ9x' // This will show a respective report


Name Type References Description
Reporting_Category String Reporting Category is a new categorization of balance transactions, meant to improve on the current type field.
Currency String Three-letter ISO code for the currency in which gross, fee and net are defined.
Count Int The number of transactions associated with the reporting_category.
Gross Decimal Sum of the gross amounts of the transactions associated with the reporting_category. Expressed in major units of the currency (e.g. dollars for USD, yen for JPY).
Fee Decimal Sum of the fees paid for the transactions associated with the reporting_category. Expressed in major units of the currency (e.g. dollars for USD, yen for JPY).
Net Decimal Sum of the net amounts for the transactions associated with the reporting_category. Expressed in major units of the currency (e.g. dollars for USD, yen for JPY).
Id [KEY] String


Unique identifier for the reports run object.
ParametersIntervalEnd Datetime Ending timestamp of data to be included in the report run (exclusive).
ParametersColumns String The set of output columns requested for inclusion in the report run.
ParametersCurrency String Currency of objects to be included in the report run.

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Build 24.0.8963