Create, update and query the available PaymentMethods in Stripe.
Table Specific Information
The 本製品 uses the Stripe API to filter the results by the following columns and operators while the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.
- Id support the following operator: =.
- CustomerId support the following operator: =.
- Type support the following operator: =.
- AccountId support the following operator: =.
The provider supports the use of all columns as criteria in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, as long as SupportEnhancedSQL is set to True. If SupportEnhancedSQL property is set to False, you still can retrieve the PaymentMethods:
SELECT * FROM PaymentMethods WHERE Id = 'src_1MTIO2SC4snQ4WkOadEObFqk' SELECT * FROM PaymentMethods WHERE CustomerId = 'cus_N8rO0qc7j1SJJ9' SELECT * FROM PaymentMethods WHERE CustomerId = 'cus_N8rO0qc7j1SJJ9' AND Type = 'card' SELECT * FROM PaymentMethods WHERE CustomerId = 'cus_N8rO0qc7j1SJJ9' AND AccountId = 'acct_1MGcyqSC4snQ4WkO'
To create a new PaymentMethod, at least Type is required:
INSERT INTO PaymentMethods (Type) VALUES ('affirm') INSERT INTO PaymentMethods (Type, CardExpMonth, CardExpYear, CardNumber, CardCVC, BillingDetailsAddressCity, BillingDetailsAddressCountry, BillingDetailsAddressLine1, BillingDetailsAddressLine2, BillingDetailsAddressPostalCode, BillingDetailsAddressState, BillingDetailsEmail, BillingDetailsName, BillingDetailsPhone) VALUES ('card', '11', '24', '4242424242424242', '531', 'Bengaluru', 'IN', 'Neeladri', 'Ecity', '5601001', 'Karnataka', '[email protected]', 'YOEGSH MANGAL', '7728062870')
To modify a PaymentMethod, specify the PaymentMethods Id and run an Update statement.
UPDATE PaymentMethods SET BillingDetailsAddressCity = 'Jaipur' WHERE Id = 'src_1MSDXZSC4snQ4WkOUER8uzmc'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The Id of the Payment Method. | |
CustomerId | String | True |
The Id of the Customer. | |
BillingDetailsAddressCity | String | False |
City, district, suburb, town, or village name for Billing Address. | |
BillingDetailsAddressCountry | String | False |
2-letter country code for Billing Address. | |
BillingDetailsAddressLine1 | String | False |
Address line 1 for Billing Address. | |
BillingDetailsAddressLine2 | String | False |
Address line 2 for Billing Address. | |
BillingDetailsAddressPostalCode | String | False |
ZIP or postal code for Billing Address. | |
BillingDetailsAddressState | String | False |
State, county, province, or region for Billing Address. | |
BillingDetailsEmail | String | False |
Email address for Billing Address. | |
BillingDetailsName | String | False |
Full name for Billing Address. | |
BillingDetailsPhone | String | False |
Billing phone number (including extension). | |
MetadataAggregate | String | False |
Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. | |
Type | String | False |
The type of the PaymentMethod. The type of PaymentMethods supported are: acss_debit, affirm, afterpay_clearpay, alipay, au_becs_debit, bacs_debit, bancontact, blik, boleto, card, customer_balance, eps, fps, giropay, grabpay, ideal, klarna, konbini, oxxo, p24, paynow, pix, promptpay, sepa_debit, sofort, us_bank_account, wechat_pay, zip. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。acss_debit, affirm, afterpay_clearpay, alipay, au_becs_debit, bacs_debit, bancontact, blik, boleto, card, card_present, cashapp, customer_balance, eps, fpx, giropay, grabpay, ideal, klarna, konbini, link, oxxo, p24, paynow, paypal, pix, promptpay, revolut_pay, sepa_debit, sofort, us_bank_account, wecha_pay, zip | |
Object | String | True |
String representing the object type. Objects of the same type share the same value. | |
AcssDebitBankName | String | True |
Bank name for the payment method type acss_debit. | |
AcssDebitFingerprint | String | True |
Uniquely identifies this particular bank account for the payment method type acss_debit. | |
AcssDebitInstitutionNumber | String | False |
Institution number of the customer bank. | |
AcssDebitLast4 | String | True |
Last four digits of the bank account number for the payment method type acss_debit. | |
AcssDebitTransitNumber | String | False |
Transit number of the customer bank. | |
Affirm | String | False |
This hash contains details about the Affirm payment method. | |
AfterpayClearpay | String | False |
This hash contains details about the AfterpayClearpay payment method. | |
Alipay | String | False |
This hash contains details about the Alipay payment method. | |
AuBecsDebitBsbNumber | String | False |
Six-digit number identifying bank and branch associated with this bank account. | |
AuBecsDebitFingerprint | String | True |
Uniquely identifies this particular bank account for the payment method type au_becs_debit. | |
AuBecsDebitLast4 | String | True |
Last four digits of the bank account number for the payment method type au_becs_debit. | |
BacsDebitSortCode | String | False |
Sort code of the bank account(e.g., 10-20-30). for the payment method type bacs_debit. | |
BacsDebitLast4 | String | True |
Uniquely identifies this particular bank account for the payment method type bacs_debit. | |
BacsDebitFingerprint | String | True |
Last four digits of the bank account number for the payment method type bacs_debit. | |
Bancontact | String | False |
This hash contains details about the Bancontact payment method. | |
Blik | String | False |
This hash contains details about the blik payment method. | |
CardBrand | String | True |
Card brand. Can be amex, diners, discover, jcb, mastercard, unionpay, visa, or unknown. | |
CardChecksAddressLine1Check | String | True |
If a address line1 was provided, results of the check, one of pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked. | |
CardChecksAddressPostalCodeCheck | String | True |
If a address postal code was provided, results of the check, one of pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked. | |
CardChecksCvcCheck | String | True |
If a CVC was provided, results of the check, one of pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked. | |
CardCountry | String | True |
Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. | |
CardExpMonth | Integer | False |
Two-digit number representing the card expiration month. | |
CardExpYear | Integer | False |
Four-digit number representing the card expiration year. | |
CardFingerprint | String | True |
Uniquely identifies this particular card number. | |
CardFunding | String | True |
Card funding type. Can be credit, debit, prepaid, or unknown. | |
CardGeneratedFrom | String | True |
Details of the original PaymentMethod that created this object. | |
CardLast4 | String | True |
The last four digits of the card. | |
CardNetworksAvailable | String | True |
All available networks for the card. | |
CardNetworksPreferred | String | True |
The preferred network for the card. | |
CardThreeDSecureUsageSupported | Boolean | True |
Whether 3D Secure is supported on this card. | |
CardWallet | String | True |
If this Card is part of a card wallet, this contains the details of the card wallet. | |
CashAppBuyerId | String | True |
A unique and immutable identifier assigned by Cash App to every buyer. | |
CashAppCashTag | String | True |
A public identifier for buyers using Cash App. | |
CustomerBalance | String | False |
This hash contains details about the CustomerBalance payment method. | |
EpsBank | String | False |
The customer bank. EPS is an Austria-based bank redirect payment method. | |
FpxAccountHolderType | String | True |
Account holder type for FPX bank. FPX is a Malaysia-based bank redirect payment method. | |
FpxBank | String | False |
The customer bank name and it should be Malaysia-based bank. | |
GIROPAY | String | False |
This hash contains details about the Giropay payment method. | |
Grabpay | String | False |
This hash contains details about the grabpay payment method. | |
IdealBank | String | False |
The customer bank name and it is a Netherlands-based bank redirect payment method. | |
IdealBic | String | True |
Bank Identifier code for Ideal Bank. | |
Konbini | String | False |
This hash contains details about the konbini payment method. | |
Link | String | False |
This hash contains details about the link payment method. | |
Oxxo | String | False |
This hash contains details about the oxxo payment method. | |
P24Bank | String | False |
The customer bank. P24 stands for Przelewy24 is a bank redirect payment method used in Poland. | |
Paynow | String | False |
This hash contains details about the paynow payment method. | |
Paypal | String | False |
This hash contains details about the paypal payment method. | |
Pix | String | False |
This hash contains details about the pix payment method. | |
Promptpay | String | False |
This hash contains details about the promptpay payment method. | |
RevolutPay | String | False |
This hash contains details about the RevolutPay payment method. | |
SepaDebitBankCode | String | True |
Bank Code for SepaDebit. | |
SepaDebitBranchCode | String | True |
Branch Code for SepaDebit. | |
SepaDebitCountry | String | True |
Country for SepaDebit. | |
SepaDebitFingerprint | String | True |
Fingerprint for SepaDebit. | |
SepaDebitGeneratedFromCharge | String | True |
SepaDebit generated from Charge. | |
SepaDebitGeneratedFromSetupAttempt | String | True |
SepaDebit generated from setup attempt. | |
SepaDebitLast4 | String | True |
Last 4 digits of IBAN of the Bank Account. | |
SofortCountry | String | False |
Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in. Sofort is a bank redirect payment method used in Europe. | |
UsBankAccountAccountHolderType | String | False |
Account holder type: individual or company. | |
UsBankAccountAccountType | String | False |
Account type: checkings or savings. Defaults to checking if omitted. | |
UsBankAccountBankName | String | True |
Bank name. | |
UsBankAccountFinancialConnectionsAccount | String | False |
The ID of a Financial Connections Account to use as a payment method. | |
UsBankAccountFingerprint | String | True |
Fingerprint of UsBank Account. | |
UsBankAccountLast4 | String | True |
Last4 digits of the UsBank Account number. | |
UsBankAccountNetworksPreferred | String | True |
Contains information about US bank account networks that can be used. The preferred network. | |
UsBankAccountNetworksSupported | String | True |
Contains information about US bank account networks that can be used. All supported networks. | |
UsBankAccountRoutingNumber | String | False |
Routing number of the bank account. | |
UsBankAccountStatusDetails | String | True |
Contains information about the future reusability of this PaymentMethod. | |
WechatPay | String | False |
This hash contains details about the WechatPay payment method. | |
Zip | String | False |
This hash contains details about the Zip payment method. | |
Created | Timestamp | True |
Time at which the object was created. | |
Livemode | Boolean | True |
Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode. | |
PaypalPayerId | String | True |
PayPal account PayerID. PayPal account PayerID. | |
PaypalPayerEmail | String | True |
Owner's email. Values are provided by PayPal directly (if supported) at the time of authorization or settlement. | |
RadarOptionsSession | String | False |
A Radar Session is a snapshot of the browser metadata and device details that help Radar make more accurate predictions on your payments. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
CardNumber | String |
Card Number. |
CardCVC | String |
Card CVC number. |
AcssDebitAccountNumber | String |
Customer bank account number. Pre-authorized debit payments are used to debit Canadian bank accounts through the Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS). |
AuBecsDebitAccountNumber | String |
The account number for the bank account. BECS Direct Debit is used to debit Australian bank accounts through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS). |
BacsDebitAccountNumber | String |
Account number of the bank account that the funds will be debited from. Bacs Direct Debit is used to debit UK bank accounts. |
BoletoTaxId | String |
The tax ID of the customer. Boleto is a voucher-based payment method used in Brazil. |
KlarnaDobDay | String |
The day of birth, between 1 and 31 of Customer for paymentmethod type klarna. |
KlarnaDobMonth | String |
The month of birth, between 1 and 12 of Customer for paymentmethod type klarna. |
KlarnaDobYear | String |
The four-digit year of birth of Customer for paymentmethod type klarna. |
SepaDebitIban | String |
IBAN of the bank account. SEPA Direct Debit is used to debit bank accounts within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) region. |
UsBankAccountAccountNumber | String |
Account number of the bank account. ACH Direct Debit is used to debit US bank accounts through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments system. |
AccountId | String |
The Id of the connected account. |