Create, update, delete, and query the available Bank Accounts in Stripe.
Table Specific Information
Server-Side Query Support
The 本製品 uses the Stripe API to filter the results by the following columns and operators while the rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.
- Id, CustomerId and AccountId support the following operator: =
To query BankAccounts table, CustomerId is required:
SELECT * FROM BankAccounts WHERE CustomerId = 'cus_12345678'
In addition to CustomerId, provider supports all columns to be used as criteria in the WHERE clause of SELECT statement, as long as SupportEnhancedSQL is set to True. If SupportEnhancedSQL property is set to False, you still can retrieve a Bank Account by specifying its Id:
SELECT * FROM BankAccounts WHERE Id = 'ba_12345678' AND CustomerId = 'cus_12345678'
To create a new Bank Account, specify Country, Currency, and AccountNumber. CustomerId is required.
INSERT INTO BankAccounts (CustomerId, Country, Currency, AccountHolderName, AccountHolderType, AccountNumber, RoutingNumber) VALUES ('cus_1kghj5755loee', 'US', 'usd', 'Sab nu', 'individual', '000123456789', '110000000')
INSERT INTO BankAccounts (AccountNumber,Country,currency,[Object],AccountHolderName,AccountHolderType,MetadataAggregate,CustomerId,RoutingNumber) VALUES (000999999991,'US','usd','bank_account','Test1','company','[{\"Check\":\"123\",\"QWERTY\":\"456\"}]','cus_PEDFTqrddhgBaF',110000000)
To update a Bank Account, specify an Id and a CustomerId.
UPDATE BankAccounts SET AccountHolderName = 'My Name', AccountHolderType = 'individual' WHERE Id = 'ba_12345678' AND CustomerId = 'cus_12345678'
To delete a Bank Account, specify an Id and a CustomerId.
DELETE FROM BankAccounts WHERE Id = 'ba_12345678' AND CustomerId = 'cus_12345678
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True |
The Id for the bank account. | |
CustomerId [KEY] | String | False |
The customer id this account belongs to. | |
Account | String | True |
The account id. | |
AccountHolderName | String | False |
The name of the person or business that owns the bank account. | |
AccountHolderType | String | False |
The type of entity that holds the account. | |
AccountNumber | String | False |
The type of entity that holds the account. | |
BankName | String | True |
Name of the bank associated with the routing number. | |
Country | String | False |
Two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in. | |
Currency | String | False |
Three-letter ISO currency code representing the currency paid out to the bank account. | |
DefaultForCurrency | Boolean | True |
This indicates whether or not this bank account is the default external account for its currency. | |
Fingerprint | String | True |
Uniquely identifies this particular bank account. You can use this attribute to check whether two bank accounts are the same. | |
Last4 | String | True |
Last 4 digits of the bank account. | |
RoutingNumber | String | False |
The routing transit number for the bank account. | |
Status | String | True |
The status of the account. | |
AccountType | String | True |
The bank account type. This can only be checking or savings in most countries. In Japan, this can only be futsu or toza. | |
MetadataAggregate | String | False |
A list of up to 8 URLs of images for this product, meant to be displayable to the customer. | |
Object | String | False |
String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. 使用できる値は次のとおりです。bank_account | |
AvailablePayoutMethods | String | True |
A set of available payout methods for this bank account. Only values from this set should be passed as the method when creating a payout. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Source | String |
The token ID |
AccountId | String |
The Id of the connected account to get back accounts for |