| |
Date | Build Number | Change Type | Description |
02/09/2024 | 8805 | Stripe | Added
- Added views ApplicationFeeRefunds, ApplicationFees, Authorizations, Cardholders, IssuingCards, IssuingDisputes, Transactions, SetupAttempts, SetupIntents, FileLinks, SubscriptionSchedules, CheckoutSessionLineItems, CustomerBalanceTransactions, PaymentMethodDomains.
- Added stored procedure DeleteCustomerDiscount and DeleteSubscriptionDiscount
- Added CancelSubscription and ResumeSubscription stored procedure.
02/02/2024 | 8798 | Stripe | Added
- Added the FinalizeInvoice Stored Procedure.
02/01/2024 | 8797 | Stripe | Added
- Added the CancelPaymentIntent, CapturePaymentIntent and ConfirmPaymentIntent Stored Procedures.
01/31/2024 | 8796 | Stripe | Added
- Added the support for delete in Invoices table for deleting the draft invoices.
- Added the VoidInvoice Stored Procedure.
01/19/2024 | 8784 | Stripe | Changed
- Changed the data type of Amount, SourceTypeCard, SourceTypesBankAccount and SourceTypesBitcoinReceiver columns from int to long in AvailableBalance view.
- Changed the data type of Available column from int to string in CashBalance view. As the value is returned as a hash instead of an integer.
01/18/2024 | 8783 | ADO.NET | Added
- Added support for EFCore 8.
12/22/2023 | 8756 | Stripe | Changed
- PaymentIntent, Products and ShippingRates are now supported as tables.
- Added AutomaticPaymentMethodsAllowRedirects, PaymentMethodConfigurationDetailsId, PaymentMethodConfigurationDetailsParent columns in PaymentIntent table.
- Added Confirm, OffSession, ErrorOnRequiresAction, Mandate, MandateDataCustomerAcceptanceType, MandateDataCustomerAcceptanceAcceptedAt, MandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOffline, MandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOnlineIPAddress, MandateDataCustomerAcceptanceOnlineUserAgent, RadarOptionsSession and ReturnURL pseudo-column in PaymentIntent table.
- Added FeaturesAggregate column in Products table.
- Added DeliveryEstimateMaximumUnit, DeliveryEstimateMaximumValue, DeliveryEstimateMinimumUnit, DeliveryEstimateMinimumValue and MetadataAggregate column in ShippingRates table.
12/21/2023 | 8755 | Stripe | Added
- Added SourcesAggregate, TaxAutomaticTax, TaxIPAddress, TaxCountry, TaxState and TaxSource column to Customers table.
- Added TaxValidateLocation pseudo column to Customers table.
- Changed the datatype of LiveMode column from integer to boolean in CustomerSubscriptions view.
- Changed the key of CustomerSubscriptions view from CustomerId to Id.
- Removed CustomerSources and CustomerTax views.
12/20/2023 | 8754 | Stripe | Changed
- Changed the name of column SourceTypesFpx to SourceTypesBitcoinReceiver in AvailableBalance and PendingBalance views.
- Changed the name of column SourceTypesCardAggregate to SourceTypesAggregate in PendingBalance view.
12/18/2023 | 8752 | Stripe | Added
- Added column CVC for Cards table
- Removed column ResultLinksData from Reports
12/14/2023 | 8748 | Stripe | Removed
- Removed CustomerDiscounts and SubscriptionDiscounts views.
- Added DiscountId, DiscountCheckoutSession, DiscountCustomer, DiscountStart, DiscountEnd, DiscountInvoice, DiscountInvoiceItem, DiscountPromotionCode, DiscountSubscription, DiscountCouponCreatedAt, DiscountCouponCurrency, DiscountCouponName, DiscountCouponDuration, DiscountCouponDurationInMonths, DiscountCouponAmountOff, DiscountCouponPercentOff, DiscountCouponValid, DiscountCouponMaxRedemptions, DiscountCouponRedeemBy, DiscountCouponTimesRedeemed, DiscountCouponObject, DiscountCouponLiveMode, DiscountCouponMetadataAggregate columns in Subscriptions tables.
- Added CouponId, DiscountCheckoutSession, DiscountCustomer, DiscountStart, DiscountEnd, DiscountInvoice, DiscountInvoiceItem, DiscountPromotionCode, DiscountSubscription, DiscountCouponCreatedAt, DiscountCouponCurrency, DiscountCouponName, DiscountCouponDuration, DiscountCouponDurationInMonths, DiscountCouponAmountOff, DiscountCouponPercentOff, DiscountCouponValid, DiscountCouponMaxRedemptions, DiscountCouponRedeemBy, DiscountCouponTimesRedeemed, DiscountCouponObject, DiscountCouponLiveMode, DiscountCouponMetadataAggregate columns in Customers tables
- Added columns PriceDataProduct, PriceDataCurrency, PriceDataTaxBehaviour, PriceDataUnitAmount,PriceDataUnitAmountDecimal, TaxBehaviour, TaxCode for InvoiceItems table.
12/12/2023 | 8746 | Stripe | Removed
- Removed column Customer from Invoices table.
12/11/2023 | 8745 | Stripe | Changed
- Updated column ResultLinksDataId column to ResultLinksDataAggregate of Reports view.
- Changed the data type of InventoryValue column from Double to String in Skus view.
- Removed columns ResultLinksDataObject, ResultLinksDataCreated, ResultLinksDataExpired, ResultLinksDataExpiresAt, ResultLinksDataFile, ResultLinksDataLivemode, ResultLinksDataMetaDataAggregate, ResultLinksDataUrl of Reports view
12/08/2023 | 8742 | Stripe | Added
- Added PauseCollectionResumesAt, PauseCollectionBehavior, PendingInvoiceItemIntervalCount, CancellationDetailsFeedback, CancellationDetailsComment, CancellationDetailsReason, Currency, TrialSettingsEndBehaviorPaymentMethod, OnBehalfOf columns in the Subscriptions table.
- Removed AutomaticTaxStatus, PauseCollection, CancellationDetails columns from Subscriptions table.
- Updated column name Start to StartDate in Subscriptions table.
12/07/2023 | 8741 | Stripe | Added
- Added PaymentMethodDetails column in the Disputes table.
- Added Submit Psuedo column in the Disputes table.
12/06/2023 | 8740 | Stripe | Changed
- Changed Description to Psuedo column as its gets updated in the Metadata field in the TransferReversals table.
12/05/2023 | 8739 | Stripe | Removed
- Removed RecurringAggregate and TransformQuantity columns from Prices Table.
- Added CustomUnitAmountMaximum, CustomUnitAmountMinimum, CustomUnitAmountPreset, TransformQuantityDivideBy, TransformQuantityRound, RecurringInterval, RecurringAggregateUsage, RecurringIntervalCount, RecurringUsageType columns in the Prices table.
11/29/2023 | 8733 | General | Changed
- The ROUND function doesn't accept the negative precision values anymore.
- The returning types of the FDMonth, FDQuarter, FDWeek, LDMonth, LDQuarter, LDWeek functions are changed from Timestamp to Date.
- The return type of the ABS function will be consistent with the parameter value type.
11/15/2023 | 8719 | ADO.NET | Changed
- NuGet license and icon are now embedded within the package itself, in compliance with the package authoring best practices.
09/07/2023 | 8650 | Stripe | Added
- Added ApproveReview, AccpetQuote, CancelQuote, DownloadFile, DownloadQuote, FinalizeQuote, UploadFile, VoidCreditNotes stored procedures.
08/30/2023 | 8642 | Stripe | Added
- Added CashBalance, EarlyFraudWarning, Files, and Reviews views.
- Added CheckoutSession, CreditNotes, Persons, PromotionCodes, Quotes, TaxRates, TopUps, UsageRecords, ValueListItems, and ValueLists tables.
08/01/2023 | 8613 | Stripe | Added
- Added EffectiveAt column in Invoices table.
- Added CashAppBuyerId, CashAppCashTag, PaypalPayerId, PaypalPayerEmail columns and Enum type zip in the PaymentMethods table.
07/28/2023 | 8609 | Stripe | Changed
- Added Created as server-side filterable column for Accounts table.
- Added Date as server-side filterable column for InvoiceItems table.
06/20/2023 | 8571 | General | Added
- Added the new sys_lastresultinfo system table.
06/07/2023 | 8558 | Stripe | Added
- Added AmountShipping, ShippingDetails, ShippingCost columns in Invoices table.
- Added CustomFields aggregate column in PaymentLinks table.
- Added CancellationDetails column in Subscriptions table.
06/04/2023 | 8555 | Stripe | Added
- Added CustomerSources, CustomerSubscriptions, CustomerTax, InvoiceDiscounts, InvoiceItemDiscounts, InvoiceLineItemDiscounts child views.
- Removed SourcesdataAggregate, TaxAggregate from Customers table and are now implemented as a child views.
05/24/2023 | 8544 | Stripe | Added
- Added update functionality in Disputes Table.
05/16/2023 | 8536 | Stripe | Changed
- Updated the API version to 2022-11-15.
- Removed SubscriptionsDataAggregate column from Customers table.
- Removed Charges column from PaymentIntent table. As it was deprecated in the Stripe API, LatestCharge column will have the data of Charges column.
04/25/2023 | 8515 | General | Removed
- Removed support for the SELECT INTO CSV statement. The core code doesn't support it anymore.
04/19/2023 | 8509 | ADO.NET | Removed
- Removed support for EFCore 3.1.
04/18/2023 | 8508 | ADO.NET | Removed
- Removed support for SSRS 2012.
- Added support for SSRS 2022.
02/01/2023 | 8432 | Stripe | Added
- Added PaymentMethods Table.
- Added AttachPaymentMethodToCustomer and DetachPaymentMethodFromCustomer Stored Procedures.
01/12/2023 | 8412 | Stripe | Added
- Added PaymentIntent view.
01/03/2023 | 8403 | Stripe | Added
- Added ShippingRates and PaymentLinkLineItems view.
- Added PaymentLinks table.
12/14/2022 | 8383 | General | Changed
- Added the Default column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
12/06/2022 | 8375 | Stripe | Changed
- The InvoiceLineItems table is renamed to InvoiceItems.
- Added InvoiceLineItems table that will lists the line items of an invoice.
09/30/2022 | 8308 | General | Changed
- Added the IsPath column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
09/26/2022 | 8304 | Stripe | Changed
- The Accounts table will now show only authenticated account details in case of OAuth.
08/16/2022 | 8263 | Stripe | Added
- Added the pseudo-column PendingInvoiceItemsBehavior to the Invoices table.
06/08/2022 | 8194 | ADO.NET | Removed
- Removed support for VS2010.
05/19/2022 | 8174 | ADO.NET | Removed
- Removed support for .NET 2.0.
05/10/2022 | 8165 | Stripe | Added
- Added columns from the 2020-08-27 schema.
04/29/2022 | 8154 | Stripe | Changed
- Changed the data type of Type column on the Accounts table from boolean to string.
- Changed the data type of Amount column on the Plans table from decimal to int.
04/27/2022 | 8152 | ADO.NET | Removed
- Removed support for EFCore 3.0 and EFCore5.0.
10/13/2021 | 7956 | Stripe | Removed
- Removed the BalanceHistory table, as it was deprecated in in the Stripe API.
- Use the BalanceTransactions table as a replacement. This is recommended by Stripe.
09/02/2021 | 7915 | General | Added
- Added support for the STRING_SPLIT table-valued function in the CROSS APPLY clause.
08/07/2021 | 7889 | General | Changed
- Added the KeySeq column to the sys_foreignkeys table.
08/06/2021 | 7888 | General | Changed
- Added the new sys_primarykeys system table.
07/23/2021 | 7874 | General | Changed
- Updated the Literal Function Names for relative date/datetime functions. Previously, relative date/datetime functions resolved to a different value when used in the projection as opposed to the predicate. For example: SELECT LAST_MONTH() AS lm, Col FROM Table WHERE Col > LAST_MONTH(). Formerly, the two LAST_MONTH() methods would resolve to different datetimes. Now, they will match.
- As a replacement for the previous behavior, the relative date/datetime functions in the criteria may have an 'L' appended to them. For example: WHERE col > L_LAST_MONTH(). This will continue to resolve to the same values that were previously calculated in the criteria. Note that the "L_" prefix will only work in the predicate - it not available for the projection.
06/07/2021 | 7828 | ADO.NET | Added
- Added support for the DbCommand.CommandTimeout property.
05/29/2021 | 7819 | ADO.NET | Removed
- Removed support for SSRS 2008.
04/25/2021 | 7785 | General | Added
- Added support for handling client side formulas during insert / update. For example: UPDATE Table SET Col1 = CONCAT(Col1, " - ", Col2) WHERE Col2 LIKE 'A%'
04/23/2021 | 7783 | General | Changed
- Updated how display sizes are determined for varchar primary key and foreign key columns so they will match the reported length of the column.
04/16/2021 | 7776 | ADO.NET | Changed
- Separated the ADO.NET Provider assembly and Entity Framework Core 5 Nuget packages.
- Single precision floating point numbers are now reported as with the Data Type Name as "real". Double precision floating point numbers now have their Data Type Name reported as "float". This change does not impact the actual data types of these columns - only the reported data type name.
- Separate EFCore 3.0, 3.1 and EFCore 5 dlls are now shipped with the driver. The 2.0 and 2.1 EFCore dlls are removed.
04/16/2021 | 7776 | General | Added
- Non-conditional updates between two columns is now available to all drivers. For example: UPDATE Table SET Col1=Col2
04/16/2021 | 7776 | General | Changed
- Reduced the length to 255 for varchar primary key and foreign key columns.
- Updated index naming convention to avoid duplicates.
04/16/2021 | 7776 | General | Changed
- Updated implicit and metadata caching to improve performance and support for multiple connections. Old metadata caches are not compatible - you need to generate new metadata caches if you are currently using CacheMetadata.