A PaymentIntent guides you through the process of collecting a payment from your customer.
Name | Type | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Unique identifier for the object. | |
Amount | Integer | Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. | |
AmountDetailsTip | String | Amount Details Tip | |
AmountCapturable | Integer | Amount that can be captured from this PaymentIntent. | |
AmountReceived | Integer | Amount that was collected by this PaymentIntent. | |
ApplicationFeeAmount | Integer | The amount of the application fee (if any) that will be requested to be applied to the payment and transferred to the application owners Stripe account. | |
AutomaticPaymentMethodsEnabled | Boolean | Automatically calculates compatible payment methods | |
Charges | String | Charges | |
CanceledAt | Datetime | Populated when status is canceled, this is the time at which the PaymentIntent was canceled. | |
CancellationReason | String | Reason for cancellation of this PaymentIntent, either user-provided (duplicate, fraudulent, requested_by_customer, or abandoned) or generated by Stripe internally (failed_invoice, void_invoice, or automatic). | |
CaptureMethod | String | Controls when the funds will be captured from the customers account. | |
ClientSecret | String | The client secret of this PaymentIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key. | |
ConfirmationMethod | String | Possible enum values-automatic, manual | |
Created | Integer | Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. | |
Currency | String | Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. | |
Application | String | ID of the Connect application that created the PaymentIntent. | |
Customer | String | ID of the Customer this PaymentIntent belongs to, if one exists. | |
LatestCharge | String | The latest charge created by this payment intent. | |
PaymentMethod | String | ID of the payment method used in this PaymentIntent. | |
TransferDataDestination | String | The account (if any) the payment will be attributed to for tax reporting, and where funds from the payment will be transferred to upon payment success. | |
OnBehalfOf | String | The account (if any) for which the funds of the PaymentIntent are intended. | |
Invoice | String | ID of the invoice that created this PaymentIntent, if it exists. | |
Review | String | ID of the review associated with this PaymentIntent, if any. | |
Description | String | An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users. | |
LastPaymentErrorCharge | String | For card errors, the ID of the failed charge. | |
LastPaymentErrorCode | String | For some errors that could be handled programmatically, a short string indicating the error code reported. | |
LastPaymentErrorDeclineCode | String | For some errors that could be handled programmatically, a short string indicating the error code reported. | |
LastPaymentErrorDocURL | String | A URL to more information about the error code reported. | |
LastPaymentErrorMessage | String | A human-readable message providing more details about the error. For card errors, these messages can be shown to your users. | |
LastPaymentErrorParam | String | If the error is parameter-specific, the parameter related to the error. For example, you can use this to display a message near the correct form field. | |
LastPaymentErrorPaymentMethod | String | The PaymentMethod object for errors returned on a request involving a PaymentMethod. | |
LastPaymentErrorPaymentMethodType | String | If the error is specific to the type of payment method, the payment method type that had a problem. This field is only populated for invoice-related errors. | |
LastPaymentErrorType | String | The type of error returned. One of api_error, card_error, idempotency_error, or invalid_request_error | |
LiveMode | Boolean | Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value true if the object exists in test mode. | |
NextAction | String | If present, this property tells you what actions you need to take in order for your customer to fulfill a payment using the provided source. | |
Object | String | String representing the objects type. Objects of the same type share the same value. | |
PaymentMethodOptions | String | Payment-method-specific configuration for this PaymentIntent. | |
PaymentMethodTypes | String | The list of payment method types (e.g. card) that this PaymentIntent is allowed to use. | |
ProcessingCard | String | If the PaymentIntents payment_method_types includes card, this hash contains the details on the processing state of the payment. | |
ProcessingType | String | Type of the payment method for which payment is in processing state, one of card. | |
ReceiptEmail | String | Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. | |
MetadataAggregate | String | Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. | |
SetupFutureUsage | String | Indicates that you intend to make future payments with this PaymentIntents payment method. | |
ShippingAddressCity | String | City, district, suburb, town, or village.. | |
ShippingAddressCountry | String | Two-letter country code | |
ShippingAddressline1 | String | Address line 1 | |
ShippingAddressline2 | String | Address line 2 | |
ShippingAddressPostalCode | String | ZIP or postal code. | |
ShippingAddressState | String | State, county, province, or region. | |
ShippingCarrier | String | The delivery service that shipped a physical product, such as Fedex, UPS, USPS, etc. | |
ShippingName | String | Recipient name. | |
ShippingPhone | String | Recipient phone (including extension). | |
ShippingTrackingNumber | String | The tracking number for a physical product, obtained from the delivery service. | |
StatementDescriptor | String | For non-card charges, you can use this value as the complete description that appears on your customers statements. | |
StatementDescriptorSuffix | String | Provides information about a card payment that customers see on their statements. | |
Status | String | Status of this PaymentIntent, one of requires_payment_method, requires_confirmation, requires_action, processing, requires_capture, canceled, or succeeded. Read more about each PaymentIntent status. | |
TransferDataAmount | Integer | Amount intended to be collected by this PaymentIntent. | |
TransferGroup | String | A string that identifies the resulting payment as part of a group. See the PaymentIntents use case for connected accounts for details. |