JDBC Driver for Stripe

Build 22.0.8462


Query the available Disputes in Stripe.

Table Specific Information


Server-Side Query Support

The driver will use the Stripe API to filter the results by the following columns and operators while the rest of the filter is executed client side within the driver.

  • Id and Created support the following operators: <,>>=,<,<=,=.

The provider supports all columns to be used as criteria in the WHERE clause of Select statement, as long as SupportEnhancedSQL is set to True. If SupportEnhancedSQL property is set to False, you still can retrieve:

-a Dispute by specifying its Id:

SELECT * FROM Disputes WHERE Id = 'dp_12345678'

-Disputes opened after a specific date (Created may be used with the >, >=, <, <=, or = conditions and may be used twice to specify a range):

SELECT * FROM Disputes WHERE Created > '2016-01-03'


Insert is not supported.


Update is not supported.


Delete is not supported.


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The Id of the dispute.
Currency String Three-letter ISO currency code representing the currency of the amount that was disputed.
EvidenceAccessActivityLog String Any server or activity logs showing proof that the customer accessed or downloaded the purchased digital product.
EvidenceBillingAddress String The billing address provided by the customer.
EvidenceCancellationPolicy String Your subscription cancellation policy, as shown to the customer.
EvidenceCancellationPolicyDisclosure String An explanation of how and when the customer was shown your refund policy prior to purchase.
EvidenceCancellationRebuttal String A justification for why the customer's subscription was not canceled.
EvidenceCustomerCommunication String The (ID of a file upload) Any communication with the customer that you feel is relevant to your case (for example emails proving that they received the product or service, or demonstrating their use of or satisfaction with the product or service).
EvidenceCustomerEmailAddress String The email address of the customer.
EvidenceCustomerName String The name of the customer.
EvidenceCustomerPurchaseIp String The IP address that the customer used when making the purchase.
EvidenceCustomerSignature String The (ID of a file upload) A relevant document or contract showing the customer's signature.
EvidenceDuplicateChargeDocumentation String The (ID of a file upload) Documentation for the prior charge that can uniquely identify the charge, such as a receipt, shipping label, work order, etc.
EvidenceDuplicateChargeExplanation String The explanation of the difference between the disputed charge and the prior charge that appears to be a duplicate.
EvidenceDuplicateChargeId String The Stripe ID for the prior charge which appears to be a duplicate of the disputed charge.
EvidenceProductDescription String The description of the product or service which was sold.
EvidenceReceipt String The (ID of a file upload) Any receipt or message sent to the customer notifying them of the charge.
EvidenceRefundPolicy String The (ID of a file upload) Your refund policy, as shown to the customer.
EvidenceRefundPolicyDisclosure String The documentation demonstrating that the customer was shown your refund policy prior to purchase.
EvidenceRefundRefusalExplanation String The justification for why the customer is not entitled to a refund.
EvidenceServiceDate String The date on which the customer received or began receiving the purchased service, in a clear human-readable format.
EvidenceServiceDocumentation String The (ID of a file upload) Documentation showing proof that a service was provided to the customer. This could include a copy of a signed contract, work order, or other form of written agreement.
EvidenceShippingAddress String The address to which a physical product was shipped. You should try to include as much complete address information as possible.
EvidenceShippingCarrier String The delivery service that shipped a physical product, such as Fedex, UPS, USPS, etc. If multiple carriers were used for this purchase, please separate them with commas.
EvidenceShippingDate String The date on which a physical product began its route to the shipping address, in a clear human-readable format.
EvidenceShippingDocumentation String The (ID of a file upload) Documentation showing proof that a product was shipped to the customer at the same address the customer provided to you. This could include a copy of the shipment receipt, shipping label, etc, and should show the full shipping address of the customer, if possible.
EvidenceShippingTrackingNumber String The tracking number for a physical product, obtained from the delivery service. If multiple tracking numbers were generated for this purchase, please separate them with commas.
EvidenceUncategorizedFile String The (ID of a file upload) Any additional evidence or statements.
EvidenceUncategorizedText String Any additional evidence or statements.
EvidenceDetailsDueBy Datetime Date by which evidence must be submitted in order to successfully challenge dispute.
EvidenceDetailsHasEvidence Boolean Whether or not evidence has been saved for this dispute.
EvidenceDetailsPastDue Boolean Whether or not the last evidence submission was submitted past.
EvidenceDetailsSubmissionCount Integer The number of times the evidence has been submitted.
Amount Integer The disputed amount.
BalanceTransactionsAggregate String List of zero, one, or two balance transactions that show funds withdrawn and reinstated to your Stripe account as a result of this dispute.
Charge String The Id of the charge that was disputed.
Created Datetime The Date dispute was opened.
IsChargeRefundable Boolean If true, it is still possible to refund the disputed payment.
Livemode Boolean Tells if the dispute is in livemode.
Reason String The reason given by cardholder for dispute.
Status String The current status of dispute.
MetadataAggregate String Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format.
Transaction String The transaction being disputed.
Object String String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value.
PaymentIntent String ID of the PaymentIntent that was disputed.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
AccountId String The Id of the connected account to get disputes for.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462