Cmdlets for ServiceNow

Build 24.0.9111


The ServiceNow table system_user.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
SysId [KEY] String False

The sys_id column for the table system_user.

AccumulatedRoles String False

The accumulated_roles column for the table system_user.

Active Bool False

The active column for the table system_user.

AgentStatus String False

The agent_status column for the table system_user.

Avatar String False

The avatar column for the table system_user.

Building String False

The building column for the table system_user.

BuildingLink String False

The building_link column for the table system_user.

BusinessCriticality Int False

The business_criticality column for the table system_user.

CalendarIntegration Int False

The calendar_integration column for the table system_user.

City String False

The city column for the table system_user.

Company String False

The company column for the table system_user.

CompanyLink String False

The company_link column for the table system_user.

CostCenter String False

The cost_center column for the table system_user.

CostCenterLink String False

The cost_center_link column for the table system_user.

Country String False

The country column for the table system_user.

DateFormat String False

The date_format column for the table system_user.

DefaultPerspective String False

The default_perspective column for the table system_user.

DefaultPerspectiveLink String False

The default_perspective_link column for the table system_user.

Department String False

The department column for the table system_user.

DepartmentLink String False

The department_link column for the table system_user.

EduStatus String False

The edu_status column for the table system_user.

Email String False

The email column for the table system_user.

EmployeeNumber String False

The employee_number column for the table system_user.

EnableMultifactorAuthn Bool False

The enable_multifactor_authn column for the table system_user.

FailedAttempts Int False

The failed_attempts column for the table system_user.

FederatedId String False

The federated_id column for the table system_user.

FirstName String False

The first_name column for the table system_user.

Gender String False

The gender column for the table system_user.

GeolocationTracked Bool False

The geolocation_tracked column for the table system_user.

HashedUserId String False

The hashed_user_id column for the table system_user.

HomePhone String False

The home_phone column for the table system_user.

InternalIntegrationUser Bool False

The internal_integration_user column for the table system_user.

Introduction String False

The introduction column for the table system_user.

LastLogin Date False

The last_login column for the table system_user.

LastLoginDevice String False

The last_login_device column for the table system_user.

LastLoginTime Datetime False

The last_login_time column for the table system_user.

LastName String False

The last_name column for the table system_user.

LastPassword String False

The last_password column for the table system_user.

LastPositionUpdate Datetime False

The last_position_update column for the table system_user.

Latitude Float False

The latitude column for the table system_user.

LdapServer String False

The ldap_server column for the table system_user.

LdapServerLink String False

The ldap_server_link column for the table system_user.

Location String False

The location column for the table system_user.

LocationLink String False

The location_link column for the table system_user.

LockedOut Bool False

The locked_out column for the table system_user.

Longitude Float False

The longitude column for the table system_user.

Manager String False

The manager column for the table system_user.

ManagerLink String False

The manager_link column for the table system_user.

MiddleName String False

The middle_name column for the table system_user.

MobilePhone String False

The mobile_phone column for the table system_user.

Name String False

The name column for the table system_user.

Notification Int False

The notification column for the table system_user.

OnSchedule String False

The on_schedule column for the table system_user.

PasswordNeedsReset Bool False

The password_needs_reset column for the table system_user.

Phone String False

The phone column for the table system_user.

Photo String False

The photo column for the table system_user.

PreferredLanguage String False

The preferred_language column for the table system_user.

Roles String False

The roles column for the table system_user.

Schedule String False

The schedule column for the table system_user.

ScheduleLink String False

The schedule_link column for the table system_user.

Source String False

The source column for the table system_user.

State String False

The state column for the table system_user.

Street String False

The street column for the table system_user.

SysClassName String False

The sys_class_name column for the table system_user.

SysCreatedBy String False

The sys_created_by column for the table system_user.

SysCreatedOn Datetime False

The sys_created_on column for the table system_user.

SysDomain String False

The sys_domain column for the table system_user.

SysDomainPath String False

The sys_domain_path column for the table system_user.

SysModCount Int False

The sys_mod_count column for the table system_user.

SysTags String False

The sys_tags column for the table system_user.

SysUpdatedBy String False

The sys_updated_by column for the table system_user.

SysUpdatedOn Datetime False

The sys_updated_on column for the table system_user.

TimeFormat String False

The time_format column for the table system_user.

TimeZone String False

The time_zone column for the table system_user.

Title String False

The title column for the table system_user.

UserName String False

The user_name column for the table system_user.

UserPassword String False

The user_password column for the table system_user.

Vip Bool False

The vip column for the table system_user.

WebServiceAccessOnly Bool False

The web_service_access_only column for the table system_user.

Zip String False

The zip column for the table system_user.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111