CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるServiceNow へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してServiceNow に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、ServiceNow への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのServiceNow への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのServiceNow への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してServiceNow からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、ServiceNow に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
認証ユーザーがServiceNow に接続する場合、以下のようなリストのメタデータにアクセスするには、少なくともRead パーミッションが必要です。
ユーザーはまた、テーブルにアクセスするために少なくとも行レベルの権限が必要です。また、すべての接続でUrl プロパティが必要です。
行レベルとフィールドレベルの権限が必要です。sys_db_object へのアクセスを有効化します。
sys_dictionary へのアクセスを有効化します。
以下のサブセクションでは、3つの一般的な認証フローでのServiceNow への認証について詳しく説明します。カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成については、カスタムOAuth アプリケーションの作成 を参照してください。
ServiceNow で利用可能な接続文字列プロパティの全リストは、Connection を参照してください。
OAuth アクセストークンの自動リフレッシュ:
Cloud がOAuth アクセストークンを自動的にリフレッシュするようにするには、次のように設定します。
OAuth アクセストークンの手動リフレッシュ:
OAuth アクセストークンを手動でリフレッシュするために必要な唯一の値は、OAuth リフレッシュトークンです。
OAuth リフレッシュトークンを保存し、OAuth アクセストークンの有効期限が切れた後に手動でリフレッシュできるようにします。
When there is a trust relationship between the user and the application, the user can authenticate from the Desktop of Web via the PASSWORD grant type.
To authenticate via the PASSWORD grant type, set these properties:
ADFS に接続するには、AuthScheme をADFS に設定し、次のプロパティを設定します。
ADFS への認証を行うには、次のSSOProperties を設定します。
ADFS 統合フローでは、現在ログインしているWindows ユーザーの資格情報で接続します。 ADFS 統合フローを使用するには、User およびPassword を指定せず、それ以外の設定は上記のADFS ガイドと同じ手順を実行してください。
Okta に接続するには、AuthScheme をOkta に設定し、次のプロパティを設定します。
Okta クライアントリクエストコンテキストをオーバーライドする信頼されたアプリケーションまたはプロキシを使用する場合、またはMFA を設定している場合は、Okta を使用して認証するためにSSOProperties を組み合わせて使用する必要があります。必要に応じて、以下のいずれかを設定します。
OneLogin に接続するには、AuthScheme をOneLogin に設定し、次のプロパティを設定します。
OneLogin への認証を行うには、次のSSOProperties を設定します。
次の例の接続文字列はOneLogin への接続にAPI Key を使います:
PingFederate に接続するには、AuthScheme をPingFederate に設定し、次のプロパティを設定します。
SSOLoginURL 用の相互SSL 認証(WS-Trust STS エンドポイント)を有効化するには、次の SSOProperties を設定します。
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
Cloud を使用すると、カスタムテーブルを含むアカウント内のすべてのテーブルを操作できます。テーブル定義は動的に取得されます。Cloud は、ServiceNow に接続し、適切なWeb サービスを呼び出してテーブルのリストとテーブルのメタデータを取得します。接続すると、プラグインのアクティブ化、テーブルへの新しい列の追加、列のデータ型の変更など、ServiceNow アカウントに対して行う変更は即座に反映されます。
ServiceNow のテーブルのメタデータは、実行時にServiceNow の定義済みの多数のスキーマ、および固有のServiceNow アカウント情報に基づいて取得されます。 テーブル には、コアServiceNow システムをモデル化するServiceNow 開発環境で使用可能なテーブルの小さなサンプルがあります。
データディクショナリテーブルを使用して、ServiceNow 環境で使用可能なテーブルに関する詳細を取得できます。データディクショナリテーブルおよびその他のシステムテーブルには、接頭辞"system_" が付きます。
Cloud は、IncludeDatabaseViews 接続プロパティが'True' に設定されている場合のみ、ServiceNow データベースビューをビューとして公開します。
ServiceNow のビューのメタデータは、実行時にServiceNow の定義済みの多数のスキーマ、および固有のServiceNow アカウント情報に基づいて取得されます。 ビュー には、コアServiceNow システムをモデル化するServiceNow 開発環境で使用可能なビューの小さなサンプルがあります。
ストアドプロシージャ は、ServiceNow のファンクションライクなインターフェースです。これらを使用して、マテリアライズドビュー(クエリの結果を含むテーブル)を作成できます。Cloud を使用してマテリアライズドビューを操作するには、ストアドプロシージャコールでクエリを指定します。結果のスキーマはXML ファイルに保存され、ストアドプロシージャを再度呼び出すことなく簡単に変更できます。スキーマはLocation として指定したフォルダの.rsd ファイルに保存されます。
ServiceNow API は、特定のクエリ関数とフィルタの処理を直接サポートし、パフォーマンスを向上させます。これはサーバーサイド処理と呼ばれるものです。
クエリにここで指定されていない関数やフィルタが含まれている場合、Cloud はフィルタリングされていないレコードをServiceNow から取得してフィルタ処理を実行しなければならないため、時間がかかる可能性があります。これはクライアントサイド処理です。
SELECT MAX(sys_id) FROM incident SELECT sys_id, priority, AVG(priority), SUM(priority), MIN(sys_id) FROM incident
さらに、これらのSQL 句はサーバーサイドで処理されます。
SELECT active, AVG(priority), AVG(business_stc) FROM incident GROUP BY active, approval HAVING AVG(business_stc) > 28800 SELECT sys_id FROM incident WHERE assignment_group IS NULL SELECT AVG(Priority) FROM incident WHERE business_stc IS NOT NULL
Cloud はServiceNow のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
Name | Description |
ast_contract | The ServiceNow table ast_contract. |
ast_license_base | The ServiceNow table ast_license_base. |
change_request | The ServiceNow table change_request. |
cmdb_ci | The ServiceNow table cmdb_ci. |
cmdb_metric | The ServiceNow table cmdb_metric. |
cmn_building | The ServiceNow table cmn_building. |
cmn_context_help | The ServiceNow table cmn_context_help. |
cmn_cost_center | The ServiceNow table cmn_cost_center. |
cmn_department | The ServiceNow table cmn_department. |
cmn_location | The ServiceNow table cmn_location. |
cmn_map_page | The ServiceNow table cmn_map_page. |
cmn_notif_device | The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_device. |
cmn_notif_device_variable | The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_device_variable. |
cmn_notif_grmember | The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_grmember. |
cmn_notif_group | The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_group. |
cmn_notif_message | The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_message. |
cmn_notif_service_provider | The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_service_provider. |
cmn_other_schedule | The ServiceNow table cmn_other_schedule. |
cmn_relative_duration | The ServiceNow table cmn_relative_duration. |
cmn_schedule | The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule. |
cmn_schedule_blackout | The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule_blackout. |
cmn_schedule_condition | The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule_condition. |
cmn_schedule_maintenance | The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule_maintenance. |
cmn_schedule_page | The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule_page. |
cmn_schedule_span | The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule_span. |
cmn_timeline_page | The ServiceNow table cmn_timeline_page. |
cmn_timeline_page_style | The ServiceNow table cmn_timeline_page_style. |
cmn_timeline_sub_item | The ServiceNow table cmn_timeline_sub_item. |
diagrammer_action | The ServiceNow table diagrammer_action. |
expert_panel | The ServiceNow table expert_panel. |
incident | Usage information for the operation incident.rsd. |
item_option_new | The ServiceNow table item_option_new. |
question | The ServiceNow table question. |
sc_category | The ServiceNow table sc_category. |
sc_cat_item | The ServiceNow table sc_cat_item. |
sla | The ServiceNow table sla. |
sysauto | The ServiceNow table sysauto. |
sysauto_script | The ServiceNow table sysauto_script. |
syslog | The ServiceNow table syslog. |
sysrule | The ServiceNow table sysrule. |
system_db_object | The ServiceNow table system_db_object. |
system_dictionary | The ServiceNow table system_dictionary. |
system_documentation | The ServiceNow table system_documentation. |
system_import_set_row | The ServiceNow table system_import_set_row. |
system_script_client | The ServiceNow table system_script_client. |
system_ui_policy | The ServiceNow table system_ui_policy. |
system_ui_policy_action | The ServiceNow table system_ui_policy_action. |
task | The ServiceNow table task. |
v_field_creator | The ServiceNow table v_field_creator. |
The ServiceNow table ast_contract.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
vendor | String | False |
The vendor column for the table ast_contract. | |
renewable | String | False |
The renewable column for the table ast_contract. | |
tax_rate | String | False |
The tax_rate column for the table ast_contract. | |
contract_model | String | False |
The contract_model column for the table ast_contract. | |
state | String | False |
The state column for the table ast_contract. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table ast_contract. | |
ends | Datetime | False |
The ends column for the table ast_contract. | |
total_cost | String | False |
The total_cost column for the table ast_contract. | |
contract_administrator | String | False |
The contract_administrator column for the table ast_contract. | |
cost_center | String | False |
The cost_center column for the table ast_contract. | |
expiration | String | False |
The expiration column for the table ast_contract. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table ast_contract. | |
cost_adjustment_type | String | False |
The cost_adjustment_type column for the table ast_contract. | |
payment_schedule | String | False |
The payment_schedule column for the table ast_contract. | |
renewal_options | String | False |
The renewal_options column for the table ast_contract. | |
license_type | String | False |
The license_type column for the table ast_contract. | |
vendor_account | String | False |
The vendor_account column for the table ast_contract. | |
cost_adjustment_percentage | String | False |
The cost_adjustment_percentage column for the table ast_contract. | |
payment_amount | String | False |
The payment_amount column for the table ast_contract. | |
renewal_end_date | Datetime | False |
The renewal_end_date column for the table ast_contract. | |
process | String | False |
The process column for the table ast_contract. | |
ratecard | String | False |
The ratecard column for the table ast_contract. | |
cost_per_unit | String | False |
The cost_per_unit column for the table ast_contract. | |
monthly_cost | String | False |
The monthly_cost column for the table ast_contract. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table ast_contract. | |
commitment | String | False |
The commitment column for the table ast_contract. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table ast_contract. | |
approval_history | String | False |
The approval_history column for the table ast_contract. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table ast_contract. | |
number | String | False |
The number column for the table ast_contract. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table ast_contract. | |
sales_tax | String | False |
The sales_tax column for the table ast_contract. | |
renewal_contact | String | False |
The renewal_contact column for the table ast_contract. | |
license_quantity_entitled | String | False |
The license_quantity_entitled column for the table ast_contract. | |
starts | Datetime | False |
The starts column for the table ast_contract. | |
sub_total_cost | String | False |
The sub_total_cost column for the table ast_contract. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the table ast_contract. | |
po_number | String | False |
The po_number column for the table ast_contract. | |
sys_domain | String | False |
The sys_domain column for the table ast_contract. | |
short_description | String | False |
The short_description column for the table ast_contract. | |
cost_adjustment_reason | String | False |
The cost_adjustment_reason column for the table ast_contract. | |
tax_cost | String | False |
The tax_cost column for the table ast_contract. | |
invoice_payment_terms | String | False |
The invoice_payment_terms column for the table ast_contract. | |
terms_and_conditions | String | False |
The terms_and_conditions column for the table ast_contract. | |
vendor_contract | String | False |
The vendor_contract column for the table ast_contract. | |
cost_adjustment | String | False |
The cost_adjustment column for the table ast_contract. | |
tax_exempt | String | False |
The tax_exempt column for the table ast_contract. | |
renewal_date | Datetime | False |
The renewal_date column for the table ast_contract. | |
substate | String | False |
The substate column for the table ast_contract. | |
approver | String | False |
The approver column for the table ast_contract. | |
lifetime_cost | String | False |
The lifetime_cost column for the table ast_contract. | |
yearly_cost | String | False |
The yearly_cost column for the table ast_contract. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table ast_contract. | |
discount | String | False |
The discount column for the table ast_contract. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table ast_contract. | |
application_model | String | False |
The application_model column for the table ast_contract. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table ast_contract. | |
sys_domain_path | String | False |
The sys_domain_path column for the table ast_contract. |
The ServiceNow table ast_license_base.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
number | String | False |
The number column for the table ast_license_base. | |
vendor_account | String | False |
The vendor_account column for the table ast_license_base. | |
license_count | String | False |
The license_count column for the table ast_license_base. | |
option | String | False |
The option column for the table ast_license_base. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table ast_license_base. | |
vendor | String | False |
The vendor column for the table ast_license_base. | |
license_key | String | False |
The license_key column for the table ast_license_base. | |
upgraded_from | String | False |
The upgraded_from column for the table ast_license_base. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table ast_license_base. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table ast_license_base. | |
short_description | String | False |
The short_description column for the table ast_license_base. | |
license_cost | String | False |
The license_cost column for the table ast_license_base. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table ast_license_base. | |
invoice_number | String | False |
The invoice_number column for the table ast_license_base. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the table ast_license_base. | |
percent_used | String | False |
The percent_used column for the table ast_license_base. | |
vendor_contract | String | False |
The vendor_contract column for the table ast_license_base. | |
install_count | String | False |
The install_count column for the table ast_license_base. | |
manual | String | False |
The manual column for the table ast_license_base. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table ast_license_base. | |
department | String | False |
The department column for the table ast_license_base. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table ast_license_base. | |
maintenance_cost | String | False |
The maintenance_cost column for the table ast_license_base. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table ast_license_base. | |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table ast_license_base. | |
purchased | Datetime | False |
The purchased column for the table ast_license_base. | |
total_cost | String | False |
The total_cost column for the table ast_license_base. | |
compliance_level | String | False |
The compliance_level column for the table ast_license_base. | |
po_number | String | False |
The po_number column for the table ast_license_base. | |
license_available | String | False |
The license_available column for the table ast_license_base. | |
discoverable_key | String | False |
The discoverable_key column for the table ast_license_base. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table ast_license_base. |
The ServiceNow table change_request.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
outside_maintenance_schedule | String | False |
The outside_maintenance_schedule column for the table change_request. | |
on_hold_reason | String | False |
The on_hold_reason column for the table change_request. | |
start_date | Datetime | False |
The start_date column for the table change_request. | |
cab_date | Datetime | False |
The cab_date column for the table change_request. | |
close_code | String | False |
The close_code column for the table change_request. | |
requested_by | String | False |
The requested_by column for the table change_request. | |
backout_plan | String | False |
The backout_plan column for the table change_request. | |
change_plan | String | False |
The change_plan column for the table change_request. | |
implementation_plan | String | False |
The implementation_plan column for the table change_request. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table change_request. | |
phase | String | False |
The phase column for the table change_request. | |
review_status | String | False |
The review_status column for the table change_request. | |
conflict_status | String | False |
The conflict_status column for the table change_request. | |
phase_state | String | False |
The phase_state column for the table change_request. | |
production_system | String | False |
The production_system column for the table change_request. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table change_request. | |
on_hold | String | False |
The on_hold column for the table change_request. | |
end_date | Datetime | False |
The end_date column for the table change_request. | |
requested_by_date | Datetime | False |
The requested_by_date column for the table change_request. | |
risk_impact_analysis | String | False |
The risk_impact_analysis column for the table change_request. | |
test_plan | String | False |
The test_plan column for the table change_request. | |
justification | String | False |
The justification column for the table change_request. | |
scope | String | False |
The scope column for the table change_request. | |
review_comments | String | False |
The review_comments column for the table change_request. | |
std_change_producer_version | String | False |
The std_change_producer_version column for the table change_request. | |
category | String | False |
The category column for the table change_request. | |
review_date | Datetime | False |
The review_date column for the table change_request. | |
conflict_last_run | Datetime | False |
The conflict_last_run column for the table change_request. | |
risk | String | False |
The risk column for the table change_request. | |
reason | String | False |
The reason column for the table change_request. | |
cab_recommendation | String | False |
The cab_recommendation column for the table change_request. | |
delivery_task | String | False |
The delivery_task column for the table change_request. | |
upon_approval | String | False |
The upon_approval column for the table change_request. | |
work_start | Datetime | False |
The work_start column for the table change_request. | |
delivery_plan | String | False |
The delivery_plan column for the table change_request. | |
rejection_goto | String | False |
The rejection_goto column for the table change_request. | |
work_end | Datetime | False |
The work_end column for the table change_request. | |
upon_reject | String | False |
The upon_reject column for the table change_request. | |
business_service | String | False |
The business_service column for the table change_request. | |
sys_domain | String | False |
The sys_domain column for the table change_request. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table change_request. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table change_request. | |
expected_start | Datetime | False |
The expected_start column for the table change_request. | |
variables | String | False |
The variables column for the table change_request. | |
number | String | False |
The number column for the table change_request. | |
comments | String | False |
The comments column for the table change_request. | |
urgency | String | False |
The urgency column for the table change_request. | |
opened_at | Datetime | False |
The opened_at column for the table change_request. | |
watch_list | String | False |
The watch_list column for the table change_request. | |
sla_due | Datetime | False |
The sla_due column for the table change_request. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table change_request. | |
state | String | False |
The state column for the table change_request. | |
work_notes | String | False |
The work_notes column for the table change_request. | |
closed_by | String | False |
The closed_by column for the table change_request. | |
follow_up | Datetime | False |
The follow_up column for the table change_request. | |
work_notes_list | String | False |
The work_notes_list column for the table change_request. | |
cmdb_ci | String | False |
The cmdb_ci column for the table change_request. | |
approval_history | String | False |
The approval_history column for the table change_request. | |
business_duration | Datetime | False |
The business_duration column for the table change_request. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the table change_request. | |
user_input | String | False |
The user_input column for the table change_request. | |
assigned_to | String | False |
The assigned_to column for the table change_request. | |
escalation | String | False |
The escalation column for the table change_request. | |
time_worked | String | False |
The time_worked column for the table change_request. | |
additional_assignee_list | String | False |
The additional_assignee_list column for the table change_request. | |
correlation_id | String | False |
The correlation_id column for the table change_request. | |
comments_and_work_notes | String | False |
The comments_and_work_notes column for the table change_request. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table change_request. | |
made_sla | String | False |
The made_sla column for the table change_request. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table change_request. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table change_request. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table change_request. | |
sys_domain_path | String | False |
The sys_domain_path column for the table change_request. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table change_request. | |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table change_request. | |
priority | String | False |
The priority column for the table change_request. | |
close_notes | String | False |
The close_notes column for the table change_request. | |
reassignment_count | String | False |
The reassignment_count column for the table change_request. | |
due_date | Datetime | False |
The due_date column for the table change_request. | |
short_description | String | False |
The short_description column for the table change_request. | |
company | String | False |
The company column for the table change_request. | |
approval_set | Datetime | False |
The approval_set column for the table change_request. | |
opened_by | String | False |
The opened_by column for the table change_request. | |
contact_type | String | False |
The contact_type column for the table change_request. | |
assignment_group | String | False |
The assignment_group column for the table change_request. | |
approval | String | False |
The approval column for the table change_request. | |
calendar_duration | Datetime | False |
The calendar_duration column for the table change_request. | |
knowledge | String | False |
The knowledge column for the table change_request. | |
correlation_display | String | False |
The correlation_display column for the table change_request. | |
wf_activity | String | False |
The wf_activity column for the table change_request. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table change_request. | |
impact | String | False |
The impact column for the table change_request. | |
closed_at | Datetime | False |
The closed_at column for the table change_request. | |
group_list | String | False |
The group_list column for the table change_request. | |
activity_due | Datetime | False |
The activity_due column for the table change_request. |
The ServiceNow table cmdb_ci.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
serial_number | String | False |
The serial_number column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
delivery_date | Datetime | False |
The delivery_date column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
lease_id | String | False |
The lease_id column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
checked_out | Datetime | False |
The checked_out column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
sys_domain_path | String | False |
The sys_domain_path column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
purchase_date | Datetime | False |
The purchase_date column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
cost_cc | String | False |
The cost_cc column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
managed_by | String | False |
The managed_by column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
assignment_group | String | False |
The assignment_group column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
model_id | String | False |
The model_id column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
gl_account | String | False |
The gl_account column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
supported_by | String | False |
The supported_by column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
unverified | String | False |
The unverified column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
company | String | False |
The company column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
manufacturer | String | False |
The manufacturer column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
po_number | String | False |
The po_number column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
due_in | String | False |
The due_in column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
asset | String | False |
The asset column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
asset_tag | String | False |
The asset_tag column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
order_date | Datetime | False |
The order_date column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
department | String | False |
The department column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
checked_in | Datetime | False |
The checked_in column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
sys_domain | String | False |
The sys_domain column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
install_status | String | False |
The install_status column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
justification | String | False |
The justification column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
cost | String | False |
The cost column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
owned_by | String | False |
The owned_by column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
assigned | Datetime | False |
The assigned column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
vendor | String | False |
The vendor column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
invoice_number | String | False |
The invoice_number column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
support_group | String | False |
The support_group column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
skip_sync | String | False |
The skip_sync column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
assigned_to | String | False |
The assigned_to column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
install_date | Datetime | False |
The install_date column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
warranty_expiration | Datetime | False |
The warranty_expiration column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
due | Datetime | False |
The due column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
cost_center | String | False |
The cost_center column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
short_description | String | False |
The short_description column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
attributes | String | False |
The attributes column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
fault_count | String | False |
The fault_count column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
change_control | String | False |
The change_control column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
fqdn | String | False |
The fqdn column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
subcategory | String | False |
The subcategory column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
last_discovered | Datetime | False |
The last_discovered column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
correlation_id | String | False |
The correlation_id column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
discovery_source | String | False |
The discovery_source column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
mac_address | String | False |
The mac_address column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
maintenance_schedule | String | False |
The maintenance_schedule column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
model_number | String | False |
The model_number column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
monitor | String | False |
The monitor column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
operational_status | String | False |
The operational_status column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
start_date | Datetime | False |
The start_date column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
dns_domain | String | False |
The dns_domain column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
category | String | False |
The category column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
first_discovered | Datetime | False |
The first_discovered column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
can_print | String | False |
The can_print column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
comments | String | False |
The comments column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
ip_address | String | False |
The ip_address column for the table cmdb_ci. | |
schedule | String | False |
The schedule column for the table cmdb_ci. |
The ServiceNow table cmdb_metric.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmdb_metric. | |
snc_mi | String | False |
The snc_mi column for the table cmdb_metric. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmdb_metric. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmdb_metric. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmdb_metric. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmdb_metric. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmdb_metric. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmdb_metric. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_building.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_building. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the table cmn_building. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_building. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_building. | |
floors | String | False |
The floors column for the table cmn_building. | |
notes | String | False |
The notes column for the table cmn_building. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_building. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_building. | |
contact | String | False |
The contact column for the table cmn_building. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_building. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_building. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_context_help.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
document | String | False |
The document column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
plugin_id | String | False |
The plugin_id column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
language | String | False |
The language column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
servicenow | String | False |
The servicenow column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
url | String | False |
The url column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
use_plugin_base_url | String | False |
The use_plugin_base_url column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_context_help. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table cmn_context_help. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_cost_center.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
valid_to | Datetime | False |
The valid_to column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
manager | String | False |
The manager column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
code | String | False |
The code column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
account_number | String | False |
The account_number column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
valid_from | Datetime | False |
The valid_from column for the table cmn_cost_center. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_cost_center. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_department.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
cost_center | String | False |
The cost_center column for the table cmn_department. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_department. | |
dept_head | String | False |
The dept_head column for the table cmn_department. | |
primary_contact | String | False |
The primary_contact column for the table cmn_department. | |
head_count | String | False |
The head_count column for the table cmn_department. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_department. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_department. | |
id | String | False |
The id column for the table cmn_department. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table cmn_department. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_department. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_department. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_department. | |
company | String | False |
The company column for the table cmn_department. | |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table cmn_department. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_department. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_location.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table cmn_location. | |
lat_long_error | String | False |
The lat_long_error column for the table cmn_location. | |
state | String | False |
The state column for the table cmn_location. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_location. | |
fax_phone | String | False |
The fax_phone column for the table cmn_location. | |
phone_territory | String | False |
The phone_territory column for the table cmn_location. | |
contact | String | False |
The contact column for the table cmn_location. | |
full_name | String | False |
The full_name column for the table cmn_location. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_location. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_location. | |
zip | String | False |
The zip column for the table cmn_location. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_location. | |
country | String | False |
The country column for the table cmn_location. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_location. | |
stock_room | String | False |
The stock_room column for the table cmn_location. | |
latitude | String | False |
The latitude column for the table cmn_location. | |
street | String | False |
The street column for the table cmn_location. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_location. | |
time_zone | String | False |
The time_zone column for the table cmn_location. | |
city | String | False |
The city column for the table cmn_location. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_location. | |
phone | String | False |
The phone column for the table cmn_location. | |
company | String | False |
The company column for the table cmn_location. | |
longitude | String | False |
The longitude column for the table cmn_location. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_map_page.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
center_latitude | String | False |
The center_latitude column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
script | String | False |
The script column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
type_selection | String | False |
The type_selection column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
show_device_location | String | False |
The show_device_location column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
controls_size | String | False |
The controls_size column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
initial_zoom | String | False |
The initial_zoom column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
center_address | String | False |
The center_address column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
overview | String | False |
The overview column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
refresh_on_zoom | String | False |
The refresh_on_zoom column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
suffix | String | False |
The suffix column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
center_longitude | String | False |
The center_longitude column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_map_page. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table cmn_map_page. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_device.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
email_address | String | False |
The email_address column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
primary_email | String | False |
The primary_email column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
user | String | False |
The user column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
push_app | String | False |
The push_app column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
phone_number | String | False |
The phone_number column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
service_provider | String | False |
The service_provider column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
schedule | String | False |
The schedule column for the table cmn_notif_device. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_notif_device. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_device_variable.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_notif_device_variable. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_notif_device_variable. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_notif_device_variable. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_notif_device_variable. | |
device | String | False |
The device column for the table cmn_notif_device_variable. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_notif_device_variable. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_notif_device_variable. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_notif_device_variable. | |
value | String | False |
The value column for the table cmn_notif_device_variable. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_grmember.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_notif_grmember. | |
group | String | False |
The group column for the table cmn_notif_grmember. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_notif_grmember. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_notif_grmember. | |
user | String | False |
The user column for the table cmn_notif_grmember. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_notif_grmember. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_notif_grmember. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_notif_grmember. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_group.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_notif_group. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_notif_group. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_notif_group. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_notif_group. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_notif_group. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_notif_group. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_notif_group. | |
group | String | False |
The group column for the table cmn_notif_group. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_message.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
schedule | String | False |
The schedule column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
device | String | False |
The device column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
send_sms | String | False |
The send_sms column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
group | String | False |
The group column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
notification | String | False |
The notification column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
advanced | String | False |
The advanced column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
notification_filter | String | False |
The notification_filter column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
send_email | String | False |
The send_email column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
cost_center | String | False |
The cost_center column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
user | String | False |
The user column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
configuration_item | String | False |
The configuration_item column for the table cmn_notif_message. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_notif_message. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_notif_service_provider.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
im_provider | String | False |
The im_provider column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
use_custom_script | String | False |
The use_custom_script column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
construction_script | String | False |
The construction_script column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
email_prefix | String | False |
The email_prefix column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
script | String | False |
The script column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
use_construction_script | String | False |
The use_construction_script column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
email_suffix | String | False |
The email_suffix column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table cmn_notif_service_provider. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_other_schedule.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_other_schedule. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_other_schedule. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table cmn_other_schedule. | |
child_schedule | String | False |
The child_schedule column for the table cmn_other_schedule. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_other_schedule. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_other_schedule. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_other_schedule. | |
time_zone | String | False |
The time_zone column for the table cmn_other_schedule. | |
schedule | String | False |
The schedule column for the table cmn_other_schedule. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_other_schedule. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_relative_duration.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
script | String | False |
The script column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_relative_duration. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table cmn_relative_duration. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
document_key | String | False |
The document_key column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
read_only | String | False |
The read_only column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
document | String | False |
The document column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
time_zone | String | False |
The time_zone column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_schedule. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table cmn_schedule. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule_blackout.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_schedule_blackout. | |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table cmn_schedule_blackout. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule_condition.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table cmn_schedule_condition. | |
document_key | String | False |
The document_key column for the table cmn_schedule_condition. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table cmn_schedule_condition. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table cmn_schedule_condition. | |
read_only | String | False |
The read_only column for the table cmn_schedule_condition. | |
document | String | False |
The document column for the table cmn_schedule_condition. | |
time_zone | String | False |
The time_zone column for the table cmn_schedule_condition. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_schedule_condition. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_schedule_condition. | |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table cmn_schedule_condition. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule_maintenance.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table cmn_schedule_maintenance. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_schedule_maintenance. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule_page.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
init_function | String | False |
The init_function column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
client_script | String | False |
The client_script column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
header_html | String | False |
The header_html column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
view_type | String | False |
The view_type column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
server_script | String | False |
The server_script column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_schedule_page. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table cmn_schedule_page. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_schedule_span.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
start_date_time | String | False |
The start_date_time column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
yearly_type | String | False |
The yearly_type column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
show_as | String | False |
The show_as column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
days_of_week | String | False |
The days_of_week column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
notes | String | False |
The notes column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
repeat_type | String | False |
The repeat_type column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
schedule | String | False |
The schedule column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
all_day | String | False |
The all_day column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
float_week | String | False |
The float_week column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
monthly_type | String | False |
The monthly_type column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
repeat_count | String | False |
The repeat_count column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
override_start_date | String | False |
The override_start_date column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
repeat_until | String | False |
The repeat_until column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
float_day | String | False |
The float_day column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
end_date_time | String | False |
The end_date_time column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
month | String | False |
The month column for the table cmn_schedule_span. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_schedule_span. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_timeline_page.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
show_span_text | String | False |
The show_span_text column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
allow_dragging | String | False |
The allow_dragging column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
auto_refresh | String | False |
The auto_refresh column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
perform_custom_sort | String | False |
The perform_custom_sort column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
show_summary_pane | String | False |
The show_summary_pane column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
end_date_field | String | False |
The end_date_field column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
show_tooltips | String | False |
The show_tooltips column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
allow_drag_right | String | False |
The allow_drag_right column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
suffix | String | False |
The suffix column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
css_span_color | String | False |
The css_span_color column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sort_by_order | String | False |
The sort_by_order column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
show_left_pane | String | False |
The show_left_pane column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sort_by | String | False |
The sort_by column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
show_grid_lines | String | False |
The show_grid_lines column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
tooltip_label | String | False |
The tooltip_label column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
range_calculator | String | False |
The range_calculator column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
start_date_field | String | False |
The start_date_field column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
labels | String | False |
The labels column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
allow_drag_left | String | False |
The allow_drag_left column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_timeline_page. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table cmn_timeline_page. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_timeline_page_style.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
label_color | String | False |
The label_color column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
span_color | String | False |
The span_color column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
timeline_page | String | False |
The timeline_page column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
label_decoration | String | False |
The label_decoration column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table cmn_timeline_page_style. |
The ServiceNow table cmn_timeline_sub_item.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
show_span_text | String | False |
The show_span_text column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
allow_dragging | String | False |
The allow_dragging column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
auto_refresh | String | False |
The auto_refresh column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
perform_custom_sort | String | False |
The perform_custom_sort column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
show_summary_pane | String | False |
The show_summary_pane column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
end_date_field | String | False |
The end_date_field column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
show_tooltips | String | False |
The show_tooltips column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
allow_drag_right | String | False |
The allow_drag_right column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
suffix | String | False |
The suffix column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
css_span_color | String | False |
The css_span_color column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
sort_by_order | String | False |
The sort_by_order column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
show_left_pane | String | False |
The show_left_pane column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
sort_by | String | False |
The sort_by column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
show_grid_lines | String | False |
The show_grid_lines column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
tooltip_label | String | False |
The tooltip_label column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
range_calculator | String | False |
The range_calculator column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
start_date_field | String | False |
The start_date_field column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
labels | String | False |
The labels column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
allow_drag_left | String | False |
The allow_drag_left column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
restriction | String | False |
The restriction column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. | |
parent_col | String | False |
The parent_col column for the table cmn_timeline_sub_item. |
The ServiceNow table diagrammer_action.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
script | String | False |
The script column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
icon | String | False |
The icon column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table diagrammer_action. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table diagrammer_action. |
The ServiceNow table expert_panel.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table expert_panel. | |
expert | String | False |
The expert column for the table expert_panel. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table expert_panel. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table expert_panel. | |
previous_message | String | False |
The previous_message column for the table expert_panel. | |
title | String | False |
The title column for the table expert_panel. | |
banner_step | String | False |
The banner_step column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table expert_panel. | |
complete_message | String | False |
The complete_message column for the table expert_panel. | |
next_message | String | False |
The next_message column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table expert_panel. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table expert_panel. |
Usage information for the operation incident.rsd.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the incident. | |
active | Bool | False |
The active column for the incident. | |
activity_due | Datetime | False |
The activity_due column for the incident. | |
additional_assignee_list | String | False |
The additional_assignee_list column for the incident. | |
approval | String | False |
The approval column for the incident. | |
approval_history | String | False |
The approval_history column for the incident. | |
approval_set | Datetime | False |
The approval_set column for the incident. | |
assigned_to | String | False |
The assigned_to column for the incident. | |
assigned_to_link | String | False |
The assigned_to_link column for the incident. | |
assignment_group | String | False |
The assignment_group column for the incident. | |
assignment_group_link | String | False |
The assignment_group_link column for the incident. | |
business_duration | Long | False |
The business_duration column for the incident. | |
business_impact | String | False |
The business_impact column for the incident. | |
business_service | String | False |
The business_service column for the incident. | |
business_service_link | String | False |
The business_service_link column for the incident. | |
business_stc | Int | False |
The business_stc column for the incident. | |
calendar_duration | Long | False |
The calendar_duration column for the incident. | |
calendar_stc | Int | False |
The calendar_stc column for the incident. | |
caller_id | String | False |
The caller_id column for the incident. | |
caller_id_link | String | False |
The caller_id_link column for the incident. | |
category | String | False |
The category column for the incident. | |
cause | String | False |
The cause column for the incident. | |
caused_by | String | False |
The caused_by column for the incident. | |
caused_by_link | String | False |
The caused_by_link column for the incident. | |
child_incidents | Int | False |
The child_incidents column for the incident. | |
closed_at | Datetime | False |
The closed_at column for the incident. | |
closed_by | String | False |
The closed_by column for the incident. | |
closed_by_link | String | False |
The closed_by_link column for the incident. | |
close_code | String | False |
The close_code column for the incident. | |
close_notes | String | False |
The close_notes column for the incident. | |
cmdb_ci | String | False |
The cmdb_ci column for the incident. | |
cmdb_ci_link | String | False |
The cmdb_ci_link column for the incident. | |
comments | String | False |
The comments column for the incident. | |
comments_and_work_notes | String | False |
The comments_and_work_notes column for the incident. | |
company | String | False |
The company column for the incident. | |
company_link | String | False |
The company_link column for the incident. | |
contact_type | String | False |
The contact_type column for the incident. | |
contract | String | False |
The contract column for the incident. | |
contract_link | String | False |
The contract_link column for the incident. | |
correlation_display | String | False |
The correlation_display column for the incident. | |
correlation_id | String | False |
The correlation_id column for the incident. | |
delivery_plan | String | False |
The delivery_plan column for the incident. | |
delivery_plan_link | String | False |
The delivery_plan_link column for the incident. | |
delivery_task | String | False |
The delivery_task column for the incident. | |
delivery_task_link | String | False |
The delivery_task_link column for the incident. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the incident. | |
due_date | Datetime | False |
The due_date column for the incident. | |
escalation | Int | False |
The escalation column for the incident. | |
expected_start | Datetime | False |
The expected_start column for the incident. | |
follow_up | Datetime | False |
The follow_up column for the incident. | |
group_list | String | False |
The group_list column for the incident. | |
hold_reason | Int | False |
The hold_reason column for the incident. | |
impact | Int | False |
The impact column for the incident. | |
incident_state | Int | False |
The incident_state column for the incident. | |
knowledge | Bool | False |
The knowledge column for the incident. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the incident. | |
location_link | String | False |
The location_link column for the incident. | |
made_sla | Bool | False |
The made_sla column for the incident. | |
notify | Int | False |
The notify column for the incident. | |
number | String | False |
The number column for the incident. | |
opened_at | Datetime | False |
The opened_at column for the incident. | |
opened_by | String | False |
The opened_by column for the incident. | |
opened_by_link | String | False |
The opened_by_link column for the incident. | |
order | Int | False |
The order column for the incident. | |
origin_id | String | False |
The origin_id column for the incident. | |
origin_table | String | False |
The origin_table column for the incident. | |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the incident. | |
parent_incident | String | False |
The parent_incident column for the incident. | |
parent_incident_link | String | False |
The parent_incident_link column for the incident. | |
parent_link | String | False |
The parent_link column for the incident. | |
priority | Int | False |
The priority column for the incident. | |
problem_id | String | False |
The problem_id column for the incident. | |
problem_id_link | String | False |
The problem_id_link column for the incident. | |
reassignment_count | Int | False |
The reassignment_count column for the incident. | |
rejection_goto | String | False |
The rejection_goto column for the incident. | |
rejection_goto_link | String | False |
The rejection_goto_link column for the incident. | |
reopened_by | String | False |
The reopened_by column for the incident. | |
reopened_by_link | String | False |
The reopened_by_link column for the incident. | |
reopened_time | Datetime | False |
The reopened_time column for the incident. | |
reopen_count | Int | False |
The reopen_count column for the incident. | |
resolved_at | Datetime | False |
The resolved_at column for the incident. | |
resolved_by | String | False |
The resolved_by column for the incident. | |
resolved_by_link | String | False |
The resolved_by_link column for the incident. | |
rfc | String | False |
The rfc column for the incident. | |
rfc_link | String | False |
The rfc_link column for the incident. | |
route_reason | Int | False |
The route_reason column for the incident. | |
service_offering | String | False |
The service_offering column for the incident. | |
service_offering_link | String | False |
The service_offering_link column for the incident. | |
severity | Int | False |
The severity column for the incident. | |
short_description | String | False |
The short_description column for the incident. | |
skills | String | False |
The skills column for the incident. | |
sla_due | Datetime | False |
The sla_due column for the incident. | |
state | Int | False |
The state column for the incident. | |
subcategory | String | False |
The subcategory column for the incident. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the incident. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the incident. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the incident. | |
sys_domain | String | False |
The sys_domain column for the incident. | |
sys_domain_path | String | False |
The sys_domain_path column for the incident. | |
sys_mod_count | Int | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the incident. | |
sys_tags | String | False |
The sys_tags column for the incident. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the incident. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the incident. | |
task_effective_number | String | False |
The task_effective_number column for the incident. | |
time_worked | String | False |
The time_worked column for the incident. | |
universal_request | String | False |
The universal_request column for the incident. | |
universal_request_link | String | False |
The universal_request_link column for the incident. | |
upon_approval | String | False |
The upon_approval column for the incident. | |
upon_reject | String | False |
The upon_reject column for the incident. | |
urgency | Int | False |
The urgency column for the incident. | |
user_input | String | False |
The user_input column for the incident. | |
u_comments | String | False |
The u_comments column for the incident. | |
u_some_test_field | String | False |
The u_some_test_field column for the incident. | |
u_test_custom_field | String | False |
The u_test_custom_field column for the incident. | |
variables | String | False |
The variables column for the incident. | |
watch_list | String | False |
The watch_list column for the incident. | |
wf_activity | String | False |
The wf_activity column for the incident. | |
wf_activity_link | String | False |
The wf_activity_link column for the incident. | |
work_end | Datetime | False |
The work_end column for the incident. | |
work_notes | String | False |
The work_notes column for the incident. | |
work_notes_list | String | False |
The work_notes_list column for the incident. | |
work_start | Datetime | False |
The work_start column for the incident. |
The ServiceNow table item_option_new.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
cat_item | String | False |
The cat_item column for the table item_option_new. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table item_option_new. | |
category | String | False |
The category column for the table item_option_new. | |
visible_bundle | String | False |
The visible_bundle column for the table item_option_new. | |
visible_guide | String | False |
The visible_guide column for the table item_option_new. | |
global | String | False |
The global column for the table item_option_new. | |
variable_set | String | False |
The variable_set column for the table item_option_new. | |
delivery_plan | String | False |
The delivery_plan column for the table item_option_new. | |
visibility | String | False |
The visibility column for the table item_option_new. | |
visible_standalone | String | False |
The visible_standalone column for the table item_option_new. | |
visible_summary | String | False |
The visible_summary column for the table item_option_new. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table item_option_new. | |
dynamic_ref_qual | String | False |
The dynamic_ref_qual column for the table item_option_new. | |
dynamic_default_value | String | False |
The dynamic_default_value column for the table item_option_new. | |
use_reference_qualifier | String | False |
The use_reference_qualifier column for the table item_option_new. | |
pricing_implications | String | False |
The pricing_implications column for the table item_option_new. | |
variable_name | String | False |
The variable_name column for the table item_option_new. | |
lookup_label | String | False |
The lookup_label column for the table item_option_new. | |
mandatory | String | False |
The mandatory column for the table item_option_new. | |
mask_use_encryption | String | False |
The mask_use_encryption column for the table item_option_new. | |
default_html_value | String | False |
The default_html_value column for the table item_option_new. | |
choice_direction | String | False |
The choice_direction column for the table item_option_new. | |
lookup_price | String | False |
The lookup_price column for the table item_option_new. | |
use_dynamic_default | String | False |
The use_dynamic_default column for the table item_option_new. | |
layout | String | False |
The layout column for the table item_option_new. | |
mask_use_confirmation | String | False |
The mask_use_confirmation column for the table item_option_new. | |
ui_page | String | False |
The ui_page column for the table item_option_new. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table item_option_new. | |
field | String | False |
The field column for the table item_option_new. | |
lookup_value | String | False |
The lookup_value column for the table item_option_new. | |
help_text | String | False |
The help_text column for the table item_option_new. | |
record_producer_table | String | False |
The record_producer_table column for the table item_option_new. | |
price_if_checked | String | False |
The price_if_checked column for the table item_option_new. | |
scale_min | String | False |
The scale_min column for the table item_option_new. | |
reference_qual | String | False |
The reference_qual column for the table item_option_new. | |
show_help | String | False |
The show_help column for the table item_option_new. | |
delete_roles | String | False |
The delete_roles column for the table item_option_new. | |
map_to_field | String | False |
The map_to_field column for the table item_option_new. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table item_option_new. | |
rec_price_if_checked | String | False |
The rec_price_if_checked column for the table item_option_new. | |
macro | String | False |
The macro column for the table item_option_new. | |
reference_qual_condition | String | False |
The reference_qual_condition column for the table item_option_new. | |
attributes | String | False |
The attributes column for the table item_option_new. | |
question_text | String | False |
The question_text column for the table item_option_new. | |
scale_max | String | False |
The scale_max column for the table item_option_new. | |
choice_field | String | False |
The choice_field column for the table item_option_new. | |
display_title | String | False |
The display_title column for the table item_option_new. | |
read_roles | String | False |
The read_roles column for the table item_option_new. | |
create_roles | String | False |
The create_roles column for the table item_option_new. | |
tooltip | String | False |
The tooltip column for the table item_option_new. | |
record | String | False |
The record column for the table item_option_new. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table item_option_new. | |
default_value | String | False |
The default_value column for the table item_option_new. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table item_option_new. | |
rec_lookup_price | String | False |
The rec_lookup_price column for the table item_option_new. | |
include_none | String | False |
The include_none column for the table item_option_new. | |
lookup_unique | String | False |
The lookup_unique column for the table item_option_new. | |
write_roles | String | False |
The write_roles column for the table item_option_new. | |
help_tag | String | False |
The help_tag column for the table item_option_new. | |
do_not_select_first | String | False |
The do_not_select_first column for the table item_option_new. | |
summary_macro | String | False |
The summary_macro column for the table item_option_new. |
The ServiceNow table question.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
dynamic_ref_qual | String | False |
The dynamic_ref_qual column for the table question. | |
dynamic_default_value | String | False |
The dynamic_default_value column for the table question. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table question. | |
use_reference_qualifier | String | False |
The use_reference_qualifier column for the table question. | |
pricing_implications | String | False |
The pricing_implications column for the table question. | |
variable_name | String | False |
The variable_name column for the table question. | |
lookup_label | String | False |
The lookup_label column for the table question. | |
mandatory | String | False |
The mandatory column for the table question. | |
mask_use_encryption | String | False |
The mask_use_encryption column for the table question. | |
default_html_value | String | False |
The default_html_value column for the table question. | |
choice_direction | String | False |
The choice_direction column for the table question. | |
lookup_price | String | False |
The lookup_price column for the table question. | |
use_dynamic_default | String | False |
The use_dynamic_default column for the table question. | |
layout | String | False |
The layout column for the table question. | |
mask_use_confirmation | String | False |
The mask_use_confirmation column for the table question. | |
ui_page | String | False |
The ui_page column for the table question. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table question. | |
field | String | False |
The field column for the table question. | |
lookup_value | String | False |
The lookup_value column for the table question. | |
help_text | String | False |
The help_text column for the table question. | |
record_producer_table | String | False |
The record_producer_table column for the table question. | |
price_if_checked | String | False |
The price_if_checked column for the table question. | |
scale_min | String | False |
The scale_min column for the table question. | |
reference_qual | String | False |
The reference_qual column for the table question. | |
show_help | String | False |
The show_help column for the table question. | |
delete_roles | String | False |
The delete_roles column for the table question. | |
map_to_field | String | False |
The map_to_field column for the table question. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table question. | |
rec_price_if_checked | String | False |
The rec_price_if_checked column for the table question. | |
macro | String | False |
The macro column for the table question. | |
reference_qual_condition | String | False |
The reference_qual_condition column for the table question. | |
attributes | String | False |
The attributes column for the table question. | |
question_text | String | False |
The question_text column for the table question. | |
scale_max | String | False |
The scale_max column for the table question. | |
choice_field | String | False |
The choice_field column for the table question. | |
display_title | String | False |
The display_title column for the table question. | |
read_roles | String | False |
The read_roles column for the table question. | |
create_roles | String | False |
The create_roles column for the table question. | |
tooltip | String | False |
The tooltip column for the table question. | |
record | String | False |
The record column for the table question. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table question. | |
default_value | String | False |
The default_value column for the table question. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table question. | |
rec_lookup_price | String | False |
The rec_lookup_price column for the table question. | |
include_none | String | False |
The include_none column for the table question. | |
lookup_unique | String | False |
The lookup_unique column for the table question. | |
write_roles | String | False |
The write_roles column for the table question. | |
help_tag | String | False |
The help_tag column for the table question. | |
do_not_select_first | String | False |
The do_not_select_first column for the table question. | |
summary_macro | String | False |
The summary_macro column for the table question. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table question. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table question. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table question. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table question. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table question. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table question. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table question. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table question. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table question. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table question. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table question. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table question. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table question. |
The ServiceNow table sc_category.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
show_in_cms | String | False |
The show_in_cms column for the table sc_category. | |
header_icon | String | False |
The header_icon column for the table sc_category. | |
module | String | False |
The module column for the table sc_category. | |
roles | String | False |
The roles column for the table sc_category. | |
mobile_subcategory_render_type | String | False |
The mobile_subcategory_render_type column for the table sc_category. | |
mobile_picture | String | False |
The mobile_picture column for the table sc_category. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table sc_category. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table sc_category. | |
image | String | False |
The image column for the table sc_category. | |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table sc_category. | |
icon | String | False |
The icon column for the table sc_category. | |
homepage_renderer | String | False |
The homepage_renderer column for the table sc_category. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table sc_category. | |
mobile_hide_description | String | False |
The mobile_hide_description column for the table sc_category. | |
homepage_image | String | False |
The homepage_image column for the table sc_category. | |
entitlement_script | String | False |
The entitlement_script column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table sc_category. | |
title | String | False |
The title column for the table sc_category. | |
sc_catalog | String | False |
The sc_catalog column for the table sc_category. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table sc_category. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table sc_category. |
The ServiceNow table sc_cat_item.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
category | String | False |
The category column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
model | String | False |
The model column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
mobile_picture_type | String | False |
The mobile_picture_type column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
no_search | String | False |
The no_search column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
billable | String | False |
The billable column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
group | String | False |
The group column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
picture | String | False |
The picture column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
no_order_now | String | False |
The no_order_now column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
price | String | False |
The price column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
meta | String | False |
The meta column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
roles | String | False |
The roles column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
start_closed | String | False |
The start_closed column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
short_description | String | False |
The short_description column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
template | String | False |
The template column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
icon | String | False |
The icon column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
use_sc_layout | String | False |
The use_sc_layout column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
omit_price | String | False |
The omit_price column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
vendor | String | False |
The vendor column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
list_price | String | False |
The list_price column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
visible_standalone | String | False |
The visible_standalone column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
recurring_frequency | String | False |
The recurring_frequency column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
entitlement_script | String | False |
The entitlement_script column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
cost | String | False |
The cost column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
workflow | String | False |
The workflow column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
custom_cart | String | False |
The custom_cart column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sc_ic_item_staging | String | False |
The sc_ic_item_staging column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
image | String | False |
The image column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
delivery_time | Datetime | False |
The delivery_time column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
mobile_picture | String | False |
The mobile_picture column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
no_order | String | False |
The no_order column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
ignore_price | String | False |
The ignore_price column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
delivery_plan | String | False |
The delivery_plan column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
no_proceed_checkout | String | False |
The no_proceed_checkout column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sc_catalogs | String | False |
The sc_catalogs column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
mobile_hide_price | String | False |
The mobile_hide_price column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
no_cart | String | False |
The no_cart column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
visible_guide | String | False |
The visible_guide column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
ordered_item_link | String | False |
The ordered_item_link column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
visible_bundle | String | False |
The visible_bundle column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
recurring_price | String | False |
The recurring_price column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
delivery_plan_script | String | False |
The delivery_plan_script column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
preview | String | False |
The preview column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sc_ic_version | String | False |
The sc_ic_version column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
no_quantity | String | False |
The no_quantity column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
availability | String | False |
The availability column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table sc_cat_item. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table sc_cat_item. |
The ServiceNow table sla.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table sla. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table sla. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table sla. | |
ends | Datetime | False |
The ends column for the table sla. | |
department | String | False |
The department column for the table sla. | |
business_lead | String | False |
The business_lead column for the table sla. | |
change_procedures | String | False |
The change_procedures column for the table sla. | |
notes | String | False |
The notes column for the table sla. | |
contract | String | False |
The contract column for the table sla. | |
users | String | False |
The users column for the table sla. | |
service_goals | String | False |
The service_goals column for the table sla. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table sla. | |
transaction_load | String | False |
The transaction_load column for the table sla. | |
security_notes | String | False |
The security_notes column for the table sla. | |
consultant_user | String | False |
The consultant_user column for the table sla. | |
number | String | False |
The number column for the table sla. | |
avail_pct | String | False |
The avail_pct column for the table sla. | |
functional_area | String | False |
The functional_area column for the table sla. | |
accountable_user | String | False |
The accountable_user column for the table sla. | |
signatures | String | False |
The signatures column for the table sla. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table sla. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table sla. | |
begins | Datetime | False |
The begins column for the table sla. | |
short_description | String | False |
The short_description column for the table sla. | |
maintenance | String | False |
The maintenance column for the table sla. | |
reponsibilities | String | False |
The reponsibilities column for the table sla. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table sla. | |
calendar | String | False |
The calendar column for the table sla. | |
next_review | Datetime | False |
The next_review column for the table sla. | |
informed_user | String | False |
The informed_user column for the table sla. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table sla. | |
response_time | String | False |
The response_time column for the table sla. | |
disaster_recovery | String | False |
The disaster_recovery column for the table sla. | |
responsible_user | String | False |
The responsible_user column for the table sla. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table sla. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table sla. | |
business_unit | String | False |
The business_unit column for the table sla. | |
technical_lead | String | False |
The technical_lead column for the table sla. | |
incident_procedures | String | False |
The incident_procedures column for the table sla. |
The ServiceNow table sysauto.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table sysauto. | |
run_start | Datetime | False |
The run_start column for the table sysauto. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table sysauto. | |
run_time | Datetime | False |
The run_time column for the table sysauto. | |
run_dayofweek | String | False |
The run_dayofweek column for the table sysauto. | |
run_as_tz | String | False |
The run_as_tz column for the table sysauto. | |
upgrade_safe | String | False |
The upgrade_safe column for the table sysauto. | |
conditional | String | False |
The conditional column for the table sysauto. | |
run_period | Datetime | False |
The run_period column for the table sysauto. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table sysauto. | |
run_dayofmonth | String | False |
The run_dayofmonth column for the table sysauto. | |
run_type | String | False |
The run_type column for the table sysauto. | |
run_as | String | False |
The run_as column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table sysauto. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table sysauto. |
The ServiceNow table sysauto_script.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table sysauto_script. | |
run_start | Datetime | False |
The run_start column for the table sysauto_script. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table sysauto_script. | |
run_time | Datetime | False |
The run_time column for the table sysauto_script. | |
run_dayofweek | String | False |
The run_dayofweek column for the table sysauto_script. | |
run_as_tz | String | False |
The run_as_tz column for the table sysauto_script. | |
upgrade_safe | String | False |
The upgrade_safe column for the table sysauto_script. | |
conditional | String | False |
The conditional column for the table sysauto_script. | |
run_period | Datetime | False |
The run_period column for the table sysauto_script. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table sysauto_script. | |
run_dayofmonth | String | False |
The run_dayofmonth column for the table sysauto_script. | |
run_type | String | False |
The run_type column for the table sysauto_script. | |
run_as | String | False |
The run_as column for the table sysauto_script. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table sysauto_script. | |
script | String | False |
The script column for the table sysauto_script. |
The ServiceNow table syslog.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
level | String | False |
The level column for the table syslog. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table syslog. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table syslog. | |
source | String | False |
The source column for the table syslog. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table syslog. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table syslog. | |
message | String | False |
The message column for the table syslog. |
The ServiceNow table sysrule.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_overrides | String | False |
The sys_overrides column for the table sysrule. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table sysrule. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_domain_path | String | False |
The sys_domain_path column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_domain | String | False |
The sys_domain column for the table sysrule. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table sysrule. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table sysrule. |
The ServiceNow table system_db_object.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
is_extendable | String | False |
The is_extendable column for the table system_db_object. | |
client_scripts_access | String | False |
The client_scripts_access column for the table system_db_object. | |
delete_access | String | False |
The delete_access column for the table system_db_object. | |
live_feed_enabled | String | False |
The live_feed_enabled column for the table system_db_object. | |
actions_access | String | False |
The actions_access column for the table system_db_object. | |
update_access | String | False |
The update_access column for the table system_db_object. | |
number_ref | String | False |
The number_ref column for the table system_db_object. | |
provider_class | String | False |
The provider_class column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table system_db_object. | |
create_access | String | False |
The create_access column for the table system_db_object. | |
label | String | False |
The label column for the table system_db_object. | |
super_class | String | False |
The super_class column for the table system_db_object. | |
access | String | False |
The access column for the table system_db_object. | |
alter_access | String | False |
The alter_access column for the table system_db_object. | |
user_role | String | False |
The user_role column for the table system_db_object. | |
create_access_controls | String | False |
The create_access_controls column for the table system_db_object. | |
extension_model | String | False |
The extension_model column for the table system_db_object. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table system_db_object. | |
configuration_access | String | False |
The configuration_access column for the table system_db_object. | |
ws_access | String | False |
The ws_access column for the table system_db_object. | |
read_access | String | False |
The read_access column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table system_db_object. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table system_db_object. |
The ServiceNow table system_dictionary.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
create_roles | String | False |
The create_roles column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sizeclass | String | False |
The sizeclass column for the table system_dictionary. | |
array | String | False |
The array column for the table system_dictionary. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table system_dictionary. | |
foreign_database | String | False |
The foreign_database column for the table system_dictionary. | |
dependent_on_field | String | False |
The dependent_on_field column for the table system_dictionary. | |
reference_cascade_rule | String | False |
The reference_cascade_rule column for the table system_dictionary. | |
reference | String | False |
The reference column for the table system_dictionary. | |
choice | String | False |
The choice column for the table system_dictionary. | |
default_value | String | False |
The default_value column for the table system_dictionary. | |
defaultsort | String | False |
The defaultsort column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table system_dictionary. | |
attributes | String | False |
The attributes column for the table system_dictionary. | |
xml_view | String | False |
The xml_view column for the table system_dictionary. | |
delete_roles | String | False |
The delete_roles column for the table system_dictionary. | |
reference_qual | String | False |
The reference_qual column for the table system_dictionary. | |
reference_key | String | False |
The reference_key column for the table system_dictionary. | |
dynamic_creation_script | String | False |
The dynamic_creation_script column for the table system_dictionary. | |
max_length | String | False |
The max_length column for the table system_dictionary. | |
column_label | String | False |
The column_label column for the table system_dictionary. | |
read_only | String | False |
The read_only column for the table system_dictionary. | |
dependent | String | False |
The dependent column for the table system_dictionary. | |
unique | String | False |
The unique column for the table system_dictionary. | |
spell_check | String | False |
The spell_check column for the table system_dictionary. | |
write_roles | String | False |
The write_roles column for the table system_dictionary. | |
audit | String | False |
The audit column for the table system_dictionary. | |
staged | String | False |
The staged column for the table system_dictionary. | |
dynamic_ref_qual | String | False |
The dynamic_ref_qual column for the table system_dictionary. | |
use_dynamic_default | String | False |
The use_dynamic_default column for the table system_dictionary. | |
dynamic_default_value | String | False |
The dynamic_default_value column for the table system_dictionary. | |
use_dependent_field | String | False |
The use_dependent_field column for the table system_dictionary. | |
use_reference_qualifier | String | False |
The use_reference_qualifier column for the table system_dictionary. | |
reference_qual_condition | String | False |
The reference_qual_condition column for the table system_dictionary. | |
choice_field | String | False |
The choice_field column for the table system_dictionary. | |
dynamic_creation | String | False |
The dynamic_creation column for the table system_dictionary. | |
calculation | String | False |
The calculation column for the table system_dictionary. | |
next_element | String | False |
The next_element column for the table system_dictionary. | |
display | String | False |
The display column for the table system_dictionary. | |
reference_floats | String | False |
The reference_floats column for the table system_dictionary. | |
element_reference | String | False |
The element_reference column for the table system_dictionary. | |
mandatory | String | False |
The mandatory column for the table system_dictionary. | |
read_roles | String | False |
The read_roles column for the table system_dictionary. | |
text_index | String | False |
The text_index column for the table system_dictionary. | |
comments | String | False |
The comments column for the table system_dictionary. | |
primary | String | False |
The primary column for the table system_dictionary. | |
element | String | False |
The element column for the table system_dictionary. | |
widget | String | False |
The widget column for the table system_dictionary. | |
reference_type | String | False |
The reference_type column for the table system_dictionary. | |
table_reference | String | False |
The table_reference column for the table system_dictionary. | |
internal_type | String | False |
The internal_type column for the table system_dictionary. | |
virtual | String | False |
The virtual column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table system_dictionary. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table system_dictionary. |
The ServiceNow table system_documentation.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
label | String | False |
The label column for the table system_documentation. | |
url | String | False |
The url column for the table system_documentation. | |
help | String | False |
The help column for the table system_documentation. | |
language | String | False |
The language column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table system_documentation. | |
hint | String | False |
The hint column for the table system_documentation. | |
element | String | False |
The element column for the table system_documentation. | |
plural | String | False |
The plural column for the table system_documentation. | |
url_target | String | False |
The url_target column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table system_documentation. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table system_documentation. |
The ServiceNow table system_import_set_row.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_import_state | String | False |
The sys_import_state column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_import_set | String | False |
The sys_import_set column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
template_import_log | String | False |
The template_import_log column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_row_error | String | False |
The sys_row_error column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_import_row | String | False |
The sys_import_row column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
import_set_run | String | False |
The import_set_run column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_transform_map | String | False |
The sys_transform_map column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_target_sys_id | String | False |
The sys_target_sys_id column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_import_state_comment | String | False |
The sys_import_state_comment column for the table system_import_set_row. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table system_import_set_row. |
The ServiceNow table system_script_client.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_domain | String | False |
The sys_domain column for the table system_script_client. | |
global | String | False |
The global column for the table system_script_client. | |
condition | String | False |
The condition column for the table system_script_client. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_overrides | String | False |
The sys_overrides column for the table system_script_client. | |
field | String | False |
The field column for the table system_script_client. | |
applies_extended | String | False |
The applies_extended column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_domain_path | String | False |
The sys_domain_path column for the table system_script_client. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table system_script_client. | |
messages | String | False |
The messages column for the table system_script_client. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table system_script_client. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table system_script_client. | |
view | String | False |
The view column for the table system_script_client. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table system_script_client. | |
script | String | False |
The script column for the table system_script_client. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table system_script_client. | |
ui_type | String | False |
The ui_type column for the table system_script_client. |
The ServiceNow table system_ui_policy.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
inherit | String | False |
The inherit column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
model_id | String | False |
The model_id column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
reverse_if_false | String | False |
The reverse_if_false column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
script_false | String | False |
The script_false column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
set_values | String | False |
The set_values column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
short_description | String | False |
The short_description column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
run_scripts | String | False |
The run_scripts column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_domain_path | String | False |
The sys_domain_path column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
ui_type | String | False |
The ui_type column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_domain | String | False |
The sys_domain column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
view | String | False |
The view column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
conditions | String | False |
The conditions column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
on_load | String | False |
The on_load column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
script_true | String | False |
The script_true column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
sys_overrides | String | False |
The sys_overrides column for the table system_ui_policy. | |
global | String | False |
The global column for the table system_ui_policy. |
The ServiceNow table system_ui_policy_action.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
sys_policy | String | False |
The sys_policy column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_replace_on_upgrade | String | False |
The sys_replace_on_upgrade column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_customer_update | String | False |
The sys_customer_update column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_scope | String | False |
The sys_scope column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_package | String | False |
The sys_package column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_name | String | False |
The sys_name column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_update_name | String | False |
The sys_update_name column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
visible | String | False |
The visible column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
ui_policy | String | False |
The ui_policy column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
mandatory | String | False |
The mandatory column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
disabled | String | False |
The disabled column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table system_ui_policy_action. | |
field | String | False |
The field column for the table system_ui_policy_action. |
The ServiceNow table task.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
delivery_task | String | False |
The delivery_task column for the table task. | |
upon_approval | String | False |
The upon_approval column for the table task. | |
work_start | Datetime | False |
The work_start column for the table task. | |
delivery_plan | String | False |
The delivery_plan column for the table task. | |
rejection_goto | String | False |
The rejection_goto column for the table task. | |
work_end | Datetime | False |
The work_end column for the table task. | |
upon_reject | String | False |
The upon_reject column for the table task. | |
business_service | String | False |
The business_service column for the table task. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table task. | |
sys_domain | String | False |
The sys_domain column for the table task. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table task. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table task. | |
expected_start | Datetime | False |
The expected_start column for the table task. | |
variables | String | False |
The variables column for the table task. | |
number | String | False |
The number column for the table task. | |
comments | String | False |
The comments column for the table task. | |
urgency | String | False |
The urgency column for the table task. | |
opened_at | Datetime | False |
The opened_at column for the table task. | |
watch_list | String | False |
The watch_list column for the table task. | |
sla_due | Datetime | False |
The sla_due column for the table task. | |
active | String | False |
The active column for the table task. | |
state | String | False |
The state column for the table task. | |
work_notes | String | False |
The work_notes column for the table task. | |
closed_by | String | False |
The closed_by column for the table task. | |
follow_up | Datetime | False |
The follow_up column for the table task. | |
work_notes_list | String | False |
The work_notes_list column for the table task. | |
cmdb_ci | String | False |
The cmdb_ci column for the table task. | |
approval_history | String | False |
The approval_history column for the table task. | |
business_duration | Datetime | False |
The business_duration column for the table task. | |
location | String | False |
The location column for the table task. | |
user_input | String | False |
The user_input column for the table task. | |
assigned_to | String | False |
The assigned_to column for the table task. | |
escalation | String | False |
The escalation column for the table task. | |
time_worked | String | False |
The time_worked column for the table task. | |
additional_assignee_list | String | False |
The additional_assignee_list column for the table task. | |
correlation_id | String | False |
The correlation_id column for the table task. | |
comments_and_work_notes | String | False |
The comments_and_work_notes column for the table task. | |
order | String | False |
The order column for the table task. | |
made_sla | String | False |
The made_sla column for the table task. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table task. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table task. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table task. | |
sys_domain_path | String | False |
The sys_domain_path column for the table task. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table task. | |
parent | String | False |
The parent column for the table task. | |
priority | String | False |
The priority column for the table task. | |
close_notes | String | False |
The close_notes column for the table task. | |
reassignment_count | String | False |
The reassignment_count column for the table task. | |
due_date | Datetime | False |
The due_date column for the table task. | |
short_description | String | False |
The short_description column for the table task. | |
company | String | False |
The company column for the table task. | |
approval_set | Datetime | False |
The approval_set column for the table task. | |
opened_by | String | False |
The opened_by column for the table task. | |
contact_type | String | False |
The contact_type column for the table task. | |
assignment_group | String | False |
The assignment_group column for the table task. | |
approval | String | False |
The approval column for the table task. | |
calendar_duration | Datetime | False |
The calendar_duration column for the table task. | |
knowledge | String | False |
The knowledge column for the table task. | |
correlation_display | String | False |
The correlation_display column for the table task. | |
wf_activity | String | False |
The wf_activity column for the table task. | |
description | String | False |
The description column for the table task. | |
impact | String | False |
The impact column for the table task. | |
closed_at | Datetime | False |
The closed_at column for the table task. | |
group_list | String | False |
The group_list column for the table task. | |
activity_due | Datetime | False |
The activity_due column for the table task. |
The ServiceNow table v_field_creator.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
label | String | False |
The label column for the table v_field_creator. | |
sys_created_by | String | False |
The sys_created_by column for the table v_field_creator. | |
sys_class_name | String | False |
The sys_class_name column for the table v_field_creator. | |
sys_updated_by | String | False |
The sys_updated_by column for the table v_field_creator. | |
table_creator | String | False |
The table_creator column for the table v_field_creator. | |
length | String | False |
The length column for the table v_field_creator. | |
sys_mod_count | String | False |
The sys_mod_count column for the table v_field_creator. | |
name | String | False |
The name column for the table v_field_creator. | |
sys_updated_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_updated_on column for the table v_field_creator. | |
sys_id [KEY] | String | False |
The sys_id column for the table v_field_creator. | |
type | String | False |
The type column for the table v_field_creator. | |
sys_created_on | Datetime | False |
The sys_created_on column for the table v_field_creator. |
Name | Description |
application_on_servers | The ServiceNow view application_on_servers. |
app_engine_v1_ct_role_user | The ServiceNow view app_engine_v1_ct_role_user. |
assoc_roles | The ServiceNow view assoc_roles. |
change_request_metric | The ServiceNow view change_request_metric. |
change_request_sla | The ServiceNow view change_request_sla. |
change_task_metric | The ServiceNow view change_task_metric. |
change_task_sla | The ServiceNow view change_task_sla. |
change_task_time_worked | The ServiceNow view change_task_time_worked. |
cmdb_multisource_diff_query_view | The ServiceNow view cmdb_multisource_diff_query_view. |
cmdb_multisource_view | The ServiceNow view cmdb_multisource_view. |
cmdb_task_chg | The ServiceNow view cmdb_task_chg. |
cxs_relevant_doc_task | The ServiceNow view cxs_relevant_doc_task. |
dashboard_w_permission | The ServiceNow view dashboard_w_permission. |
diagnostics_result_view | The ServiceNow view diagnostics_result_view. |
flow_report_chunk | The ServiceNow view flow_report_chunk. |
incident_metric | The ServiceNow view incident_metric. |
incident_sla | The ServiceNow view incident_sla. |
incident_time_worked | The ServiceNow view incident_time_worked. |
Items | Lists all catalog items. |
kb_feedback_task_metric | The ServiceNow view kb_feedback_task_metric. |
licensable_table | The ServiceNow view licensable_table. |
licensed_app_usage | The ServiceNow view licensed_app_usage. |
license_details_assoc_roles | The ServiceNow view license_details_assoc_roles. |
notification_category_api | The ServiceNow view notification_category_api. |
pa_widgets_stats | The ServiceNow view pa_widgets_stats. |
priv_command_mid_server | The ServiceNow view priv_command_mid_server. |
problem_metric | The ServiceNow view problem_metric. |
problem_sla | The ServiceNow view problem_sla. |
quarantined_file | The ServiceNow view quarantined_file. |
query_based_service_basic_view | The ServiceNow view query_based_service_basic_view. |
query_based_service_mapping | The ServiceNow view query_based_service_mapping. |
release_feature_metric | The ServiceNow view release_feature_metric. |
release_project_metric | The ServiceNow view release_project_metric. |
release_task_metric | The ServiceNow view release_task_metric. |
release_task_sla | The ServiceNow view release_task_sla. |
report_home_details | The ServiceNow view report_home_details. |
sc_request_metric | The ServiceNow view sc_request_metric. |
sc_request_sla | The ServiceNow view sc_request_sla. |
sc_req_item_metric | The ServiceNow view sc_req_item_metric. |
sc_req_item_sla | The ServiceNow view sc_req_item_sla. |
sc_task_metric | The ServiceNow view sc_task_metric. |
sc_task_sla | The ServiceNow view sc_task_sla. |
security_acl_detail | The ServiceNow view security_acl_detail. |
sn_bm_client_recommendation_view | The ServiceNow view sn_bm_client_recommendation_view. |
sp_page_widgets | The ServiceNow view sp_page_widgets. |
subscribed_users_with_role | The ServiceNow view subscribed_users_with_role. |
task_assessment_detail | The ServiceNow view task_assessment_detail. |
upgrade_history_update_xml | The ServiceNow view upgrade_history_update_xml. |
user_has_license_role | The ServiceNow view user_has_license_role. |
user_role_license_role | The ServiceNow view user_role_license_role. |
u_jhb_database_view | The ServiceNow view u_jhb_database_view. |
wf_activity_context | The ServiceNow view wf_activity_context. |
The ServiceNow view application_on_servers.
Name | Type | References | Description |
appl_discovery_source | String | ||
appl_name | String | ||
appl_running_process_command | String | ||
appl_running_process_key_parameters | String | ||
appl_sys_class_name | String | ||
appl_tcp_port | String | ||
hosts_child | String | ||
hosts_child_link | String | ||
hosts_parent | String | ||
hosts_parent_link | String | ||
hosts_type | String | ||
hosts_type_link | String |
The ServiceNow view app_engine_v1_ct_role_user.
Name | Type | References | Description |
aclrole_sys_security_acl | String | ||
aclrole_sys_security_acl_link | String | ||
aclrole_sys_user_role | String | ||
aclrole_sys_user_role_link | String | ||
u_active | Bool | ||
u_last_login_time | Datetime | ||
uacti_allotment_type | Int | ||
uacti_license | String | ||
uacti_license_link | String | ||
uacti_table_name | String | ||
uacti_table_ref | String | ||
uacti_table_ref_link | String | ||
uhr_role | String | ||
uhr_role_link | String | ||
uhr_user | String | ||
uhr_user_link | String | ||
acl_sys_id | String | ||
acl_active | Bool | ||
acl_name | String |
The ServiceNow view assoc_roles.
Name | Type | References | Description |
pkg_sys_id | String | ||
pkg_active | Bool | ||
pkg_enforce_license | String | ||
pkg_licensable | Bool | ||
pkg_license_category | String | ||
pkg_license_model | String | ||
pkg_name | String | ||
pkg_source | String | ||
pkg_sys_class_name | String | ||
pkg_sys_created_by | String | ||
pkg_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
pkg_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
pkg_sys_tags | String | ||
pkg_sys_updated_by | String | ||
pkg_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
pkg_trackable | Bool | ||
pkg_version | String | ||
role_sys_id | String | ||
role_assignable_by | String | ||
role_assignable_by_link | String | ||
role_can_delegate | Bool | ||
role_description | String | ||
role_elevated_privilege | Bool | ||
role_grantable | Bool | ||
role_includes_roles | String | ||
role_name | String | ||
role_requires_subscription | String | ||
role_scoped_admin | Bool | ||
role_suffix | String | ||
role_sys_class_name | String | ||
role_sys_created_by | String | ||
role_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
role_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
role_sys_name | String | ||
role_sys_package | String | ||
role_sys_package_link | String | ||
role_sys_policy | String | ||
role_sys_scope | String | ||
role_sys_scope_link | String | ||
role_sys_tags | String | ||
role_sys_update_name | String | ||
role_sys_updated_by | String | ||
role_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
fmly_sys_id | String | ||
fmly_app_id | String | ||
fmly_app_name | String | ||
fmly_cust_visible | Bool | ||
fmly_for_fee | Bool | ||
fmly_last_valid_rel | String | ||
fmly_level | Int | ||
fmly_license_check_required | Bool | ||
fmly_lineage_id | String | ||
fmly_lineage_name | String | ||
fmly_lob_id | String | ||
fmly_lob_name | String | ||
fmly_primary | Bool | ||
fmly_scope | String | ||
fmly_skip_custom_role_eval | Bool | ||
fmly_sys_created_by | String | ||
fmly_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
fmly_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
fmly_sys_tags | String | ||
fmly_sys_updated_by | String | ||
fmly_sys_updated_on | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view change_request_metric.
Name | Type | References | Description |
md_sys_id | String | ||
md_active | Bool | ||
md_description | String | ||
md_field | String | ||
md_name | String | ||
md_number | String | ||
md_order | Int | ||
md_script | String | ||
md_sys_class_name | String | ||
md_sys_created_by | String | ||
md_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
md_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
md_sys_name | String | ||
md_sys_package | String | ||
md_sys_package_link | String | ||
md_sys_policy | String | ||
md_sys_scope | String | ||
md_sys_scope_link | String | ||
md_sys_tags | String | ||
md_sys_update_name | String | ||
md_sys_updated_by | String | ||
md_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
md_table | String | ||
md_timeline | Bool | ||
md_type | String | ||
mi_sys_id | String | ||
mi_business_duration | Long | ||
mi_calculation_complete | Bool | ||
mi_definition | String | ||
mi_definition_link | String | ||
mi_duration | Long | ||
mi_end | Datetime | ||
mi_field | String | ||
mi_field_value | String | ||
mi_id | String | ||
mi_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_created_by | String | ||
mi_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
mi_sys_tags | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_by | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
mi_table | String | ||
mi_value | String | ||
chg_sys_id | String | ||
chg_active | Bool | ||
chg_activity_due | Datetime | ||
chg_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
chg_approval | String | ||
chg_approval_history | String | ||
chg_approval_set | Datetime | ||
chg_assigned_to | String | ||
chg_assigned_to_link | String | ||
chg_assignment_group | String | ||
chg_assignment_group_link | String | ||
chg_backout_plan | String | ||
chg_business_duration | Long | ||
chg_business_service | String | ||
chg_business_service_link | String | ||
chg_cab_date | Date | ||
chg_cab_delegate | String | ||
chg_cab_delegate_link | String | ||
chg_cab_recommendation | String | ||
chg_cab_required | Bool | ||
chg_calendar_duration | Long | ||
chg_category | String | ||
chg_change_plan | String | ||
chg_close_code | String | ||
chg_close_notes | String | ||
chg_closed_at | Datetime | ||
chg_closed_by | String | ||
chg_closed_by_link | String | ||
chg_cmdb_ci | String | ||
chg_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
chg_comments | String | ||
chg_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
chg_company | String | ||
chg_company_link | String | ||
chg_conflict_last_run | Datetime | ||
chg_conflict_status | String | ||
chg_contact_type | String | ||
chg_correlation_display | String | ||
chg_correlation_id | String | ||
chg_delivery_plan | String | ||
chg_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
chg_delivery_task | String | ||
chg_delivery_task_link | String | ||
chg_description | String | ||
chg_due_date | Datetime | ||
chg_end_date | Datetime | ||
chg_escalation | Int | ||
chg_expected_start | Datetime | ||
chg_follow_up | Datetime | ||
chg_group_list | String | ||
chg_impact | Int | ||
chg_implementation_plan | String | ||
chg_justification | String | ||
chg_knowledge | Bool | ||
chg_location | String | ||
chg_location_link | String | ||
chg_made_sla | Bool | ||
chg_number | String | ||
chg_on_hold | Bool | ||
chg_on_hold_reason | String | ||
chg_on_hold_task | String | ||
chg_opened_at | Datetime | ||
chg_opened_by | String | ||
chg_opened_by_link | String | ||
chg_order | Int | ||
chg_outside_maintenance_schedule | Bool | ||
chg_parent | String | ||
chg_parent_link | String | ||
chg_phase | String | ||
chg_phase_state | String | ||
chg_priority | Int | ||
chg_production_system | Bool | ||
chg_reason | String | ||
chg_reassignment_count | Int | ||
chg_rejection_goto | String | ||
chg_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
chg_requested_by | String | ||
chg_requested_by_date | Datetime | ||
chg_requested_by_link | String | ||
chg_review_comments | String | ||
chg_review_date | Date | ||
chg_review_status | Int | ||
chg_risk | Int | ||
chg_risk_impact_analysis | String | ||
chg_route_reason | Int | ||
chg_scope | Int | ||
chg_service_offering | String | ||
chg_service_offering_link | String | ||
chg_short_description | String | ||
chg_sla_due | Datetime | ||
chg_start_date | Datetime | ||
chg_state | Int | ||
chg_std_change_producer_version | String | ||
chg_std_change_producer_version_link | String | ||
chg_sys_class_name | String | ||
chg_sys_created_by | String | ||
chg_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
chg_sys_domain | String | ||
chg_sys_domain_path | String | ||
chg_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
chg_sys_tags | String | ||
chg_sys_updated_by | String | ||
chg_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
chg_task_effective_number | String | ||
chg_test_plan | String | ||
chg_time_worked | String | ||
chg_type | String | ||
chg_u_comments | String | ||
chg_u_some_test_field | String | ||
chg_unauthorized | Bool | ||
chg_universal_request | String | ||
chg_universal_request_link | String | ||
chg_upon_approval | String | ||
chg_upon_reject | String | ||
chg_urgency | Int | ||
chg_user_input | String | ||
chg_variables | String | ||
chg_watch_list | String | ||
chg_wf_activity | String | ||
chg_wf_activity_link | String | ||
chg_work_end | Datetime | ||
chg_work_notes | String | ||
chg_work_notes_list | String | ||
chg_work_start | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view change_request_sla.
Name | Type | References | Description |
taskslatable_sys_id | String | ||
taskslatable_active | Bool | ||
taskslatable_business_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_business_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_has_breached | Bool | ||
taskslatable_original_breach_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_pause_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_planned_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_schedule | String | ||
taskslatable_schedule_link | String | ||
taskslatable_sla | String | ||
taskslatable_sla_link | String | ||
taskslatable_stage | String | ||
taskslatable_start_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
taskslatable_sys_tags | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_task | String | ||
taskslatable_task_link | String | ||
taskslatable_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_timezone | String | ||
chg_sys_id | String | ||
chg_active | Bool | ||
chg_activity_due | Datetime | ||
chg_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
chg_approval | String | ||
chg_approval_history | String | ||
chg_approval_set | Datetime | ||
chg_assigned_to | String | ||
chg_assigned_to_link | String | ||
chg_assignment_group | String | ||
chg_assignment_group_link | String | ||
chg_backout_plan | String | ||
chg_business_duration | Long | ||
chg_business_service | String | ||
chg_business_service_link | String | ||
chg_cab_date | Date | ||
chg_cab_delegate | String | ||
chg_cab_delegate_link | String | ||
chg_cab_recommendation | String | ||
chg_cab_required | Bool | ||
chg_calendar_duration | Long | ||
chg_category | String | ||
chg_change_plan | String | ||
chg_close_code | String | ||
chg_close_notes | String | ||
chg_closed_at | Datetime | ||
chg_closed_by | String | ||
chg_closed_by_link | String | ||
chg_cmdb_ci | String | ||
chg_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
chg_comments | String | ||
chg_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
chg_company | String | ||
chg_company_link | String | ||
chg_conflict_last_run | Datetime | ||
chg_conflict_status | String | ||
chg_contact_type | String | ||
chg_correlation_display | String | ||
chg_correlation_id | String | ||
chg_delivery_plan | String | ||
chg_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
chg_delivery_task | String | ||
chg_delivery_task_link | String | ||
chg_description | String | ||
chg_due_date | Datetime | ||
chg_end_date | Datetime | ||
chg_escalation | Int | ||
chg_expected_start | Datetime | ||
chg_follow_up | Datetime | ||
chg_group_list | String | ||
chg_impact | Int | ||
chg_implementation_plan | String | ||
chg_justification | String | ||
chg_knowledge | Bool | ||
chg_location | String | ||
chg_location_link | String | ||
chg_made_sla | Bool | ||
chg_number | String | ||
chg_on_hold | Bool | ||
chg_on_hold_reason | String | ||
chg_on_hold_task | String | ||
chg_opened_at | Datetime | ||
chg_opened_by | String | ||
chg_opened_by_link | String | ||
chg_order | Int | ||
chg_outside_maintenance_schedule | Bool | ||
chg_parent | String | ||
chg_parent_link | String | ||
chg_phase | String | ||
chg_phase_state | String | ||
chg_priority | Int | ||
chg_production_system | Bool | ||
chg_reason | String | ||
chg_reassignment_count | Int | ||
chg_rejection_goto | String | ||
chg_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
chg_requested_by | String | ||
chg_requested_by_date | Datetime | ||
chg_requested_by_link | String | ||
chg_review_comments | String | ||
chg_review_date | Date | ||
chg_review_status | Int | ||
chg_risk | Int | ||
chg_risk_impact_analysis | String | ||
chg_route_reason | Int | ||
chg_scope | Int | ||
chg_service_offering | String | ||
chg_service_offering_link | String | ||
chg_short_description | String | ||
chg_sla_due | Datetime | ||
chg_start_date | Datetime | ||
chg_state | Int | ||
chg_std_change_producer_version | String | ||
chg_std_change_producer_version_link | String | ||
chg_sys_class_name | String | ||
chg_sys_created_by | String | ||
chg_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
chg_sys_domain | String | ||
chg_sys_domain_path | String | ||
chg_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
chg_sys_tags | String | ||
chg_sys_updated_by | String | ||
chg_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
chg_task_effective_number | String | ||
chg_test_plan | String | ||
chg_time_worked | String | ||
chg_type | String | ||
chg_u_comments | String | ||
chg_u_some_test_field | String | ||
chg_unauthorized | Bool | ||
chg_universal_request | String | ||
chg_universal_request_link | String | ||
chg_upon_approval | String | ||
chg_upon_reject | String | ||
chg_urgency | Int | ||
chg_user_input | String | ||
chg_variables | String | ||
chg_watch_list | String | ||
chg_wf_activity | String | ||
chg_wf_activity_link | String | ||
chg_work_end | Datetime | ||
chg_work_notes | String | ||
chg_work_notes_list | String | ||
chg_work_start | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view change_task_metric.
Name | Type | References | Description |
cht_sys_id | String | ||
cht_active | Bool | ||
cht_activity_due | Datetime | ||
cht_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
cht_approval | String | ||
cht_approval_history | String | ||
cht_approval_set | Datetime | ||
cht_assigned_to | String | ||
cht_assigned_to_link | String | ||
cht_assignment_group | String | ||
cht_assignment_group_link | String | ||
cht_business_duration | Long | ||
cht_business_service | String | ||
cht_business_service_link | String | ||
cht_calendar_duration | Long | ||
cht_change_request | String | ||
cht_change_request_link | String | ||
cht_change_task_type | String | ||
cht_close_code | String | ||
cht_close_notes | String | ||
cht_closed_at | Datetime | ||
cht_closed_by | String | ||
cht_closed_by_link | String | ||
cht_cmdb_ci | String | ||
cht_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
cht_comments | String | ||
cht_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
cht_company | String | ||
cht_company_link | String | ||
cht_contact_type | String | ||
cht_correlation_display | String | ||
cht_correlation_id | String | ||
cht_created_from | String | ||
cht_delivery_plan | String | ||
cht_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
cht_delivery_task | String | ||
cht_delivery_task_link | String | ||
cht_description | String | ||
cht_due_date | Datetime | ||
cht_escalation | Int | ||
cht_expected_start | Datetime | ||
cht_follow_up | Datetime | ||
cht_group_list | String | ||
cht_impact | Int | ||
cht_knowledge | Bool | ||
cht_location | String | ||
cht_location_link | String | ||
cht_made_sla | Bool | ||
cht_number | String | ||
cht_on_hold | Bool | ||
cht_on_hold_reason | String | ||
cht_opened_at | Datetime | ||
cht_opened_by | String | ||
cht_opened_by_link | String | ||
cht_order | Int | ||
cht_parent | String | ||
cht_parent_link | String | ||
cht_planned_end_date | Datetime | ||
cht_planned_start_date | Datetime | ||
cht_priority | Int | ||
cht_reassignment_count | Int | ||
cht_rejection_goto | String | ||
cht_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
cht_route_reason | Int | ||
cht_service_offering | String | ||
cht_service_offering_link | String | ||
cht_short_description | String | ||
cht_sla_due | Datetime | ||
cht_state | Int | ||
cht_sys_class_name | String | ||
cht_sys_created_by | String | ||
cht_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
cht_sys_domain | String | ||
cht_sys_domain_path | String | ||
cht_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
cht_sys_tags | String | ||
cht_sys_updated_by | String | ||
cht_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
cht_task_effective_number | String | ||
cht_time_worked | String | ||
cht_u_comments | String | ||
cht_u_some_test_field | String | ||
cht_universal_request | String | ||
cht_universal_request_link | String | ||
cht_upon_approval | String | ||
cht_upon_reject | String | ||
cht_urgency | Int | ||
cht_user_input | String | ||
cht_variables | String | ||
cht_watch_list | String | ||
cht_wf_activity | String | ||
cht_wf_activity_link | String | ||
cht_work_end | Datetime | ||
cht_work_notes | String | ||
cht_work_notes_list | String | ||
cht_work_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_id | String | ||
mi_business_duration | Long | ||
mi_calculation_complete | Bool | ||
mi_definition | String | ||
mi_definition_link | String | ||
mi_duration | Long | ||
mi_end | Datetime | ||
mi_field | String | ||
mi_field_value | String | ||
mi_id | String | ||
mi_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_created_by | String | ||
mi_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
mi_sys_tags | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_by | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
mi_table | String | ||
mi_value | String | ||
md_sys_id | String | ||
md_active | Bool | ||
md_description | String | ||
md_field | String | ||
md_name | String | ||
md_number | String | ||
md_order | Int | ||
md_script | String | ||
md_sys_class_name | String | ||
md_sys_created_by | String | ||
md_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
md_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
md_sys_name | String | ||
md_sys_package | String | ||
md_sys_package_link | String | ||
md_sys_policy | String | ||
md_sys_scope | String | ||
md_sys_scope_link | String | ||
md_sys_tags | String | ||
md_sys_update_name | String | ||
md_sys_updated_by | String | ||
md_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
md_table | String | ||
md_timeline | Bool | ||
md_type | String |
The ServiceNow view change_task_sla.
Name | Type | References | Description |
taskslatable_sys_id | String | ||
taskslatable_active | Bool | ||
taskslatable_business_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_business_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_has_breached | Bool | ||
taskslatable_original_breach_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_pause_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_planned_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_schedule | String | ||
taskslatable_schedule_link | String | ||
taskslatable_sla | String | ||
taskslatable_sla_link | String | ||
taskslatable_stage | String | ||
taskslatable_start_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
taskslatable_sys_tags | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_task | String | ||
taskslatable_task_link | String | ||
taskslatable_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_timezone | String | ||
cht_sys_id | String | ||
cht_active | Bool | ||
cht_activity_due | Datetime | ||
cht_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
cht_approval | String | ||
cht_approval_history | String | ||
cht_approval_set | Datetime | ||
cht_assigned_to | String | ||
cht_assigned_to_link | String | ||
cht_assignment_group | String | ||
cht_assignment_group_link | String | ||
cht_business_duration | Long | ||
cht_business_service | String | ||
cht_business_service_link | String | ||
cht_calendar_duration | Long | ||
cht_change_request | String | ||
cht_change_request_link | String | ||
cht_change_task_type | String | ||
cht_close_code | String | ||
cht_close_notes | String | ||
cht_closed_at | Datetime | ||
cht_closed_by | String | ||
cht_closed_by_link | String | ||
cht_cmdb_ci | String | ||
cht_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
cht_comments | String | ||
cht_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
cht_company | String | ||
cht_company_link | String | ||
cht_contact_type | String | ||
cht_correlation_display | String | ||
cht_correlation_id | String | ||
cht_created_from | String | ||
cht_delivery_plan | String | ||
cht_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
cht_delivery_task | String | ||
cht_delivery_task_link | String | ||
cht_description | String | ||
cht_due_date | Datetime | ||
cht_escalation | Int | ||
cht_expected_start | Datetime | ||
cht_follow_up | Datetime | ||
cht_group_list | String | ||
cht_impact | Int | ||
cht_knowledge | Bool | ||
cht_location | String | ||
cht_location_link | String | ||
cht_made_sla | Bool | ||
cht_number | String | ||
cht_on_hold | Bool | ||
cht_on_hold_reason | String | ||
cht_opened_at | Datetime | ||
cht_opened_by | String | ||
cht_opened_by_link | String | ||
cht_order | Int | ||
cht_parent | String | ||
cht_parent_link | String | ||
cht_planned_end_date | Datetime | ||
cht_planned_start_date | Datetime | ||
cht_priority | Int | ||
cht_reassignment_count | Int | ||
cht_rejection_goto | String | ||
cht_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
cht_route_reason | Int | ||
cht_service_offering | String | ||
cht_service_offering_link | String | ||
cht_short_description | String | ||
cht_sla_due | Datetime | ||
cht_state | Int | ||
cht_sys_class_name | String | ||
cht_sys_created_by | String | ||
cht_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
cht_sys_domain | String | ||
cht_sys_domain_path | String | ||
cht_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
cht_sys_tags | String | ||
cht_sys_updated_by | String | ||
cht_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
cht_task_effective_number | String | ||
cht_time_worked | String | ||
cht_u_comments | String | ||
cht_u_some_test_field | String | ||
cht_universal_request | String | ||
cht_universal_request_link | String | ||
cht_upon_approval | String | ||
cht_upon_reject | String | ||
cht_urgency | Int | ||
cht_user_input | String | ||
cht_variables | String | ||
cht_watch_list | String | ||
cht_wf_activity | String | ||
cht_wf_activity_link | String | ||
cht_work_end | Datetime | ||
cht_work_notes | String | ||
cht_work_notes_list | String | ||
cht_work_start | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view change_task_time_worked.
Name | Type | References | Description |
twtable_sys_id | String | ||
twtable_comments | String | ||
twtable_sys_created_by | String | ||
twtable_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
twtable_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
twtable_sys_tags | String | ||
twtable_sys_updated_by | String | ||
twtable_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
twtable_task | String | ||
twtable_task_link | String | ||
twtable_time_in_seconds | Int | ||
twtable_time_worked | Long | ||
twtable_user | String | ||
twtable_user_link | String | ||
cht_sys_id | String | ||
cht_active | Bool | ||
cht_activity_due | Datetime | ||
cht_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
cht_approval | String | ||
cht_approval_history | String | ||
cht_approval_set | Datetime | ||
cht_assigned_to | String | ||
cht_assigned_to_link | String | ||
cht_assignment_group | String | ||
cht_assignment_group_link | String | ||
cht_business_duration | Long | ||
cht_business_service | String | ||
cht_business_service_link | String | ||
cht_calendar_duration | Long | ||
cht_change_request | String | ||
cht_change_request_link | String | ||
cht_change_task_type | String | ||
cht_close_code | String | ||
cht_close_notes | String | ||
cht_closed_at | Datetime | ||
cht_closed_by | String | ||
cht_closed_by_link | String | ||
cht_cmdb_ci | String | ||
cht_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
cht_comments | String | ||
cht_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
cht_company | String | ||
cht_company_link | String | ||
cht_contact_type | String | ||
cht_correlation_display | String | ||
cht_correlation_id | String | ||
cht_created_from | String | ||
cht_delivery_plan | String | ||
cht_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
cht_delivery_task | String | ||
cht_delivery_task_link | String | ||
cht_description | String | ||
cht_due_date | Datetime | ||
cht_escalation | Int | ||
cht_expected_start | Datetime | ||
cht_follow_up | Datetime | ||
cht_group_list | String | ||
cht_impact | Int | ||
cht_knowledge | Bool | ||
cht_location | String | ||
cht_location_link | String | ||
cht_made_sla | Bool | ||
cht_number | String | ||
cht_on_hold | Bool | ||
cht_on_hold_reason | String | ||
cht_opened_at | Datetime | ||
cht_opened_by | String | ||
cht_opened_by_link | String | ||
cht_order | Int | ||
cht_parent | String | ||
cht_parent_link | String | ||
cht_planned_end_date | Datetime | ||
cht_planned_start_date | Datetime | ||
cht_priority | Int | ||
cht_reassignment_count | Int | ||
cht_rejection_goto | String | ||
cht_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
cht_route_reason | Int | ||
cht_service_offering | String | ||
cht_service_offering_link | String | ||
cht_short_description | String | ||
cht_sla_due | Datetime | ||
cht_state | Int | ||
cht_sys_class_name | String | ||
cht_sys_created_by | String | ||
cht_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
cht_sys_domain | String | ||
cht_sys_domain_path | String | ||
cht_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
cht_sys_tags | String | ||
cht_sys_updated_by | String | ||
cht_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
cht_task_effective_number | String | ||
cht_time_worked | String | ||
cht_u_comments | String | ||
cht_u_some_test_field | String | ||
cht_universal_request | String | ||
cht_universal_request_link | String | ||
cht_upon_approval | String | ||
cht_upon_reject | String | ||
cht_urgency | Int | ||
cht_user_input | String | ||
cht_variables | String | ||
cht_watch_list | String | ||
cht_wf_activity | String | ||
cht_wf_activity_link | String | ||
cht_work_end | Datetime | ||
cht_work_notes | String | ||
cht_work_notes_list | String | ||
cht_work_start | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view cmdb_multisource_diff_query_view.
Name | Type | References | Description |
msd1_sys_id | String | ||
msd1_ci | String | ||
msd1_class | String | ||
msd1_cmdb_reference | String | ||
msd1_cmdb_reference_link | String | ||
msd1_col0 | String | ||
msd1_col1 | String | ||
msd1_col10 | String | ||
msd1_col11 | String | ||
msd1_col12 | String | ||
msd1_col13 | String | ||
msd1_col14 | String | ||
msd1_col15 | String | ||
msd1_col16 | String | ||
msd1_col17 | String | ||
msd1_col18 | String | ||
msd1_col19 | String | ||
msd1_col2 | String | ||
msd1_col20 | String | ||
msd1_col21 | String | ||
msd1_col22 | String | ||
msd1_col23 | String | ||
msd1_col24 | String | ||
msd1_col25 | String | ||
msd1_col26 | String | ||
msd1_col27 | String | ||
msd1_col28 | String | ||
msd1_col29 | String | ||
msd1_col3 | String | ||
msd1_col30 | Bool | ||
msd1_col31 | Bool | ||
msd1_col32 | Bool | ||
msd1_col33 | Bool | ||
msd1_col34 | Bool | ||
msd1_col35 | Bool | ||
msd1_col36 | Long | ||
msd1_col37 | Long | ||
msd1_col38 | Long | ||
msd1_col39 | Long | ||
msd1_col4 | String | ||
msd1_col40 | Long | ||
msd1_col41 | Long | ||
msd1_col42 | Long | ||
msd1_col43 | Long | ||
msd1_col44 | Long | ||
msd1_col45 | Long | ||
msd1_col46 | Decimal | ||
msd1_col47 | Decimal | ||
msd1_col48 | Decimal | ||
msd1_col49 | Decimal | ||
msd1_col5 | String | ||
msd1_col50 | Decimal | ||
msd1_col51 | Datetime | ||
msd1_col52 | Datetime | ||
msd1_col53 | Datetime | ||
msd1_col54 | Datetime | ||
msd1_col6 | String | ||
msd1_col7 | String | ||
msd1_col8 | String | ||
msd1_col9 | String | ||
msd1_discovery_source | String | ||
msd1_json | String | ||
msd1_parent | String | ||
msd1_sys_created_by | String | ||
msd1_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
msd1_sys_domain | String | ||
msd1_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
msd1_sys_tags | String | ||
msd1_sys_updated_by | String | ||
msd1_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
msd2_sys_id | String | ||
msd2_ci | String | ||
msd2_class | String | ||
msd2_cmdb_reference | String | ||
msd2_cmdb_reference_link | String | ||
msd2_col0 | String | ||
msd2_col1 | String | ||
msd2_col10 | String | ||
msd2_col11 | String | ||
msd2_col12 | String | ||
msd2_col13 | String | ||
msd2_col14 | String | ||
msd2_col15 | String | ||
msd2_col16 | String | ||
msd2_col17 | String | ||
msd2_col18 | String | ||
msd2_col19 | String | ||
msd2_col2 | String | ||
msd2_col20 | String | ||
msd2_col21 | String | ||
msd2_col22 | String | ||
msd2_col23 | String | ||
msd2_col24 | String | ||
msd2_col25 | String | ||
msd2_col26 | String | ||
msd2_col27 | String | ||
msd2_col28 | String | ||
msd2_col29 | String | ||
msd2_col3 | String | ||
msd2_col30 | Bool | ||
msd2_col31 | Bool | ||
msd2_col32 | Bool | ||
msd2_col33 | Bool | ||
msd2_col34 | Bool | ||
msd2_col35 | Bool | ||
msd2_col36 | Long | ||
msd2_col37 | Long | ||
msd2_col38 | Long | ||
msd2_col39 | Long | ||
msd2_col4 | String | ||
msd2_col40 | Long | ||
msd2_col41 | Long | ||
msd2_col42 | Long | ||
msd2_col43 | Long | ||
msd2_col44 | Long | ||
msd2_col45 | Long | ||
msd2_col46 | Decimal | ||
msd2_col47 | Decimal | ||
msd2_col48 | Decimal | ||
msd2_col49 | Decimal | ||
msd2_col5 | String | ||
msd2_col50 | Decimal | ||
msd2_col51 | Datetime | ||
msd2_col52 | Datetime | ||
msd2_col53 | Datetime | ||
msd2_col54 | Datetime | ||
msd2_col6 | String | ||
msd2_col7 | String | ||
msd2_col8 | String | ||
msd2_col9 | String | ||
msd2_discovery_source | String | ||
msd2_json | String | ||
msd2_parent | String | ||
msd2_sys_created_by | String | ||
msd2_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
msd2_sys_domain | String | ||
msd2_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
msd2_sys_tags | String | ||
msd2_sys_updated_by | String | ||
msd2_sys_updated_on | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view cmdb_multisource_view.
Name | Type | References | Description |
msd_sys_id | String | ||
msd_ci | String | ||
msd_class | String | ||
msd_cmdb_reference | String | ||
msd_cmdb_reference_link | String | ||
msd_col0 | String | ||
msd_col1 | String | ||
msd_col10 | String | ||
msd_col11 | String | ||
msd_col12 | String | ||
msd_col13 | String | ||
msd_col14 | String | ||
msd_col15 | String | ||
msd_col16 | String | ||
msd_col17 | String | ||
msd_col18 | String | ||
msd_col19 | String | ||
msd_col2 | String | ||
msd_col20 | String | ||
msd_col21 | String | ||
msd_col22 | String | ||
msd_col23 | String | ||
msd_col24 | String | ||
msd_col25 | String | ||
msd_col26 | String | ||
msd_col27 | String | ||
msd_col28 | String | ||
msd_col29 | String | ||
msd_col3 | String | ||
msd_col30 | Bool | ||
msd_col31 | Bool | ||
msd_col32 | Bool | ||
msd_col33 | Bool | ||
msd_col34 | Bool | ||
msd_col35 | Bool | ||
msd_col36 | Long | ||
msd_col37 | Long | ||
msd_col38 | Long | ||
msd_col39 | Long | ||
msd_col4 | String | ||
msd_col40 | Long | ||
msd_col41 | Long | ||
msd_col42 | Long | ||
msd_col43 | Long | ||
msd_col44 | Long | ||
msd_col45 | Long | ||
msd_col46 | Decimal | ||
msd_col47 | Decimal | ||
msd_col48 | Decimal | ||
msd_col49 | Decimal | ||
msd_col5 | String | ||
msd_col50 | Decimal | ||
msd_col51 | Datetime | ||
msd_col52 | Datetime | ||
msd_col53 | Datetime | ||
msd_col54 | Datetime | ||
msd_col6 | String | ||
msd_col7 | String | ||
msd_col8 | String | ||
msd_col9 | String | ||
msd_discovery_source | String | ||
msd_json | String | ||
msd_parent | String | ||
msd_sys_created_by | String | ||
msd_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
msd_sys_domain | String | ||
msd_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
msd_sys_tags | String | ||
msd_sys_updated_by | String | ||
msd_sys_updated_on | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view cmdb_task_chg.
Name | Type | References | Description |
task_sys_id | String | ||
task_applied | Bool | ||
task_applied_date | Datetime | ||
task_ci_item | String | ||
task_ci_item_link | String | ||
task_manual_proposed_change | Bool | ||
task_sys_created_by | String | ||
task_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
task_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
task_sys_tags | String | ||
task_sys_updated_by | String | ||
task_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
task_task | String | ||
task_task_link | String | ||
task_xml | String | ||
chg_sys_id | String | ||
chg_active | Bool | ||
chg_activity_due | Datetime | ||
chg_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
chg_approval | String | ||
chg_approval_history | String | ||
chg_approval_set | Datetime | ||
chg_assigned_to | String | ||
chg_assigned_to_link | String | ||
chg_assignment_group | String | ||
chg_assignment_group_link | String | ||
chg_backout_plan | String | ||
chg_business_duration | Long | ||
chg_business_service | String | ||
chg_business_service_link | String | ||
chg_cab_date | Date | ||
chg_cab_delegate | String | ||
chg_cab_delegate_link | String | ||
chg_cab_recommendation | String | ||
chg_cab_required | Bool | ||
chg_calendar_duration | Long | ||
chg_category | String | ||
chg_change_plan | String | ||
chg_close_code | String | ||
chg_close_notes | String | ||
chg_closed_at | Datetime | ||
chg_closed_by | String | ||
chg_closed_by_link | String | ||
chg_cmdb_ci | String | ||
chg_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
chg_comments | String | ||
chg_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
chg_company | String | ||
chg_company_link | String | ||
chg_conflict_last_run | Datetime | ||
chg_conflict_status | String | ||
chg_contact_type | String | ||
chg_correlation_display | String | ||
chg_correlation_id | String | ||
chg_delivery_plan | String | ||
chg_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
chg_delivery_task | String | ||
chg_delivery_task_link | String | ||
chg_description | String | ||
chg_due_date | Datetime | ||
chg_end_date | Datetime | ||
chg_escalation | Int | ||
chg_expected_start | Datetime | ||
chg_follow_up | Datetime | ||
chg_group_list | String | ||
chg_impact | Int | ||
chg_implementation_plan | String | ||
chg_justification | String | ||
chg_knowledge | Bool | ||
chg_location | String | ||
chg_location_link | String | ||
chg_made_sla | Bool | ||
chg_number | String | ||
chg_on_hold | Bool | ||
chg_on_hold_reason | String | ||
chg_on_hold_task | String | ||
chg_opened_at | Datetime | ||
chg_opened_by | String | ||
chg_opened_by_link | String | ||
chg_order | Int | ||
chg_outside_maintenance_schedule | Bool | ||
chg_parent | String | ||
chg_parent_link | String | ||
chg_phase | String | ||
chg_phase_state | String | ||
chg_priority | Int | ||
chg_production_system | Bool | ||
chg_reason | String | ||
chg_reassignment_count | Int | ||
chg_rejection_goto | String | ||
chg_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
chg_requested_by | String | ||
chg_requested_by_date | Datetime | ||
chg_requested_by_link | String | ||
chg_review_comments | String | ||
chg_review_date | Date | ||
chg_review_status | Int | ||
chg_risk | Int | ||
chg_risk_impact_analysis | String | ||
chg_route_reason | Int | ||
chg_scope | Int | ||
chg_service_offering | String | ||
chg_service_offering_link | String | ||
chg_short_description | String | ||
chg_sla_due | Datetime | ||
chg_start_date | Datetime | ||
chg_state | Int | ||
chg_std_change_producer_version | String | ||
chg_std_change_producer_version_link | String | ||
chg_sys_class_name | String | ||
chg_sys_created_by | String | ||
chg_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
chg_sys_domain | String | ||
chg_sys_domain_path | String | ||
chg_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
chg_sys_tags | String | ||
chg_sys_updated_by | String | ||
chg_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
chg_task_effective_number | String | ||
chg_test_plan | String | ||
chg_time_worked | String | ||
chg_type | String | ||
chg_u_comments | String | ||
chg_u_some_test_field | String | ||
chg_unauthorized | Bool | ||
chg_universal_request | String | ||
chg_universal_request_link | String | ||
chg_upon_approval | String | ||
chg_upon_reject | String | ||
chg_urgency | Int | ||
chg_user_input | String | ||
chg_variables | String | ||
chg_watch_list | String | ||
chg_wf_activity | String | ||
chg_wf_activity_link | String | ||
chg_work_end | Datetime | ||
chg_work_notes | String | ||
chg_work_notes_list | String | ||
chg_work_start | Datetime | ||
ci_sys_id | String | ||
ci_asset | String | ||
ci_asset_link | String | ||
ci_asset_tag | String | ||
ci_assigned | Datetime | ||
ci_assigned_to | String | ||
ci_assigned_to_link | String | ||
ci_assignment_group | String | ||
ci_assignment_group_link | String | ||
ci_attestation_score | Int | ||
ci_attested | Bool | ||
ci_attested_by | String | ||
ci_attested_by_link | String | ||
ci_attested_date | Datetime | ||
ci_attributes | String | ||
ci_can_print | Bool | ||
ci_category | String | ||
ci_change_control | String | ||
ci_change_control_link | String | ||
ci_checked_in | Datetime | ||
ci_checked_out | Datetime | ||
ci_comments | String | ||
ci_company | String | ||
ci_company_link | String | ||
ci_correlation_id | String | ||
ci_cost | Float | ||
ci_cost_cc | String | ||
ci_cost_center | String | ||
ci_cost_center_link | String | ||
ci_delivery_date | Datetime | ||
ci_department | String | ||
ci_department_link | String | ||
ci_discovery_source | String | ||
ci_dns_domain | String | ||
ci_due | Datetime | ||
ci_due_in | String | ||
ci_duplicate_of | String | ||
ci_duplicate_of_link | String | ||
ci_environment | String | ||
ci_fault_count | Int | ||
ci_first_discovered | Datetime | ||
ci_fqdn | String | ||
ci_gl_account | String | ||
ci_install_date | Datetime | ||
ci_install_status | Int | ||
ci_invoice_number | String | ||
ci_ip_address | String | ||
ci_justification | String | ||
ci_last_discovered | Datetime | ||
ci_lease_id | String | ||
ci_life_cycle_stage | String | ||
ci_life_cycle_stage_link | String | ||
ci_life_cycle_stage_status | String | ||
ci_life_cycle_stage_status_link | String | ||
ci_location | String | ||
ci_location_link | String | ||
ci_mac_address | String | ||
ci_maintenance_schedule | String | ||
ci_maintenance_schedule_link | String | ||
ci_managed_by | String | ||
ci_managed_by_group | String | ||
ci_managed_by_group_link | String | ||
ci_managed_by_link | String | ||
ci_manufacturer | String | ||
ci_manufacturer_link | String | ||
ci_model_id | String | ||
ci_model_id_link | String | ||
ci_model_number | String | ||
ci_monitor | Bool | ||
ci_name | String | ||
ci_operational_status | Int | ||
ci_order_date | Datetime | ||
ci_owned_by | String | ||
ci_owned_by_link | String | ||
ci_po_number | String | ||
ci_purchase_date | Date | ||
ci_schedule | String | ||
ci_schedule_link | String | ||
ci_serial_number | String | ||
ci_short_description | String | ||
ci_skip_sync | Bool | ||
ci_start_date | Datetime | ||
ci_subcategory | String | ||
ci_support_group | String | ||
ci_support_group_link | String | ||
ci_supported_by | String | ||
ci_supported_by_link | String | ||
ci_sys_class_name | String | ||
ci_sys_class_path | String | ||
ci_sys_created_by | String | ||
ci_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
ci_sys_domain | String | ||
ci_sys_domain_path | String | ||
ci_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
ci_sys_tags | String | ||
ci_sys_updated_by | String | ||
ci_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
ci_unverified | Bool | ||
ci_vendor | String | ||
ci_vendor_link | String | ||
ci_warranty_expiration | Date |
The ServiceNow view cxs_relevant_doc_task.
Name | Type | References | Description |
doc_sys_id | String | ||
doc_displayed_on | String | ||
doc_session_id | String | ||
doc_source_doc | String | ||
doc_source_doc_table | String | ||
doc_source_doc_url | String | ||
doc_sys_created_by | String | ||
doc_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
doc_sys_domain | String | ||
doc_sys_domain_path | String | ||
doc_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
doc_sys_tags | String | ||
doc_sys_updated_by | String | ||
doc_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
doc_sys_user | String | ||
doc_sys_user_link | String | ||
task_number | String | ||
task_short_description | String | ||
task_state | Int | ||
detail_sys_id | String | ||
detail_cxs_relevant_doc | String | ||
detail_cxs_relevant_doc_link | String | ||
detail_cxs_search_res_config | String | ||
detail_cxs_search_res_config_link | String | ||
detail_original_search_terms | String | ||
detail_position | Int | ||
detail_relevance | String | ||
detail_relevant_doc | String | ||
detail_relevant_doc_table | String | ||
detail_relevant_doc_url | String | ||
detail_score | Decimal | ||
detail_search_request | String | ||
detail_search_term | String | ||
detail_sys_created_by | String | ||
detail_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
detail_sys_domain | String | ||
detail_sys_domain_path | String | ||
detail_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
detail_sys_tags | String | ||
detail_sys_updated_by | String | ||
detail_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
kb_number | String | ||
kb_short_description | String |
The ServiceNow view dashboard_w_permission.
Name | Type | References | Description |
dsh_sys_id | String | ||
dsh_active | Bool | ||
dsh_group | String | ||
dsh_group_link | String | ||
dsh_name | String | ||
dsh_order | Int | ||
dsh_owner | String | ||
dsh_owner_link | String | ||
dsh_restrict_to_roles | String | ||
dsh_sys_domain | String | ||
dsh_sys_scope | String | ||
dsh_sys_scope_link | String | ||
prm_sys_id | String | ||
prm_dashboard | String | ||
prm_dashboard_link | String | ||
prm_identity | String | ||
prm_read | Bool | ||
prm_type | Int | ||
prm_write | Bool |
The ServiceNow view diagnostics_result_view.
Name | Type | References | Description |
cat_sys_id | String | ||
cat_access_type | String | ||
cat_active | Bool | ||
cat_availability | String | ||
cat_billable | Bool | ||
cat_category | String | ||
cat_category_link | String | ||
cat_cost | Decimal | ||
cat_custom_cart | String | ||
cat_custom_cart_link | String | ||
cat_delivery_plan | String | ||
cat_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
cat_delivery_plan_script | String | ||
cat_delivery_time | Long | ||
cat_description | String | ||
cat_display_price_property | String | ||
cat_entitlement_script | String | ||
cat_flow_designer_flow | String | ||
cat_flow_designer_flow_link | String | ||
cat_group | String | ||
cat_group_link | String | ||
cat_hide_sp | Bool | ||
cat_icon | String | ||
cat_ignore_price | Bool | ||
cat_image | String | ||
cat_list_price | Decimal | ||
cat_location | String | ||
cat_location_link | String | ||
cat_mandatory_attachment | Bool | ||
cat_meta | String | ||
cat_mobile_hide_price | Bool | ||
cat_mobile_picture | String | ||
cat_mobile_picture_type | String | ||
cat_model | String | ||
cat_model_link | String | ||
cat_name | String | ||
cat_no_attachment_v2 | Bool | ||
cat_no_cart | Bool | ||
cat_no_cart_v2 | Bool | ||
cat_no_delivery_time_v2 | Bool | ||
cat_no_order | Bool | ||
cat_no_order_now | Bool | ||
cat_no_proceed_checkout | Bool | ||
cat_no_quantity | Bool | ||
cat_no_quantity_v2 | Bool | ||
cat_no_search | Bool | ||
cat_no_wishlist_v2 | Bool | ||
cat_omit_price | Bool | ||
cat_order | Int | ||
cat_ordered_item_link | String | ||
cat_ordered_item_link_link | String | ||
cat_picture | String | ||
cat_preview | String | ||
cat_price | Decimal | ||
cat_recurring_frequency | String | ||
cat_recurring_price | Decimal | ||
cat_request_method | String | ||
cat_roles | String | ||
cat_sc_catalogs | String | ||
cat_sc_ic_item_staging | String | ||
cat_sc_ic_item_staging_link | String | ||
cat_sc_ic_version | Int | ||
cat_short_description | String | ||
cat_show_variable_help_on_load | Bool | ||
cat_start_closed | Bool | ||
cat_sys_class_name | String | ||
cat_sys_created_by | String | ||
cat_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
cat_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
cat_sys_name | String | ||
cat_sys_package | String | ||
cat_sys_package_link | String | ||
cat_sys_policy | String | ||
cat_sys_scope | String | ||
cat_sys_scope_link | String | ||
cat_sys_tags | String | ||
cat_sys_update_name | String | ||
cat_sys_updated_by | String | ||
cat_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
cat_template | String | ||
cat_template_link | String | ||
cat_type | String | ||
cat_use_sc_layout | Bool | ||
cat_vendor | String | ||
cat_vendor_link | String | ||
cat_visible_bundle | Bool | ||
cat_visible_guide | Bool | ||
cat_visible_standalone | Bool | ||
cat_workflow | String | ||
cat_workflow_link | String | ||
dir_sys_id | String | ||
dir_application | String | ||
dir_application_link | String | ||
dir_item | String | ||
dir_score | Int | ||
dir_sys_created_by | String | ||
dir_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
dir_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
dir_sys_tags | String | ||
dir_sys_updated_by | String | ||
dir_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
dir_table_name | String | ||
dir_timestamp | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view flow_report_chunk.
Name | Type | References | Description |
jc_sys_id | String | ||
jc_data | String | ||
jc_document_id | String | ||
jc_field | String | ||
jc_length | Int | ||
jc_position | Int | ||
jc_source_table | String | ||
jc_sys_created_by | String | ||
jc_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
jc_sys_tags | String | ||
frd_sys_id | String | ||
frd_context | String | ||
frd_context_link | String | ||
frd_sys_created_by | String | ||
frd_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
frd_sys_tags | String | ||
frd_type | String |
The ServiceNow view incident_metric.
Name | Type | References | Description |
md_sys_id | String | ||
md_active | Bool | ||
md_description | String | ||
md_field | String | ||
md_name | String | ||
md_number | String | ||
md_order | Int | ||
md_script | String | ||
md_sys_class_name | String | ||
md_sys_created_by | String | ||
md_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
md_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
md_sys_name | String | ||
md_sys_package | String | ||
md_sys_package_link | String | ||
md_sys_policy | String | ||
md_sys_scope | String | ||
md_sys_scope_link | String | ||
md_sys_tags | String | ||
md_sys_update_name | String | ||
md_sys_updated_by | String | ||
md_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
md_table | String | ||
md_timeline | Bool | ||
md_type | String | ||
mi_sys_id | String | ||
mi_business_duration | Long | ||
mi_calculation_complete | Bool | ||
mi_definition | String | ||
mi_definition_link | String | ||
mi_duration | Long | ||
mi_end | Datetime | ||
mi_field | String | ||
mi_field_value | String | ||
mi_id | String | ||
mi_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_created_by | String | ||
mi_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
mi_sys_tags | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_by | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
mi_table | String | ||
mi_value | String | ||
inc_sys_id | String | ||
inc_active | Bool | ||
inc_activity_due | Datetime | ||
inc_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
inc_approval | String | ||
inc_approval_history | String | ||
inc_approval_set | Datetime | ||
inc_assigned_to | String | ||
inc_assigned_to_link | String | ||
inc_assignment_group | String | ||
inc_assignment_group_link | String | ||
inc_business_duration | Long | ||
inc_business_service | String | ||
inc_business_service_link | String | ||
inc_business_stc | Int | ||
inc_calendar_duration | Long | ||
inc_calendar_stc | Int | ||
inc_caller_id | String | ||
inc_caller_id_link | String | ||
inc_category | String | ||
inc_caused_by | String | ||
inc_caused_by_link | String | ||
inc_child_incidents | Int | ||
inc_close_code | String | ||
inc_close_notes | String | ||
inc_closed_at | Datetime | ||
inc_closed_by | String | ||
inc_closed_by_link | String | ||
inc_cmdb_ci | String | ||
inc_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
inc_comments | String | ||
inc_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
inc_company | String | ||
inc_company_link | String | ||
inc_contact_type | String | ||
inc_correlation_display | String | ||
inc_correlation_id | String | ||
inc_delivery_plan | String | ||
inc_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
inc_delivery_task | String | ||
inc_delivery_task_link | String | ||
inc_description | String | ||
inc_due_date | Datetime | ||
inc_escalation | Int | ||
inc_expected_start | Datetime | ||
inc_follow_up | Datetime | ||
inc_group_list | String | ||
inc_hold_reason | Int | ||
inc_impact | Int | ||
inc_incident_state | Int | ||
inc_knowledge | Bool | ||
inc_location | String | ||
inc_location_link | String | ||
inc_made_sla | Bool | ||
inc_notify | Int | ||
inc_number | String | ||
inc_opened_at | Datetime | ||
inc_opened_by | String | ||
inc_opened_by_link | String | ||
inc_order | Int | ||
inc_parent | String | ||
inc_parent_incident | String | ||
inc_parent_incident_link | String | ||
inc_parent_link | String | ||
inc_priority | Int | ||
inc_problem_id | String | ||
inc_problem_id_link | String | ||
inc_reassignment_count | Int | ||
inc_rejection_goto | String | ||
inc_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
inc_reopen_count | Int | ||
inc_reopened_by | String | ||
inc_reopened_by_link | String | ||
inc_reopened_time | Datetime | ||
inc_resolved_at | Datetime | ||
inc_resolved_by | String | ||
inc_resolved_by_link | String | ||
inc_rfc | String | ||
inc_rfc_link | String | ||
inc_route_reason | Int | ||
inc_service_offering | String | ||
inc_service_offering_link | String | ||
inc_severity | Int | ||
inc_short_description | String | ||
inc_sla_due | Datetime | ||
inc_state | Int | ||
inc_subcategory | String | ||
inc_sys_class_name | String | ||
inc_sys_created_by | String | ||
inc_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
inc_sys_domain | String | ||
inc_sys_domain_path | String | ||
inc_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
inc_sys_tags | String | ||
inc_sys_updated_by | String | ||
inc_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
inc_task_effective_number | String | ||
inc_time_worked | String | ||
inc_u_comments | String | ||
inc_u_some_test_field | String | ||
inc_u_test_custom_field | String | ||
inc_universal_request | String | ||
inc_universal_request_link | String | ||
inc_upon_approval | String | ||
inc_upon_reject | String | ||
inc_urgency | Int | ||
inc_user_input | String | ||
inc_variables | String | ||
inc_watch_list | String | ||
inc_wf_activity | String | ||
inc_wf_activity_link | String | ||
inc_work_end | Datetime | ||
inc_work_notes | String | ||
inc_work_notes_list | String | ||
inc_work_start | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view incident_sla.
Name | Type | References | Description |
taskslatable_sys_id | String | ||
taskslatable_active | Bool | ||
taskslatable_business_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_business_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_has_breached | Bool | ||
taskslatable_original_breach_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_pause_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_planned_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_schedule | String | ||
taskslatable_schedule_link | String | ||
taskslatable_sla | String | ||
taskslatable_sla_link | String | ||
taskslatable_stage | String | ||
taskslatable_start_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
taskslatable_sys_tags | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_task | String | ||
taskslatable_task_link | String | ||
taskslatable_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_timezone | String | ||
inc_sys_id | String | ||
inc_active | Bool | ||
inc_activity_due | Datetime | ||
inc_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
inc_approval | String | ||
inc_approval_history | String | ||
inc_approval_set | Datetime | ||
inc_assigned_to | String | ||
inc_assigned_to_link | String | ||
inc_assignment_group | String | ||
inc_assignment_group_link | String | ||
inc_business_duration | Long | ||
inc_business_service | String | ||
inc_business_service_link | String | ||
inc_business_stc | Int | ||
inc_calendar_duration | Long | ||
inc_calendar_stc | Int | ||
inc_caller_id | String | ||
inc_caller_id_link | String | ||
inc_category | String | ||
inc_caused_by | String | ||
inc_caused_by_link | String | ||
inc_child_incidents | Int | ||
inc_close_code | String | ||
inc_close_notes | String | ||
inc_closed_at | Datetime | ||
inc_closed_by | String | ||
inc_closed_by_link | String | ||
inc_cmdb_ci | String | ||
inc_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
inc_comments | String | ||
inc_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
inc_company | String | ||
inc_company_link | String | ||
inc_contact_type | String | ||
inc_correlation_display | String | ||
inc_correlation_id | String | ||
inc_delivery_plan | String | ||
inc_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
inc_delivery_task | String | ||
inc_delivery_task_link | String | ||
inc_description | String | ||
inc_due_date | Datetime | ||
inc_escalation | Int | ||
inc_expected_start | Datetime | ||
inc_follow_up | Datetime | ||
inc_group_list | String | ||
inc_hold_reason | Int | ||
inc_impact | Int | ||
inc_incident_state | Int | ||
inc_knowledge | Bool | ||
inc_location | String | ||
inc_location_link | String | ||
inc_made_sla | Bool | ||
inc_notify | Int | ||
inc_number | String | ||
inc_opened_at | Datetime | ||
inc_opened_by | String | ||
inc_opened_by_link | String | ||
inc_order | Int | ||
inc_parent | String | ||
inc_parent_incident | String | ||
inc_parent_incident_link | String | ||
inc_parent_link | String | ||
inc_priority | Int | ||
inc_problem_id | String | ||
inc_problem_id_link | String | ||
inc_reassignment_count | Int | ||
inc_rejection_goto | String | ||
inc_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
inc_reopen_count | Int | ||
inc_reopened_by | String | ||
inc_reopened_by_link | String | ||
inc_reopened_time | Datetime | ||
inc_resolved_at | Datetime | ||
inc_resolved_by | String | ||
inc_resolved_by_link | String | ||
inc_rfc | String | ||
inc_rfc_link | String | ||
inc_route_reason | Int | ||
inc_service_offering | String | ||
inc_service_offering_link | String | ||
inc_severity | Int | ||
inc_short_description | String | ||
inc_sla_due | Datetime | ||
inc_state | Int | ||
inc_subcategory | String | ||
inc_sys_class_name | String | ||
inc_sys_created_by | String | ||
inc_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
inc_sys_domain | String | ||
inc_sys_domain_path | String | ||
inc_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
inc_sys_tags | String | ||
inc_sys_updated_by | String | ||
inc_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
inc_task_effective_number | String | ||
inc_time_worked | String | ||
inc_u_comments | String | ||
inc_u_some_test_field | String | ||
inc_u_test_custom_field | String | ||
inc_universal_request | String | ||
inc_universal_request_link | String | ||
inc_upon_approval | String | ||
inc_upon_reject | String | ||
inc_urgency | Int | ||
inc_user_input | String | ||
inc_variables | String | ||
inc_watch_list | String | ||
inc_wf_activity | String | ||
inc_wf_activity_link | String | ||
inc_work_end | Datetime | ||
inc_work_notes | String | ||
inc_work_notes_list | String | ||
inc_work_start | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view incident_time_worked.
Name | Type | References | Description |
twtable_sys_id | String | ||
twtable_comments | String | ||
twtable_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
twtable_time_worked | Long | ||
inc_active | Bool | ||
inc_activity_due | Datetime | ||
inc_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
inc_approval | String | ||
inc_approval_history | String | ||
inc_category | String | ||
inc_comments | String | ||
inc_u_test_custom_field | String | ||
inc_variables | String | ||
inc_work_end | Datetime | ||
inc_work_start | Datetime |
Lists all catalog items.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | Unique identifier of the item. | |
Name | String | Name of the item. | |
ShortDescription | String | Brief description of the item. | |
Price | String | Price of item expressed in the currency defined by PriceCurrency | |
PriceCurrency | String | Country currency code for which the item price is expressed. | |
Type | String | Type of the item. | |
Description | String | Detailed description of the item. | |
Icon | String | Source of the small icon displayed beside the item name. | |
URL | String | The URL of this item. | |
Picture | String | Path to the image to display for the item. | |
KBArticle | String | Knowledge based article associated with the item. | |
MandatoryAttachment | Boolean | The number of the comment local to the bug. The Description is 0, comments start with 1. | |
RequestMethod | String | The login name of the comment's author. | |
VisibleStandalone | Boolean | A flag indicating whether this item is visible as standalone or not. | |
LocalCurrency | String | Country currency code for the local currency. | |
SystemClassName | String | Table to which the record belongs, such as sc_cat_item_producer. | |
Order | Int | Pre-defined order to which the item belongs. | |
RecurringPrice | Decimal | Amount of the recurring fee associated with the item. | |
RecurringPriceCurrency | String | Country currency code for which the recurring fees are expressed. | |
LocalizedPrice | Decimal | Price of the item expressed in the currency defined by LocalCurrency. | |
LocalizedRecurringPrice | Decimal | Price of the recurring fee expressed in the currency defined by local_currency. | |
Category | String | Array of categories that contain this item. | |
Catalogs | String | Array of the catalogs that contain this item. |
The ServiceNow view kb_feedback_task_metric.
Name | Type | References | Description |
mi_sys_id | String | ||
mi_business_duration | Long | ||
mi_calculation_complete | Bool | ||
mi_definition | String | ||
mi_definition_link | String | ||
mi_duration | Long | ||
mi_end | Datetime | ||
mi_field | String | ||
mi_field_value | String | ||
mi_id | String | ||
mi_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_created_by | String | ||
mi_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
mi_sys_tags | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_by | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
mi_table | String | ||
mi_value | String | ||
kft_sys_id | String | ||
kft_active | Bool | ||
kft_activity_due | Datetime | ||
kft_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
kft_approval | String | ||
kft_approval_history | String | ||
kft_approval_set | Datetime | ||
kft_assigned_to | String | ||
kft_assigned_to_link | String | ||
kft_assignment_group | String | ||
kft_assignment_group_link | String | ||
kft_business_duration | Long | ||
kft_business_service | String | ||
kft_business_service_link | String | ||
kft_calendar_duration | Long | ||
kft_close_notes | String | ||
kft_closed_at | Datetime | ||
kft_closed_by | String | ||
kft_closed_by_link | String | ||
kft_cmdb_ci | String | ||
kft_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
kft_comments | String | ||
kft_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
kft_company | String | ||
kft_company_link | String | ||
kft_contact_type | String | ||
kft_correlation_display | String | ||
kft_correlation_id | String | ||
kft_delivery_plan | String | ||
kft_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
kft_delivery_task | String | ||
kft_delivery_task_link | String | ||
kft_description | String | ||
kft_due_date | Datetime | ||
kft_escalation | Int | ||
kft_expected_start | Datetime | ||
kft_feedback | String | ||
kft_feedback_link | String | ||
kft_feedback_task_type | String | ||
kft_follow_up | Datetime | ||
kft_group_list | String | ||
kft_impact | Int | ||
kft_knowledge | Bool | ||
kft_location | String | ||
kft_location_link | String | ||
kft_made_sla | Bool | ||
kft_number | String | ||
kft_opened_at | Datetime | ||
kft_opened_by | String | ||
kft_opened_by_link | String | ||
kft_order | Int | ||
kft_outcome | String | ||
kft_outcome_link | String | ||
kft_parent | String | ||
kft_parent_link | String | ||
kft_priority | Int | ||
kft_reassignment_count | Int | ||
kft_rejection_goto | String | ||
kft_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
kft_resolution_code | String | ||
kft_route_reason | Int | ||
kft_service_offering | String | ||
kft_service_offering_link | String | ||
kft_short_description | String | ||
kft_sla_due | Datetime | ||
kft_state | Int | ||
kft_sys_class_name | String | ||
kft_sys_created_by | String | ||
kft_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
kft_sys_domain | String | ||
kft_sys_domain_path | String | ||
kft_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
kft_sys_tags | String | ||
kft_sys_updated_by | String | ||
kft_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
kft_task_effective_number | String | ||
kft_time_worked | String | ||
kft_u_comments | String | ||
kft_u_some_test_field | String | ||
kft_universal_request | String | ||
kft_universal_request_link | String | ||
kft_upon_approval | String | ||
kft_upon_reject | String | ||
kft_urgency | Int | ||
kft_user_input | String | ||
kft_variables | String | ||
kft_watch_list | String | ||
kft_wf_activity | String | ||
kft_wf_activity_link | String | ||
kft_work_end | Datetime | ||
kft_work_notes | String | ||
kft_work_notes_list | String | ||
kft_work_start | Datetime | ||
md_sys_id | String | ||
md_active | Bool | ||
md_description | String | ||
md_field | String | ||
md_name | String | ||
md_number | String | ||
md_order | Int | ||
md_script | String | ||
md_sys_class_name | String | ||
md_sys_created_by | String | ||
md_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
md_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
md_sys_name | String | ||
md_sys_package | String | ||
md_sys_package_link | String | ||
md_sys_policy | String | ||
md_sys_scope | String | ||
md_sys_scope_link | String | ||
md_sys_tags | String | ||
md_sys_update_name | String | ||
md_sys_updated_by | String | ||
md_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
md_table | String | ||
md_timeline | Bool | ||
md_type | String |
The ServiceNow view licensable_table.
Name | Type | References | Description |
sp_source | String | ||
af_app_id | String | ||
af_app_name | String | ||
af_skip_custom_role_eval | Bool | ||
la_app_id | String | ||
sm_sys_package | String | ||
sm_sys_package_link | String | ||
dbo_name | String | ||
ld_license_weight | Int | ||
ha_app | String | ||
ha_app_link | String | ||
ha_license | String | ||
ha_license_link | String | ||
lc_license_model | String | ||
lc_name | String |
The ServiceNow view licensed_app_usage.
Name | Type | References | Description |
app_sys_id | String | ||
app_app_family_id | String | ||
app_app_family_id_link | String | ||
app_app_id | String | ||
app_app_name | String | ||
app_sys_created_by | String | ||
app_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
app_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
app_sys_tags | String | ||
app_sys_updated_by | String | ||
app_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
usag_sys_id | String | ||
usag_access_count | Int | ||
usag_app_id | String | ||
usag_app_name | String | ||
usag_app_type | String | ||
usag_delete_count | Int | ||
usag_delete_other_count | Int | ||
usag_delete_own_count | Int | ||
usag_fulfill_count | Int | ||
usag_insert_count | Int | ||
usag_insert_other_count | Int | ||
usag_insert_own_count | Int | ||
usag_license_ids | String | ||
usag_lineage_id | String | ||
usag_page_names | String | ||
usag_produce_count | Int | ||
usag_scopes | String | ||
usag_status | Int | ||
usag_sys_created_by | String | ||
usag_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
usag_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
usag_sys_tags | String | ||
usag_sys_updated_by | String | ||
usag_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
usag_table_names | String | ||
usag_time_stamp | String | ||
usag_update_count | Int | ||
usag_update_other_count | Int | ||
usag_update_own_count | Int | ||
usag_user | String | ||
usag_user_link | String |
The ServiceNow view license_details_assoc_roles.
Name | Type | References | Description |
cti_sys_id | String | ||
cti_allotment_type | Int | ||
cti_app_name | String | ||
cti_app_scope | String | ||
cti_is_platform_runtime | Bool | ||
cti_license | String | ||
cti_license_link | String | ||
cti_sys_created_by | String | ||
cti_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
cti_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
cti_sys_tags | String | ||
cti_sys_updated_by | String | ||
cti_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
cti_table_created_on | Datetime | ||
cti_table_name | String | ||
cti_table_ref | String | ||
cti_table_ref_id | String | ||
cti_table_ref_link | String | ||
lr_sys_id | String | ||
lr_active | Bool | ||
lr_application | String | ||
lr_application_link | String | ||
lr_category | Int | ||
lr_external_note | String | ||
lr_license_role_type | String | ||
lr_license_role_type_link | String | ||
lr_name | String | ||
lr_overridden | Bool | ||
lr_sys_created_by | String | ||
lr_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
lr_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
lr_sys_tags | String | ||
lr_sys_updated_by | String | ||
lr_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
lr_sys_user_role | String | ||
lr_sys_user_role_link | String | ||
lf_sys_id | String | ||
lf_family_id | String | ||
lf_family_name | String | ||
lf_sys_created_by | String | ||
lf_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
lf_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
lf_sys_tags | String | ||
lf_sys_updated_by | String | ||
lf_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
lhf_sys_id | String | ||
lhf_license | String | ||
lhf_license_details_item | String | ||
lhf_license_details_item_ref | String | ||
lhf_license_details_item_ref_link | String | ||
lhf_license_family | String | ||
lhf_license_family_link | String | ||
lhf_license_link | String | ||
lhf_sys_created_by | String | ||
lhf_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
lhf_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
lhf_sys_tags | String | ||
lhf_sys_updated_by | String | ||
lhf_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
lhf_type_id | String | ||
lhf_type_name | String | ||
ract_sys_id | String | ||
ract_active | Bool | ||
ract_license_role_type | String | ||
ract_license_role_type_link | String | ||
ract_role_name | String | ||
ract_sys_created_by | String | ||
ract_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
ract_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
ract_sys_tags | String | ||
ract_sys_updated_by | String | ||
ract_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
ract_sys_user_role | String | ||
ract_sys_user_role_link | String | ||
ract_table_name | String | ||
ract_table_ref | String |
The ServiceNow view notification_category_api.
Name | Type | References | Description |
cat_sys_id | String | ||
cat_name | String | ||
cat_short_description | String | ||
cat_sys_class_name | String | ||
cat_sys_created_by | String | ||
cat_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
cat_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
cat_sys_name | String | ||
cat_sys_package | String | ||
cat_sys_package_link | String | ||
cat_sys_policy | String | ||
cat_sys_scope | String | ||
cat_sys_scope_link | String | ||
cat_sys_tags | String | ||
cat_sys_update_name | String | ||
cat_sys_updated_by | String | ||
cat_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
notif_sys_id | String | ||
notif_action_insert | Bool | ||
notif_action_update | Bool | ||
notif_active | Bool | ||
notif_advanced_condition | String | ||
notif_affected_field_on_event | String | ||
notif_category | String | ||
notif_category_link | String | ||
notif_collection | String | ||
notif_condition | String | ||
notif_content_type | String | ||
notif_default_interval | String | ||
notif_default_interval_link | String | ||
notif_description | String | ||
notif_digest_from | String | ||
notif_digest_html | String | ||
notif_digest_reply_to | String | ||
notif_digest_separator_html | String | ||
notif_digest_separator_text | String | ||
notif_digest_subject | String | ||
notif_digest_template | String | ||
notif_digest_template_link | String | ||
notif_digest_text | String | ||
notif_digestable | Bool | ||
notif_event_name | String | ||
notif_event_parm_1 | Bool | ||
notif_event_parm_2 | Bool | ||
notif_exclude_delegates | Bool | ||
notif_force_delivery | Bool | ||
notif_from | String | ||
notif_generation_type | String | ||
notif_importance | String | ||
notif_include_attachments | Bool | ||
notif_item | String | ||
notif_item_table | String | ||
notif_mandatory | Bool | ||
notif_message | String | ||
notif_message_html | String | ||
notif_message_list | String | ||
notif_message_text | String | ||
notif_name | String | ||
notif_omit_watermark | Bool | ||
notif_order | Int | ||
notif_push_message_only | Bool | ||
notif_recipient_fields | String | ||
notif_recipient_groups | String | ||
notif_recipient_users | String | ||
notif_reply_to | String | ||
notif_send_self | Bool | ||
notif_sms_alternate | String | ||
notif_style | String | ||
notif_style_link | String | ||
notif_subject | String | ||
notif_subscribable | Bool | ||
notif_sys_class_name | String | ||
notif_sys_created_by | String | ||
notif_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
notif_sys_domain | String | ||
notif_sys_domain_path | String | ||
notif_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
notif_sys_name | String | ||
notif_sys_overrides | String | ||
notif_sys_overrides_link | String | ||
notif_sys_package | String | ||
notif_sys_package_link | String | ||
notif_sys_policy | String | ||
notif_sys_scope | String | ||
notif_sys_scope_link | String | ||
notif_sys_tags | String | ||
notif_sys_update_name | String | ||
notif_sys_updated_by | String | ||
notif_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
notif_sys_version | String | ||
notif_template | String | ||
notif_template_link | String | ||
notif_type | String | ||
notif_weight | Int |
The ServiceNow view pa_widgets_stats.
Name | Type | References | Description |
paw_sys_id | String | ||
paw_lookup_name | String | ||
paw_name | String | ||
paw_type | String | ||
rstats_recent_avg_execution_duration | Int | ||
rstats_widget_sys_id | String | ||
rstats_widget_sys_id_link | String |
The ServiceNow view priv_command_mid_server.
Name | Type | References | Description |
priv_sys_id | String | ||
priv_command | String | ||
priv_password_prompt | String | ||
priv_sys_class_name | String | ||
priv_sys_created_by | String | ||
priv_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
priv_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
priv_sys_name | String | ||
priv_sys_package | String | ||
priv_sys_package_link | String | ||
priv_sys_policy | String | ||
priv_sys_scope | String | ||
priv_sys_scope_link | String | ||
priv_sys_tags | String | ||
priv_sys_update_name | String | ||
priv_sys_updated_by | String | ||
priv_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
m2m_sys_id | String | ||
m2m_active | Bool | ||
m2m_mid | String | ||
m2m_mid_link | String | ||
m2m_order | Int | ||
m2m_priv_command | String | ||
m2m_priv_command_link | String | ||
m2m_sys_created_by | String | ||
m2m_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
m2m_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
m2m_sys_tags | String | ||
m2m_sys_updated_by | String | ||
m2m_sys_updated_on | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view problem_metric.
Name | Type | References | Description |
md_sys_id | String | ||
md_active | Bool | ||
md_description | String | ||
md_field | String | ||
md_name | String | ||
md_number | String | ||
md_order | Int | ||
md_script | String | ||
md_sys_class_name | String | ||
md_sys_created_by | String | ||
md_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
md_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
md_sys_name | String | ||
md_sys_package | String | ||
md_sys_package_link | String | ||
md_sys_policy | String | ||
md_sys_scope | String | ||
md_sys_scope_link | String | ||
md_sys_tags | String | ||
md_sys_update_name | String | ||
md_sys_updated_by | String | ||
md_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
md_table | String | ||
md_timeline | Bool | ||
md_type | String | ||
mi_sys_id | String | ||
mi_business_duration | Long | ||
mi_calculation_complete | Bool | ||
mi_definition | String | ||
mi_definition_link | String | ||
mi_duration | Long | ||
mi_end | Datetime | ||
mi_field | String | ||
mi_field_value | String | ||
mi_id | String | ||
mi_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_created_by | String | ||
mi_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
mi_sys_tags | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_by | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
mi_table | String | ||
mi_value | String | ||
prb_sys_id | String | ||
prb_active | Bool | ||
prb_activity_due | Datetime | ||
prb_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
prb_approval | String | ||
prb_approval_history | String | ||
prb_approval_set | Datetime | ||
prb_assigned_to | String | ||
prb_assigned_to_link | String | ||
prb_assignment_group | String | ||
prb_assignment_group_link | String | ||
prb_business_duration | Long | ||
prb_business_service | String | ||
prb_business_service_link | String | ||
prb_calendar_duration | Long | ||
prb_close_notes | String | ||
prb_closed_at | Datetime | ||
prb_closed_by | String | ||
prb_closed_by_link | String | ||
prb_cmdb_ci | String | ||
prb_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
prb_comments | String | ||
prb_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
prb_company | String | ||
prb_company_link | String | ||
prb_contact_type | String | ||
prb_correlation_display | String | ||
prb_correlation_id | String | ||
prb_delivery_plan | String | ||
prb_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
prb_delivery_task | String | ||
prb_delivery_task_link | String | ||
prb_description | String | ||
prb_due_date | Datetime | ||
prb_escalation | Int | ||
prb_expected_start | Datetime | ||
prb_follow_up | Datetime | ||
prb_group_list | String | ||
prb_impact | Int | ||
prb_knowledge | Bool | ||
prb_known_error | Bool | ||
prb_location | String | ||
prb_location_link | String | ||
prb_made_sla | Bool | ||
prb_major_problem | Bool | ||
prb_number | String | ||
prb_opened_at | Datetime | ||
prb_opened_by | String | ||
prb_opened_by_link | String | ||
prb_order | Int | ||
prb_parent | String | ||
prb_parent_link | String | ||
prb_priority | Int | ||
prb_problem_state | Int | ||
prb_reassignment_count | Int | ||
prb_rejection_goto | String | ||
prb_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
prb_related_incidents | Int | ||
prb_review_outcome | String | ||
prb_rfc | String | ||
prb_rfc_link | String | ||
prb_route_reason | Int | ||
prb_service_offering | String | ||
prb_service_offering_link | String | ||
prb_short_description | String | ||
prb_sla_due | Datetime | ||
prb_state | Int | ||
prb_sys_class_name | String | ||
prb_sys_created_by | String | ||
prb_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
prb_sys_domain | String | ||
prb_sys_domain_path | String | ||
prb_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
prb_sys_tags | String | ||
prb_sys_updated_by | String | ||
prb_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
prb_task_effective_number | String | ||
prb_time_worked | String | ||
prb_u_comments | String | ||
prb_u_some_test_field | String | ||
prb_universal_request | String | ||
prb_universal_request_link | String | ||
prb_upon_approval | String | ||
prb_upon_reject | String | ||
prb_urgency | Int | ||
prb_user_input | String | ||
prb_variables | String | ||
prb_watch_list | String | ||
prb_wf_activity | String | ||
prb_wf_activity_link | String | ||
prb_work_around | String | ||
prb_work_end | Datetime | ||
prb_work_notes | String | ||
prb_work_notes_list | String | ||
prb_work_start | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view problem_sla.
Name | Type | References | Description |
taskslatable_sys_id | String | ||
taskslatable_active | Bool | ||
taskslatable_business_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_business_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_has_breached | Bool | ||
taskslatable_original_breach_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_pause_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_planned_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_schedule | String | ||
taskslatable_schedule_link | String | ||
taskslatable_sla | String | ||
taskslatable_sla_link | String | ||
taskslatable_stage | String | ||
taskslatable_start_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
taskslatable_sys_tags | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_task | String | ||
taskslatable_task_link | String | ||
taskslatable_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_timezone | String | ||
prb_sys_id | String | ||
prb_active | Bool | ||
prb_activity_due | Datetime | ||
prb_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
prb_approval | String | ||
prb_approval_history | String | ||
prb_approval_set | Datetime | ||
prb_assigned_to | String | ||
prb_assigned_to_link | String | ||
prb_assignment_group | String | ||
prb_assignment_group_link | String | ||
prb_business_duration | Long | ||
prb_business_service | String | ||
prb_business_service_link | String | ||
prb_calendar_duration | Long | ||
prb_close_notes | String | ||
prb_closed_at | Datetime | ||
prb_closed_by | String | ||
prb_closed_by_link | String | ||
prb_cmdb_ci | String | ||
prb_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
prb_comments | String | ||
prb_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
prb_company | String | ||
prb_company_link | String | ||
prb_contact_type | String | ||
prb_correlation_display | String | ||
prb_correlation_id | String | ||
prb_delivery_plan | String | ||
prb_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
prb_delivery_task | String | ||
prb_delivery_task_link | String | ||
prb_description | String | ||
prb_due_date | Datetime | ||
prb_escalation | Int | ||
prb_expected_start | Datetime | ||
prb_follow_up | Datetime | ||
prb_group_list | String | ||
prb_impact | Int | ||
prb_knowledge | Bool | ||
prb_known_error | Bool | ||
prb_location | String | ||
prb_location_link | String | ||
prb_made_sla | Bool | ||
prb_major_problem | Bool | ||
prb_number | String | ||
prb_opened_at | Datetime | ||
prb_opened_by | String | ||
prb_opened_by_link | String | ||
prb_order | Int | ||
prb_parent | String | ||
prb_parent_link | String | ||
prb_priority | Int | ||
prb_problem_state | Int | ||
prb_reassignment_count | Int | ||
prb_rejection_goto | String | ||
prb_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
prb_related_incidents | Int | ||
prb_review_outcome | String | ||
prb_rfc | String | ||
prb_rfc_link | String | ||
prb_route_reason | Int | ||
prb_service_offering | String | ||
prb_service_offering_link | String | ||
prb_short_description | String | ||
prb_sla_due | Datetime | ||
prb_state | Int | ||
prb_sys_class_name | String | ||
prb_sys_created_by | String | ||
prb_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
prb_sys_domain | String | ||
prb_sys_domain_path | String | ||
prb_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
prb_sys_tags | String | ||
prb_sys_updated_by | String | ||
prb_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
prb_task_effective_number | String | ||
prb_time_worked | String | ||
prb_u_comments | String | ||
prb_u_some_test_field | String | ||
prb_universal_request | String | ||
prb_universal_request_link | String | ||
prb_upon_approval | String | ||
prb_upon_reject | String | ||
prb_urgency | Int | ||
prb_user_input | String | ||
prb_variables | String | ||
prb_watch_list | String | ||
prb_wf_activity | String | ||
prb_wf_activity_link | String | ||
prb_work_around | String | ||
prb_work_end | Datetime | ||
prb_work_notes | String | ||
prb_work_notes_list | String | ||
prb_work_start | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view quarantined_file.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ash_attachment_sys_id | String | ||
ash_scan_date | Datetime | ||
ash_status | String | ||
ash_virus | String | ||
sa_content_type | String | ||
sa_file_name | String | ||
sa_state | String | ||
sa_sys_created_by | String | ||
sa_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
sa_table_name | String | ||
sa_table_sys_id | String |
The ServiceNow view query_based_service_basic_view.
Name | Type | References | Description |
virtrel_child | String | ||
virtrel_child_link | String | ||
virtrel_parent | String | ||
virtrel_parent_link | String | ||
virtrel_type | String | ||
virtrel_type_link | String | ||
hostrel_child | String | ||
hostrel_child_link | String | ||
hostrel_parent | String | ||
hostrel_parent_link | String | ||
hostrel_type | String | ||
hostrel_type_link | String | ||
host_sys_id | String | ||
host_ip_address | String | ||
host_name | String | ||
host_os | String | ||
host_os_version | String | ||
host_sys_class_name | String | ||
hyper_sys_id | String | ||
hyper_name | String | ||
hyper_sys_class_name | String | ||
ci_sys_id | String | ||
ci_name | String | ||
ci_sys_class_name | String |
The ServiceNow view query_based_service_mapping.
Name | Type | References | Description |
comp_sys_id | String | ||
comp_ip_address | String | ||
comp_name | String | ||
comp_os | String | ||
comp_os_version | String | ||
comp_sys_class_name | String | ||
ciassoc_ci_id | String | ||
ciassoc_ci_id_link | String | ||
ciassoc_service_id | String | ||
ciassoc_service_id_link | String | ||
compvirt_sys_id | String | ||
compvirt_name | String | ||
compvirt_sys_class_name | String | ||
rel_child | String | ||
rel_child_link | String | ||
rel_parent | String | ||
rel_parent_link | String | ||
rel_type | String | ||
rel_type_link | String | ||
relvirt_child | String | ||
relvirt_child_link | String | ||
relvirt_parent | String | ||
relvirt_parent_link | String | ||
relvirt_type | String | ||
relvirt_type_link | String | ||
ci_sys_id | String | ||
ci_name | String | ||
ci_sys_class_name | String |
The ServiceNow view release_feature_metric.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ref_sys_id | String | ||
ref_active | Bool | ||
ref_actual_end_date | Date | ||
ref_actual_start_date | Date | ||
ref_assigned_to | String | ||
ref_assigned_to_link | String | ||
ref_documentation | String | ||
ref_due_date | Date | ||
ref_name | String | ||
ref_notes | String | ||
ref_number | String | ||
ref_percent_complete | Decimal | ||
ref_planned_end_date | Date | ||
ref_planned_start_date | Date | ||
ref_priority | String | ||
ref_product | String | ||
ref_product_link | String | ||
ref_release | String | ||
ref_release_link | String | ||
ref_requested_by | String | ||
ref_requested_by_link | String | ||
ref_requested_date | Date | ||
ref_rfc | String | ||
ref_rfc_link | String | ||
ref_risk | String | ||
ref_short_description | String | ||
ref_sys_created_by | String | ||
ref_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
ref_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
ref_sys_tags | String | ||
ref_sys_updated_by | String | ||
ref_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
ref_type | String | ||
ref_workflow_state | String | ||
mi_sys_id | String | ||
mi_business_duration | Long | ||
mi_calculation_complete | Bool | ||
mi_definition | String | ||
mi_definition_link | String | ||
mi_duration | Long | ||
mi_end | Datetime | ||
mi_field | String | ||
mi_field_value | String | ||
mi_id | String | ||
mi_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_created_by | String | ||
mi_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
mi_sys_tags | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_by | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
mi_table | String | ||
mi_value | String | ||
md_sys_id | String | ||
md_active | Bool | ||
md_description | String | ||
md_field | String | ||
md_name | String | ||
md_number | String | ||
md_order | Int | ||
md_script | String | ||
md_sys_class_name | String | ||
md_sys_created_by | String | ||
md_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
md_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
md_sys_name | String | ||
md_sys_package | String | ||
md_sys_package_link | String | ||
md_sys_policy | String | ||
md_sys_scope | String | ||
md_sys_scope_link | String | ||
md_sys_tags | String | ||
md_sys_update_name | String | ||
md_sys_updated_by | String | ||
md_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
md_table | String | ||
md_timeline | Bool | ||
md_type | String |
The ServiceNow view release_project_metric.
Name | Type | References | Description |
rel_sys_id | String | ||
rel_active | Bool | ||
rel_actual_end_date | Date | ||
rel_actual_start_date | Date | ||
rel_description | String | ||
rel_due_date | Date | ||
rel_manager | String | ||
rel_manager_link | String | ||
rel_name | String | ||
rel_notes | String | ||
rel_number | String | ||
rel_parent | String | ||
rel_parent_link | String | ||
rel_phases | String | ||
rel_phases_wanted | Bool | ||
rel_planned_end_date | Date | ||
rel_planned_start_date | Date | ||
rel_priority | String | ||
rel_product | String | ||
rel_product_link | String | ||
rel_release_history | String | ||
rel_requested_by | String | ||
rel_requested_by_link | String | ||
rel_requested_date | Date | ||
rel_risk | String | ||
rel_short_description | String | ||
rel_sys_created_by | String | ||
rel_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
rel_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
rel_sys_tags | String | ||
rel_sys_updated_by | String | ||
rel_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
rel_type | String | ||
rel_workflow_state | String | ||
mi_sys_id | String | ||
mi_business_duration | Long | ||
mi_calculation_complete | Bool | ||
mi_definition | String | ||
mi_definition_link | String | ||
mi_duration | Long | ||
mi_end | Datetime | ||
mi_field | String | ||
mi_field_value | String | ||
mi_id | String | ||
mi_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_created_by | String | ||
mi_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
mi_sys_tags | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_by | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
mi_table | String | ||
mi_value | String | ||
md_sys_id | String | ||
md_active | Bool | ||
md_description | String | ||
md_field | String | ||
md_name | String | ||
md_number | String | ||
md_order | Int | ||
md_script | String | ||
md_sys_class_name | String | ||
md_sys_created_by | String | ||
md_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
md_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
md_sys_name | String | ||
md_sys_package | String | ||
md_sys_package_link | String | ||
md_sys_policy | String | ||
md_sys_scope | String | ||
md_sys_scope_link | String | ||
md_sys_tags | String | ||
md_sys_update_name | String | ||
md_sys_updated_by | String | ||
md_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
md_table | String | ||
md_timeline | Bool | ||
md_type | String |
The ServiceNow view release_task_metric.
Name | Type | References | Description |
ret_sys_id | String | ||
ret_active | Bool | ||
ret_activity_due | Datetime | ||
ret_actual_end_date | Date | ||
ret_actual_start_date | Date | ||
ret_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
ret_approval | String | ||
ret_approval_history | String | ||
ret_approval_set | Datetime | ||
ret_assigned_to | String | ||
ret_assigned_to_link | String | ||
ret_assignment_group | String | ||
ret_assignment_group_link | String | ||
ret_business_duration | Long | ||
ret_business_service | String | ||
ret_business_service_link | String | ||
ret_calendar_duration | Long | ||
ret_close_notes | String | ||
ret_closed_at | Datetime | ||
ret_closed_by | String | ||
ret_closed_by_link | String | ||
ret_cmdb_ci | String | ||
ret_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
ret_comments | String | ||
ret_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
ret_company | String | ||
ret_company_link | String | ||
ret_contact_type | String | ||
ret_correlation_display | String | ||
ret_correlation_id | String | ||
ret_delivery_plan | String | ||
ret_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
ret_delivery_task | String | ||
ret_delivery_task_link | String | ||
ret_description | String | ||
ret_documentation | String | ||
ret_due_date | Datetime | ||
ret_escalation | Int | ||
ret_expected_start | Datetime | ||
ret_feature | String | ||
ret_feature_link | String | ||
ret_follow_up | Datetime | ||
ret_group_list | String | ||
ret_impact | Int | ||
ret_knowledge | Bool | ||
ret_location | String | ||
ret_location_link | String | ||
ret_made_sla | Bool | ||
ret_notes | String | ||
ret_number | String | ||
ret_opened_at | Datetime | ||
ret_opened_by | String | ||
ret_opened_by_link | String | ||
ret_order | Int | ||
ret_parent | String | ||
ret_parent_link | String | ||
ret_percent_complete | Decimal | ||
ret_planned_end_date | Date | ||
ret_planned_start_date | Date | ||
ret_priority | Int | ||
ret_reassignment_count | Int | ||
ret_rejection_goto | String | ||
ret_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
ret_route_reason | Int | ||
ret_service_offering | String | ||
ret_service_offering_link | String | ||
ret_short_description | String | ||
ret_sla_due | Datetime | ||
ret_state | Int | ||
ret_sys_class_name | String | ||
ret_sys_created_by | String | ||
ret_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
ret_sys_domain | String | ||
ret_sys_domain_path | String | ||
ret_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
ret_sys_tags | String | ||
ret_sys_updated_by | String | ||
ret_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
ret_task_effective_number | String | ||
ret_time_worked | String | ||
ret_type | String | ||
ret_u_comments | String | ||
ret_u_some_test_field | String | ||
ret_universal_request | String | ||
ret_universal_request_link | String | ||
ret_upon_approval | String | ||
ret_upon_reject | String | ||
ret_urgency | Int | ||
ret_user_input | String | ||
ret_variables | String | ||
ret_watch_list | String | ||
ret_wf_activity | String | ||
ret_wf_activity_link | String | ||
ret_work_end | Datetime | ||
ret_work_notes | String | ||
ret_work_notes_list | String | ||
ret_work_start | Datetime | ||
ret_workflow_state | String | ||
mi_sys_id | String | ||
mi_business_duration | Long | ||
mi_calculation_complete | Bool | ||
mi_definition | String | ||
mi_definition_link | String | ||
mi_duration | Long | ||
mi_end | Datetime | ||
mi_field | String | ||
mi_field_value | String | ||
mi_id | String | ||
mi_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_created_by | String | ||
mi_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
mi_sys_tags | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_by | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
mi_table | String | ||
mi_value | String | ||
md_sys_id | String | ||
md_active | Bool | ||
md_description | String | ||
md_field | String | ||
md_name | String | ||
md_number | String | ||
md_order | Int | ||
md_script | String | ||
md_sys_class_name | String | ||
md_sys_created_by | String | ||
md_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
md_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
md_sys_name | String | ||
md_sys_package | String | ||
md_sys_package_link | String | ||
md_sys_policy | String | ||
md_sys_scope | String | ||
md_sys_scope_link | String | ||
md_sys_tags | String | ||
md_sys_update_name | String | ||
md_sys_updated_by | String | ||
md_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
md_table | String | ||
md_timeline | Bool | ||
md_type | String |
The ServiceNow view release_task_sla.
Name | Type | References | Description |
taskslatable_sys_id | String | ||
taskslatable_active | Bool | ||
taskslatable_business_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_business_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_has_breached | Bool | ||
taskslatable_original_breach_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_pause_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_planned_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_schedule | String | ||
taskslatable_schedule_link | String | ||
taskslatable_sla | String | ||
taskslatable_sla_link | String | ||
taskslatable_stage | String | ||
taskslatable_start_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
taskslatable_sys_tags | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_task | String | ||
taskslatable_task_link | String | ||
taskslatable_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_timezone | String | ||
ret_sys_id | String | ||
ret_active | Bool | ||
ret_activity_due | Datetime | ||
ret_actual_end_date | Date | ||
ret_actual_start_date | Date | ||
ret_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
ret_approval | String | ||
ret_approval_history | String | ||
ret_approval_set | Datetime | ||
ret_assigned_to | String | ||
ret_assigned_to_link | String | ||
ret_assignment_group | String | ||
ret_assignment_group_link | String | ||
ret_business_duration | Long | ||
ret_business_service | String | ||
ret_business_service_link | String | ||
ret_calendar_duration | Long | ||
ret_close_notes | String | ||
ret_closed_at | Datetime | ||
ret_closed_by | String | ||
ret_closed_by_link | String | ||
ret_cmdb_ci | String | ||
ret_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
ret_comments | String | ||
ret_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
ret_company | String | ||
ret_company_link | String | ||
ret_contact_type | String | ||
ret_correlation_display | String | ||
ret_correlation_id | String | ||
ret_delivery_plan | String | ||
ret_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
ret_delivery_task | String | ||
ret_delivery_task_link | String | ||
ret_description | String | ||
ret_documentation | String | ||
ret_due_date | Datetime | ||
ret_escalation | Int | ||
ret_expected_start | Datetime | ||
ret_feature | String | ||
ret_feature_link | String | ||
ret_follow_up | Datetime | ||
ret_group_list | String | ||
ret_impact | Int | ||
ret_knowledge | Bool | ||
ret_location | String | ||
ret_location_link | String | ||
ret_made_sla | Bool | ||
ret_notes | String | ||
ret_number | String | ||
ret_opened_at | Datetime | ||
ret_opened_by | String | ||
ret_opened_by_link | String | ||
ret_order | Int | ||
ret_parent | String | ||
ret_parent_link | String | ||
ret_percent_complete | Decimal | ||
ret_planned_end_date | Date | ||
ret_planned_start_date | Date | ||
ret_priority | Int | ||
ret_reassignment_count | Int | ||
ret_rejection_goto | String | ||
ret_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
ret_route_reason | Int | ||
ret_service_offering | String | ||
ret_service_offering_link | String | ||
ret_short_description | String | ||
ret_sla_due | Datetime | ||
ret_state | Int | ||
ret_sys_class_name | String | ||
ret_sys_created_by | String | ||
ret_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
ret_sys_domain | String | ||
ret_sys_domain_path | String | ||
ret_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
ret_sys_tags | String | ||
ret_sys_updated_by | String | ||
ret_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
ret_task_effective_number | String | ||
ret_time_worked | String | ||
ret_type | String | ||
ret_u_comments | String | ||
ret_u_some_test_field | String | ||
ret_universal_request | String | ||
ret_universal_request_link | String | ||
ret_upon_approval | String | ||
ret_upon_reject | String | ||
ret_urgency | Int | ||
ret_user_input | String | ||
ret_variables | String | ||
ret_watch_list | String | ||
ret_wf_activity | String | ||
ret_wf_activity_link | String | ||
ret_work_end | Datetime | ||
ret_work_notes | String | ||
ret_work_notes_list | String | ||
ret_work_start | Datetime | ||
ret_workflow_state | String |
The ServiceNow view report_home_details.
Name | Type | References | Description |
rep_sys_id | String | ||
rep_additional_groupby | String | ||
rep_aggregate | String | ||
rep_aggregation_source | String | ||
rep_allow_data_label_overlap | Bool | ||
rep_apply_alias | Bool | ||
rep_axis_max_color | String | ||
rep_axis_max_color_link | String | ||
rep_axis_min_color | String | ||
rep_axis_min_color_link | String | ||
rep_bar_unstack | Bool | ||
rep_chart_background_color | String | ||
rep_chart_background_color_link | String | ||
rep_chart_border_color | String | ||
rep_chart_border_color_link | String | ||
rep_chart_border_radius | Int | ||
rep_chart_border_width | Int | ||
rep_chart_height | Int | ||
rep_chart_size | String | ||
rep_chart_subtitle | String | ||
rep_chart_subtitle_color | String | ||
rep_chart_subtitle_color_link | String | ||
rep_chart_subtitle_size | Int | ||
rep_chart_subtitle_style | String | ||
rep_chart_title | String | ||
rep_chart_title_color | String | ||
rep_chart_title_color_link | String | ||
rep_chart_title_size | Int | ||
rep_chart_title_style | String | ||
rep_chart_title_x_position | Int | ||
rep_chart_title_y_position | Int | ||
rep_chart_width | Int | ||
rep_color | String | ||
rep_color_link | String | ||
rep_color_palette | String | ||
rep_color_palette_link | String | ||
rep_colors | String | ||
rep_column | String | ||
rep_compute_percent | String | ||
rep_content | String | ||
rep_created_by_user | String | ||
rep_created_by_user_link | String | ||
rep_custom_chart_size | Bool | ||
rep_custom_chart_title_position | Bool | ||
rep_custom_config | String | ||
rep_decimal_precision | Int | ||
rep_description | String | ||
rep_direction | String | ||
rep_display_column_lines | Bool | ||
rep_display_grid | Bool | ||
rep_display_row_lines | Bool | ||
rep_donut_width_percent | Int | ||
rep_end_time | String | ||
rep_exp_report_attrs | Bool | ||
rep_field | String | ||
rep_field_list | String | ||
rep_filter | String | ||
rep_from | Int | ||
rep_funnel_neck_percent | Int | ||
rep_gauge_autoscale | Bool | ||
rep_group | String | ||
rep_group_link | String | ||
rep_import_table | String | ||
rep_import_table_link | String | ||
rep_interval | String | ||
rep_is_published | Bool | ||
rep_is_real_time | Bool | ||
rep_is_scheduled | Bool | ||
rep_legend_align_columns | Bool | ||
rep_legend_background_color | String | ||
rep_legend_background_color_link | String | ||
rep_legend_border_color | String | ||
rep_legend_border_color_link | String | ||
rep_legend_border_radius | Int | ||
rep_legend_border_width | Int | ||
rep_legend_horizontal_alignment | String | ||
rep_legend_items_left_align | Bool | ||
rep_legend_vertical_alignment | String | ||
rep_list_ui_view | String | ||
rep_list_ui_view_link | String | ||
rep_location_field | String | ||
rep_lower_limit | Int | ||
rep_map | String | ||
rep_map_link | String | ||
rep_map_source | String | ||
rep_map_source_link | String | ||
rep_orderby_list | String | ||
rep_other_threshold | Int | ||
rep_others | String | ||
rep_page_hdrftr | String | ||
rep_page_hdrftr_link | String | ||
rep_pivot_expanded | Bool | ||
rep_report_drilldown | String | ||
rep_report_drilldown_link | String | ||
rep_report_source | String | ||
rep_report_source_link | String | ||
rep_roles | String | ||
rep_row | String | ||
rep_sc_groupby_item_id | String | ||
rep_sc_groupby_variable_id | String | ||
rep_sc_stackby_item_id | String | ||
rep_sc_stackby_variable_id | String | ||
rep_score_color | String | ||
rep_score_color_link | String | ||
rep_series_name_text | String | ||
rep_set_color | String | ||
rep_show_chart_border | Bool | ||
rep_show_chart_data_label | Bool | ||
rep_show_chart_title | String | ||
rep_show_chart_total | Bool | ||
rep_show_data_label_position_middle | Bool | ||
rep_show_empty | Bool | ||
rep_show_geographical_label | Bool | ||
rep_show_legend | Bool | ||
rep_show_legend_border | Bool | ||
rep_show_marker | Bool | ||
rep_show_zero | Bool | ||
rep_source_type | String | ||
rep_start_time | String | ||
rep_style_config | String | ||
rep_sumfield | String | ||
rep_sys_class_name | String | ||
rep_sys_created_by | String | ||
rep_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
rep_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
rep_sys_name | String | ||
rep_sys_package | String | ||
rep_sys_package_link | String | ||
rep_sys_policy | String | ||
rep_sys_scope | String | ||
rep_sys_scope_link | String | ||
rep_sys_tags | String | ||
rep_sys_update_name | String | ||
rep_sys_updated_by | String | ||
rep_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
rep_table | String | ||
rep_title | String | ||
rep_title_horizontal_alignment | String | ||
rep_title_vertical_alignment | String | ||
rep_to | Int | ||
rep_trend_field | String | ||
rep_type | String | ||
rep_upper_limit | Int | ||
rep_use_color_heatmap | Bool | ||
rep_use_null_in_trend | Bool | ||
rep_user | String | ||
rep_x_axis_allow_decimals | Bool | ||
rep_x_axis_display_grid | Bool | ||
rep_x_axis_grid_color | String | ||
rep_x_axis_grid_color_link | String | ||
rep_x_axis_grid_dotted | Bool | ||
rep_x_axis_grid_width | Int | ||
rep_x_axis_label_bold | Bool | ||
rep_x_axis_label_color | String | ||
rep_x_axis_label_color_link | String | ||
rep_x_axis_label_size | Int | ||
rep_x_axis_label_tilt | String | ||
rep_x_axis_opposite | Bool | ||
rep_x_axis_title | String | ||
rep_x_axis_title_bold | Bool | ||
rep_x_axis_title_color | String | ||
rep_x_axis_title_color_link | String | ||
rep_x_axis_title_size | Int | ||
rep_y_axis_allow_decimals | Bool | ||
rep_y_axis_display_grid | Bool | ||
rep_y_axis_from | Int | ||
rep_y_axis_grid_color | String | ||
rep_y_axis_grid_color_link | String | ||
rep_y_axis_grid_dotted | Bool | ||
rep_y_axis_grid_width | Int | ||
rep_y_axis_label_bold | Bool | ||
rep_y_axis_label_color | String | ||
rep_y_axis_label_color_link | String | ||
rep_y_axis_label_size | Int | ||
rep_y_axis_label_tilt | String | ||
rep_y_axis_opposite | Bool | ||
rep_y_axis_title | String | ||
rep_y_axis_title_bold | Bool | ||
rep_y_axis_title_color | String | ||
rep_y_axis_title_color_link | String | ||
rep_y_axis_title_size | Int | ||
rep_y_axis_to | Int | ||
meta_sys_id | String | ||
meta_sys_class_name | String | ||
meta_sys_created_by | String | ||
meta_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
meta_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
meta_sys_name | String | ||
meta_sys_package | String | ||
meta_sys_package_link | String | ||
meta_sys_policy | String | ||
meta_sys_scope | String | ||
meta_sys_scope_link | String | ||
meta_sys_tags | String | ||
meta_sys_update_name | String | ||
meta_sys_updated_by | String | ||
meta_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
stat_sys_id | String | ||
stat_average_execution_duration | Int | ||
stat_number_executions_homepage | Int | ||
stat_number_executions_schedule | Int | ||
stat_number_executions_total | Int | ||
stat_recent_avg_execution_duration | Int | ||
stat_recent_number_executions | Int | ||
stat_report_sys_id | String | ||
stat_report_sys_id_link | String | ||
stat_sys_created_by | String | ||
stat_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
stat_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
stat_sys_tags | String | ||
stat_sys_updated_by | String | ||
stat_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
stat_total_executions_duration | Int | ||
stat_widget_sys_id | String | ||
stat_widget_sys_id_link | String |
The ServiceNow view sc_request_metric.
Name | Type | References | Description |
scr_sys_id | String | ||
scr_active | Bool | ||
scr_activity_due | Datetime | ||
scr_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
scr_approval | String | ||
scr_approval_history | String | ||
scr_approval_set | Datetime | ||
scr_assigned_to | String | ||
scr_assigned_to_link | String | ||
scr_assignment_group | String | ||
scr_assignment_group_link | String | ||
scr_business_duration | Long | ||
scr_business_service | String | ||
scr_business_service_link | String | ||
scr_calendar_duration | Long | ||
scr_calendar_stc | Int | ||
scr_close_notes | String | ||
scr_closed_at | Datetime | ||
scr_closed_by | String | ||
scr_closed_by_link | String | ||
scr_cmdb_ci | String | ||
scr_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
scr_comments | String | ||
scr_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
scr_company | String | ||
scr_company_link | String | ||
scr_contact_type | String | ||
scr_correlation_display | String | ||
scr_correlation_id | String | ||
scr_delivery_address | String | ||
scr_delivery_plan | String | ||
scr_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
scr_delivery_task | String | ||
scr_delivery_task_link | String | ||
scr_description | String | ||
scr_due_date | Datetime | ||
scr_escalation | Int | ||
scr_expected_start | Datetime | ||
scr_follow_up | Datetime | ||
scr_group_list | String | ||
scr_impact | Int | ||
scr_knowledge | Bool | ||
scr_location | String | ||
scr_location_link | String | ||
scr_made_sla | Bool | ||
scr_number | String | ||
scr_opened_at | Datetime | ||
scr_opened_by | String | ||
scr_opened_by_link | String | ||
scr_order | Int | ||
scr_parent | String | ||
scr_parent_interaction | String | ||
scr_parent_interaction_link | String | ||
scr_parent_link | String | ||
scr_price | Decimal | ||
scr_priority | Int | ||
scr_reassignment_count | Int | ||
scr_rejection_goto | String | ||
scr_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
scr_request_state | String | ||
scr_requested_date | Date | ||
scr_requested_for | String | ||
scr_requested_for_link | String | ||
scr_route_reason | Int | ||
scr_service_offering | String | ||
scr_service_offering_link | String | ||
scr_short_description | String | ||
scr_sla_due | Datetime | ||
scr_special_instructions | String | ||
scr_stage | String | ||
scr_state | Int | ||
scr_sys_class_name | String | ||
scr_sys_created_by | String | ||
scr_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
scr_sys_domain | String | ||
scr_sys_domain_path | String | ||
scr_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
scr_sys_tags | String | ||
scr_sys_updated_by | String | ||
scr_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
scr_task_effective_number | String | ||
scr_time_worked | String | ||
scr_u_comments | String | ||
scr_u_some_test_field | String | ||
scr_universal_request | String | ||
scr_universal_request_link | String | ||
scr_upon_approval | String | ||
scr_upon_reject | String | ||
scr_urgency | Int | ||
scr_user_input | String | ||
scr_variables | String | ||
scr_watch_list | String | ||
scr_wf_activity | String | ||
scr_wf_activity_link | String | ||
scr_work_end | Datetime | ||
scr_work_notes | String | ||
scr_work_notes_list | String | ||
scr_work_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_id | String | ||
mi_business_duration | Long | ||
mi_calculation_complete | Bool | ||
mi_definition | String | ||
mi_definition_link | String | ||
mi_duration | Long | ||
mi_end | Datetime | ||
mi_field | String | ||
mi_field_value | String | ||
mi_id | String | ||
mi_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_created_by | String | ||
mi_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
mi_sys_tags | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_by | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
mi_table | String | ||
mi_value | String | ||
md_sys_id | String | ||
md_active | Bool | ||
md_description | String | ||
md_field | String | ||
md_name | String | ||
md_number | String | ||
md_order | Int | ||
md_script | String | ||
md_sys_class_name | String | ||
md_sys_created_by | String | ||
md_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
md_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
md_sys_name | String | ||
md_sys_package | String | ||
md_sys_package_link | String | ||
md_sys_policy | String | ||
md_sys_scope | String | ||
md_sys_scope_link | String | ||
md_sys_tags | String | ||
md_sys_update_name | String | ||
md_sys_updated_by | String | ||
md_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
md_table | String | ||
md_timeline | Bool | ||
md_type | String |
The ServiceNow view sc_request_sla.
Name | Type | References | Description |
taskslatable_sys_id | String | ||
taskslatable_active | Bool | ||
taskslatable_business_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_business_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_has_breached | Bool | ||
taskslatable_original_breach_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_pause_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_planned_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_schedule | String | ||
taskslatable_schedule_link | String | ||
taskslatable_sla | String | ||
taskslatable_sla_link | String | ||
taskslatable_stage | String | ||
taskslatable_start_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
taskslatable_sys_tags | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_task | String | ||
taskslatable_task_link | String | ||
taskslatable_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_timezone | String | ||
scr_sys_id | String | ||
scr_active | Bool | ||
scr_activity_due | Datetime | ||
scr_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
scr_approval | String | ||
scr_approval_history | String | ||
scr_approval_set | Datetime | ||
scr_assigned_to | String | ||
scr_assigned_to_link | String | ||
scr_assignment_group | String | ||
scr_assignment_group_link | String | ||
scr_business_duration | Long | ||
scr_business_service | String | ||
scr_business_service_link | String | ||
scr_calendar_duration | Long | ||
scr_calendar_stc | Int | ||
scr_close_notes | String | ||
scr_closed_at | Datetime | ||
scr_closed_by | String | ||
scr_closed_by_link | String | ||
scr_cmdb_ci | String | ||
scr_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
scr_comments | String | ||
scr_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
scr_company | String | ||
scr_company_link | String | ||
scr_contact_type | String | ||
scr_correlation_display | String | ||
scr_correlation_id | String | ||
scr_delivery_address | String | ||
scr_delivery_plan | String | ||
scr_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
scr_delivery_task | String | ||
scr_delivery_task_link | String | ||
scr_description | String | ||
scr_due_date | Datetime | ||
scr_escalation | Int | ||
scr_expected_start | Datetime | ||
scr_follow_up | Datetime | ||
scr_group_list | String | ||
scr_impact | Int | ||
scr_knowledge | Bool | ||
scr_location | String | ||
scr_location_link | String | ||
scr_made_sla | Bool | ||
scr_number | String | ||
scr_opened_at | Datetime | ||
scr_opened_by | String | ||
scr_opened_by_link | String | ||
scr_order | Int | ||
scr_parent | String | ||
scr_parent_interaction | String | ||
scr_parent_interaction_link | String | ||
scr_parent_link | String | ||
scr_price | Decimal | ||
scr_priority | Int | ||
scr_reassignment_count | Int | ||
scr_rejection_goto | String | ||
scr_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
scr_request_state | String | ||
scr_requested_date | Date | ||
scr_requested_for | String | ||
scr_requested_for_link | String | ||
scr_route_reason | Int | ||
scr_service_offering | String | ||
scr_service_offering_link | String | ||
scr_short_description | String | ||
scr_sla_due | Datetime | ||
scr_special_instructions | String | ||
scr_stage | String | ||
scr_state | Int | ||
scr_sys_class_name | String | ||
scr_sys_created_by | String | ||
scr_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
scr_sys_domain | String | ||
scr_sys_domain_path | String | ||
scr_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
scr_sys_tags | String | ||
scr_sys_updated_by | String | ||
scr_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
scr_task_effective_number | String | ||
scr_time_worked | String | ||
scr_u_comments | String | ||
scr_u_some_test_field | String | ||
scr_universal_request | String | ||
scr_universal_request_link | String | ||
scr_upon_approval | String | ||
scr_upon_reject | String | ||
scr_urgency | Int | ||
scr_user_input | String | ||
scr_variables | String | ||
scr_watch_list | String | ||
scr_wf_activity | String | ||
scr_wf_activity_link | String | ||
scr_work_end | Datetime | ||
scr_work_notes | String | ||
scr_work_notes_list | String | ||
scr_work_start | Datetime |
The ServiceNow view sc_req_item_metric.
Name | Type | References | Description |
sci_sys_id | String | ||
sci_active | Bool | ||
sci_activity_due | Datetime | ||
sci_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
sci_approval | String | ||
sci_approval_history | String | ||
sci_approval_set | Datetime | ||
sci_assigned_to | String | ||
sci_assigned_to_link | String | ||
sci_assignment_group | String | ||
sci_assignment_group_link | String | ||
sci_backordered | Bool | ||
sci_billable | Bool | ||
sci_business_duration | Long | ||
sci_business_service | String | ||
sci_business_service_link | String | ||
sci_calendar_duration | Long | ||
sci_cat_item | String | ||
sci_cat_item_link | String | ||
sci_close_notes | String | ||
sci_closed_at | Datetime | ||
sci_closed_by | String | ||
sci_closed_by_link | String | ||
sci_cmdb_ci | String | ||
sci_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
sci_comments | String | ||
sci_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
sci_company | String | ||
sci_company_link | String | ||
sci_configuration_item | String | ||
sci_configuration_item_link | String | ||
sci_contact_type | String | ||
sci_context | String | ||
sci_context_link | String | ||
sci_correlation_display | String | ||
sci_correlation_id | String | ||
sci_delivery_plan | String | ||
sci_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
sci_delivery_task | String | ||
sci_delivery_task_link | String | ||
sci_description | String | ||
sci_due_date | Datetime | ||
sci_escalation | Int | ||
sci_estimated_delivery | Datetime | ||
sci_expected_start | Datetime | ||
sci_flow_context | String | ||
sci_flow_context_link | String | ||
sci_follow_up | Datetime | ||
sci_group_list | String | ||
sci_impact | Int | ||
sci_knowledge | Bool | ||
sci_location | String | ||
sci_location_link | String | ||
sci_made_sla | Bool | ||
sci_number | String | ||
sci_opened_at | Datetime | ||
sci_opened_by | String | ||
sci_opened_by_link | String | ||
sci_order | Int | ||
sci_order_guide | String | ||
sci_order_guide_link | String | ||
sci_parent | String | ||
sci_parent_link | String | ||
sci_price | Decimal | ||
sci_priority | Int | ||
sci_quantity | Int | ||
sci_reassignment_count | Int | ||
sci_recurring_frequency | String | ||
sci_recurring_price | Decimal | ||
sci_rejection_goto | String | ||
sci_rejection_goto_link | String | ||
sci_request | String | ||
sci_request_link | String | ||
sci_requested_for | String | ||
sci_requested_for_link | String | ||
sci_route_reason | Int | ||
sci_sc_catalog | String | ||
sci_sc_catalog_link | String | ||
sci_service_offering | String | ||
sci_service_offering_link | String | ||
sci_short_description | String | ||
sci_sla_due | Datetime | ||
sci_stage | String | ||
sci_state | Int | ||
sci_sys_class_name | String | ||
sci_sys_created_by | String | ||
sci_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
sci_sys_domain | String | ||
sci_sys_domain_path | String | ||
sci_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
sci_sys_tags | String | ||
sci_sys_updated_by | String | ||
sci_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
sci_task_effective_number | String | ||
sci_time_worked | String | ||
sci_u_comments | String | ||
sci_u_some_test_field | String | ||
sci_universal_request | String | ||
sci_universal_request_link | String | ||
sci_upon_approval | String | ||
sci_upon_reject | String | ||
sci_urgency | Int | ||
sci_user_input | String | ||
sci_variables | String | ||
sci_watch_list | String | ||
sci_wf_activity | String | ||
sci_wf_activity_link | String | ||
sci_work_end | Datetime | ||
sci_work_notes | String | ||
sci_work_notes_list | String | ||
sci_work_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_id | String | ||
mi_business_duration | Long | ||
mi_calculation_complete | Bool | ||
mi_definition | String | ||
mi_definition_link | String | ||
mi_duration | Long | ||
mi_end | Datetime | ||
mi_field | String | ||
mi_field_value | String | ||
mi_id | String | ||
mi_start | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_created_by | String | ||
mi_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
mi_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
mi_sys_tags | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_by | String | ||
mi_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
mi_table | String | ||
mi_value | String | ||
md_sys_id | String | ||
md_active | Bool | ||
md_description | String | ||
md_field | String | ||
md_name | String | ||
md_number | String | ||
md_order | Int | ||
md_script | String | ||
md_sys_class_name | String | ||
md_sys_created_by | String | ||
md_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
md_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
md_sys_name | String | ||
md_sys_package | String | ||
md_sys_package_link | String | ||
md_sys_policy | String | ||
md_sys_scope | String | ||
md_sys_scope_link | String | ||
md_sys_tags | String | ||
md_sys_update_name | String | ||
md_sys_updated_by | String | ||
md_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
md_table | String | ||
md_timeline | Bool | ||
md_type | String |
The ServiceNow view sc_req_item_sla.
Name | Type | References | Description |
taskslatable_sys_id | String | ||
taskslatable_active | Bool | ||
taskslatable_business_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_business_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_business_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_has_breached | Bool | ||
taskslatable_original_breach_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_pause_duration | Long | ||
taskslatable_pause_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_percentage | Decimal | ||
taskslatable_planned_end_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_schedule | String | ||
taskslatable_schedule_link | String | ||
taskslatable_sla | String | ||
taskslatable_sla_link | String | ||
taskslatable_stage | String | ||
taskslatable_start_time | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_created_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_sys_mod_count | Int | ||
taskslatable_sys_tags | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_by | String | ||
taskslatable_sys_updated_on | Datetime | ||
taskslatable_task | String | ||
taskslatable_task_link | String | ||
taskslatable_time_left | Long | ||
taskslatable_timezone | String | ||
sci_sys_id | String | ||
sci_active | Bool | ||
sci_activity_due | Datetime | ||
sci_additional_assignee_list | String | ||
sci_approval | String | ||
sci_approval_history | String | ||
sci_approval_set | Datetime | ||
sci_assigned_to | String | ||
sci_assigned_to_link | String | ||
sci_assignment_group | String | ||
sci_assignment_group_link | String | ||
sci_backordered | Bool | ||
sci_billable | Bool | ||
sci_business_duration | Long | ||
sci_business_service | String | ||
sci_business_service_link | String | ||
sci_calendar_duration | Long | ||
sci_cat_item | String | ||
sci_cat_item_link | String | ||
sci_close_notes | String | ||
sci_closed_at | Datetime | ||
sci_closed_by | String | ||
sci_closed_by_link | String | ||
sci_cmdb_ci | String | ||
sci_cmdb_ci_link | String | ||
sci_comments | String | ||
sci_comments_and_work_notes | String | ||
sci_company | String | ||
sci_company_link | String | ||
sci_configuration_item | String | ||
sci_configuration_item_link | String | ||
sci_contact_type | String | ||
sci_context | String | ||
sci_context_link | String | ||
sci_correlation_display | String | ||
sci_correlation_id | String | ||
sci_delivery_plan | String | ||
sci_delivery_plan_link | String | ||
sci_delivery_task | String | ||
sci_delivery_task_link | String | ||
sci_description |