Cmdlets for Jira

Build 24.0.8963


Query the available IssueTransitions in Jira.

Table Specific Information

You can search for IssueTransitions by using SQL and JQL (Jira Query Language).


The cmdlet uses the Jira API to process some of the filters.

The cmdlet processes other filters within the cmdlet.

The available columns for IssueTransitions are IssueId, IssueKey, and JQL. For example:

SELECT * FROM IssueTransitions WHERE JQL = 'id=10022'


Name Type References SupportedOperators Platform Description
Id [KEY] String Common The Id of the transition.
IssueId [KEY] Integer


=,<>,>,>=,<,<=,IN,NOT IN Common The Id of the issue.
IssueKey String


=,<>,>,>=,<,<=,IN,NOT IN Common The key of the issue.
IssueCreatedDate Datetime =,<>,>,>=,<,<=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The date the transition's issue was created.
IssueUpdatedDate Datetime =,<>,>,>=,<,<=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The date the transition's issue was last updated.
HasScreen String Common Whether the transition has a screen.
Name String Common The name of the transition.
ToDescription String Common The description of the status the issue is transitioning to.
ToId String Common The Id of the status the issue is transitioning to.
ToName String Common The name of the status the issue is transitioning to.
StatusCategoryId String Common The status category Id of the transition.
StatusCategoryKey String Common The status category key of the transition.
StatusCategoryName String Common The status category name of the transition.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
JQL String JQL (Jira Query Language) allows you to build structured queries.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963