Power BI Connector for Jira

Build 24.0.9060

Data Model

The connector models the Jira API as relational tables, views, and stored procedures, allowing database-like connectivity to Jira Cloud accounts or Jira Server instances.

Accessing Custom Fields

By default, the table and view schemas describe the column behavior of system fields for Jira entities. To access Custom Fields for Issues, as well as system fields, you can set IncludeCustomFields in the connection string. You can also extend schemas to configure access to Custom Fields.

Customizing Schemas

The schemas are defined in .rsd configuration files. These files have a simple format that makes them easy to extend; for example, to gain more control over custom fields.

To save a schema to an .rsd file, call the CreateSchema stored procedure; for example, with the IncludeCustomFields connection property set.

To use custom schemas, set the Location property to the folder containing the .rsd files. The schemas included with the connector are located in the db subfolder of the installation folder.

Controlling Column Names

You can use the following properties to gain more control over column names:

  • UseSimpleNames: boolean determining if simple names should be used for columns.
  • UseDisplayNames: boolean determining if the display names for custom fields should be used instead of the API names.

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Build 24.0.9060