Power BI Connector for Jira

Build 24.0.9060


This determines the scopes that the OAuth application requests from Jira. The default scopes are: read:jira-work manage:jira-project manage:jira-configuration read:jira-user write:jira-work manage:jira-data-provider read:board-scope:jira-software write:board-scope:jira-software read:board-scope.admin:jira-software read:epic:jira-software read:sprint:jira-software write:sprint:jira-software delete:sprint:jira-software read:project:jira read:issue-details:jira read:jql:jira offline_access.

Data Type


Default Value



Specify scope to obtain the initial access and refresh token.

By default the connector will request that the user authorize all available scopes. If you want to override this, you can set this property to a space-separated list of OAuth scopes.

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Build 24.0.9060