ODBC Driver for Jira

Build 24.0.8963


Query the available Users in Jira.


The driver executes filters other than the following client-side within the driver. The Jira APIs have limited support for filtering the Name, DisplayName, and EmailAddress columns with the LIKE operator.

Specify Name, DisplayName, and EmailAddress one at a time.

The Jira supports filters based on these columns combined with the Active or IncludeInactive columns. For example the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Name LIKE '%John%' AND Active = false AND IncludeInactive = true

Query the Users belonging to a specific group by specifying either the GroupName or the GroupId:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE GroupName = 'Testing team'
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE GroupId = '3dd7e7a1-77f7-4ac1-b8e1-a069830a7f1d'

You can also retrieve a list of all groups and their members:

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE GroupName IN (SELECT Name FROM Groups)

Use the IssueKey and ProjectKey pseudo-columns to find users who can browse a specific issue or any issue in a project.

SELECT * FROM Users WHERE IssueKey = 'PRJ-1'
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE ProjectKey = 'PRJ'


The input to INSERT must be an email address:
INSERT INTO Users(EmailAddress) VALUES ('[email protected]')


Name Type ReadOnly References SupportedOperators Platform Description
GroupName String True =,IN Common

The name of the group the user is part of.

GroupId String True =,IN Common

The Id of the group the user is part of.

DisplayName String False = Common

The display name of the user.

EmailAddress String False = Common

The email address of the user.

Active Bool True Common

Indicates whether the user is active.

TimeZone String True Common

The time zone specified in the user's profile.

Locale String True Common

The locale of the user.

AccountId [KEY] String True Cloud

The accountId of the user, which uniquely identifies the user across all Atlassian products.

AccountType String False Cloud

The accountType of the user.

Products String False

A delimited string of jira products to which the user has access to, ex: jira-core,jira-servicedesk,jira-product-discovery,jira-software

Key [KEY] String True Server

The key of the user.

Name String False Server

The name of the user.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
IssueKey String

Search for users who can browse a specific issue.

ProjectKey String

Search for users who can browse any issue in a project.

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Build 24.0.8963