ODBC Driver for Jira

Build 24.0.8963


Query the agile Board Issues in Jira.

Table Specific Information


The driver uses the Jira API to process some of the filters. The driver processes other filters within the driver.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM BoardIssues WHERE BoardId = '1' 
SELECT * FROM BoardIssues WHERE BoardId IN (70, 215) 


Name Type References SupportedOperators Platform Description
Id [KEY] Integer


=,IN Common The Id of the issue.
Key String


=,IN Common The key of the issue.
BoardId [KEY] Integer


=,IN Common The board the issue is included in.
IssueTypeId String


=,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The issue type Id.
IssueTypeName String =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The issue type name.
StatusId Integer


=,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The issue status Id.
StatusName String =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The issue status name.
ProjectId Integer


=,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The project Id of the issue.
ProjectKey String


=,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The project key of the issue.
ProjectName String =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The project name of the issue.
ClosedSprintsAggregate String Common The issue's previous sprints that have been closed.
Created Datetime =,!=,>,>=,<,<=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The creation date of the issue.
Updated Datetime =,!=,>,>=,<,<=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN Common The updated date of the issue.

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Build 24.0.8963