ODBC Driver for Jira

Build 24.0.8963


Query all application roles. In Jira, application roles are managed using the Application access configuration page.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Jira API to process some of the filters.

The 本製品 processes other filters within the 本製品.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ApplicationRoles WHERE Key = 'jira-software'


Name Type References SupportedOperators Platform Description
Key [KEY] String = Common The key of the application role.
Name String Common The display name of the application role.
Groups String Common The groups associated with the application role.
DefaultGroups String Common The groups that are granted default access for this application role.
SelectedByDefault Boolean Common Determines whether this application role should be selected by default on user creation.
NumberOfSeats Integer Common The maximum count of users on your license.
RemainingSeats Integer Common The count of users remaining on your license.
UserCount Integer Common The number of users counting against your license.
UserCountDescription String Common The type of users being counted against your license.
HasUnlimitedSeats Boolean Common Determines whether this application role has unlimited seats.
Platform Boolean Common Indicates if the application role belongs to Jira platform (jira-core).

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Build 24.0.8963