Query the agile Sprint Issues in Jira.
Jira API は、SprintId のフィルタでIN 演算子をサポートしています。本製品 はその他のフィルタをクライアント側で内部で実行します。例えば、次のクエリのフィルタはサーバー側で処理されます。
SELECT * FROM SprintIssues WHERE SprintId = '1'
IN 演算子の使用:
SELECT * FROM SprintIssues WHERE SprintId IN (70, 215)
SELECT * FROM SprintIssues WHERE SprintId IN (SELECT Id FROM BoardSprints WHERE BoardId IN (SELECT Id FROM Boards WHERE Type != 'kanban'))
Name | Type | References | SupportedOperators | Platform | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer |
Issues.Id | Common | The Id of the issue. | |
Key | String |
Issues.Key | = | Common | The key of the issue. |
SprintId [KEY] | Integer |
Sprints.Id | =,IN | Common | The sprint the issue is assigned to. |
IssueTypeId | String |
IssueTypes.Id | =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN | Common | The issue type Id. |
IssueTypeName | String | =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN | Common | The issue type name. | |
StatusId | Integer |
Statuses.Id | =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN | Common | The issue status Id. |
StatusName | String | =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN | Common | The issue status name. | |
ProjectId | Integer |
Projects.Id | =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN | Common | The project Id of the issue. |
ProjectKey | String |
Projects.Key | =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN | Common | The project key of the issue. |
ProjectName | String | =,!=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN | Common | The project name of the issue. | |
ClosedSprintsAggregate | String | Common | The issue's previous sprints that have been closed. | ||
Created | Datetime | =,!=,>,>=,<,<=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN | Common | The creation date of the issue. | |
Updated | Datetime | =,!=,>,>=,<,<=,IS,IS NOT,IN,NOT IN | Common | The updated date of the issue. |